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I just wanted to thank you so much for compiling these. So incredibly useful. I probably have a dozen suggestions I could contribute, but I'm too lazy right now to go back and find them all. Many times I see a submission, assume it will get published and think "oh I'll just wait for the avi," but then it never comes and I forget about it completely. Your Movie Suggestions page is really good too. I would honestly take the cream of the crop out of Gruefood and Movie Suggestions over the starred movies. (Of course, that's sort of unfair, since there's a lot more gruefood.) Hmm, did Bisqwit get rid of the starred movies? I can't seem to find the list to compare them.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I dunno why I clicked on this thread (I was looking for another one), but since I'm here I might as well help. Ferret Warlord: I am a million% sure that this is Liquid Kids, the awesome Taito platformer. They are actually hippos btw. Baxter: This could be any number of games, but I am willing to venture that it's Shatterhand. Raiscan: I think this one can be closed since it will never be solved for sure. It's probably just one of the Arkanoids. I agree with Ferret Warlord on guessing Arkanoid 3 for SNES. AKA: Do you have any more info? I feel like I should at least make a guess, but I don't have any that aren't completely stupid. Iron Slayer: This sounds like Super Ninja Kun. Bisqwit: Night Driver is the only thing I can think of. jaysmad: Bravoman?
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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LagDotCom wrote:
I agree with Warp
Don't see that every day.
Try harder.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I was going to write some stuff but Warp wrote exactly what I was going to say so just reread that, yeah. Also: 1) Less is more, law of diminishing returns, etc. 2 seems like the optimal number, plus there are 2 channels in stereo anyway. 2) The dual TAS was good since it was a novel idea, but enough Mega Man please. I think it would be better to see a dual TAS with 2 wildly different games, in terms of aesthetics or gameplay, for juxtaposition. Something like Contra + Barbie (don't pay attention to the specific example, I didn't give it any thought). 3) Although I support AngerFist, it would be funny if Zoid came into this thread and started hating.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Chamale clearly has something against firemen.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I haven't been keeping up, so I could be very wrong, but from what I heard, FBA isn't supported because it doesn't record from reset. This is why you don't see any FBA TAS's here, but there have been some at like the Shadow over Mystara vids. I'm sure if it was so easy, someone would have done it already, but it would be really nice if someone modified FBA to be allowable on this site. I know personally that many of my favorite TAS's would be of arcade games if this was allowed. If you like this game, you should play and submit a score. ;) Edit: I just watched your link and well, you might as well hear this from me since I'm nice, instead of all the sharks. Do you know what this site is about? Do you know what frame advance is? If I stumbled upon this on youtube, I would think it was gameplay footage, not a unassisted speedrun, let alone a TAS. Are you recording yourself refamiliarizing yourself with this game? Really sorry if you say this but I missed it. I suggest you read through all the FAQs.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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moozooh wrote:
Enhasa wrote:
When I watched the previous run, I said "wow this is really unoptimized but the lack of optimization is what makes this such a good watch." I figured the more this was optimized, the less I would enjoy it. I guess I'll see how wrong I am when I check out the nicovideo later.
It's probably a question of goals, not optimization, though. Optimization is always good.
I think someone could make a TAS with a goal of pure speed, with lots of variety. Someone else could make a new TAS with the same goal of pure speed, more optimized but worse to watch due to repetitiveness. Maybe you could say the first goal doesn't really count as a goal because the first person failed, and if you do, I guess your definition is just different from mine. Optimization is good, but that doesn't mean that as a subjective human being, I have to enjoy it always. I don't want to get misunderstood, so I want to make extra sure nobody thinks I am complaining about optimization. That would be quite lol.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin, people already use the wall glitches and all sorts of other glitches on console. When I watched the previous run, I said "wow this is really unoptimized but the lack of optimization is what makes this such a good watch." I figured the more this was optimized, the less I would enjoy it. I guess I'll see how wrong I am when I check out the nicovideo later.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Ok, now that I read the first post, this thread is awesome because Warp is complaining about "regular" speedruns being boring, yet he made the most boring post of all time.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I didn't read a single post in this thread but I wanted to check it out because when someone mentioned it on IRC, I instantly figured Warp wrote it (even though I barely know anything about him?) and I wanted to make sure. So this thread is awesome I'm sure.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Holy McCrap!!!! I gotta watch this later tonight. ;)
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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<Enhasa> ok i don't understand what vg is getting at <Enhasa> and cf <Enhasa> does he feel disenfranchised by the tas going up so fast? <Enhasa> it's so cute <Enhasa> thinking his voting matters <VorpalEdge> the sad part is, i would agree with vg in that runs should not be published so quickly if it wasn't a mario game that everybody auto-votes yes on anyways <Enhasa> well i agree that the publishing being so skewed towards popular games is bad <Enhasa> but the problem is not that mario is published so fast <Enhasa> so don't complain about that <Enhasa> complain about something else being slow
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
Post subject: Super Mario Kart tourney
