Posts for EscapePlan9

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I cannot even tell you how many times my friend and I have burst out laughing after some rounds in SSF2. Like I remember we had a Vega (claws) vs Chun-Li round where all we did was try to tick-throw each other. And we always laugh whenever someone actually gets hit by that awful tiger knee. I just played Food Fight (after a few minutes of setting up MESS to work properly) and that looks like it'll be fun when high (or drunk). What's Root Beer Tapper? I also don't know anything about Yuu Yuu Hakusho. edit: I found a Shockwave version of Root Beer Tapper. Apparently it used to be an arcade game found in many bars. So far I'm terrible at it, dying at level two. But it looks like it'll be fun "in that mode".
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I've never heard of that Food Fight game, but I definitely want to check that one out. edit: That MESS emulator sure is a mess to setup. Egh.
Post subject: Which games are best when "not sober"?
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I hope this topic is appropriate. Lately whenever my neighbor and I get high we end up playing old-school NES games and some SNES and Sega Genesis games too sometimes. Which games should we definitely play? Here's our current favorites: NES ----- Bubble Bobble (the music is really trippy) Antarctic Adventure Super Dodgeball Yo! Noid M.C. Kids Excitebike (we love the victory music) Karnov Mike Tyson's Punchout SNES ------ Donkey Kong Country Super Street Fighter 2 (our fav) Super Punch Out SEGA ------- Altered Beast Sonic (series) Golden Axe What other games are really fun to play while high? Or if you prefer, when drunk?
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I agree with the "no" voters. I love this game, it's one of my favorite RPGs, but this simply wasn't fun to watch. Fuzi did a great run of this game and excellent luck manipulation but I just couldn't stay interested.
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I'm going to have to disagree here... the run was done well, it's just a very repetitive game. I watched the first few rooms, then just fast-forwarded to the bosses. This movie didn't entertain me much.
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Thanks for the feedback. A brief update on what's going on here... I think it's fair to say this project is going to be heavily delayed. New Mojave is so similar to Bogmire, and I think I've shown the majority of tricks you can pull off with the Marauder in these levels. At least in NHO and Inferno there's a couple new tricks to use. Lately I've been balancing concentrating on my grades (I need to pick it up in a couple classes) and socializing. And my free time is often spent doing more enjoyable things than re-records on New Mojave.
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I am very proud to report that Bogmire division A is now complete. Some interesting things to look for... on one track I get a lapping bonus again. On another I take what would be a major shortcut with a jump-jet, but the game counts the shortcut as cheating, so you have to backtrack. I had such a lead on the opposition that I was able to take the "shortcut", backtrack, and still pull off a first. As usual I tried to keep the races as entertaining and varied as possible. It's tough! My run up to now: Save-state (slot 3) right before Bogmire's Division A Length: 1:03:34 Re-records: 5775
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That Swing 'n a Miss one was hilarious! Nicely done!
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It's been another week... and I finished another track or two. This project is slowly yet surely getting done, and this time I'm being more careful so I don't have these major setbacks.
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Before this TAS is even finished, I am voting it as the most entertaining run done yet. Keep up the great work FODA, I'm really looking forward to seeing this!
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I thought only one of them were required. The one where after you kill them your group mentions to be careful about their eggs sticking on you.
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I've often wondered what it is about highly technical and complicated pieces I enjoy, such as Aphex Twin and Dillinger Escape Plan, and I never could put my finger on the answer. I've hypothesized it's something about how the chaotic music has an underlying somewhat hidden structure, kind of like the life I am familiar with.
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All those fights he fights are required battles (believe it or not). There's small story scenes which occur after each of them.
I understand the initial few battles are required (and not random encounters anyway), but on the way to Mt. Metox, fuzi has a few random encounters. Usually fuzi runs from the random encounters, but occasionally he decided to kill the enemies. I was curious his criteria for running from enemies versus eliminating the enemies if he's going to have random encounters.
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Wow, so many metal fans here. AWESOME! haha :D As some would guess from my name alone, my favorite band by far is Dillinger Escape Plan. It's not even so much their music, but what's behind their music. The amount of music technicalities, off-beat rhythms, changing key signatures, sudden tempo increases and decreases, and just plain ol' innovation all are part of Dillinger's music. I'm into a decent variety of "loud rock" music in general, such as punk, metal, and hardcore (some poppy versions of each too). Some examples: Propagandhi, Anti-Flag, Green Day, Deftones, Lamb of God, Glassjaw, Hopesfall, Horse The Band, Mindless Self Indulgence, Meshuggah, Hatebreed, Unearth, Sikth, Norma Jean, Nothingface, Pantera, Story of The Year. I'm also into IDM music. The intelligent part of the music is the complicated nature of the songs. Compare this to your typical dance beat and you'll see the difference. My fav IDM groups: Aphex Twin and Squarepusher. Some other musically relevant notes: I'm part of my campus' radio station and play a mostly "loud rock" show. I play guitar regularly and used to be in a couple bands.
