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Raelcun wrote:
Warp wrote:
Question: How does Brain Age interpret those images? In other words, what numbers do they correspond to? Can this be chosen somehow (other than, you know, using that misleading trick of drawing off-screen)?
On the first page xy2_ linked to a large series of posts going into that here
Pretty hard to figure out what they're interpreted as even if you know the system...
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If someone does, a 720p+ encode would be nice too since youtube mangles quality below 720p.
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MoronicTAS wrote:
It's just sad how some people react. I don't care about hate. Is this really the whole community? Is that the reaction a "TAS-team" has waited for ? I don't think so. I'm not gonna reply on any hate statements anymore.
Don't worry The "hate" opinion is not shared by everyone =) I'll be glad to watch the product, be it submitted here or not. It does not matter to me. Your work. Your rules. I don't mind the least bit what is used. I think that should be left to the author(s). So thanks for the run, and hope to see it sometime!
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Well, I'd say a good headset or headphones is required for a great deal of things. Myself, I tend to just use one of those mics to tuck to your shirt because finding a some good headphones is a challenge in itself, not to mention finding a good headset with a good mic. I was bloody lucky I found the ones I have now that I've used for a couple of years... I have yet to find a replacement for when the time comes. So by separating them, it becomes a good deal easier, I think. Anyway, good to hear you're making progress, and good luck with the rest of the practice!
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I honestly don't think it's necessary to go back and fix things retroactively (unless it's close to where you're at currently). If we keep go back and fix things, it's just an evil endless cycle that's never going to stop. We go back, fix stuff, redo things, only to find more stuff to fix and we're back to square one again. It kills motivation and just delays the final product. We need to let go of the "perfect" idea of a TAS. Any product is never going to be perfect and there's always going to be more stuff that's found while a TAS is in progress. But hey, it's not like this is a one type thing. After a TAS is finished, someone can go and pick it up and make a new TAS that incorporates the new discoveries. No software (or product) is perfect. It gets better iteratively. So once we have a finished product, we can look at back at the things that can be improved and use that knowledge in a future revision or iteration. That's what I believe. Don't feel absolutely pressured to go back and fix things. No one is perfect.
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I would also presume that if anyone is caught stealing, they would be banned from future marathons. Even if something were to be stolen, it would probably be something that would be looked into seriously.
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It used to be the case that guest posting was allowed, but it is not any more. So you have to get an account. But still, posting there is a good idea to hook up with someone to reduce costs for all involved. Let's hope you can get there and have a great time. Would be a shame if you missed out due to unfortunate circumstances.
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Nope. I seriously don't care what emulator is used, how it's being done, etc, etc. All I care about is that authors is allowed to do as they please and that hopefully I can see an awesome TAS at the end.
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Yes, but I don't agree that Microsoft are bastards.
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Yes, but I'm guessing the chances of that happening are pretty slim because we're adding and multiplying pretty big numbers.
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16–23 bits would be the 3rd byte, or the last bit of the 2nd byte plus almost the entirety of the 3rd byte?
Bits 16-23 is the 3rd byte unless we're using the unconventional belief that the first bit is bit 1.
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I don't see why they are dicks when XP is over 10 years old and they've urged people to upgrade a long time now. They no longer issue security updates even. Last time I checked, the XP segment was also dwindling. Regardless, good luck with the project.
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You don't have to use the HTML5 player on youtube. You can switch it off at youtube.con/html5. Not that I see any reason to do so, though.
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It's actually been working since Firefox 36 or 35, I believe. You just to toggle a few hidden settings.
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Good things come in small pieces. Don't rush things. Take your time and do it when you feel like it (and have time)!
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Great! Then let's just wait for all TASes to be accepted!
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ais523 wrote:
I don't know. Taking the TAS block at AGDQ as an example, the fact that things seemed to have got stuck and it took quite a long time for the Twitch Plays Pokémon to actually connect to Twitch probably added to the block, from my point of view. Especially as I was wondering if there were technical issues, and if so, if they would get them fixed.
To me, it took away from the experience and just made it boring. Technical issues are no fun.
