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You do have to wait for the bosses to finish flashing, but if you stand still and swing the saber they only flash for a little while. My guess has been that this is probably a bug from making the triple-slash work. The dashing allows you to break out of the slashing a bit earlier so you can swing earlier. Shooting breaks you out earlier than dashing, but you can only swing at the same time as if you had dashed out. However, it's useful if you need to move a few frames earlier than normal. Using the shield breaks you out really early (maybe as early as shooting) but has the extra advantage of allowing you to swing immediately afterwards.
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Save RAM data. In other words, it's the file that the emulator writes saved information to. In the case of Megaman Zero, you need to have beaten the game once in order to play hard mode. SRAM is where that information is stored. (I believe the reason SRAM games aren't accepted is because of timing worries; IE games with unfair and/or different SRAM data or something.) EDIT: Should clarify right now that Megaman Zero runs are still allowed; they only need to start with clean data (It's probably recording from "Start" in the menu)
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I'm making a hard mode 100% score run which will most likely not be submitted. In other words, there's lots of room for you to make a Megaman Zero run. :) (It was noted that a hard mode run is apparently against the publication rules because it requires SRAM data. Never-the-less, I'm making my hard mode 100% for my own entertainment now.)
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King Stages boss 1 King Stages stage 2 Wily Stage Not really a whole lot further... Edit: Improvement 7? Wow, I haven't tried using it...
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D'oh! I know I used to have that info in an earlier version of the post... "Rockman & Forte (J)" Maybe the problem could also be that I started working on the run using the unimproved version of snes9x? It might be really sensitive to the settings, but I was able to fast forward through it w/o desyncs with only "WIP1 timing" and "Volume Envelope Height Reading" on. (Using snes9x-improvement2) Edit: Oh, and turning WIP1 timing off and fast-forwarding desynced at the beginning of Ground Man for me...
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I haven't exactly abandoned it, but my progress is REALLY slow. For example, I was able to work on it some about 3 weeks ago (when I had a bit more free time; project-heavy class load this semester.) I progressed to the first "King Stages" boss. That latest version can now be downloaded at: (It also includes a save state at the beginning of the gateway stage) Now, I suppose you can continue it, but you must make sure to maintain a comparable playing level. There's two reasons for that. 1. The accuracy and complexity of the run increases somewhat as it progresses. It will really stick out like a sore thumb if the ending is played too relaxed. 2. I am still slowly working on it, thus any significant delays will be obsoleted in the future when I finish. So, be sure to give it a good and thurough watch as well as some good play testing. I also uploaded the notes I've made, although only the T-dash, J-dash, and dash info will really be useful, I think. (Unless your car happens to be low on radiator fluid, that is.) (Look for the Summary: stuff that I've copied a number of times in the text) (T-dash is short for Tengu-dash and means using Tengu Man's weapon to dash; it's significantly faster than everything else.) (J-dash is short for Jump-dash and simply means jump dashing; it's somewhat slower than normal dashing.) Oh... I also exploited a simple glitch to avoid the monkey-taunting just before the first boss. The screen still darkens\lightens in the boss room, though. What bothers me about this is that, when I was earlier in the level test-playing through (I test played many times) I was first experimenting with the glitch and somehow got into the room avoiding the monkey taunt while also not getting the darkening\lightening. I spent the later half of Sunday (when I reached that point in the run) testing to try to duplicate it, with no success.
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A more formal way to prove it that way would be to use induction, but my first few rough attempts at it weren't very elegant looking, so... bleh.
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I take it you haven't seen my WIP then. I used the Ice Wall as a platform many times. Most notable is that using it Bass can ascend vertically as far as he wishes. Very advantageous in Astro Man's stage for the vertical appearing/disappearing block room. On another note, Bass can jump after letting go of a ladder thanks to his double-jump physics. In other words, you shouldn't be climbing ladders so much because jumping is much faster.
I suggest trying to shoot on the run, as opposed to stopping to shoot them all.
To elaborate, Bass can't move and shoot while on the ground, but he can move and shoot if he's in the air. But it might not be as easy for you on the GBA version because dashing takes three frames (where-as in the SNES version you could dash and jump in the same frame.)
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Naturally we (me and Megafrost) do. I think our ISP has implemented some sort of bandwidth limit for our server so you have to download at the right time of day. (Otherwise I guess the link is "dead.") I just tried to get it and succeeded. Here's the URL, once again:
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Well, I can't really post the code in C++ because I can't remember the details of how to program in C++, but I guess I'll just post the Java code. The algorithm isn't particularly efficient either; I just threw it together to test formulas. I suppose the advantage of that is that it should be easy to understand and convert to C++ on your own.
public class Dice {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int n = 3;
    int s = 6;
    int r = 4;

