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It's VisualBoyAdvanced, but not Nitsuja's modification. This was the thread with the required version of the emulator: However, I don't know if the latest version of that one is downloadable, let alone compatible with the trial run.
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Hey, my first anime was Sailor Moon at 6:30am as well, although I can't recall if it was 10 years ago, heh. DBZ was the first anime I really started watching seriously. It was fun then, but at this point I can't bring myself to watch any of it, mostly because I moved on to what I consider better anime. Honestly, I didn't think the dub sounded that bad. This could be because it was the first anime I watched both dubbed and subbed, but also it was one of the first I watched subbed. About the only thing that really sticks out to me now was that I liked Goku's japanese voice actor's screams better than Funimation's one. Oh, and I guess there's also the horrible dubbed voice for Buu. xp The one thing that really ground on my nerves when I watched it was the rediculous stalling all the damn time. It is also my opinion that, while Naruto was better than DBZ (up to the point I watched Naruto... ~episode 117), it still suffers from this problem a bit as well. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to watch it one day at a time (ignoring possible dub annoyances). While the flashbacks are probably good for watchers who missed the last episode, it still breaks the nice flow the anime had going for it, imo.
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I started, then stopped for a few days while waiting for Sleepz's warped run (because I would be able to drop time). However, I picked up speedrunning Silent Hill 3 during those few days and that's what I spent my Spring Break doing instead... Although the work I did before was neat, it all needs to be redone to take advantage of Sleepz's new ideas.
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Yeah, that's what I did (with the exception that I captured just Blue Yoshi with the wings and copied\mass-recolored). At least, that's the normal method. I do recall there being a program to look at sprite data for a ROM. But, honestly I couldn't use it. I think I was supposed to hand organize and hand color each tile. Bleh.
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I haven't seen any full SMW sprites on any of the sites I frequent. Even a quick check of Shyguy Kingdom doesn't give a hit. But if all you need are Mario riding Yoshi with wings, I could probably take care of that when I get home (in about 4 hours). I'm not sure how long it'll take, though.
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Well, it's nice to know you found & fixed the problem. :) As a note, there are plenty of mistakes in my little videos. Since they're supposed to be about paths, I think I should mention that in the area-9-thru-area-7 movie I enter the wrong mirror once and go back through. (No criticism about undoing errors and whatnot because the movie files weren't playing back for me, m'kay?) Other than that, hopefully they're useful enough to judge possible area 9 paths...
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Not every one, but the key ones. -Skip the area 9, 8, 7, 6, and 3 (purple and sea) gates completely. Well, unless you're going to go to area 9 from one of those places, but really for those I think another path would be better. I could check up on this, I suppose. -You have to get the one on the way to the area 2 boss; it's the only way to unlock the rest of the main road. -The gate room in area 2 (IE the switch just after the Polar bear miniboss) can be ignored if you're not going to area 9 from area 2. This is why some planning for that is needed. -The gate room in area 3 that leads to area 8 is good to get because it's not far from the boss of area 3 and it's also really close to area 8. -The gate in area 4 is sort of iffy, I guess. There's a switch on the rainbow road just around the area 4 entrances. The issue there would be if it's faster to a) go straight to the boss from that mirror room or b) get to the area 4 mirror room and activate that (then activating the area 1 mirror room it leads to) and back. I guess I'm not that sure about this gate. -On that note, I believe you want to get all the big switches in area 1 simply because each one leads to multiple areas. -The area 5 mirror room should be activated because the entrance to both the area 5 castle and the area 7 castle are right next to it. I suppose I could do some testing to see if I can find the optimal paths. I guess I'll start looking at that now. EDIT: Just did some testing. I'd post movies as well but they always desynced on me. Anyways, on getting to area 9: From area 2, it's a rather long path to area 9. The mirror to the area 9 mirror room (which is the choke point of the whole have to pass through it to get to the boss) is 3 mirrors away, but you must go through a complicated and slow water room. From area 4, it's a medium path, but you must sacrifice whatever ability you have to get the small ability, after which you have to fight a Dog Fighter boss (with nothing, sword, or slice). In area 9, you begin 2 mirrors away from the area 9 mirror room. From area 7, it's a short path, you have to fight a Polar bear miniboss, and the mirror room is roughly 2 mirrors away (but you'll have to leave & re-enter a room from a certain mirror). Given that, I'm thinking the area 7 path to area 9 is the quickest. This means you'll want to activate both area 7 mirror rooms. This is actually pretty easy because... -When you first enter area 7 (or rather, just before you do), you should be just outside the ice castle. You run past it, enter the mirror just beyond it (you're in an ice cave). Run to the first mirror, enter, you're at the "far" area 7 mirror room (which leads straight to the nearer area 7 mirror room, which you activate). From there, you can either continue through the cave to the area 7 boss or go in the left door of the "nearer" room to get to area 9.
