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BacardiNCola wrote:
The highsky unit will be fighting both regular units and the boss unit
This is what I didn't catch. I thought all the stages after a certain point would just be, fly over to the boss and win.
BacardiNCola wrote:
As you also say, XP gain is a key factor, and Fool cards are not not necessary if you can kill the leader with 3x all attack magics.
The advantages of Fool would be allowing the gryphon to get all its hits in, and possibly saving some time from enemies not attacking you. But I already said Fool wouldn't be worth it. I think you might have indirectly answered my question about not INT boosting wizards. Somewhere in between near the beginning when you would not have much money, and naer the end when you would not be able to put it to great effect, is a point which can be considered the optimal time to buy INT potions. I already knew that. The key is, you don't have an issue with boosting wizards who will later upgrade per se, it's just that at that optimal point, you would have mages/sorcerers by then. Which is why you were against boosting wizards. I think.
BacardiNCola wrote:
Another reason I can see is that when they level their stats will increase anyways. Since this unit will be doing alot of leveling, it will have greatly increased stats already. Also, you will notice that the stat boost does not increase your damage by THAT much. Yes, it's an increase, a considerable one, but will it save you another one attack on the enemy? In addition, you must consider the time spent summoning jack, buying the potions, and then using the potions on the character. Will the end output exceed that threshold? It remains to be seen.
This is why I said I think buying Jokers, instead of buying INT potions, is the way to go. It also takes Phil a whole lot less money this way, meaning he doesn't have to waste any time creating other Low/High Sky units to find treasure. If you know the first thing about my speedrunning philosophy, I am very minimalist. So I myself try to stress the fact that increasing stats, whether by items or levels, is generally overrated because the time it saves in battles does not equal the time it took to gain those stats. The only difference here from normal leveling, is that it does not suffer as greatly from the law of diminishing returns as much as needless leveling in other RPGs does.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Blackpearl wrote:
im a big fan of this game too. But i think a dongeon speed runs can be great hi tombs of amenti ?
The problem with doing something like that is that it would be unfair since the time would depend on the levels of your characters. Someone on SDA casually suggested a 100% Seraphic Gate run, but while it at least starts from the title screen, even that has the problem of being dependent on levels. And I'm not sure it would even look much like what the suggester wanted, because a speedrun wouldn't bother using Lezard, Brahms, or Freya. Anyway, by your avatar, I can see you're a big fan. ;)
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Just in case anybody cares, I tried a couple of test runs on this several weeks ago. I can get to Elyon from a new game in some ridiculously low time, like between 1.5 and 2 hours, but then I run out of D-Counter. Unless I or somebody else can figure something out, I'm afraid there's no elegant way to do this without adding a couple of extra hours. I'm thinking of trying another route, which focuses on getting Power Boosts and 7th Senses, but even then I'm not sure that would be enough. At any rate, I currently have no PS2 access, so I'll have to wait until the fall to continue with this. But I am still interested.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
Post subject: Valkyrie Profile
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Not only is this my favorite game on the PS1, it wouldn't be a poor speedrunning candidate either. Obviously it's a bit of a blow that the long intro and recruitment cutscenes can't be skipped, but on the other hand, most of the game is completely optional. I haven't actually done any test runs yet, and I won't have PS1/2 access until the fall, but I'm throwing this out there to see what anyone thinks. I heard a ballpark figure someone gave of 8-12 hours or so, but I know that is way off. I am thinking the fastest route would be Easy B ending, excluding the C ending of course. In Easy, you are limited to less skills, characters (not an issue), equipment, and level 1 items (no Creation Gem/Jewel). However, the enemies are a bit weaker and your guys actually come with levels (also probably not as issue since you'll be sticking with early Arngrim, Jelanda, etc). You do get Guts and Auto-Item, and you can receive from Odin and divine yourself decent enough equipment. The A ending is much cooler, so of course it deserves a run in a separate category, but B has to be faster. For A, the killer is getting Mystina, which requires a whole 'nother dungeon (Tower of Lezard Valeth). Luckily, you get Creation Gem and then Jewel from that dungeon, but I can't remember what would be useful to make by that point. You'd also have to watch a lot more cutscenes, including Lucian and Mystina recruitments, Lucian transfer, Loki stealing the Dragon Orb, etc. (The one advantage is the final dungeon is a lot shorter.) So if I or anyone else were to do this, he/she would probably try the B ending first. I don't know how many optional dungeons I would do. I would get Arngrim's Dragon Slayer, so probably dungeons with dragon bosses like Dragoncastle Caverns, and fighting Dragon Zombies inside Caves of Oblivion sounds like a good idea too. Normal has a couple more dragon bosses, but dunno if that's worth enough. About the fourth character, ideally it would be someone with useful equipment you can get afterwards, like Nanami. But really, it would most likely come down to figuring out who has the shortest recruitment cutscene. I think that when you get characters is set when you start the game and not when a chapter starts, so restarting to get Chapter 2 Nanami would be quite annoying. Finally, I am a big fan of mages in this game, but 2 mages is a little suboptimal as you don't get to fully exploit either Sap Guard/Might Reinforce or Spell Reinforce. Chapter 2 Janus and a Raven Slayer might be another option. Ok, that's it for now.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Sorry to revive this thread, but I feel I have to counterbalance all this Uematsu and Mitsuda love.