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Looks good so far. I like how you've optimized the battles by switching between characters rapidly. I always hated when the AI would just stand there while I did all the attacking, or when the AI would waste their MP on terrible spells and techs for the situation. One question though: What makes you determine when you will run from a random encounter or not? Are you basing it on how quickly you can kill the enemies? The amount of experience you receive? A combination of those?
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One place you can upload is here: I very much look forward to seeing your WIPs on this run!
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Although you ran through this game really well in terms of speed, I found it difficult to remain entertained. The game itself is too repetitive. I'm going to have to vote 'meh' - good run, but the game itself was too repetitive.
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JXQ: Ah, didn't know there was a way to fix this problem. Thanks for the help, I'll keep it in mind if I make a big mistake like that again. For now, I'm just continuing the run from my latest backup movie (that I am now backing up more regularly).
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Oddly enough, this setback has actually inspired me to finish Bogmire quicker. The past few days I've continued the run and I've now finished the first three tracks of Division A. Through some combination of becoming more proficient at TARs, having more experience with the the tracks, and the frustration with having to re-do this, I've been able to complete tracks about 10 minutes faster than usual (all the while ensuring each track meets my standards for entertainment). In my now extinct run, I had some particularly spectacular moments that I hope to be able to reproduce again. In one of them I got a lapping bonus, which is extremely difficult to acquire in Division A of Bogmire. It took me a few hundred re-records for that to work out right. It'll be tough, but I'll try again to acquire a lapping bonus. I also used a new way of harassing and insulting my opposition. Wart would be slightly ahead of me and about to make a few consecutive turns before heading over a ramp on the upper-level. What I would do is jump-jet onto the upper-level (going the wrong-way temporarily), charge at him full force, fire a fury of missiles, then quickly spin around 180 and pass his destroyed car.
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Like most of you, I reconfigure a lot of the hotkeys for recording movies. This if my layout: q = save state 0 (used for non-read only) w = load state 0 t = save state 1 (used for read only) y = load state 1 pause = pause emulation I know I don't need to use separate states for read-only and non-read only, but I use it as a precautionary measure so I don't accidentally save over the wrong state. That's also the reason I don't use the ER keys, they're too easy to accidentally hit. So here's what I ended up doing: Was about to re-record a certain part, so I replayed in read-only, loaded the most recent state (in slot 1) and saved before I wanted to make the change. I now replay the movie and hit pause - q - w - pause. Then I suddenly realize I forgot to load the state first! The intro starts playing and there you have it... the 6 tracks I finished in division A were GONE! When I attempt to load the movie save-states back it tells me I am unable to, and the run becomes 159 frames long.
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AGHHH!!! I've learned a valuable lesson today. Make backups of your movie after you finish vital areas. I accidentally played the movie and then hit save-record before loading the save-state. Now I really am uninspired to complete this run! My run now reads that it is 159 frames long, so I have to go back to the last run that I uploaded, which was up to the start of Division A, I believe. This complication just set me back another 3-4 hours.
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Watching someone beat the snot out of this game could very well be interesting, especially if variety (no one said you had to use the same shortcuts every single time) is shown.
But if you're going for speed, you should be using the fastest route possible on every lap. Like you said "speed OR entertainment" (although I disagree with the dichotomy myself). If you're going for entertainment, there's no need to completely demolish the competition on every lap and every track. Like others have said, it's tough to judge runs done for entertainment since it's such a subjective matter. Although you (and many others) consider beating this game as fast as possible would be more entertaining, many others disagree.
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haha yeah I thought he meant Zoop too.
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I didn't even have to d/l the older version of SNES9x for this to work. Great run overall, but there were a few possible improvements. 1) Figuring out something else to do other than "twitching" during idling times. 2) The battle against the phantom looks like it could be done quicker and while taking less damage. 3) I forget which boss, perhaps phantom, but it looks like you missed a shot.
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So in other words, your problem with the run is not that it could be easily reproduced without tools (which isn't true), but rather it's not your type of run. This run contains art and inhuman feats from tool-assists. It also contains speed and drama (comebacks, etc) on certain laps. This run has a wide variety of appealing factors, more so than the videos MF linked. Once you do one lap the fastest possible, there's nothing special about repeating the fastest route on the other laps, it's just the same thing. You take the same shortcuts and turns the same way while grabbing the best powerups for the situation. That's why I think the main focus should be on entertainment instead of speed for this game. Obviously some people disagree.