Posts for EEssentia

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koippis wrote:
...What I`ve readed on youtube I would need a third party program like DivX to do it anyway(Which newest free version crashes my old laptop).
You should not ever use DivX. You should use x264. But there is an encoder's guide on the site. Reading through that should get you started to do simple encodes to upload to YouTube.
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Fadeout lag probably will not matter in the slightest to the average Joe, however. I can't say I agree that TASers should spend time on such stuff. But as always, it's an opinion, and it's the one of the TASer that counts. There are no rules for this stuff, is there? So long as it beats the old run by a reasonable amount of time, with out without saved frames from fadeout lag, it's OK, so far as I know?
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Subversion for TASes? Interesting.
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Just finished watching it. It looks awesome, as usual. Looking forward to the rest!
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The backtracking? The door is without power, so the generator room has to be entered first. And the reason for walking a bit with the plant was to charge the attack (the attack that shoots straight up). Otherwise you can't get the generators working.
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You don't "need" to use IRC. You only need to use tools at your disposal in case of an emergency :) If the boards doesn't work, then the other way to get in contact with members is via the IRC channel. Anyway, something to think about.
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You could simply have dropped by the IRC channel and asked for help to activate your account. You still can, if you want.
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I think the reply tries to say: "I'm sick of all these comments about real life video stuff. This topic is about live tasing, and I came here to find such videos. So please, stop posting non-related stuff here and post some videos, when they are ready, if there are any."
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*shrug* I've always found Nod32 and Outpost Security Suite best. They've won numerous awards. Not free, of course. For that there are good free alternatives.
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Because it's flawed. If it wasn't bad, it wouldn't be so bad that it's different from other systems, but...
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Of course it would. But who is going to do it? That's the problem.
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Very nice! I look forward to the rest of the run!
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cool200 wrote:
EEssentia wrote:
The run seems very... unoptimized. Your movements are unimpressive. You do microadjustments from time to time. That kind of screams normal play, not TAS. And in the battles I saw that you get some Good hits instead of Excellent for no apparent reason. And Mario jumped before an attack for no reason. It seems like you made a mistake and thought the enemy would attack Mario instead of Luigi. It just... looks bad. I'm thrilled that you're doing a run of the game, but IMHO, you should optimize some more. It looks bad. To me, at the very least.
The run is unoptimized because it is both a test TAS and my first tas. Also, what do you mean by microadjustments? And Mario jumping before an attack doesn't really matter for a test. I get better in the later levels. Perhaps I should TAS the first game for experience then do this game?
Oh, it's a test run. Then it makes sense. By micro adjustments I mean that instead of going straight, sometimes you adjust a little right or left sometimes. For optimized movement, you would go right or left as much as necessary first and then just go straight.
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The run seems very... unoptimized. Your movements are unimpressive. You do microadjustments from time to time. That kind of screams normal play, not TAS. And in the battles I saw that you get some Good hits instead of Excellent for no apparent reason. And Mario jumped before an attack for no reason. It seems like you made a mistake and thought the enemy would attack Mario instead of Luigi. It just... looks bad. I'm thrilled that you're doing a run of the game, but IMHO, you should optimize some more. It looks bad. To me, at the very least.
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Really? Must have forgotten that.
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OTOH, with a NewGame+ you can start with Rapidus Fio, unlike previous castlevania games.
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I would love to see an attempt at the very least. To see if it feasible. Let's be honest, boss fights that takes 1 second is boring to say the least. If it's dragged out, it's much more fun. Of course, there's a limit to how long the fight can be before it becomes boring. Anyway, that's how I see it.
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ShadowWraith wrote:
Portrait of Ruin used a bug to get enough money to buy the best weapon in the game. Order of Ecclesia has no such bug.
But the thing is, there are probably other bugs to take advantage of.
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Atma wrote:
EEssentia wrote:
How can you grind if you're capped at level 1?
In a sense, you'd be grinding the bosses. You wouldn't get any strength upgrades, only weapon changes, and your mp wouldn't increase all that much through the powerups you find.
But considering how fast Dracula was beat up in Portrait of Ruins while severely under leveled, it would still be cool and not take too long.
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Sir VG wrote:
scwizard wrote:
After watching that, I think a hard mode or hard mode level 1 cap tas would be much more interesting.
I doubt level 1 would be interesting, since it just means more grinding. Maybe do Albus mode on Hard, but not with a level cap.
How can you grind if you're capped at level 1? Only your equipment will matter, then. I agree that a hard mode level 1 would probably be interesting.
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No. Try, for example, compressing the same source at preset veryslow and placebo. Chances are that the placebo file will be LARGER, despite the same crf setting. Settings influence the bitrate x264 will use for the movie. You can get higher quality at the same crf setting with different settings.
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Just a thought here, but you are aware that changing settings will also change the bitrate? That is, to get equivalent quality at different settings, you need to also change the birate/quality factor setting. Just comparing the sizes of different settings won't do... x264 isn't ideal. Just changing some settings to better won't automatically reduce the filesize compared to worse settings. It may bloat the size, even. However, the encode will have higher VISUAL quality. But awesome tests, nevertheless.
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Sigh. I hate rapping. I hope the "view" counted for something even though I hit the back button about 10 seconds into the movie (after having muted the sound).
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There isn't much difference between VC8 and VC9, so upgrades are possible and de novo, as you say, is also possible and backwards compatible. That said, VC10 brings C++0x features, so designing it with it in mind won't make it possible to go back. I have only tried the Betas and the RC of VS2010 and I can just say that they were horrible. I hope RTM is better. I'm scared to try, actually...
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Dacicus wrote:
  • No floppy drive :'( :'( :'(
Deal with it! Floppies are dead and should be treated so. You don't need one anyway.
[*]The Start menu doesn't expand folders any longer. It fits everything into a little box, forcing you to scroll up and down. It's horribly annoying.
In case you don't get used to it, there are 3rd party start-menu apps that work quite well. There is no setting to disable this behavior, which has been there since Vista.
[*]There are separate Program Files directories for 32- and 64-bit programs. This isn't a problem as much as a "why do this?" thing.
For backwards compatibility. You have a new, modern CPU which can handle 64-bit mode. Yet you have all those crap software which is still 32-bit.
[*]The intro video for the Best Buy Software Installer said something about how annoying it is to have a computer come with a bunch of preinstalled software that you're not going to use, yet I found Google Chrome, MS Works, and a 60-day trial of MS Office 2007 on this computer. Those are the programs I immediately identified, so who knows what else is on it.
Yep. Known issue with purchased computers. Go to your add/remove applet and remove all the crap you can find from your computer.
[*]MS Paint is way different from the WinXP version. There are some new features that look interesting, but the menu is gone. Icons are nice and everything, but I'm a literate person, and I don't want to guess about what some unlabeled button will do. It's a good thing I finished the Outlands maps before the old screen died.
You're going to have to live with that. It's not that difficult, however. There are so few buttons to press. Otherwise there are freeware alternatives such as which is quite good.
[*]You can no longer view the contents of the clipboard. While commands like echo off | clip supposedly clear the contents, I'd like to see the contents actually disappear when I tell it to clear, like in WinXP.[/list]
Never used nor heard of that one, but it works for me. Run -> cmd -> echo off | clip -> contents gone.
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