NEOBassDUDE wrote:
But yeah, the music in video games is just great in a lot of cases. Example (I don't personally know much about it) Final Fantasy must be incredibly good because they often have full on orchestrial concerts of it. The first one in the new Disney concert hall in the LA area sold out before it was even in the box office (online preorder). I've never played any final fantasy game, but thats impressive enough.
It always scares me whenever anybody has this kind of an attitude about anything. Unless you think Top 40 is the best music available and LOTR movies ought to comprise 3 out of the top 10 movies ever made, according to IMDB votes. And I could go on. Sidenote: in this week's Time the cover story was an awful piece on the Xbox 360 and VG history in general. They had the same old tired VG timeline in a segment, but it was interesting that under 2005, they had a FF concert as the most recent achievement of VGs, so it seems at least one other person is duly impressed. Although the timeline maker should get his/her facts straight about this "milestone."
12Motion wrote: is my favorite because they have the remixes, and they also have the originals. The originals is really what I am after. They are awesome.
I personally can't stand the remixes on OC Remix. The signal to noise ratio is completely horrendous. If I want to hear remixes, that's what an arrange album is for. NSFs, SPCs, PSFs, etc are a godsend because it always used to suck back in the day trying to find decent MIDIs or MODs where the poor arranger wasn't mistranscribing random notes all over the place.
Arc wrote:
The question was which individual tracks do we like, so here are some of my favorites: Chrono Trigger - Enhasa
I have a theme song, and yes it rocks! Although I like the forest music slightly better. But Forest Music would be a bad handle, I think.
Jyzero wrote:
It is my opinion that Final Fantasy III (VI) has the best video game soundtrack ever.
As long as you don't share this guy's opinion [RPGamer is currently down, so no linkage, but someone who works with the site seriously says in his bio that he considers the FF6 soundtrack to be THE greatest musical accomplishment of the entire 20th century], which quite frankly is the #1 craziest thing I have EVER heard about... anything.
Bob Whoops wrote:
What? I love midi files! They're so small.
I've taken several music technology classes, and I have to say, the love/hate relationship musicians have with the MIDI specification is quite amusing. I personally think it ought to be scrapped/updated (it dates back to 1983!), since the lack of timbre control is pretty much unacceptable. As Boco alluded to, MIDI files are small because they are just instructions. To put it another way, mid is to (mp3, flac, etc) as (smv, zmv, etc) is to avi. And like Boco said, modules, which were more prevalent back in the early 90s, are the way to go because they actually store samples.
pilif wrote:
DukeNukem007 wrote: Xenogears (even though I've never played the Shevat song) you certainly should play it. It's great. In my opinion one of the best games Squaresoft ever made. Oh. And from the same composer as Xenogears is the music in Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. Both very good too.
