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Pointless Boy wrote:
I understand that some judgments are subjective, however, my posting habits in this thread were clearly reasonable, I have been nothing but level headed, dispassionate, and reasonable for the entire duration of this thread (except for a well-deserved jab at Mr.KRF), and the moderator's actions against me were clearly wildly inappropriate. (I do not believe mild expression of annoyance to be unreasonable, and after the juncture at which I was censored, I do not believe extreme protest to be unreasonable.)
That is your subjective opinion. Not a fact.
If you dislike the change they've made, then PM another moderator or admin informing them that you think that their decision was faulty and explain your reasoning. They will investigate and notify you with their decision.
That is one option. Another option is to speak out, to protest, to publicly decry abuse as loudly and as often as you can, so that abuses of power never, ever go unnoticed, even if they still go largely unacknowledged and unpunished.
You are cluttering the forum with your unproven opinions. This is a private matter between you and the moderator in question. You are only making it more difficult for the staff moderating the site to handle your complaint. If you had a problem with the authorities in real life, would go out on the street and scream about injustice or would you somehow contain the authorities? You are disturbing public order.
Publically denouncing moderators is not going to work in your favor. It is going to make you look worse in everyone's eyes, which will make them less likely to listen to you.
A moderator that allows his or her objectivity to be compromised by protest should not be a moderator. Anyone that doesn't care to listen while I fight for my inalienable rights as a human being is free to plug their ears and submit to tyranny. I won't.
What you are saying is true, but that is your subjective opinion, and again, you are flooding this forum with your subjective and, to us, irrelevant rants. Well, whatever. Your seem to be a problem child. You are not listening, and you are unlikely to, so I am thinking that this is the last post I am going to make against you. The thread started out fine, but then derailed, and you are the one responsible. Just know that. But I do wish this farce should come to an end -_-
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Meh. I give up. I think ignoring this one is simply the best option.
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Pointless Boy, when joining a community, you must understand that there are rule enforcers, just like the police. They have authority and can make decisions about rules, including things that are not explicitly stated in the rules, because a lot of things are subjective and writing rules to cover every little possible thing is just not possible. If you dislike the change they've made, then PM another moderator or admin informing them that you think that their decision was faulty and explain your reasoning. They will investigate and notify you with their decision. Publically denouncing moderators is not going to work in your favor. It is going to make you look worse in everyone's eyes, which will make them less likely to listen to you. You've already made your point. You want to change the logo. Fine. Let the community decide if they like it or not. You are going to get anywhere by continuing this argument. It will just make it less likely that your suggestions will get accepted in the future.
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Pointless Boy wrote:
Is this one of those areas? I think it is self-evident the answer to that question is no. If someone who plausibly represents himself as a good judge of English comes along and mentions there is a minor issue with some phrasing somewhere on the site, suggests a change, and literally no proficient English speakers (of which there are many on this forum!) object, what is the problem? Why are Russians and Chileans and all manner of relatively inexpert (compared to me) speakers of English coming out of the woodwork to argue with me?
Because you are making it out to be, "Because this doesn't sound right to me, it must be changed, unless someone can prove to me that this isn't correct English." It doesn't matter if you are very good at English or whatever. You have stated an opinion, and this is a community, not some dictator faction or private group. You dismiss everyone's opinions because they are not proficient enough in your opinion to matter. But that's just the thing. Who says that the logo must be 100% correct English, or just english that matters to you? No one. Only you are saying it. This is a community, and as such, the community makes a decision if something changes or not. Not one individual.
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Pointless Boy wrote:
Your opinion is not relevant. Your English isn't good enough for you to have a meaningful opinion about what sounds most correct and natural to a proficient native speaker.
My opinion is relevant. So is everyone else's opinions. My grammatical structure may not be nearly 100% perfect enough for YOU to accept it as a valid opinion on what sounds most correct and natural to YOUR native speakers. I highly doubt that YOUR opinion is the correct one. Find me people who can write 100% correct grammatical English and tell me that ALL of them (every single one) have the same opinion. I doubt you will find it.
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It is not your judgement that is doubted. It is the way you act which makes you come under fire and which is why people are mostly ignoring you rather than listening to you. That is what they mean by high horse. I still don't know whether you are ignorant of this fact or just doing this on purpose.
