Posts for FerretFaucet

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I love it, but you should have used the (U) version. I'm afraid I'm forced to vote no.
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These are some subpixel optimizations I can get behind.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Voting no for unoptimizedness.
Yeah, this could be optimized. The subpixels are all wrong. Voting no. Keep up with it though.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
It autodetects the PAR? :D
Through a bit of hackery, indeed it does!
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Well, I figure after nearly 40 hours of no sleep, now would be the perfect time for a sneak peak of what I've been cooking up. [URL=][/URL] After several rewrites, I seem to have a solid code base. There are still a lot of kinks to work out, but I figured I might as tell you what IS working:
  • Fully queued encoding with logging. If an encode fails for any reason but lack of disk space, it moves on to the next encode in your queue with a big friendly error message for you.
  • Fully configurable settings when it comes to encoding software. Program locations, encode settings, the full shebang. (Well... only if you're handy with INI files at the moment, but that'll improve.)
  • No past encode settings of yours will be lost again; all the parameters necessary to reconstitute your AVS file will be waiting for you, and ready to encode again at the click of a button.
  • Easily organizes your encode collection after every encode you do. It can automatically move the files to personalized locations based on the filename and other factors.
So that's the good news. It works. Now for the not so great stuff. There's still a hell of a lot of work to do. I've gotten most of the major features I wanted in there; queuing, automatic PAR detection, automated AVS generation and the sort, but it's far from complete. I certainly need to fix a few things (Such as UI windows being accessible to a non-coder) before I'm going to release an alpha to the community at large. What I'm looking for from you guys are feature requests, UI recommendations (I know mine is horrendous right now; I use it for debugging), criticisms, and anything else you can think of. Thanks guys! Edit: Removed the oversized picture with a linked thumb nail. Second edit: By the way, not an april fools joke. Also, if you're wondering why the percentage in the 512 encode stopped at 12% and continued later, it uses an algorithm to determine if it has enough time to rip and transcode the audio files before the first video encode is done. It continues encoding, it just cuts off on the display.
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Echoing others, the game choice is a meh, but I really like the execution. Yes from me.
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Gotcha an SD encode, working this time! Thanks for the heads up Epic.
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Never played the game, but I likes it. Yes vote from me.
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Dear Brushy, What are your views on nuclear disarmament?
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Brushy wrote:
I'm with JXQ here. Encouragement is better than ridicule in almost every case. So please people, try to practice it a bit more here.
You're right. Great job sirstarmagic. Yes vote from me.
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Claiming SD. I can do the HD encode, but someone else will have to put it on youtube.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
It was a sound channel error. Re encoding.
Feel free to jump on IRC if you have any problems or need help.
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And I'm back in the world of the living! The script is now capable of fully encoding a 512, SD, and HD video with a single click, moving all the files to a subfolder, and performing subsequent cleanup with only a configuration file. I'm currently working on automatic PAR detection and queuing.
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Working on the HD.
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Ignore my HD. I thought youtube lifted my 15 minute limit, but they haven't. Sorry fellas.
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Sorry, gone for a few days. Uploading now. Edit: Well, I have an SD going, but feel free to upload it if you like. For some reason people don't like this run.
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Doing HD encode now. Someone else will have to do the SD. Edit: I thought it was pretty entertaining. Yes vote from me.
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Hey guys, got an HD encode for you. Would have had it a lot sooner, but I'm out of town and only have a laptop that occasionally has internet. I have an SD and a 512 prepared for when I get back from this shit. Without further ado:
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Hey guys, let's argue about shit that doesn't matter!
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And the SD encode.
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Here's the HD. I'm working out some kinks in the SD.
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HD & SD Encodes forthcoming. Edit: This game has a ridiculous resolution. Escher couldn't have come up with this.