IMHO Xenogears functions much better as a soundtrack than an actual game. In fact, the soundtrack also even functions much better than the music does while playing the game. This is because the weakest tracks are the battle themes, which you will be hearing a lot, and the balancing is very off, meaning some tracks are extremely overplayed. One of the only games that doesn't sound better while playing IMHO. Now time for me to give a couple of suggestions. My favorite VG composer is Motoi Sakuraba (Tales, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Baten Kaitos, Golden Sun, some Shining games, Mario Tennis/Golf, old Wolf Team games). Tales of Phantasia SPC and Valkyrie Profile PSF are good introductions you can get easily. On ed2k, the Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile live concert you can get relatively easily, is mind-blowing. Especially if you can get the DVD video. I also like Hitoshi Sakimoto (Ogre Battle series, FF Tactics, Breath of Fire 5, Vagrant Story, upcoming FF12, other random stuff you wouldn't think of like DW6, Radiant Silvergun, Legend of Legaia 2, Gradius 5). Although I most like the first three in that list I mentioned. There's also Noriyuki Idaware (Radiata Stories, Lunar, Langrisser, Grandia, Growlanser). He doesn't do as much as other composers maybe, but it is all solid. And Mitsuda, who has already been mentioned. I might compare these guy's styles but I've written too much already.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I hate to revive this thread, but I didn't want to make a new topic just to reply to flagitious here.
flagitious wrote:
Lemmings 2: The Tribes is a really awesome game but it is just not played by many. I might be a little biased towards it since I played it when I was very young, but it really is the best puzzle game ever.
I agree wholeheartedly with this, but I am partial to the PC version, because from what I remember, the console versions were tweaked to make them a little easier.
flagitious wrote:
Also if any of you have played it and want a really hard challenge I have one for you: In the space section there is a level designed so that you must lose at least 1 lemming by using it as an exploder. However using several tricks it is actually possible to do without losing any.
Which level are you talking about? I beat the SNES version losing only 3 lemmings: 2 in classic and 1 in polar.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Good answer. I guess I was confused by the posts earlier where you said you didn't have time for a test run. Oh and I'm pretty sure that an optimized run would include the Ancient Cave. You would manipulate to get awesome equipment from blue chests and Providence out ASAP. This equipment would then be able to last the rest of the game.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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BacardiNCola, please re-read my first paragraph. I know that mages are obviously better in a normal game. But unless I remember wrong, boss fights are over when the leader dies, meaning units that can target the leader are just as effective. However, there are a couple of drawbacks, which I mentioned. So I concluded that mages/sorcerers are probably better, since I don't think using Fool cards is an optimal use of time. I realized afterwards that gaining more XP is the key factor, so I guess this is a non-issue. =p About my earlier question, what I meant was, I understand increasing INT. What I didn't understand was why anybody would wait until getting mages/sorcerers to boost INT. When you class change, you keep the INT you gained. If you think that the INT potions would be better served on a princess, I understand, but that doesn't mean that boosting wizards would be pointless. Hope I explained it better. Oh, and Phil's other RPG run is FF2, but in that thread, he mentioned that he was having some emulator difficulties.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, "Crystalis" sounds more like some boring puzzle game where you run around and pick up giant crystals in a maze or something. That may explain why I haven't actually tried this game yet... (Hey, wasn't there a game for PC that was called Crystalis but had nothing to do with this game? I forget...)
Dunno, sounds like fun to me. Although you're right, probably not quite as fun as Crystalis. And I think you're thinking of Crystal Caves, from Apogee.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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mookish wrote:
I'll give *edit* Squaresoft (duh...dumb moment on my part) */edit* credit...whether they designed this or not, they did a great job making a low-level speed run a pain in the ass.
Well I doubt they sat down and thought about it. And uh, if you don't mind, what did you say in the first place? It might be funny. Anyway, you did a great job making a low-level speed run a pain in the ass.
