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Tub wrote:
Seriously, hats off to you. I had never expected to see such level of optimization in SM64, but apparently everything is possible with a group of talented people who are willing to invest a lot of time, knowledge and passion into a project. I hope you enjoyed making it at least as much as I enjoyed watching it!
I will echo this. It is sometimes pretty amazing what the TAS pulls off, and that makes it all so interesting to watch. Though, in my opinion, it would have been better off without the BLJs. They mostly just skip entire stages, starving us from more WTFness and amazing tricks. *shrug* Anyway, great work nevertheless.
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ais523 wrote:
I've never seen someone thinking memory magically comes out of nowhere in asm. Partly because you have to do the arithmetic yourself for things like arrays.
That's pure mathematics. Knowing how to access the Nth element of an array is something any programmer can do without knowing how memory works.
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Warp wrote:
Certain programs can indeed become much faster if you change the order in which you handle the data. (In general, the rule of thumb is that you should do as much as possible with smallish chunks of data, rather than doing things to very large amounts of it over and over.) Of course this is a relatively advanced topic, hardly something a beginner programmer should worry too much about.
But then again, you know, without basic knowledge of how operating systems work and how cache works, you might create a code that brings a program to a crawl. I'm not suggesting that a newbie needs to know how to optimize these things, but at least IMO, they should be able to know enough to avoid creating such code in the first place. Some argue that these things (the basics) really should be taught alongside of algorithms and datastructures, and having seen firsthand on how it can affect programs, I am a somewhat inclined to agree.
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Knowing assembly or even cache is pretty pointless if you all you do is code in C#, Java, etc. If you learn C++, then knowing how cache works (at the very least, what stuff wreaks havoc with caches and what does not) can be a significant advantage. Knowing assembly is usually hardly of any use unless you really need to bring out the processor juicy, and only really applies to really low-level code. Only consider if you are learning C/C++. But even then, you most likely won't need it. Compilers do a very nice job these days.
Post subject: Re: My Xbox Live account was hacked
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Tub wrote:
Or - more commonly - a non-unique password. Say, you're using the the password 12345 on xbox live, on your favourite forum and on your luggage. Your favorite forum's DB gets hacked, passwords are extracted. The hackers will at some point try all the gathered credentials on xbox live, other games, forums, banking sites, email providers and of course on your luggage.
Only stupid forum software keep password in a decryptable way. Most of them hash the passwords, so they are undecryptable (or at least they should; if they do not, then avoid that software). Aside from that, using a local password manager that contains uniquely generated long and complex passwords for each site is far more secure than non-unique easily remembered passwords. Make sure you have a strong password for your user on your computer, and for some extra security, if the user is shared (which it never should be!), a strong password for your password manager. Then encrypt all the files containing your passwords (regular NTFS encryption for Windows should do fine), to prevent anyone who manages to come over your hard drive to get access to all your passwords. Don't forget to backup your certificate in that case! Some password managers may do this encryption for you, which is a good thing. Online has become such a dangerous place today. You can't really expect any information online to be safe anymore. Eventually it will be breached; it's just a matter of when. The best thing to do is to minimize the damage.
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Jumping into a big project right at the start is not a good way to start programming. Furthermore, C++ is not "unclean." Now we're talking about misconceptions as mentioned earlier. Yes, C++ has inherited a lot of bad stuff from C, but if you avoid that like the plague, it's a nice, modern, very powerful, if albeit complicated, language. And believe it or not, it's easy to write safe, modern, flexible and powerful C++ code with few to no consequences. Unlike C and assembly.
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I think it been discussed plenty of good choices to start. Pick an entry language (read the discussion to decide), then master the basics, then delve into algorithms and data structures, then design patterns, then broaden your horizons with more languages, and so on.
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I don't think it has gotten to the point where it's a flame war yet. Let's hope it doesn't get there. I think it is good with the discussion, as one can clearly see advantages and disadvantages with languages, implementations and paradigms--a good thing for any programmer!
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Yes, you're right. I simply looked at the "cyclic dependencies" part and forgot the rest. Oops. Sorry about that :p Yes, I am fully aware of what RAII and reference counting are. Still, AFAIK, my point on cyclic dependencies still holds.
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Even garbage collection will have trouble with cycle dependencies.
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Nach wrote:
That's not a flaw of JavaScript's.
True, true. I dislike typeless languages in the first place. But in the end, Javascript falls into the typeless category, and as such, it becomes a horrible language in my view. Not dealing with types can be easier to work with, true. But in the end, you will learn quite quickly that simply by providing strict typing, you will catch more bugs a lot faster, and it doesn't have to be a big project to realize it either! Either way, I'm against typeless languages as they make life difficult. So it is my opinion that newbies should be exposed to strongly typed languages first in order to learn to deal with typing. When they later need to use a typeless language, they will learn just how much a pain it is.
