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Probably won't go. I'd maybe go if it was within an hour (or two) of Austin Texas. Maybe just anti-social-ness. But I would love to hear how it went.
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A small update... I did touch the run over the weekend... (still having trouble getting off of Kingdom Hearts 2) improved the Rainbow Demon fight by 30 frames by manipulating him into doing the spin-spit attack (mentioned above) twice. Stopped just after that, though. Not abandoning this run... I just need to sit down with it for a few more weekends (and pretty much just work on the run and not do much else.)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I know an old lady who swallowed a cow! I don't know how she swallowed a cow!
I found it fancy that she swallowed a cat, but once she swallowed a bird things got absurd. Even after all these years I still don't know why she swallowed a fly.
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I've only been following E3 through Slashdot and from there it sounds like Nintendo is really blowing away the competition. I was maybe surprised that there was supposed to be 27 playable games for the Wii at E3. I don't know that I actually saw the list, though. All I can say is that I still don't really want to buy a PS3 but I'm more interested in getting a Wii than I was before. I might even *gasp* try some racing games.
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You know, I think I'll start calling them TAS... Things And Stuff
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Atma wrote:
Gigafrost wrote:
Well, we've tried becoming more exact, but since even M2K2 is realizing that a less descriptive name is better I've resorted to calling them "things." It's ambigious enough that it does contain everything we do. Really! Then, if people are confused and don't know what that "thing" is I tell them it's that "game thing." Trust me... they'll just know.
"Hey man come and look at my thing." "Dude." "...No man, my game thing, its pretty slick." "Ehh..." I dont think it'd work.
In other words, it'll train us to only talk about other people's things and thinging won't be about competition but entertainment! Brilliant! "Dude, look at this guy's thing?" "Why" "It's, like, huge, man." "How big?" "169332" "millimeters?!?!?" "no, 169332 things." "Oh... is this those game things again?"
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Well, we've tried becoming more exact, but since even M2K2 is realizing that a less descriptive name is better I've resorted to calling them "things." It's ambigious enough that it does contain everything we do. Really! Then, if people are confused and don't know what that "thing" is I tell them it's that "game thing." Trust me... they'll just know.
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4matsy wrote:
Sodas suck. Tea, chocolate milk and pink lemonade for the win. :p
You almost win teh intarwebz! You just forgot the blissful yummyness of an ice cold glass of water. =3 About the MAIN topic, I think it's pretty cool we'd be mentioned by MTV, even though I've never really watched much MTV content...
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White / Caucasian. Probably some german in there. Probably a mix of other stuff, too.
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Yeah, I was surprised by that, too. Heck, I didn't even know the guy was still making them, let alone that he'd make a reference to us. Awesome day, methinks. :)
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Yeah, reducing from 700mb to 50mb doesn't surprise me at all. I mean, if we can download the emulator+rom+movie file for ~1mb (in the case of some, maybe most, NES movies, for example) then that suggests that there's really not a whole lot of information in a 100mb AVI, just a little information and a lot of redundancies that current video compression technology simply doesn't recognize. It does sound cool, and it does sound like it's going in a good direction, but where it's coming from is what's worrying me.
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Yeah, it's the third hit that leaves them invincible. I pretty much figured it would work this way; the reason the trick works is because of the triple slash and because the creators made the invincibility short so that the next hit in the combo would hurt. Because of that, it makes sense that the first two hits would be broken. I think that's a good idea... manipulate Rainbow Demon into doing a better attack. I'll have to play around with him some more to see if I can get him to do the spinning-spitting attack. Yes, the short pauses against Herculios are manipulation to keep him on the ground. The biggest part of boss randomness seems to be distance. Anyways, thanks for your help/reply! :)
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Yes. In fact, I'm on the last stage, first boss refight room. I've already beaten Blizzak Whats-his-face (although I have a new idea to try) and I've only stopped because I don't know which boss to do next (partially because it really doesn't matter.) I haven't posted an update because 1) Just an edit will only get the attention of the IRC usuals, I think, and 2) because I didn't want to triple post. I did a couple of experiments with the Rainbow Demon and, despite this strategy landing him on the far left, it was the fastest I had done thus far. Any new ideas there would be swell. :)
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Interesting, Omni. I attempted as little movement as possible in my run so I am surprised. Other places to improve in that run: You can also knock a couple of frames by exitting the start palace to the left instead of the right, I think there was one place you could knock a frame off by bunny hopping before the "need"-long-jump cave, and I believe you can knock off about three frames from the final "need"-long-jump cave, however the reason I didn't knock these off in my run in the first place is that they kept throwing off the luck manipulation crossing the swamp. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody could knock a little time off of it now that there's closer to 25 frames of freedom. (Also because I'm not particularly incredible with luck manipulation. ^_~) Also, another thing about my run that bugged me was in the Dark Link battle. Basically, every single time I fought Dark Link I had to wait to do my first hit because he'd jump over it... no matter what I did! Even knocking entire seconds off of the run didn't help. I believe the original glitched submissions didn't have to. It's just another potential spot to drop frames. Now, the potentially-new-super-glitch mystery is quite boggling. Hmmm...
