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Post subject: Re: #4420: TehBerral's GB Last Action Hero in 11:31.26
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This is a movie of a game based on a movie about movies. Neat.
Nifty. Now we just need a game made out of that. Well that was a pretty good movie IMO. I mean the movie of the video game of the movie about movies. The movie itself, IIRC, constantly lampshaded various action movie tropes. I guess that's to be expected, though.
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solarplex wrote:
Temp Encode
Thanks. It wasn't playing on BizHawk for me. It looks like this video sets out what it means to do in as little time as possible, but as I've never played the game myself, there wasn't much I could take away from this other than obvious high speed and luck manipulation. So I meh'd it (that's the correct vote for my assessment, right?).
DrJones wrote:
I prefer the second one.
I agree.
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Finally home from work, so now I can discuss this: I'm new to making these videos, so I decided to use this short game for practice. hegyak said I should probably come to this thread to discuss it, so here I am. So, I'm not exactly sure what to say or ask, but...well, while I think the movie looks fairly good, I'm sure it can be done better. The Styx Zone in particular bugs me: I tried several times, but two of those jet-like enemies still managed to NOT get asploded. Should I find a way to asplode them anyway, or would it be better to make it look like I completely disregard them, or what? Also, any idea how the RNG works? From the little testing I've done, it looks like it can be advanced by starting the game on a different frame, but starting the game on any frame other than the first frame locks the game into a demo state for over 200 seconds, which would seem to completely negate any benefit from luck manipulation from the machine turn-on. Perhaps luck can also be manipulated by a level on a different frame? Should I also make an effort to do the second tunnel as well? The order of the phases is different and the game scrolls faster, but effectively it's all precisely the same material, leaving me to wonder if anyone would even find that entertaining. I also refused to touch any of those energy pod dealies, as missiles fly far faster than the ship does, thus making shooting the preferred option for destroying enemies over turning one's ship into a rave and blasting Vultan's theme at a volume level of 11. I'm really new to all of this and I would greatly appreciate any advice or insight anyone is willing to offer me. Thanks. EDIT: I began playing around with the RAM watch. I found the score addresses at 0x17, 0x18, and 0x19 (didn't bother to check 0x1A). I then poked them a bit and found that they had no bearing on whether or not the player progresses to the next round. On a hunch, I began looking for values that decreased. I found one at 0x35 that decreases each time you score a kill. With the exception of the "boss," the game appears to allow you to move on to the next phase under the following conditions:
    1: 0x35 must be greater than 127 (this also halts enemy respawns) 2: The screen must be clear of all enemies and pods
I also discovered that 0x16 counts every frame less lag frames. I tried freezing the address, and the screen pretty much stopped scrolling, energy completely stopped depleting, and enemies completely stopped spawning. From my observations, it appears the player is allowed to move any time this address is even, and the playfield scrolls by one tile in the first tunnel any time the address is equal to (a multiple of 8) + 1. I'm starting to research enemy respawns. As progress through the game hinges entirely on killing enemies, understanding the rules that dictate when they respawn is crucial to an efficient TAS of this game. EDIT 2: They spawn in waves roughly once every 64 frames. With this new information I've found, I feel confident that I can redo this TAS and make it better. I'm already seeing a gain of at least two seconds in the Mountain Zone.
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So I thought about my options with Atari games. I wanted it to be a game I knew reasonably well, a game that wouldn't require heavy luck manipulation, and one that was fairly short (I've had a history of biting off more than I can chew when I start a new form of art, and I didn't really want to repeat that mistake). I eventually wound up TASing the first tunnel of Vanguard, mainly because I thought the second tunnel may have been developed by TOSE's department of redundancy department. I had actually wanted to avoid touching that game for a while due to a recent submission of the game getting rejected, but there were very few games that met all the above conditions I listed that were also being emulated properly by BizHawk. Would it be more appropriate to discuss a 10110-frame 604 rerecord movie performed by someone who only used savestates within the space of a single day here in the newbie thread or in the Vanguard thread on the Atari forum?
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Well, I meant like for the future, if I find more Atari ROMs that BizHawk doesn't emulate properly. Would it be easier if the reports were in this thread, in the BizHawk forum, or in game-specific threads on the Atari forum? Sounds like you have a lot of irons in the fire, so I'll just keep moving from game to game, looking for one that emulates properly so I can get some good practice in. I'll return to the previous games later when BizHawk sees an update that improves their situations. Thanks for the feedback; I'll check back here later today to see in which thread you'd like reports of incorrectly-emulating ROMs to be submitted.
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Okay, no biggie. I'll just have to find a game that works properly in the interim. If I find weird stuff like this again, where should I report it?
Post subject: Thought I'd try my hand at TASing
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I thought I'd start small, and figured nothing could be smaller than an Atari game. I immediately began running into issues with how Bizhawk emulates the Atari games I chose (I'm using 1.7.4): I started first with Yars' Revenge, figuring I'd just reach the Easter Egg as fast as possible. I almost immediately abandoned that notion when I discovered glitched force field tiles just hanging out in the neutral zone like they'd always belonged. The Yar was able to fly through them from right to left, but not from left to right. It was also not able to eat or destroy them directly, though they did vanish when other force field tiles were destroyed. I tested this again with a ROM from a different location, as well as a different emulator. The result was the same regardless of which ROM I used, yet Stella and RetroArch both emulated the game properly. Sadly, they don't appear to have movie-recording abilities. I then moved on to Dragonfire. Things were going well, until I decided to take a break and just play the game in real time. It was then that I discovered that, while in a treasure room, the hero teleported directly to the entrance and hid behind the door if he ran to the right in certain locations. While it's possible to hide behind the entrance door in real-time, teleporting is not possible. Once again, I tried the ROM in RetroArch, and it emulated properly, albeit a bit fuzzy graphically. Apart from not using Bizhawk 1.8.0 (the changelog makes no mention of any changes to Atari emulation), am I doing something wrong?