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If you haven't beaten the game before, you might want to experiment with it a bit. The biggest time-consumer your first few times through is always figuring out where to go. Personally, I could never time attack this since I would default to just making a time attack version of my speedrun path. A world defeat pattern roughly like: Area 9 Area 2 Area 8 Area 3 Area 7 Area 4 Area 6 Area 5 Area 1 (IE final boss) Also, in my obsessive state, I would... -Grab the fire-dash ability (name?) in the cloud pre-area. -Forget about sliding (since it's complicated but some testing I did suggests that it's faster than running) -Grab the Sword ability in area 9 (prior to Master Hand battle) -Acquire the Super Smash Bros ability from Master Hand (which I would keep until the final battles - a switch to Meta Knight's sword) However, on that issue, some planning in advanced is called for. When you defeat a boss, you come out of the last mirror you entered. Some optimization can be done there. Ignoring when you'd have abilities, once you've beaten the boss to Area 2 you can pretty much choose whatever Area you want to do with little to no loss of time path-wise. At least this is what my thought sessions on the issue decided. The reasoning: If you were to go to an area that's really far away, you'll be activating specific mirror rooms\gateways along the way and getting to those respective areas will be plenty fast. But, if you did it the other way around (IE closer Areas first) then you'd simply be activating the same mirror rooms to save trips and you'd expand to the farther ones. In other words, since it saves time either way to activate the mirror rooms\gateways, and since for each one there's pretty much two destinations you'd go to, it pretty much doesn't matter which destination you choose from that mirror room once you've activated it so you can go as far across Area 1 as you want. One issue that might affect that is where you appear in mirror rooms vs where you activate them. Might be a slightly shorter distance one way over the other. Other than that, what abilities you have at what time are more of an issue. Well, my thoughts, in their unaltered and jumbled state.
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To elaborate on the suitless Samus boss, the ball normally shows you and when you shoot it it hurts you. You must wait for it to turn into the symbol, at which point you can shoot it. 4 shots = victory. Naturally, you won't be able to figure this out from the movie because the ball will be shot on the very frame it becomes vulnerable. My thoughts on the run? It looked flawless to me. I'm hoping a lagless version is created sometime. But even still, I thought it was entertaining. :)
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Nope. I've got two issues that pretty much made the run seem incredibly intimidating... -The second half of Dyamo Man's stage should probably be redone. Basically, I ended the level with one extra Tengu energy. Since I already used the T-dash liberally where I would be able to gain the full effects of using it, that means using the extra energy to knock only a few frames off. Also, that naturally means redoing the boss fight as well, which was tedious. -Afterwards, I'm in the final stages fighting what are, imo, some of the most annoying and boring bosses in the Mega Man series (mostly in the 2nd stage, though). So, after fretting about those, I drifted from project to project, not making any progress on this. ^.^;;
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Yeah, it's been a busy month. It's nice to know that you haven't abandoned us & the run. :) My personal vote is for you to take the time that you need. Perfect the bejeebus out of this game. :D
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Also, the U+D and L+R limitation is disabled from the Joypad Configuration. In any case, this run has been neat to watch. I agree that the twice-through strategy would be good. You'd possibly burn out if you kept restarting whenever you discovered something...
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It appears to work perfectly from Win98 now. :)
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Although I can't really say much about the progress, I can guarantee that a run will be submitted. In fact, I did construct a prototype run for Blitzag to improve upon so I can guarantee that his next run will be very impressive. :) (In the event that he decides not to go through with it or can't beat the time we agreed that I'd submit the prototype run...)
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I actually have the same problem Julianch had, I think. Basically, when I try to "Open ROM" no dialogue box pops up (and I checked to make sure the dialogue box opened with other versions of VBA.) I then tried to drag&drop a ROM into the emulator and my computer promptly froze (cold boot required). Note that the ROM is in a ZIP, however other versions of VBA have no problem loading the ROM inside. I was able to get a game loaded when I dropped+dragged the unzipped ROM onto the executable. I suspect it worked because the emulator opened up and loaded (as opposed to the ROM being unzipped) but I haven't tested that. I suppose the only other detail I can think to mention is that I'm using Win98SE. On that note, I decided to try it on my WinXP machine and the dialogue box came up fine. OS information, anyone? EDIT: I also should have mentioned that neither of my computers had MFC71.DLL, but only the WinXP machine complained about it. Installing the DLL onto the Win98SE machine didn't fix the problem.