    int[] dice = new int[n];
    for(int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++)
      dice[i] = 1;

    int sum = 0;
    int count = 0;

    do {
      sum += count(dice, r);
      dice = next(dice, s);
    } while(!done(dice));

    double average = (double)sum / count;


  public static int count(int[] arr, int r) {
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
      sum += arr[i];
    if (sum <= r)
      return 0;
    return sum - r;

  public static int[] next(int[] arr, int s) {
    for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      if (arr[i] <= s)
        return arr;
      arr[i] = 1;
    return arr;

  public static boolean done(int[] arr) {
    for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      if (arr[i] != 1)
        return false;
    return true;
Now, I'm not going to leave you completely in the dark as to how to translate the code. Lemme see, here's some important notes that should help you a lot... - All Java programs are in classes, but this code doesn't need to be in a class when in C++. That means that when you copy the functions over you don't need the "public static" parts of the function names and you don't need to put them into classes. - "public static void main(String[] args)" is the default entry point into a Java program, much like "void main()" is for C++. This can be changed without consequence because I never used args. - "arr.length" is the length of the array; you could simply pass "n" as a parameter into the functions that use it and use "n" instead of "arr.length" - "System.out.println()" is just standard output (like printf or cout). - "int[] dice = new int[n];" creates an array of "n" integers. I don't recall if this can be done as easily in C++. As you can see, the code is not particularly complex\special, is short (brute force methods can be that way sometimes), but gets the job done. It can also be sped up but for small enough N it's fast enough. Also, if Xebra is right and there isn't a single formula to calculate this, I suppose at least you could take advantage of the R <= N+S and R <= N formulas to create something that works for a lot of cases.
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Randil wrote:
Yes, I'd like a program that could calculate this, be it a Java- or C++ program or whatever, as long as it can do it. And no, I can't compile Java programs. The only programming skills I have are basic C++ knowledge, nothing advanced. But if I got an easy equation I could probably compile a program that does the calculations.
I'm not sure I can do more than post the code to my program, though. It'd be the code that simply brute-forces the solution (in other words, it'll be fine as long as N doesn't get very big.) A formula would be nice, yes. I was thinking of playing around with the formula a bit more.
Randil wrote:
Oh, and sorry about misunderstanding your previous post, Gigafrost. By the way, have you played a lot of D&D before? Because normally when I talk to people about this they're mostly "what the crap is going on in that guy's head???" you know. Well, I'm just glad you know what I'm talking about. :)
The only D&D I've ever played was a few old AD&D computer games (specifically the Dragonlance trilogy.) However, all my brothers play it and I've picked up a bit of the simpler terminology (but very few rules.)
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I never said it was a complete solution. I said it worked specifically for the R <= N situation. Nothing you've said has really been confusing. The issue was that Flagitious assumed that the damage reduction was subtracted from each individual die instead of from the total damage, but this assumption might be mistaken. Assuming, of course, that damage reduction is subtracted from damage (not individual dice) then an incomplete formula would be... N * (S + 1) / 2 - R + choose(R, N + 1) / S^N "choose" is a function that's defined as: choose(n, r) = n! / (r! * (n-r!)) This will work for values of N > 1 and R <= N + S. For values of R bigger than N+S something needs to be subtracted. Subtracting "N * choose(R - S, N + 1) / S^N" seems to work approximately for some values of N, but I'm not sure if there's just a lot of rounding errors or it's simply wrong. (This is all being compared to the output of a simple brute-force program that adds up all the outcomes and divides by the total number of outcomes. But, you wanted a program and not just a formula, right? Can you compile/run Java programs?)
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I take it that neither of us knows enough about D&D to know off the bat which one, eh? If somebody tries to come up with a formula for that situation (I've been thinking about it, but since I'm at work I've only got so much free mind-processor time) there's a special case to watch out for. If R <= N, the answer would simply be N*(S+1)/2-R because no damage will ever become negative (thus we don't have to worry about the initial problem in the first place.) (It's possible that the formula will take this into account if it's structured the way I think it is, though)