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I feel somewhat bad advertising this here since I don't know if this is frowned upon. But I figured the average person here might actually have a higher chance of interest since many SDA people are too young to have played this game. Also there is a lot of overlap between the two sites and some people might check here more often. We are doing a Super Mario Kart tourney over at SDA. [Thread] Please sign up and discuss in that thread (you don't need to register with the forum to post) instead of in this one, because I have no guarantees on checking this one very often.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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This topic came up on SDA before. stanski did a (informal) run for SMB1 at 200% that I uploaded here.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Thanks to this thread, I learned that it is cool to say SMB2 is boring. Thanks guys, I'll keep that in mind! Also I love how tmont is being ignored because his postcount is too low. It's a great feeling, my 2nd favorite part of this site. ;)
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I'd suggest you just ask Bisqwit to swap it. The point of resubmitting would be if some people's votes would change between the old and new versions. I don't think that's the case here, as the complaints were due to the game choice.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Ok, I just watched this, great job! About stage 2, I just wanted to go over this since I only got that far in trying to route plan. Here it is again for reference. The individual pics are landing spots, and everything in between is dash jumps. And yeah, just "principle" like you said, not frame perfection. I think the main principle is that because dash jumping is the fastest, you want to minimize the number of regular jumps or walking. Town part is different but equal, with 4 dash jumps, unless there's something I don't know like how inclines and dashing works. Aqueduct part is identical. Actually there is something that is hard to pull off in real time, but you might be able to use if you do an any% TAS. What you do in the current TAS is something similar to the 4th column (2nd row) in the pic. However, it is possible to get the upper right (starred) pic. If you dash jump at just the right time, you can push a pillar as if you dashed into it, but still jump forward as if you didn't dash into anything. If you do this to the pillar in the starred pic, you can make it up to that landing point and avoid having to jump up to it (as in the TAS and 4th column pic). I hope this can save you some frames, sorry if it turns out to be slower. Graveyard part is identical at the beginning except for where you get the health because this is a 100% TAS. The end is identical except you do what you do to switch forms. One part is different though. If you look at the 7th column of the 3rd row, you can see a landing spot where Firebrand is standing on a pile of skulls. (You dashed through this pile and then made a regular jump over a zombie hand.) If you instead start a dash jump from the top of that pile, you can jump up to the place in the next column pic, and the rest is easy from there. Thanks. Edit: I agree with negjay. I know Bisqwit decided against the true ending (I don't know why, it's just like doing the final level in DKC2), but it could be a good candidate for a concept demo if it has to be done that way.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I should watch this just to find out the "real" answer as to how best to do the graveyard stage in a speedrun. It's certainly not Lucid's, but it's almost certainly nothing like this either.
upthorn wrote:
Huh. I wasn't aware that capcom made any boring, crappy games during the days of the SNES. Thank you for correcting my ignorance.
Awesome, this is truly my favorite part of this humble site.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I agree with you that RPG TASes in general are very boring, but many people (including judges) don't feel this way. On the other hand, I haven't heard anyone say that this movie isn't boring. So this is a contradiction to you only because you are closed-minded. I have also never understood why "have to turbo through most of the game" and "only people who have played the game can appreciate it" are even considered negative. It's as if the intended audience is people who have never seen the game and refuse to use seek or fast forward. (I don't know why I came out of lurking for something minor like this, but I did.)
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Yes I slipped up, the Saturn OB and TO are just ports of the originals. Poor SNK, I don't think the NGPC did very well. I think we might be saying the same thing (I tried to keep things simple for Dromiceius), but this is what I remember, in detail. I'm pretty sure it's more or less correct since OB is a favorite series of mine. I'm going to leave out the ports (Artdink did the PS1 ones, with Atlus localizing): Quest makes OB for SFC Quest makes TO:LUCT for SFC Matsuno and others from Quest get hired away to form a team at Square Matsuno et al makes FFT for PS1 Quest makes OB64 for N64 Matsuno et al makes Vagrant Story for PS1 Quest makes a OB gaiden (haven't played it, that's all I know) for NGPC Quest makes TO:KOL for GBA Square obtains rights to Ogre Battle franchise from Quest Square buys out Quest Matsuno et al makes FFTA for GBA (don't know if Quest was reunited during this project or afterwards, but the acquisition is during development... I'd guess afterwards) Square merges/is bought by Enix Matsuno et al and some mostly FF9 people (of course nothing with these teams is 1-1) make FF12 for PS2, with Matsuno co-directing and quitting during development Matsuno leaves SE, later says he would like to develop for Wii I think the rest of Quest stays and works on FFT, currently their flagship TRPG series. SE is amassing their armies for 3 (!) FF13 games, but I don't think the Quest people are working on that. Personally, now that Matsuno is gone, tri-Crescendo's first solo game is going to be published by Namco on 360, and tri-Ace's next game is going to be published by MS on 360 (I have a gut feeling this move is going to be permanent), I could give a rat's ass about SE now. Even though Square merged with Enix, bought Quest, then Game Arts, then Taito, and maybe some I forget, I don't care about any of their franchises anymore, which is liberating in a way. This is just a personal thing, certainly not something I would push on others. Edit: The precise reason why I think OB is dead is because it's Matsuno's baby, and since SE owns the rights, it wouldn't be easy for him to make a new game. And I don't even think he wants to since the last OB game he worked on was TO:LUCT. On SE's side, they own the rights to OB, but it and FFT share the same niche. Since FFT is a lot more famous by now, and everything with FF in the name sells a lot better anyway, I think any TRPG they make from now on in that vein (as opposed to a Front Mission type TRPG), will just be FFT. Also, out of courtesy, they would probably want to get Matsuno's approval to continue OB, and there's no reason to bother with that either. I could say what I think about Lufia, Lunar, or Grandia, but that's another topic.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Dromiceius wrote:
Just out of curiosity, what are the first four Episodes? Novels? I googled, but they don't seem to even exist.
