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Experienced Forum User
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Looks great! Thanks for posting.
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3.6 is finally out? holy heck
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Wow, really great stuff! Really surprised me.
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Very nice progress!
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Redditors are dumb as bricks. Good show this season.
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Looking great! Keep up the good work.
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A rocket jump off a nearly off-screen lost soul in E4M3? daaaaang
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sorry if this isn't the right time to say it but goddammit we have to take some sort of responsibility for each other's well-being if we're going to be any sort of community. this isn't the first time I've felt helpless and like an idiot and a shitty person for not doing more to help a friend before they committed suicide, and I imagine the feeling might be common right now. it's a terrible mix of anger and guilt and helplessness. it felt as if my world had fallen apart when one of my best friends killed himself last year but the only way I could have gotten through it was with the help of friends, other people to mourn his passing and celebrate his life with. this is who we need right now, and this is whom we need to be for each other. I realize most of you probably did not sign up for thinking it'd be a pillar of emotional support for a time of crisis, but what's the point of having a community if we let ourselves fall apart with silent abandon? I'll be on irc probably most of the day if someone's itching for someone to talk to.
Experienced Forum User
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Something to consider for when there are more submissions of PWAD's later down the line: perhaps subcategorize Doom runs by which IWAD (doom.wad, doom2.wad, plutonia.wad, or tnt.wad) it uses. There are plenty of source ports that produce vanilla-compatible demos across many hardware and software platforms—basically as if Doom were its own platform with many emulators that could reliably produce console-verified input files. The IWAD has the vital guts that you're supposed to pay for. Other things to consider: pretty much all demos submitted here will be at complevel 1.9, but there are some PWAD's that only work with older versions of the engine. Are those older versions to be handled separately if Doom gets its own section? If you want tru dos authenticity, do you have to use an older version of the engine?
Experienced Forum User
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Also, as a note: that kind of OoB in Doom is called a glide. The one in this run is actually done by most non-TAS runners in E2 or doom1 runs, but certainly not that fast. Lining up with the exit switch OoB is notoriously tricky.
Experienced Forum User
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Nightmare is treated by the Doom community (and supposedly internally within iD) as more of a novelty or joke-difficulty, with Ultra-Violence typically being the standard "hardest difficulty". Hence how all the competition is in UV-speed or UV-max, with many pwad's having more competition in novelties like UV-Tyson than NM-speed. A Nightmare TAS would be very cool, but it's a very different game when all the monsters are -fast.
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I'm fairly sure that's a screenshot from a tool called "Utility of Time".
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Great run and commentary! Definite yes vote.
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Yeah, that was nuts. I've seen some RTA runs of this game that wasn't what I expected at all! Great job.
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is it the singularity yet?
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bottle with blue potion in deku tree: light arrows in deku tree: pretty exciting stuff! seeds crash on some consoles, nuts crash on others. every category is a real mess. zfg is also testing atm
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Good luck with the tas, Cronikeys! It looks like you've amassed quite a fortune of knowledge about the game and I don't think anyone else could quite do it justice :)
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Getting chus faster than not getting chus in any%? seems unlikely. Getting chus in categories where you get well chus? yes
Experienced Forum User
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Great TAS! I look forward to seeing where that category is going. I love arbitrary categories—you get to see so many of the little seldom-seen exploits and fresh, innovative routing.
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Is that in general or just from available HISS sources? Pokey claims to have hessed past Mido before.
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A couple characters are changed quite a bit between J and U (namely Link getting nerfed).
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go back to bed, keeta
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You want to delve into that a little more, m8? It sounds flashy and important.
Experienced Forum User
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This looks to be coming together fantastically. Wonderful work, dwangoAC.
Experienced Forum User
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Haha, that's amazing.
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