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Pointless Boy wrote:
You're mostly just coming off as a smug, arrogant butthole here.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
It is my opinion, as well, and gathering from the replies in this thread, the opinion of many others, as well. And yes, opinions weigh more than expertise in some areas...
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First Pointless Boy ridges high/her high horse and dismisses everyone's opinion simply because they are not proficient and native speakers. Now he/she complains that a moderator abused his/her power because he/she merged three posts. Right. Well, just know that triple posting is considered BAD on most forums. You can separate them even when they're merged into one post. So, should we ignore Pointless Boy and settle on our own opinion on the logo matter? I find it difficult to separate them meanings of the two sentences, so I am either way...
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Pointless Boy wrote:
It's not about what "needs to be", it's about what sounds best to a proficient native speaker. I'm a well-read native speaker of American English. It's a reasonable assumption that my lifetime of experience with the language has better prepared me to make judgments of English aesthetics than yours.
Are we arguing semantics here? :| "just aren't enough" vs "just are not enough"? I'm inclined towards the later (yes, I know it's spelled latter, but later sounds better ^_^)... Also, tasvideos is an international site, so IMO it would be better to base a decision of what all members, native British or American or not, thinks. Both are proper english...
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CoolKirby wrote:
I will post an encode of Chapter 1 when it's finished along with the (slightly) improved Prologue.
Awesome! Looking forward to that!
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Awesome! Feel free to post WIPs when you feel you've progressed far enough!
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Awesome! Can't wait!
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I don't think your english is horrible. In fact, it's very good. Anyway, it's still pretty amazing how fast you destroy these levels, so keep at it! You're doing great, and I'd love to see more!
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An encode means some one takes the process of replaying a TAS on the emulator while recording it as a video. The videos you watch are encodes. Typically TASers use input files, which just store the input at different points in time to work with. You need to reply those on an emulator. But encodes are videos!
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Keep in mind that while emulating, you're not just mimicking the target hardware's cpu; you are mimicking the entire hardware, from cpu to gpu, to memory to whatever other things they've managed to put in there! Plus interpreting instructions is generally much slower than having the hardware executing them, especially so on modern cpus which are beasts when it comes to keeping themselves stuffed with instructions to execute.
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Remember that not everyone is so good with CLI. Not everyone likes CLI, either. But how long has it been since MeGUI was updated last? Last time I used it was probably some years ago, and then it was lagging behind badly.
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Uploading an ISO of a game? o_O That does not sound like a good idea to do--or mention--especially on a forum!
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Vykan12 wrote:
Also, It'd be cool if anyone wants to upload this to youtube since the file is pretty big and I don't have a youtube account anymore.
Why not get a new one?
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YT has changed URL to videos. A working link is:
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This one hardly deserved to be called a codec pack. It contains just a few components needed to make it work, compared to other codec packs which installs loads and loads of crap. If you don't like it, then you can download Haali Media Splitter and ffdshow yourself and be done. It will cover 99% of all the formats out there. At least the common ones.
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DarkMoon wrote:
I don't watch encodes, so I just use WMP.
WMP supports MKV. Just install CCCP.
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Just because someone does something you don't agree with doesn't mean so you should start copying that! Please stop this. The forum is sending out notifications for posts that are pointless.
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First two lines are for maximizing visual quality. x264 typically throws away some color information when compressing, but I'd argue this is only for purists. Nevertheless, your mileage may vary. Try one encode with them and one without and see if you can spot any difference. The last lines eliminate duplicate frames. This will save bitrate and reduce the size of your encode. It probably won't save a lot, though. What does confuse me, though, is the two passes. x264 can be done in one pass, but perhaps DeDup needs two passes? If so, you can save a lot of time by removing those lines (at the expense of some bigger files).
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Warp wrote:
Even if the hardware (in this particular case the CD drive) varied on the same system (which I don't think is very common, as invariability of the hardware is one of the basic tenets of game consoles) that wouldn't still be the problem, as an emulator could easily emulate any of the possibilities that are/were available for the console in question.
Sure, that is one definition. Just, Master of Puppets did specify any such definition. Just the vague term "emulate load times." The "load times" is so vague, it requires a more proper definition to emulate.
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Master of Puppets wrote:
For TAS, load time should be emulated as accurately as possible.
Define "as accurately as possible" ;) One of the problems is that there is no standard load time as it varies between each system, and it is possible to tweak the load times of standard systems!
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