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Does damage reduction occur to each individual die or to the summation of the dice? If the later, neither of the above formulas worked. I used the simple test case of N=2, R=2, S=6 and got 3.333333 when the average should have been 5.0.
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Well, we've been having weird internet stuff going on for the past week or so. This morning the connection was simply gone. Right now our home address is also not pinging (IE probably no internet connection.)
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FODA wrote:
Upon watching again i realized people will think that i was controlling ecco while talking to the dolphins. I wasn't, after going down the tube ecco moves automatically, the only reason i continued recording was to skip the credits.
That explains everything there nicely. I knew there had to be a good reason for it. :)
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I thought it was very impressive, although I've never played it before so I wouldn't recognize any cumulative small mistakes. I'll give it a yes vote once I have a better understanding of why the talking-to-the-dolphins at the end was as long as it was (I suspect a fixed waiting time of some sort...correct?)
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I think I can explain (because I recently re-did level 1-1, matched Sleepz's time). Basically it involves two glitches: 1) Getting the enemy into the ground. As far as I can tell, it's simply being in the "shrinking" state while the enemy is falling; he apparently doesn't stop until you stop shrinking. Basically, you throw him so that he bounces off the wall and hits the floor's corner as you're falling down the ladder. When done at the right time, he'll fall straight down and stop on the tile just under the ladder. 2) Getting into the ground once the enemy is there is similar to skipping a layer of digging dirt. In other words, you hold jump down just long enough so that you land on the enemy instead of the ground. Then you just pick him up and you're there. After that, you simply throw him and climb down. I think this glitch works because the ladder comes as far down as it does and because the door is there. (Pressing down apparently causes the character to uncontrollably slide as if they're climbing off the bottom of the screen, and the connected-area data for that screen is the behind-birdo screen.) Well, that's my untested theory, anyways.
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It was good, but not good enough to get my yes-vote. Definately a step in the right direction, but a few path flaws and not enough refinement. Refinement is especially important because we have the tools to do that, although granted it increases the amount of work we have to do. Tafatt mentioned my stage 1-3. I did some exact measurements for the heck of it: Gigafrost: 6129 - Level 3 Start 7075 - Inside Main 7596 - Key Room 7858 - Main Again 8792 - Preboss 9618 - Mouser Start 10276 - Door Appear 0 - Level 3 Start 946 - Inside Main 1467 - Key Room 1728 - Main Again 2663 - Preboss 3489 - Mouser Start 4147 - Door Appear GuanoBowl: 5792 - Level 3 Start 6856 - Inside Main 7384 - Key Room 7652 - Main Again 8627 - Preboss 9514 - Mouser Start 10252 - Door Appear 0 - Level 3 Start 1064 - Inside Main(-118) 1592 - Key Room(-125)(-7) 1860 - Main Again(-132)(-7) 2835 - Preboss(-172)(-40) 3722 - Mouser Start(-233)(-61) 4460 - Door Appear(-313)(-80) That's the breakdown of where all the frames were lost in that stage, for example. I'm pretty convinced that Toad is the man for this stage. Anyways, I saw plenty of small delays here and there, a good number of turns that weren't hugged tight enough, and some that were hugged too right (caught on the wall once or twice more than needed like Bisqwit pointed out.)
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I found that pressing jump for one frame while falling towards him did the trick. Although if I'm wrong it's because I haven't tried it in a couple of months...
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Actually, one does exist, if I recall correctly. A modified version by Finalburn, perhaps (but I probably have his name wrong). The problem is that it doesn't explicitly allow "record from start" and thus it can't be used for this site (because we're being precise and fair about everything.) At least that was what seemed like the major hurdle from my perspective (I never used it and watched other peoples' conversations.)