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So, now it is almost exactly a minute faster than my run. Cool. That worked out interestingly. It's great that the hex editting worked. :) Naturally, I voted yes. :)
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Yeah, that text is skippable, but other than that the was so very good! So many good
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Interesting. Good job. :)
I only got one question: will there be a full version of this game using those glitches?
Yeah. I'm not sure when I'll get to work on it. True, it is spring break for me and I've got loads of time, but I've been playing Silent Hill 3 a whole lot lately...
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Interesting. I'll be looking forward to it, then. :)
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It's pretty much just the Mega Man 7 and Mega Man X "shoot normal shot while holding charge" glitch. (release B after I entering a door, press it again on the frame control resumes.)
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Alright. Finally I was able to work on it a bit more. I haven't done any new levels yet but I dropped a very good amount of time re-working from the 1-2 Birdo fight on. :D Same URL... Improvements: - 1-2 Birdo fight improved by 2 frames! - Snifit in 1-3 somehow grabbed 1 frame earlier... - Avoided lag in 1-3 (grabbed less cherries, star didn't appear) - Noticeably improved the 1-3 climbing sequence (33 frame ahead at this point) - Somehow dropped 2 frames from the room with the key - Room after locked door was 1 frame slower? (from loading?) - Mouser was 224 frames faster!!! Total time dropped: 258 frames (4.3 seconds) :)
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That's okay. I've had name problems previously in this thread. :D
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Okay, now for some exact numbers: Jumping vs not jumping for first zig-zag: 8398 - Right (8462) 8398 - Right f jump (8462) Meaning: In both cases I have to turn right at 8398 and in both cases if I hold down right and simply drop blindly off of the second zig-zag the screen scrolling begins at frame 8462. IE, no difference. Jumping vs not jumping for second zig-zag: 8462 - Normal (8541) 8458 - Jump (8551) Meaning: When jumping, although you can start the screen scrolling down 4 frames earlier, you can't clear the platform below it and you lose 10 frames overall (the second number is the second screen scroll after the drop). The jump timing is especially screwed up because you have to jump as soon as you land from the previous zig-zag. M.Fried: Oh yeah, I seem to recall there being some conversation about that. I'll have to keep that in mind. Immediately looking, there's a couple of places in 1-3 where I'm not holding anything and I didn't do that. Also, I'm wondering if that might be how I lost time to Genisto when getting the key in 1-2? Hmmm... Oh yeah, and looking at the particular setup for grabbing the first Shyguy in 1-3, yeah, it's set up so you can't. Not enough height from the previous platform and jumping as early as possible from the second one looks like it either crashes me into it or puts me too far to the right.
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1-1: I did superjump off the Vine. Toad just doesn't get any superheight. :( (The chain in 1-3 would have been good to superjump off of as well but the best I could do is take advantage of the double jump). 1-3: I didn't try picking up the first one because Genisto didn't. I think it's because, in order to do it, you'd have to be able to jump higher off of the first platform, although I can't verify it right now. I can test it later today, though. 1-3 cave: Clearing the zig-zag corners: for the first corner, jumping does not speed it up at all. This should make sense since the real limit to speed at that one is not how fast you fall but rather how early you travel to the right. (Also, because I land sort of late, that first jump actually slows down when I'd land on the platform below but doesn't affect when I clear the zig-zags). For the second zig-zag, I did testing but it never sped it up. (I'll test some more later today, then). In the case of the Mouser battle, at the very least getting hit does not slow down the battle. It does not change the timing of when the bombs go off so I can get hit and use the invincibility to go through the explosion. (Genisto takes advantage of this in his latest run). With this current battle, the only possible benefit would be that Mouser is "activated" a bit earlier. The thing is that he can be activated even earlier by almost touching the block wall that's in the way. I want to take advantage of that and of the fact that there are multiple bombs that can be pulled out of the ground. Or at least I want to test those. It might also be faster to go back and grab a bomb instead of waiting for Mouser to throw his second one (for example, plucking first bomb, throwing it to Mouser, going back to pluck a second bomb while Mouser throws his first, then throwing both of those onto his platform so that he gets hit by both...) In any case, I'm going to redo the Mouser fight as many times as necessary because impressive boss fights are what I want to see the most from my run. :) Anyways, now that I've got a bit more time\focus, I think my character choices are pretty simple in general: Default to Toad... ...Unless Luigi's superjumping allows him to take drastic shortcuts... ...Or Princess's superfloating allows her to take drastic shortcuts... It'd be nice to find a use for Mario. Toad and Luigi are going to see a lot of action, Princess will most likely be used in 3-2, but Mario just doesn't seem to have a use...
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