They don't exist. OB was originally planned as an 8 part series. The first was Ogre Battle (ep5), then Tactics Ogre (ep7), Ogre Battle 64 (ep6). The Saturn OB and GBA TO are gaidens. I'll assume you know about the Queen references in the titles, and how the FFT series is historically related through OB series creator Matsuno. What I haven't seen people realize yet is that the OB series is dead for all intents and purposes. Square Enix bought the rights to the series (and later all of Quest, the developers), but they never did anything with it, being more keen on pushing their FFT series. Matsuno left SE recently, so I think it's pretty much over and we will never see the series to completion.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Hey quietkane, you really need to see this. He is shooting for sub 4 hours for the final version. :)
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I think Lemmings TAS's would be some of the sexiest things around, especially 2 since it has fast forward. Quite an insane undertaking, since new improvements might be found constantly, although maybe hexediting would work well here.
Acmlm wrote:
01 -- 2536 - 2398 --> +138 (gain: +138) A new trick I found: 10 lemmings together dig faster than one!
I'm impressed that you figured that out. Several of us at SDA tried running the first 5-6 levels for fun, and usually nobody else realizes this. ;) It's just like a modified "We All Fall Down" level.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
Post subject: Re: Tactics Ogre
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Dromiceius wrote:
It would seem an interesting game from a TAS point of view, considering all the variables and options that are possible. Right from the start, an informed player can customize the player-character to be an ideal fighter or wizard, etc.
While Tactics Ogre is my favorite TRPG, personally I can't stand watching TAS's or console speedruns of TRPGs. From what I gather this is just me though.
Dromiceius wrote:
The game is Japanese only, and there seem to be similar games in progress for the GBA that are not Japanese, so this probably won't take off... but I still wanted to at least put the idea forward.
I think this game is a lot better than the GBA TO and FFT though.
Phil wrote:
The game is in japanese and imo, we should wait some PS emu with rerecording and use the US version. The music sounds better and graphically a little better. Plus, text is understandable.
How would rerecording work with load times on a PS emu? If it plays like on the console, I would rather see the SFC version since the load times are much better.
Dromiceius wrote:
I started a rough draft-I have no idea what the birthday thing is for.
IIRC, birthday is mostly unimportant. You can get presents for important birthdays I think.
Dromiceius wrote:
-Fire element seemed a safe choice; I'll probably want a fire element wizard who can burn grass to find hidden treasure, and if most of my team is fire elemental, I can use the "witch trick" later on.
What is the "witch trick" you are talking about? If it's the pump element spells, you can do that with any element of course, and water and wind are better so you can abuse storms. One time I played through the game with all wind element people and abused the wind buff as well as the storm spell. (I remember being able to affect characters' elements somewhat, so I agree with Boco.) Not sure it would be a good idea for a TAS though.
Boco wrote:
For females, Archer is the best Job in the game, by far. It might also be nice to have a Witch in order to paralyse opponents, in which case she should be trained as an Archer as much as possible (spell hit percentage is based on DEX). Aloser, the best unit in the entire game, makes a rather wonderful witch, if you don't want to train one up from scratch, thanks to her advancing from level 1 as Archer (rather than 5 or 6).
Archers are the best commonly attainable unit in the game period, IIRC. Paralyzing has the benefit of saving time by preventing enemies from moving, good idea. Also Aloser has the funniest name I've ever seen in a game. Funny because she is in fact not a loser in battle. One idea is that persuasion can be faster and more useful than outright killing. This is all I have for now, sorry I can't be of more help.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Arne, it sounds like you know a lot about DKC2 so I don't know if this will help you any, but I posted several screenshots of possible improvements for the previous any% TAS. You can check them just to be safe.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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