moltar wrote:
can you manipulate what move the enemy does? and when you run into the npc from the side, can you predetermine the spot where it moves? say from running into the left, it moves down or up
In many tile-based RPGs, it is actually not random or manipulable at all. The NPCs will always make the same movements at the same time. As a sidenote, in some games like FF1, enemy actions aren't even random. They have a simple preset script and loop through it.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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FODA wrote:
Put some animated gifs of dancing naked girls around the text i'm sure everyone will see>>>
Wouldn't that make people ignore the text even more? =p Oh, and the first time I ever encountered a TAS, was a friend showing me morimoto's smb3. I didn't know rerecording was possible, and he kept on trying to convince me it was legit, but really, it doesn't take much common sense. I wonder how people's beliefs might have changed if morimoto wasn't Japanese. Also, I can understand if people are confused if they don't know emulation exists and they are ESL. I mean, on the ZSNES forum, people come in every so often and spaz out because they have just discovered emulation. It's pretty funny.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Phil wrote:
From what I have learned, relying on FAQs for doing TAS isn't a good idea. Those FAQs are good for normal playing but that's not normal playing here.
I'm not suggesting FAQs for any advice. I was just pointing to one that has a complete list of equipment and how you get them. And I'd say over 95% of FAQs are useless at best for normal playing anyway, let alone speedrunning of any type.
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DukeNukem007 wrote:
Doesn't he skip the intro scene (where Edward D.Morrison speaks) too? Or are you talking about the Dhaos battle at the start of the game?
I think he has to be talking about the fight with Dhaos. Downloading the ToP anime now, thanks to all for the link.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Jyzero wrote:
It's not dead. I completed Figora Castle again yesterday. The guy that made a video on SDA said he was doing another run so I'm waiting. (My run is based on his FAQ up to the sketch glitch)
Do you know how the pre-Relm route would be different, if at all? And are you sure a console route would be optimized for a TAS?
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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I think the party you chose is optimal, and it should be able to go all the way just fine. Getting special characters just doesn't seem worth it. One thing to consider though, is that there isn't really much advantage to hit-all magic over targeted since you're only going to be attacking bosses. Letting the gryphon get hits in and preventing enemy subordinates from wasting time hitting you are the exceptions. This opens up the possibility of using base wizards (same stat gains) or guys with Iainuki. Although the slight advantages most likely more than make up the difference. I think that either Jokers or Int potions should be bought, but they shouldn't be used in conjunction. This is because the benefit of one is mutually exclusive with the other, and it would be a waste. I'm leaning towards Jokers, but this is partially because I don't know how the money would work out for quick Int potions. Just make sure to not actually kill anybody with the tarot cards, so the Opinion Leader doesn't leech away XP.
BacardiNCola wrote:
If you think that increasing the int on the wizards won't be effective until they hit mage/sorceror I can understand that
I don't see why that would matter. Care to explain this? And also, wizards get one more hit than mages. I'm not sure you would really want this intermediate upgrade, unless the extra hit ends up not mattering.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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quietkane wrote:
The run's now just over an hour long. (1:10:43, I think.) We're just about 1/3 of the way through the game, so the completion time is looking to be ~3:30:**. Of course, I plan on spending some time in the Ancient Cave, and I don't know what that's actually going to do to the time. I'm also going to collect all five sets of Dragon Eggs, and it remains to be seen exactly how much time that'll take when optimized. ('Cause the random placement of the eggs is going to have to be pretty heavily manipulated.) Anyway, just letting you know that the finished run will be quite long.
This is what I don't understand. You are obviously very thorough in optimizing (counting frames, manipulating Gades, etc), but yet you're going to get the Dragon Eggs. You're not going for a 100% items run or anything like that either. Other than this, I love what I see. Please fill me in?
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Phil wrote:
Obtaining that Excalibur avoid to kill that Wyvern to obtain the crystal sword + Edge can throw it. Well I will check that later.
Actually, I meant not getting either Excalibur or Crystal sword. IMHO Excalibur is definitely faster than Crystal, especially because of dupe-as-you-go. Actually I thought about this more and I am ~80% sure that getting Excalibur is the way to go in a TAS. I am somewhat in favor of giving harvest XP to Rosa, Edge, and Cecil instead of just Rosa and Edge. You have to harvest 50% more to get Rosa and Edge the same amount of XP, but you get to use Cecil and Kain during Zeromus.
Phil wrote:
I think acquiring special armor from monsters may help reduce the time to level up characters and can prevent Zeromus to kill members because of that Big Bang. We must have in mind that I can possibly do critical hit vey often so it compensates for the level up I didn't gain but for HP/defense it will still be low. So having good armors may help. Again, I will check for that later. It's been a long time that I haven't played so I am not sure right now.
