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Well, I'm done! Final time - 15:50.7 It was a lot of work, but well worth it, imo. Again, if it desyncs for you, try setting the player 1 controller to 3 buttons. I managed to decrease all boss fight times and I used the bombs way more efficiently. I think I managed to implement almost everything my brother did while at the same time trying to keep the video as close to perfection as possible. Granted, it's probably still not the most perfect video possible, but it should be VERY difficult to do better.
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I think the best way to determine the bittage for consoles is to actually pull up their technical specifications, yes? Unfortunately, I can't tell what people are using to determine the bittages. This page here: refers to the processor as being a 128 bit processor while Nintendo's official specs page: Doesn't say anything specifically about bittage. In fact, the only reference to 128 is the average access time. The PS2 does seem to be confirmably 128 bit: Hmmm...
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Finished through level 3 and it's still looking good. I'll come to my own decision tomorrow if I don't get a response, but right now I've got one bomb left and I'm wondering when I should use it. What are y'alls thoughts? These are the possibilities I see... Level 4 waterfall miniboss...using a bomb, I might be able to kill him before he turns red\goes invincible. Level 5 - Big Magnum Level - Doctor boss second form. If I get forced onto the ceiling then he might consume some time, although my brother is telling me right now that he didn't get forced onto the ceiling when he did his run. Hmmm... Level 5 - Big Magnum, final boss. The first and last modes might make it difficult to continuously or semi-continuously hit him. It might chop some time off to bomb him. Saying things like that, it does seem like the level 4 miniboss would be the best option. If y'all think otherwise, do speak up. :)
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Okay, perhaps you'll remember how on my computer my first Contra Hard Corp run didn't work, right? I've done some simple experimentation, and deleting the config file causes the file to play right. I've looked further into this. I'm fairly certain that if you set the player 1 controller as a 3-button controller, the first run will not work and contra10.gmv will. Likewise, if you set it as a 6-button controller, the first run works again and contra10.gmv fails. That alone seems to determine the watchability of my file.
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Got it. Thanks for the heads up. :) EDIT: Can everybody watch this video through level 2? It works fine on this computer and on my fastest computer, but not on our kitchen computer. Coincidently, the two computers that play it right play the old run wrong, and the computer that plays the old run right plays this one wrong. I think whatever caused the videos to permanently desync on this computer might mess up time attacks I make... :(
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Well, an update on the run my brother was doing...apparently, he finished today, but while he was watching the finished movie he accidently overwrote a small part of it. He didn't make backups, and he spent some time trying to fix what he had recorded over, but he failed. Giving up, he deleted his file. Well, that means that y'all won't be able to see his improved run any time soon, but I got to see him do the first three levels and I'm going to attempt to implement the improvements he did. I've already started work on my second time attack and it's coming along VERY well. He had done the first level roughly 7-8 seconds faster than my above run. My new first level is 13.5 seconds faster than my above run. Anywho, here's that play through the first level.
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Anyways, it's not so important right now since the video is desynced\incomplete anyways. Looks like I managed to convince my little brother to try. He took my suggestion and is trying most of the improvements I suggested above. His run should be a lot better since he's finished with level 2 and is already 72 seconds faster. :)
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I suppose that if I have a bug report I should report it here, yes? In the process of re-recording, some of my videos became corrupted from the beginning. At this point, I am certain that what's going on is a Quick Load is causing the frame data to be written to the front of the file. I suspect this because, using backups, I was able to restore the file and append that "corrupted" data from the front of the file to the end and recover the work I had just lost. This happened twice in Contra Hard Corp roughly 18 minutes into the game. It might have happened a third time when I played through just for fun before I was working on my time attack. Hopefully, if you're planning on trying to fix this problem, I've given enough information. I still have the backups and the glued-together versions, if you need those.