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It's at least useful to note that none of those finds look useful to the warped run. :) As for how it might be reproduced, it doesn't sound like he did anything special. It even reminds me of old Game-Genie bugs from playing too long (or crooked cartridge buggyness in Ocarina Of Time.) Hoping that it wasn't something like that. So, thinking out loud, could it have something to do with screen transitions when the enemies are in a certain state? Or there being "too many" on screen at once? Or multiple just off the screen? Hmmm... Yeah, this sounds like it would be very useful in a TAS if it is reproducible...
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I think a good example of something to add to the page would be other names Tool-assisted Speedrunning has been known by. I would add it myself if I wasn't at work.
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Perhaps we should COIN a term for this sort of run? Such as "Pointless Run" Get it? Har har har. (I'm not saying there's no point to it... I'm just trying to be funny.) *ponders what games might be interesting when avoiding score*
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Interesting. Could be problematic, though. It's 2 seconds less input, but clearly the end of the game comes later than in the current workbench movie. Does that really mean this should be considered faster? Hmmm...
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Double-posting because this will be a more interesting post. Savestate 1 - Aztec Falcon Mission Savestate 2 - Base Invasion Mission Beat Aztec Falcon. Giga smash! Rawr! Ended that level with 103 buster experience. Interesting to note that the bullets I fired into the boss during the battle (the ones that allowed me to break out of the slash early) all gave me experience while also doing no damage to the boss. Yay! Escape Unit'ed the two stages. Kind of boring, I know. Did the base invasion stage, but I haven't worked on Hanumachine yet. I've got to get my sleep for work tomorrow. ^.^;; Currently have 147 buster experience. Have some luck manipulation testing to do; if I dash at Hanumachine he does his jump/spinning thingy, but if I wait a little while he starts his monkey buster and I can go up and pwn him. I have to experiment with other things to make sure I can't get better luck there.
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I was intending to talk about that, but I guess that's what I get for posting so late at night. I had noticed that the direction you travel mostly depends on which side of the enemy you land on. I had tried jumping over the webs and getting hit on their right side, but I kept getting hit by a spider coming out instead, and those spiders only deal 1 damage. I said I was going to try something... again, posting late at night... I meant I was going to try a few things in the Intro stage to see if I could do it faster, such as not trying to land on the web thingy, but rather going to the right and then coming in from the left. It sounds kind of iffy since I'll be going backwards to do that, though. But, before that, I'm going to do experimentation to come up with a guesstimate of how much time the charge could really save me. (Boy does sleeping on the problem help to have a fresh ideas the next morning.) Also I'll be experimenting with the air spinning slash. I am afraid that getting it might slow me down (because of the turning left and right which allows me to hit a single target multiple times with a single quick little slash), meaning that I want to keep my slashes mostly to the ground... hmmm... Edit: I've finished my data collection for leveling. For starters, the air slash does break air damage-spamming abilities, so leveling that up before the twin fight will cost time. That's the simple one. For leveling up charge, I've got to find approximately 37.3 seconds to save. Looking at a list of bosses, the only ones I will primarily use it against are Maha, Anubis, and the final X battle. I calculated that charge would save approximately 1 second per 8 damage. Those three bosses together have 192 hp total coming up with a total save of 24 seconds. Nowhere near the 37.3, obviously. But don't worry, I didn't stop there. Once you have charge, you can skip 1 Anubis sand-smash-attack. Even though those attacks take ~10.6 seconds to execute, it costs you time to set up. I came up with the following plan: -slash (04) (04) (000) -charge (12) (12) (128) -cshot (15) (15) (094) -charge (23) (23) (128) -*wait* (--) (23) (635) -charge (08) (31) (000) -slash (12) (35) (094) -cshot (15) (38) (094) -charge (23) (46) (128) -*wait* (--) (46) (635) -charge (08) (54) (000) -slash (12) (58) (094) -charge (20) (66) (128) 128+94+128+635+94+94+128+635+94+128=2158 For an approximate optimal time of 2158 frames. Meanwhile, if you simply used charged attacks: 128+128+635+128+635+128+635+128=2545 For a total save of approximately 6.45 seconds. This brings the total up to 30.45 now. That means I still need to find 7 seconds of improvement. Will other bosses have good times to use charges? Sure. The question is, for 7*8=56 frames, that means I'll still need to do enough damage to pretty much take out a boss. So, my thoughts on other bosses... Hercule; manipulating to stay on the ground as much as possible, I'd only expect to use 1-2 charged shots, then. Rainbow Demon; manipulating to do specific attacks, I'd expect to use 2-3 charged shots, then. Leviathan might use 1. That means that through pure guessing, I'd have 3 to 6 more charges I'd use, but that only brings it into the 33.45 to 36.45 range. I don't think it's close enough to warrant attempting to get charge, especially since this is all totally independent of whether I'd even