I am almost completely sure that getting armor is pointless. You don't have to level for most of the game, and HP (i.e. levels) not stats are mostly what help you survive. If you look at Kain Stryder's FAQ and search for "win a battle" in the Equipment section, noticing the meager stat gains, who can equip what, and enemies you fight, I think you'll agree.
Phil wrote:
I don't remember if Kain's jump can do critical hit. Someone may answer that?
Like Mlandry said, there is variance. However, it is no different from the variance that occurs from attacking. I definitely recommend keeping Kain in the front and attacking. Jumping doubles base attack value, which typically means a little better than attacking twice, depending on the physical defense of the enemy. However, you get to critical when you attack, plus it is much faster. (You can attack faster than you can even queue a jump.) The only time you want to Jump is during battles in which the enemy counterattacks, like Rubicant.
Phil wrote:
Your avatar doesn't mean anything to me. The picture is too small to see what it is.
To be honest, this would probably not be fair even at full size. It's a portrait of the Montreal-based instrumental rock group, Godspeed You Black Emperor.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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The recent SDA FF2 release caught my attention, and from there, I came here and saw this. By the way, if anyone cares about the console speedrun, which I feel can be significantly improved, here is the thread. I'll try to post there soon. Well, I was waiting for ZSNES to become ready for serious runs (maybe by the next WIP), and then I was going to attempt this. But since Phil is on it, I know that being a veteran, he'd likely do a much better job than I would, and I know he'll follow through with this. When I get my SNES back in the fall, maybe I'll take on the SDA run instead. =p I have finished watching the SDA run, and I'll try to offer some tool-assisted advice now considering some of Peter Tiernan's strategies. Tool-assisted here, console advice in the SDA thread. First off Phil, I gotta defend myself a bit, my original post was regarding a console low-level run I did before, so of course a good bit of it doesn't make sense. ;) The algorithm guide I am referring to is by BSiron. Although you probably already know most of the material inside. Uh, it does explain the equipping any sneakable weapon or shield trick at the bottom, although like I said, it seems pointless. On the SDA thread, Red Scarlet of Metroid fame said she likes to equip Rosa with the Earth hammer, but Peter Tiernan tested and it wasn't worth it. Now that we're talking about a tool-assisted run, I am even more sure that you want to gain as few levels as possible due to luck manipulation possiblities. I think that in general, people tend to overestimate the amount of good that "cool" extracurricular stuff does, like getting Eggs in Lufia 2 or max INT in Ogre Battle. I'm a fan of minimal levels, items, and fooling around, so I'm glad to see that from the Ogre Battle thread, you have a similar mindset. In FF2, definitely leveling before Paladin Cecil seems wasteful, as you are reset to 1. Afterward, new party members' levels are based on Cecil's, which is what Peter relies on in his run. However, through testing, I don't think it's worth it. The difference in Yang's level based on a level 1 Cecil and a level 9 Cecil? 13 and 14. However, I am positive that no amount of luck manipulation will let you survive Big Bang, so leveling has to occur somewhere, and I think that is with the Globes as mentioned earlier in the thread. Also, it is very important that you manipulate the correct people to die during fights to maximize XP. Now what levels are needed for a TSA is up for debate, since Big Bang seems to do wildly varying amounts of damage at times. Speaking of luck manipulation, this isn't DW. I wish you all the best, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to prevent everyone from dying at low levels without tanking. If you could though, that would be optimal. Now time to address some of your points: I think you should get the Darkness (mistakenly said Black before, that is what you get automatically from the King of Fabul) sword AND critical hits. You do a LOT more damage with it. I also suggest getting the Fire sword and Earth hammer in the Tower of Zot, and buying the Blizzard spear in Cave Eblana, which I forgot you could do until I saw Peter's run. (Peter gets similar stuff for his run; you can see exactly what he does in the SDA thread.) Most battles, magic will do the majority of the damage, but there are fights where better weapons make a significant difference. Don't mess with buying armor, of course. You get what you need from people joining your party. I don't think it's worth getting any random drops, especially since you have to fight the battles. Drops pretty much suck; this isn't Lufia 2. About the Excalibur, well more on that later, but the reason why I dupe near Baron is because of all the wasted time with enemies attacking you while duping while running. BUT if you can manipulate