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So many opinions here ^_^ I figure I'll throw in my own opinions, as well. First off, I would recommend a top-down approach. Essentially, doing that allows better abstractions and provides more tools for you to work with. This increases your code flexibility, reduces the number of bugs, and reduces the time to shipping. This, in turn, makes your customers happier. The only real reason to go down deeper is when we must. Java, C#, etc are high level languages and as such you cannot control their layout in memory, for instance. This has a huge impact on cache coherency. So if you need to increase performence, you need to go deeper down. But if you don't need to optimize as much (as modern computers), then there is no reason to do it. As such, starting off with C, assembly or some other low-level language is a horrible way to start. Now, going deeper is fine. It's not something to be scared off. It will make you understand more of how computers work and that in turn will help you write better programs. But it comes at a cost to use those languages, and you need to be aware of that. So I'd say start off with C#. Java is a horrible language, in my opinion, so I would avoid it. Starting off with Javascript is also a horrible decision. That language is horrible. It completely lacks type safety, and lacks tons of modern programming idoms. Microsoft recently introduced TypeScript, which looks promising, but it will take some time to see how well it fares. The concept is good, however. Type safety is a very good thing that helps you find bugs earlier and easier. Thus, you WANT as much type safety as you can get without it becoming too much of a headache. Learning from others code is a horrible way of learning of how to program. Partially because there are so many coding styles out there, some of them really horrible, and most importantly because there are tons of bad practices out there. You as a newbie do not understand what is considered good and bad practice. All languages have them, and in time you will learn, and until such times, actually learning from others code is usually a bad idea. Contributing to projects is a good thing, however. Also, it is generally better to learn several languages than to try to master some few specific languages. Programming is a science, and as such, you should broaden your horizon by looking at several languages with different paradigms to learn concepts, how to code, and tons of other stuff. The rest is typically syntactic sugar, and that is more easily learned than concepts, algorithms, etc. So after you learn C# or some other high level language, you can go down to C++, then C and assembly, if you wish. I'm mostly experienced with C++, being my favorite language, so I can recommend the book Accelerated C++ which is a very good introduction book for C++. I would avoid C like the pest. The reason being that C++ offers everything C does and offers tons of other advantages that C cannot. Understandably, there are certain systems and platforms where C++ cannot be used, and for such reasons, knowing C is not a bad idea. But avoid using it unless you absolutely must. The same goes for assembly language since that is generally completely unreadable. Don't know if I missed something, but this is my opinion, anyway.
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Don't worry! Good things come to those who wait, they say. I will be waiting :)
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natt wrote:
as far as a lossless intermediate goes, you need to be able to interface the emulator directly. most emulators around here, only support VFW. In order to use command line x264 directly with them you need to use a creation of mine called pipedec, which has some downsides. x264vfw can be used directly in them, though.
Ah, of course. Thanks.
gamerfreak5665 wrote:
when encoding videos from an emulator (such as dolphin) is it better to use x264vfw lossless, or something like Xvid? I plan on posting an HD encode on Youtube, and in the past i have had trouble with the combination of x264 lossless mode and avi files. things such as discolorations and terrible playback lag.
Xvid is based on an old standard and I don't know if there is any lossless option, so I would always recommend H264 (via x264). Be sure to recompress it with a lossy codec before uploading )like x264 with high settings).
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Is there a reason why x264vfw need be used instead of the CLI version, or does it work with both? I am aware of what vfw is, which is precisely why I ask...
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what’s wireframe mode? Essentially, a mode where only the lines of the polygons are rendered, and not their color, so you can see "through" the polygons.
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No, the order taken in templates is completely different, for one thing. Plus there are new puzzles that wasn't there before (in the temples).
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Well, that's a shame, but if you can't find someone to help you hex edit, is it possible perhaps to leave the mistake in? I mean, SOME speedrun is better than nothing, and if the rest of the run is really optimized, perhaps this can be overlooked?
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Gorgeous and amazing. Keep up the good stuff!
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Sweet! Alright, can't wait for next WIP! Good luck with the run!
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Don't jump to the wrong conclusions! There definitely are people wanting to see this, and I am one of them. I am not able to watch m64s, though, so I can't comment on your WIP. But if there were encodes, I'd love to see them! So, anyway, I hope you don't quit this. And even if you, I wish you all the luck and hope that you continue this at a later date!
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I believe what Espyo is implying is that the control system and the helmet HUD have no bearing on the quality of the TAS (ie, they will end up just as fast). It would be different with human players where controls DO matter.
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No, you are not being singled out. Everyone who double and triple posts receive the same treatment. Deal with it!
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Pointless Boy wrote:
Your supposed mastery of GLORIOUS ENGLISH LANGUAGE™
Note that I have never stated or implied that English is "glorious" or superior to any other language...
I don't get it. How can you absolutely fail to see the sarcasm in that? Have you forgotten your sarcasm detector at home?
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Pointless Boy, you have pretty much insulted everyone in this thread. You seem to be very good at writing English™, but utterly suck at reading between the lines, so to speak.
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