be able to get it early enough to save time in the first place! (560 hits is a lot...) So, I'm going to explicitly avoid leveling up the Z-Saber in my run. Probably will be good since this means mostly using the gun. I think leveling up the gun and getting the double charge might prove to be more fruitful since I don't really lose time killing enemies with the gun. Plus, guesstimation suggests that a double-charged gun should save time against bosses (assuming I can get 400 hits into enemies before the end... hmmm...) Edit 2: I've finished looking at hitting the spider-spawning web sacs from the right. What I did in the above WIP turned out to be about 4 frames faster than the complexities of trying to hit it on the right side. In addition, I also confirmed that turning left just before being damaged doesn't help... it cost me 2 frames. Therefore, I'm satisfied with my Intro stage. Since I've also decided what I'm going to do with the charging, I'm ready to start working on Aztec Falcon's stage. :)
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It's been a couple months since anybody has updated this thread. Lemme see, two things... First, Mikwuyma and I chatted over AIM about a month ago. He had found that you can spam-attack using the Triple Rod as well and we was able to drop the time from my 8-Headed-Dragon fight (although there was a considerable amount of damage taken.) I said I would update with that info here... I am. Useful to know. Next, I'm being my usual self and starting new projects before finishing old ones. I stopped data collection for a Rockman & Forte 100 CD run and started a warp run through this game. I've thus far gone through the intro stage, but I'm going to try something after I get a good night's rest. The WIP: The "warp" path involves canceling key missions in order to go straight to the end of the game. For those who don't know (and don't want to look at my comments earlier in the thread) the path is like so: -Intro stage -Aztec Falcon -Shuttle Mission (desert) --[Escape]; cancel mission -Fefnir Mission (desert, again) --[Escape]; cancel mission -Hanumachine -Neo Arcadia 1 -Neo Arcadia 2 -Neo Arcadia 3 *fin* I've already implemented the MMZ universal reset to start sooner (hold ABLRSs, brings you to main menu from anywhere in the game.) I've played with taking damage during the intro level to save time. Looks like there are 4 conditions which end the "can't win" part of the golem fight: -Wait long enough -Deal enough damage -Get dealt enough damage (~8) -***After a damage be low enough on health*** The 4th one is special because I took advantage of that one specifically. Basically, you damage yourself so that you can only crash into the golem twice. When the fight starts, you crash once, and since you can't survive another hit (and because you did it before the Golem had a chance to attack) it instantly goes into the scripted sequence. 16 health, Golem deals 2 damage, so you need to go in with 4 health. That means you need to loose a total of 12 health: 2 bombs deal 3 each for a total of 6 webs and elec-drones deal 2 each, get hit by 3 If the boss gets to do his floor attack once, it'll be 384 frames before the scripted sequence. If you use the above strategy, it'll be 35 frames before the scripted sequence. Getting damaged so much cost ~86 frames in my wip. This means there's a net gain of approximately 263 frames, or 4.3 seconds. I've also studied the leveling system a bit. Here's what I found: 0202b72c - gun exp (+1 normal, +2 charged) (16bits?) 0202b72e - total swings (16 bits?) 0202b73a - total dash swings (8 bits?) 0202b73b - total air swings (8 bits?) Z Saber: Double Slash - Total 40 Spin Dash - Dash 60 Air Spin - Air 100 Triple Slash - Total 160 Charge - Total 560 Fast Charge - Total 1680 Z Buster: Double Gun Charge - Gun exp 400 Faster Gun Charge - Gun exp 1200 Buster experience isn't gathered until sometime after Z Saber. I start the Aztec Falcon stage with 2 AIR SABER and 2 TOTAL SABER because I hit both Ciel and the golem, I believe. As you can see, there are special counters for dash-slashing and air-slashing, but there's a total-slashes counter as well. Here's some math to worry about: Let's say you want to use charged slashes against bosses. My experimenting shows you need to hit enemies 560 times to get it. Since one causes 4 frames of delay, that adds up to approximately 2240 frames of delay, or 37.3 seconds. Ouch. That's how much time you'll have to *save* with the charge in order to just break even. I have doubts that it would pay off to try and get the charge in as short a run as I'm planning. I'll think about it some more.
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5 instead of 4? Sounds interesting. Too bad I can't check it out here at work.
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That was a good trick in the Ground Man Stage. :) FractalFusion: I'll play with that some more today.
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Wait, save prompt? What do you mean? You mean the save prompt when you beat a stage?
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Yeah, but those weren't what I was talking about. I meant CDs that you should clearly be able to see but aren't there the first time through. You can even see they're not present in my run, but revisiting the level makes them there. (Best example is in Cold Man's stage; the little alcove sealed by an ice block that can only be opened by a drill should have a CD in it... it does the second time around.) It might mean having to revisit all levels instead of just those four. :( But, at least there might be a good reason to do the levels slightly differently, and that would be for energy conservation later.
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