for first strike each time, then I think that would be best. Now, originally I was sold on Excalibur, but after watching Peter's run, I'm not that sure anymore. What bothers me is that he got a similar time to my ZSNES test run with what I feel was a lot of wasted time. He saves time on me by: Warping and Exiting more (I didn't know about towns for example), better weapons, one less harvest, and... Excalibur. It really does take a good bit of time to do all that, and I think the time saved in battles might not be worth it, especially in a TAS. HOWEVER, I think that with Excalibur, globe harvest XP can be given to just Edge and Rosa, speeding that up a bit, so I dunno. Also like I said, the first striking. But like I said, from a battles standpoint, duping Excalibur wastes MINUTES. It's hard to imagine saving that much time compared to criticaling a lot. Edge is pretty much deadweight without it though. To me the two key decisions are Excalibur or no, and who to give Globe XP to. Both affect primarily the Zeromus fight. I ask anyone with INFORMED opinions to contribute. I suspect however, that you will have to take a greedy algorithm approach, and use a lot of trial and error. Fortunately, most of the game would not be part of the trial and error bit. The secret run was Lufia 2, which is now taken by quietkane, who is quite competent. BoF5 I tried, and I'll make a post later, but unless I figure something out I was so close but yet so far. And Ogre Battle you are doing. I am considering Valkyrie Profile, but there will be a new thread for that later. Ok, that's it, and I should stop anyway because I'm tired. =p Edit: oh and one last thing, since you are from Quebec, does my avatar mean anything to you?
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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suraimu wrote:
I remember always doing that moogle charm trick whenever I played the last dungeon, mostly because my characters were so unbalanced in levels that I only had one party's worth who could actually fight. :D
I remember only having 4 characters who could even survive Kefka's Tower, so I would make 3 separate runs, clear all the bosses with my 4 characters, and use Charm Bangle and abuse the tent trick just to be able to make it to Kefka. Relm using Control was the only good way to get past Giant Behemoths in a fight. I also took down the MagiMaster for his Gem Box without getting Life3 from the Pheonix Cave because it was too difficult, more so than Kefka's Tower actually. That was really cool. But then I had to cave in at the end and get Life3 anyway, for the first 3 stages of the final boss. =p
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Lufia 2 is my favorite US-released SNES RPG, so quietkane, you're my new hero! Unfortunately, I haven't tried speedrunning though this game before, so I can't give you any tips you don't already know. To various people who have posted: Omega: Please don't scare me with talk like that. It should be a sin punishable by death to watch a time attack of a game you're even remotely interested in playing. Imagine someone getting their opinion of Zelda 3 from the 5 minute run. ventuz: Hate to say it, but if you've played more than 5 times, you should realize that missing capsule monsters is definitely the way to go. Here's a hint: they don't feed themselves, and in their spare time. BoltR: Now that there's a real run at this game, I fully agree with you. ;) AdmiralJonB: Not only are there European versions, this game is actually a huge cult classic in Europe. Without launching into a big tirade about how (just an example) if Square pulled out of the US SNES market instead of Enix, people would be anticipating Enix-Square's release of DW8 and ignoring FF12 instead of the other way around, you have to think about what games were released in the US, and which in Europe, and then it'll make more sense what became popular. quietkane: Well, actually, Lufia is in this game. And I'm not talking about you know what. Lufia is actually what makes the ending one of the best ever. Oh, and Netscape vs Firefox shouldn't matter, they both use the same Mozilla code base. Don't beat Gades, don't slow down for text. qproger: Hate to say it, but if you've played at least 4 times, you should realize that Dekar lives! "I've forgotten how to miss!" How could you forget this? It's only, just about the best line ever. ;) Kyrsimys: Hate to say it, but if Lufia 2 is your favorite game ever, you should realize that later in the game, this game is ridiculously easy even at low levels. The game hits its difficulty climax at Idura, and after the 2 Lions, there's really nowhere else you could lose on. I forgive the game somewhat plotwise, because given Lufia 1, the heros are supposed to be destined to smite down the Sinistrals. It has a nice feeling of inevitability to it, and there's always the Egg Dragon and Ancient Cave for a bit more challenge. But gameplay-wise, the ease of this game is its one glaring weakness. I guess they overcompensated from Lufia 1, where leveling was required. I'm glad people out there do realize the greatness of Lufia, however. You guys all rock in my book.