I agree that the commentary at a GDQ is nice, but only because it's one of the only places that really seems to have it. I'd rather a commentated WR than a commentated GDQ. (Or even more so, I've found that some runners have taken to putting route tutorials on YouTube; that fills my desire for good commentary even more so, even though it's typically being played over a spliced run.)
I can agree with here somewhat. I like GDQs because it's a good place to find high-quality runs with good atmosphere and commentary and high quality. I'd love to see it elsewhere, but GDQs are a guaranteed place to find it.
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ais523 wrote:
I guess mostly due to the probability that things go wrong (which they often do in console verification). Isn't that the reason why people watch marathons rather than just going to WR archives? The chance that the run might not be perfect?
Eh... Who'd want to see a bunch of people trying to figure out technical issues with a console not playing back a run? I don't think that's very exciting to be honest. The technical issues will, if anything, make it boring. I can't speak for others, but the reason that I believe GDQs are so popular is the atmosphere, the commentary and the audience. It's an experience in itself that you don't get by just watching runs.
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ais523 wrote:
I'd like to explain my side of the argument, though: having a TAS that isn't being played live on console at a GDQ is like playing back a recording of a (non-TAS) world record at a GDQ. It misses the point of a live event to show something that anyone could see for themselves just by visiting YouTube.
Well, to be honest, what we'd miss out on is the whole player pulls of some tight move, audience gasps and claps. To be honest, we'd be missing that either way, console-verified or not. With console verification, you'd have to get it up and running on a real system and after that - it's just basically a video, though a technically advanced one. I don't see the point of that. If that's the case, then why not just use a video directly or an emulator to play it back? Either way, we're not going to get away from the fact that it's basically still a pre-recorded video, because that's what a finished TAS is about. You can still watch regular real-time runs on youtube too. What's mostly different about GDQ is mostly the atmosphere and the commentary. And that's something we can apply for pre-recorded TASes too.
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Well, I'm mostly thinking Mario 64 due to the god-like movemement, because it's the most obvious. Don't know if there are any other good games that show off the same kind of movement.
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dwangoAC wrote:
ais523 and I exchanged a conversation about this on IRC. He's strongly of the opinion that we should have some form of verification, but he tends to feel that Hourglass is close enough and is a suitable platform. Atma suggested Braid, not sure about this one. Any other thoughts?
I strongly disagree. What I believe TASVideos should be doing is representing TASes--not console verficiation. That is to say, it doesn't matter if it can be played back at a console or not. It's the entertainment that counts--and that's where TASes differ widely from real-time runs. We shouldn't have to make something console-verifiable and then bring that to GDQ. It takes a lot of time and effort, most of it most likely not that appreciated by the viewers. That said, while Ikargua seems like a good goice, most of the others, to me at least, seems like the lack the "wow" factor. I strongly believe a Mario 64 is the perfect game for showing off was all kinds of crazy stuff a TAS can pull off because you have to much freedom. I realize there may be too many mario games, though, but I still feel that mario 64 is the only game that can truly give you a wow factor. Still, super metroid isn't that bad when you pull off feats that leaves the player with one energy left. Just short of dying, so to speak. A reverse boss order may also be kind of cool. I'd love to find some other good games, though.
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I haven't noticed this thread until today, so that's my excuse. Anyway, regarding feedback: I like TASes. I don't like the idea of Speed-TAS (i.e. creating a TAS within a time limit). That said, explaining what a TAS is and showing some cool TASes I'm all for. Re SGDQ: I don't feel it is a less meaningful event. Both AGDQ and SGDQ are very popular and bring in a lot of money. But even if not, why would it be a less meaningful event? I honestly think we shouldn't think in a meaningful or not meaningful kind of way. These events are a fun gathering of speedrunners. If AC wants to go, I say, why not? It should be a personal decision, not an official mission. That said, just don't let it be a burden. Don't feel like you have to go because of reason X. Do it if you really WANT to and nothing else. Put only down as much time as you feel you'd like to do. That's how I feel.
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If you're tubing the videos, please upscale to at least 720p. Youtube screws up quality of anything less.
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I was not such a big fan of the commentary, but not because the commentary itself was bad, but because of all the other background noise that the mic picked up. That and the fact that the video wasn't very impressive without a little more optimized movement. Optimized movement is one of the coolest things in TASes.
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