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Yes, doesn't make a difference because she's still in the air before I land. Checked now just for you by using the appearing of the first letter of her text. 2164 either way. (Did both of them manually, too, since the movie seems to count a slightly different way). The Aztec Falcon bullets are for maneuverability; they allow me to move 4 frames earlier than anything else allows. They're fired straight into him where, fortunately, the short flashing period he has absorbs the bullet anyways, while simultaneously allowing me to jump earlier than usual, allowing me to get back onto the ground earlier and use the next slash. The general idea is to use the standing slash as much as possible, of course. Thus far I know of three strategies to increase the slash speed: First strategy is to break the slash early by dashing for 1 frame, allowing Zero to attack 3 frames earlier than normal. Second strategy is to fire four frame before you could do the dash, which only saves you the same 3 frames earlier than normal just as before, but gives you the added advantages of moving 4 frames earlier and\or not moving for the next swing. Third strategy involves using the shield and Attack Mode B which allows you to attack a total of 7 frames earlier. So, I use the first method to avoid obvious stray bullets, the second one when I need to do some critical movement or stay in place (E.G. jumping over Aztec Falcon or repositioning myself on the piston to suddenly appear on the next one.) Edit: Oh, and Zurreco, you're doing pure speed, right? And you did see my comment about using Escape Unit at the beginning of the Anubis and Fefnir missions to go straight to the base invasion/final stages, right? Just making sure...
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Leviathan will probably only be a problem later. I take it you haven't seen either of my posted boss battles from before. Of course, I didn't explicitly say what they were, either, so I will only blame myself. It contains a few movie files. One is a tool-assisted battle against Leviathan that I did using just the buster and the saber in weapon mode A. To summarize it, the ground level the first time you fight her is just right for serious pwnage, allowing you to lay a final hit into her shortly after she begins her ice-dropping, height-gaining attack. If anything your battle with her could be faster. The second round doesn't look as promising, though. It also contains a battle against Harpuia. Don't need the ice chip to keep him down but it could speed up the battle a little. The battle against the twin Flying X Drones is very fast and started way too late into the warning to be easily watched, but if anything you should be able to do it faster than that... and it's a really entertaining little movie. The four-armed sword-wielding miniboss can clearly be better optimized. Mostly just forcing him to jump towards the back of the room better. This movie as well as the disappearing block movie are pretty much just for fun. The TriRod movie was how I measured the time it takes to get the triple rod. It could possibly be optimized a bit but probably by only a few frames. This movie is good enough for approximation purposes, anyways. About my "run"...I'm tired of lack of progress, and since I'm not expecting to submit it anyways I'm just not going to get the triple rod nor the shield boomerang. If I'm going to submit anything I'll do a double pass through the game and use this first run as a timing guide. However, if anybody else does a hard mode run and decides to get the rod+shield, I'm 95% sure you should sacrifice the Train Core battle to get the shield. I believe Anubis stands to gain MUCH more time from the shield than the train, especially since the train can be defeated before it can do its A+ Rank attack. The trick is to take advantage of the pistons to standing slash it. If you don't know what I mean, you can check out that part of my beta run. MMZ10 - Start of level MMZ5 - Start of boss fight Otherwise, I don't expect to post any more of the run unless I do something in the movie I feel needs pointing out. Or if somebody asks for more, but there's going to be better runs coming soon so there's no need, methinks.
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They use them in normal mode. Yeah, Harpuia's isn't a problem because you can knock him out of the air before he'll use it. I suppose that's fortunate because I think his is the most time consuming attack of the Guardians. Also, my guess is that Fefnir can be taken down before he can use his simply because he's always on the ground. I haven't tested it, though.
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It's definately on my stuff-to-download-when-I-have-diskspace list. Congratulations on meeting your goal. :)
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