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Hey, I'm kinda new to making time attacks, and I was actually holding out until ZSNES got rerecording, so this is great news! I just have a question: how do you resume recording over sessions? Right now it just seems to overwrite. Being able to append would be wonderful, especially for long runs like the FF2 US I want to do. To make this easier, I think a good way to do this would be for a zmv to make a save state when it stops recording as well as when it starts. Then to support appending without having to watch the whole run again (and possibly having a little gap), ZSNES could just load the "tail" save state? This has other benefits as well; for example, to watch the ending of a game given a time attack, you could just load the tail. I think this would break backwards compatibility, so I guess this is a good time to say this. Nach and any others, thanks so much for the new zmv support and ZSNES in general. I know others might not fully appreciate this, but to me, this is the most exciting update since rewind, graphics packs, or kode's "new" sound engine. Keep up the good work!
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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AnotherGamer wrote:
I tried speedrunning this game for kicks once, and I beat it in a bit over an hour. Mind you, this was done from a clear save and all 3 characters leveled up to 30 via party exp from when each of them joins, so I don't know how much faster or slower it'd be to beat it as an actual speedrun with all characters starting from level 1 and no extra equipment or skills from previous playthroughs.
I think it's safe to say it'd be slower. ;) But seriously, for anyone who's still reading this, would you rather see a new game or a clear game? While planning a new game run would be more interesting, I think because of the length and all, it wouldn't be as interesting to watch. So given a clear game, should party XP be allowed? I actually don't know where I stand on this.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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Cazlab wrote:
I just checked all the Snes movies and I noticed that Super Contra/Probotector wasn't submitted? Has anyone thought of making this game? It's one of my favourites..
Try Contra 3.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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BoltR wrote:
If you watched it you would notice that it was an honest attempt at going through the dungeon as fast as possible. Not all runs are done with the intention of being published. I think Chrono Trigger was an example of this at one point? I might be thinking of the wrong one, or I might be thinking in the past.
Oh OK, well if anyone's wondering it takes 5 minutes since I've done it before.
BoltR wrote:
As for Ogre Battle, Phil already has a WIP of it in his WIP thread :)
This news rocks my world. Thanks man.
ArcadicGamer wrote:
This is a joke and you mean TO:LUCT right? After all, they're very similar games, made by the same people.
ArcadicGamer wrote:
Any Front Mission (god i love that series, haven't played 2 yet)
You're doing a bad job at keeping a straight face.
ArcadicGamer wrote:
Chrono Trigger (a new game plus run might be more entertaining, going through most the important storyline.)
You so funny!! Such the joker! =/
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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BoltR wrote:
Ok here is a video of the Lufia II Ancient Dungeon! Playing on Gift mode, and it's a quarter way through the dungeon! It sure is entertaining so far! Oh wait...
Eh, I didn't bother to even look at this; you've proven your point. That point being, it doesn't matter what I think about this, there will be people like you who will vote "No" (probably enough to reject it), and I certainly wouldn't be doing this for my own pleasure... As a side note, what would you think of Ogre Battle? Doing a speedrun getting a crappy ending, each level would just be High Sky'ing over to the Boss and winning with an uber-buff unit. Or TRPGs like Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem, Bahamut Lagoon, or (god forbid) Front Mission? Each fight would be luck manipulation making all your attacks hit and the opponents miss and such. The problem with non-action RPGs and luck manipulation is that the manipulation seems to make them inherently boring, what do you think? And who's to say action-based tool-assisted runs are actually any more logistically interesting, just with the added eye candy of more visually stimulating movement? It seems that the only interesting factors in tool-assisted speedruns boil down to route planning and glitch exploitation. Someone try to convince me otherwise; I keep an open mind.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
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