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jlun2 wrote:
Yes vote. Last submission you mentioned the 2 stage -> max score was possible, but a lot harder with the highest difficulty. Now I'm curious on whether this is achievable on the hardest difficulty lol
On higher difficulties, the enemies would probably attack the player fairly frequently. You seen the crazy blocks Mickey sent Pete's way? Imagine what the author would have to do if Mickey had to deal with those instead.
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Can I vote Yes twice please?
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Well, the movie itself was kinda meh, but it was a fast meh, so I say yay.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Edit 3: If no one believes me about how un-optimal it is here's the first zone: Link to video
Holy crap, he missed an E! That shouldn't happen in a TAS.
adelikat wrote:
Ford wrote:
...a26? I've never seen an Atari 2600 ROM that had an extension other than .bin. Suffice to say, I cannot view this movie with Bizhawk and my ROM. Help?
Just rename your .bin to .a26 However, all that does it avoid you having to pick the core in the Core picker dialog when you open the .bin. Either extension should allow you to play the movie
Thanks, I'll give that a shot. 'n if that doesn't work, I'll start hunting for a PAL version. ...though Bizhawk didn't ask me what core to use when I loaded the ROM. EDIT: turns out I didn't just have the wrong version of the ROM; I also needed to update BizHawk. The good news is that I finally got to see the movie! The bad news is that I recommend against this movie. Far too many mistakes were made in it. It's weird. I first played this game nearly 30 years ago, and not once did I realize that the trigger to move from one section to another was the score. In light of this revelation, I question the worth of hitting the E at all unless fuel is running low or you need to clip through the terrain, which is legitimately doable after getting the E. After all, your score from enemies is the same regardless, and your shots fly faster than you do.
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...a26? I've never seen an Atari 2600 ROM that had an extension other than .bin. Suffice to say, I cannot view this movie with Bizhawk and my ROM. Help?
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Not much variety, though I don't really think that's the author's fault.
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
Ford wrote:
I didn't watch the entire movie, so it wouldn't be fair for me to vote yes or no on this. I did, however, want to ask a question: why do I see movies of this game where the author completes a stage in thirty seconds or less? Wouldn't it be faster to complete the state in just barely over thirty seconds so that less time gets eaten up after the level while the game tallies the bonus points?
This has been discussed before I believe. It's commonly believed that the in-game time should take priority over RTA, since one can just wait at the end of levels or go slower routes to reduce time bonuses or coin bonuses, for example.
Ah, okay. I wasn't present for that discussion, and honestly I don't visit these forums much at all except when a new TAS comes up and I want to comment on it. Thanks for filling me in on that!
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I didn't watch the entire movie, so it wouldn't be fair for me to vote yes or no on this. I did, however, want to ask a question: why do I see movies of this game where the author completes a stage in thirty seconds or less? Wouldn't it be faster to complete the state in just barely over thirty seconds so that less time gets eaten up after the level while the game tallies the bonus points?
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Well, I didn't know about the other run that was done on this game. Since it doesn't appear to be published, though, I'd actually be for this one, and perhaps it can be improved upon later. (Couldn't you have jumped off at least one ledge instead of just falling off in Stimpy's Invention to save some time?) But yeah, I'm thinkin' yes to this one and later down the line make an improved movie.
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I guess this TAS does what it sets out to do. It's just not a very interesting game. No method of TASing this could fix that. On an unrelated note, I love your avatar, Andypanther.
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This would be interesting to me if he didn't come to full stops so often.
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The absolute best thing about this TAS:
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How appropriate that someone named "Flip" would make a run of this game. Man, I have NEVER been able to complete this game. And now, thanks to you, I never need to. I like that you managed to skip the victory fist pump G. I. Ant normally does after successfully completing a level, but more than that, I like how you managed to insert bits of silliness where you would have otherwise had to wait for the solution to finish itself.
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PJ wrote:
Sorry for my silence! I was away when this was submitted. This glitch is incredibly finicky and honestly any run that even triggers the game end glitch is worth accepting. There are definitely some sub-optimal moments in the TAS but it is far from sloppy. Our current knowledge is far too limited to create a truly optimal TAS anyways, because whenever we deviate from this exact route we are unable to cause the game end glitch. Therefore, I'm going to give it a "yes" vote, and hope that it encourages others to look into this glitch more. To piggyback on what Omnigamer said, I did encounter a game crash while opening a chest in Lake Cave. It looked graphically identical to other "crashes" that I noticed from the Ortah cutscene glitch, but I was never able to look into it more because it happened to me exactly once and on cartridge. It is very likely it was just a dirty cart or something and not an actual bug in the game. So yea, it is *possible* that the glitch can be done in other places, but it is pretty much impossible to test.
Wow, grats Khaz! I watched this late last night while I was half-asleep. I kept nodding off and dreamt of various other RPGs that had scenarios and settings LOOSELY related to what I was watching. (Watching RPGs tends to make me sleepy. I fell asleep while my friends were playing Skyrim and Ni No Kuni.) Overall, I enjoyed it. (If I hadn't enjoyed it, I would have shut it off and gone to bed.) In light of PJ's revelation, I now feel like I witnessed a rare treasure. I'm glad I kept waking myself up.
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To beat all four games using the same input is impressive enough, but to beat them within 10 seconds of each other is nothing short of fantastic! All my yes are belong to this!
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Not bad, though I kinda wish I knew what the deal was to this game.
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It was short and it was weird. I liked it!
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And Bowser's all, "What the crap, we didn't even fight yet!"
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