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Run it off a DVD then?
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Is there really a level called Riot Brrrrr? because that's the most arcane pun I've ever seen in a video game.
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So make a save file with ghosts that use zippers and send it to Aleckermit who can presumably load that save onto his N64 flashcart and try it on console. I doubt they'll desync.
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Everything in the current console any% route is possible on N64. The Ganonless route was different because it required using a Deku Stick on B, which runs on VC/GC due to an emulation bug but crashes on N64.
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How do you intend to get a stick in the first place? How will you kill a deku baba with no sword?
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It's hard for the TAS to have cool tricks not seen in the console run when TASers and console runners work so closely together on the game and use practically the same route. Most games don't have nearly as much of a community as OoT, so new information spreads quickly and easily with the Zelda kids compared to most games.
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Yes vote for obvious reasons.
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Clever problem solving is my absolute favorite TAS process/result and minimum presses is a pretty reliable source of unintuitive solutions. I'm a sucker for this type of run. Yes vote.
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jlun2 wrote:
rog was joking? He sounded legit. Anyway, there should be a rule preventing people from submitting runs like this in the future, regardless if it was a joke or not.
I'm p. sure there is already a "don't cheat" rule.
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Bomb-omb is the new Gannon. fun fact: I tried to do one push-up for every input in the run as they happened but I gave up around 1-3. Oh well.
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Truly the greatest April Fools joke of them all.
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Well, to be fair, the latter two hours are probably more entertaining than the intro cutscene.
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I'd give this a 0.1 in entertainment; watching this TAS reminded me of several unpleasant childhood memories. I found this situation to be highly unentertaining. This applies to the run itself, as there are no sections in it that do not remind me of those unpleasant childhood memories.
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4-player control and all that luck manip... you're in for a good fight. Best of luck.
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Plus the theories of Freud have all been discredited by modern psychologists anyway.
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I'm confused about what you're arguing. I'm claiming the concept of the friend zone is misogynistic because it revolves around men feeling let down because their sense of entitlement over women. The friend zone is based on the idea that women are investments that you put time into in exchange for dividends (sex). This is demeaning, objectifying, and misogynistic. Please tell me what about this you have a problem with, if you can separate your hands from face long enough to type out a response. I would also appreciate it if you answer my question directly without any bizarre attacks on my character.
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I told myself I wouldn't post again because some of the shit posted is literally too ridiculous to even argue with, but I think part of the problem is that you're seeing sex as a conquest. You have a very warped view of women if it's your goal to "conquer those legs and spread them wide open." Again, maybe the reason women don't go for you is because you creep them out with such a cavalier attitude? And in response to "hurr durr I read misogynistic literature so I know more about gender equality than you do", are you familiar with a "false sense of objectivity", particularly the parts about feeling the need to give equal weight to both sides when one is clearly truthful and the other is false (usually applies to discussions of evolution v. creationism or climate science).
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Red Scare 2.0
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Please tell me where I said I was a cultural Marxist. I have been trying very hard to be civil and you are just trying to discredit me with entirely irrelevant arguments. It is very disheartening.
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Certainly. I advise you to read the The Global Gender Gap Report 2011 by The World Economic Forum and tell me there is no discrimination against women in modern Western countries. Women earn less than men at every education level, even women CFOs get paid 16% less. Women are given far more severe prison sentences for spousal homicide than men. Women aren't allowed in military combat because they are perceived as being too emotionally fragile, physically weak, distracting to men, or something equally baseless and ridiculous. Women have their reproductive rights consistently challenged by men and are charged more for healthcare than men. Women are perceived as too stupid to make decisions about their own healthcare and must have men decide what is right for them. 1 in 6 college-age women are victims of attempted or successful sexual assault. More than two-thirds of rapes are unreported because our culture shames women for being assaulted and tries to tell them it is their fault because they're such darn slutty sluts. And culturally speaking, there's the whole slut/prude dichotomy where women are not allowed to be their own sexual beings. I'm sorry if you object to "patriarchy". Would you prefer the somewhat more accurate "kyriarchy"? Patriarchal systems are universally accepted as omnipresent in nearly all cultures, so I'm not sure what you're on about. Women occupy less than 20% of national-level governmental offices worldwide.
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While men may face discrimination on the basis of their sex from time to time, there is no institutionalized discrimination against men. Men certainly should not be overlooked, but they are not the focus. It's akin to trying to eradicate poverty: while there may be some poverty in, I dunno, Sweden, it would be silly to focus all of your efforts on Sweden as opposed to countries with widespread poverty. We would not ignore Sweden, but be aware of its relative financial stability relative to other nations'. The patriarchy negatively affects men, but it does not oppress them. The patriarchy may cause men to feel inadequate about their body image (it tells us we all must be chiseled and muscular), but its affects on women are far, far worse. Feminists want maximal inclusion. It is very much appreciated when men help out, as I encourage you all to do.
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While I would very much like to be militant about this, I know that does not convince anyone and only further stigmatizes feminism. So without being confrontational or accusatory, I would like to implore everyone to be more aware of how your actions and attitudes might make women feel uncomfortable or unworthy and try to avoid these actions. That's it. Peace.
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That's true. Misogynists do think different from me. So do rapists and racists and quite a lot of other people who are objectively in the wrong.
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Dada wrote:
Everyone should be a feminist. Not just women. If you're a man and have a girlfriend or wife, and you're not a feminist, you have some explaining to do as to why you don't support gender equality, which is precisely what feminism is about.
This. I don't know why "feminist" is treated like a dirty word. If you believe in equality, you are a feminist. Deal with it.
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I can only speak for women in the United States, I suppose. But there is plenty of oppression; the wage gap, rape culture, domestic violence, the brunt of sex-negativism, transphobia, etc. If you don't see oppression, you aren't looking very hard.
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