Post subject: Contra Hard Corp
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Well, I guess I just completed a time attack for this game, although there are many improvements to make on it. I'm not sure when I'll work on version two, though. Gah, the emulator suddenly decided to desync on me while I was typing this, despite playing the file right half a dozen times, playing through the part it desyncs at well over 50 times, and desyncing in all previous versions at that exact part. If it plays right for you, that's great. Contra Hard Corp in 20:05.1 I believe Browny is the optimal character to play as since he can jump higher than the others, apparently can slide farther (? I just read this off a gamefaqs FAQ, although I've never noticed it), and his C weapon is very efficient at killing almost everything incredibly fast. As for the path, well, I chose this path because I wasn't looking to end the time attack with the secret ending and because when I started this path seemed to be the fastest, but recently I've had doubts. Of the four normal endings, the two where you kill Deadeye Joe each have a level with a fixed scrolling rate, so I decided to avoid those and go for another. In retrospect, I think that was hasty. If you kill Deadeye Joe and surrender, you're already on the last level and there are only two bosses. Compare that with the path I did choose: after you surrender there are two levels containing four bosses. Those of you who watch it may notice that I spend a lot of time sliding and may wonder if this actually is faster. My measurements indicate that this is so. In the research center, when you finish climbing, two weapon capsules come on-screen. For the one on the left, you'll (hopefully) notice in my run that when the screen centers on the boss room, the capsule is completely off the left side of the screen. Simply walking causes it to be almost in the middle of the screen. There are numerous small improvements that could be made on the run I did make. For example, the sliding in the first level could definately be improved with what I've learned in later levels (sliding off cars = fast). I've learned a lot about properly using the C weapon as well as shooting at enemies better while dodging. I could climb the wall in the Research Center faster by jumping. Some boss fights could be better improved. The bombs could most likely be used better. Whenever I work on another version, I plan on taking all of these into account and working on making the video look more "professional." Now that all of that is said, any comments\suggestions? :)
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The speed runs for this game are actually quite amazing. I never thought it would be possible to beat the game in an hour and a half getting every item. As for the first question, the page you're looking for on Metroid 2002 is more specifically: But you'll want to be familiar with Dash Jumping: I also thought there was a page which discussed how to get it with a triple bomb jump, but I can't find that. :(
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Yup, I watched the whole thing. I wouldn't have noticed the water thingy in level 1 nor the shortcut in level 2 had my brother not pointed it out. I still have a few days left on my Camtasia trial version so let me try and give demonstrations for all my suggestions (although I think you'll only really need the second example). The shortcut is in the green room. When you come out of the door that's the path to level 3 and you shoot the blocks, you can go up a "floor" and left. directions suck. Hopefully you'll be able to watch the video... >_< As for the third thing I suggested...well, again, it'll make it ugly. If you're going to contemplate trying to put that in then it's probably pointless to do the aesthetic stunts. I have no idea whether that would make the video more fun to watch or less fun. :\ Anyways, here's the recorded samples: Level 1 water demonstration: (about 1.02mb) Level 2 shortcut: (about 2.38mb) Continue sample: (about 3.12mb)
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I don't think the backwards jumping and noodling around was all that bad, although I think you should have done it more often...those slowdowns that appeared were annoying. Great time attack. This is one of the games we've been looking forward to. :) Anyways, here's three big things we noticed\talked about when we watched... In level 1, the car goes in the water, where-as we think it'd be faster to get out of the car on the platform that's just in the water (IE, you can climb out of the water but never get in it). In level 2 while on the way to level 4 it's probably faster to use the shortcut that was used to get to level 7. Here's an interesting idea for level 6...apparently, when you use a continue you'll be at the start of the stage. I'm wondering if it's possible to exploit this to get out of the water faster. If I recall, the level 3 boss is the last time the mega gun was used, so you wouldn't need to conserve it, plus you can fairly quickly kill yourself outside of the vehicle. Heck, it might even be faster to use this to get out of a few other levels (depending on how long it takes to kill yourself 3 times) like levels 3 and 7. Unfortunately, that might make the video look pretty ugly...
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Sounds great! I can't wait to see it! :)
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however, so far (halfway) he seems to use the generic weapons on each boss, except one. seems he could save quite some time on the bosses
I noticed this as well and decided to compare two of his re-battles (IE, the 8-teleport-room before Sigma) with similar plays I had recorded. It's not the most accurate comparison, especially since in all 8 of my battles I didn't use boss weaknesses, but... It looks like my Split Mushroom video is 10 seconds faster. The advantage of his method, though, is that it's much much easier not to limp back to the teleporter room... His Jet Stingray fight, though, can definately stand to be improved. My video is half a minute faster. From what I noticed about his video, it seems to me that using the weakness in a speed run makes no sense since it doesn't really damage him enough to make up for the delay. As for the levels, I only watched the first one. I think that purposely getting hit to get through enemies is a good tool, but I don't know if it works for a single enemy (I noticed he did get through 3 enemies by doing that at the end, though). After that level, I just watched the boss fights (hmmm...haven't seen the Sigma fights...)
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Well, I suppose it's not all that important, but my experience with ZSNES v1.36's recording has been worse than "long movies going bad"...I recorded a bunch of small movies, and at first they played right, but after I had made a few a couple of them stopped working.
I have already successfully created an SMW timeattack.
It'd be interesting to know what your in-game remaining time units for each level were. :)
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