Posts for Hâthor

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It's not a bad new. It's a good news ! :) I was sure it was perfictible ! I've got the proof now ! Opposing to appereance, this level is quite tricky and to be honest, I was not satisfy of my last version. Well done !!!! Back to work. Level 1 and 5 targeted ! EDIT I got it !
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And here is the level 8. Lots of grappling hook... Brings me headaches :/. Just for information, in a single-segment context, it's possible to safe about 100 frames but I can't do this because it's typical for only one layout; and with this layout, I obtain "Novice" rank; even I manipulate the RNG, it seems to be impossible to get 1 ligthfoot scroll. So, a between 10 and 15 seconds loss in the end level. Link to video Got a question. I made each level individually. For the level 1 (for example), 1 made 6 different versions before making something cool. By version, I ear creating a new movie file from the beginning of the level. For the final rerecord, should I add rerecord for only final level version or for my whole try? In my own opinion, I'd sum everything. Making a new version can be assimilated as rerecording from the beginning. What do you think about?
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Link to video 8 frames safe from previous version. I made a little stop just before entering the roof because whatever way I took, I hit the border of the window :s. EDIT Link to video And... 92 frames safe for the level 3, thanks again for the wall jump idea ALAKTORN :D
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oh, you did a normal double jump, why not an UP, UP, CROSS double jump?
The double jump cover a bigger distance than the other one. With the moonsault, you cannot reach this roof (in best case, you hang up).
but like you’ve shown me in that list of moves there’s a faster way to turn: DOWN+RIGHT
You know the worst.... I just miss that point O_O (/me sneak under a stone). I now have to check all levels :D (just joking, as I can remeber, the only other level where I turn without moving is the level 3 and I even though have to do it again). About other points, you're right. I just wanted to make a quick test with this double jump. (In fact, it's a fall when I walk toward the window; the roof has a strong slope so it's an illusion). I think I can now make the last version of the level 1; combining a quick hook as possible, double jump, quick turn... 57 seconds possible?... :)
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We choose that due to the fact that ennemy layout is random when you make classic single segment speedrun. As I already explain, lightfoot scroll is unlocked by obtaining the grand master ranking at the end of the first level. 1 ennemy layout over 3 is favourable to this. Ok, it has less meaning in a TAS but in my own opinion, start making 36 categories is likely to cause confusions.
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58 seconds for level 1 !!!! : Link to video I wasn't able to double jump to go down the roof. A simple jump takes more time than the roll. So I still used the roll. BadPotato: I get desync just after the 2nd dude (called Katanal). It's probably faster by exiting the normal door but... You're spotted by a guard and I can't afford because I MUST reach the Grand Master Rank (lightfoot scroll *_*). But it's a really good idea if someone (maybe me?) wants to do the "Lithgfoot scoll-less" run. Sephyross, Riskbreaker y and I are agree about the fact that both run have to be distinct.
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I reproduce the double jump easyly in the level 1. I even guess it's a little bit faster than using the other jump. And most important, it's more fun to watch :D. If it's possible, I'll use it in the level 3. I don't see any other place. (In the level 5 and 7, distance to cover is really big, too much for such a jump).
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The only problem of attacking is the sooooo (very relatives) long recovery time. That's why I avoid it. For the 1st level, I'm sure it can be done in 58 seconds (instead of 59). Quite good idea to start walking a bit and then use the hook. 2nd level: I made some try with the hook but nothing really interresting. I agree with the fact that if we can reach the 2nd roof, it will be faster but I have to lost this small gain in order to get items I want (remeber RNG manipulation). Is it still interresting? 3rd level: Pretty cool! If I have well looked, it's faster for about 2seconds. In this level, I don't care about items RNG because I get "Ninja" rank (+1 item of each type). Quite simple for movements you speak about: UP, DOWN, SQUARE it makes you roll,faceback and attack. You've probably notice that I didn't hit the boss but, I oblige him to dodge and he takes damages from the manjicultist (the NPC who throw flames). Then I just pressed TRIANGLE to threw a shuriken and the final movement is DOWN, UP, CROSS. You can find movement list here. Just take care about some movement, the last one I spoke for example. It is written: DOWN, UP + CROSS and no, each button has to be pressed separately.
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Hey Alaktorn o/ Happy to see you feel like playing this game :D. Well, I ignore it was possible o_O. It can be very useful... even if I don't know where and how yet :p. Yeah definitely, I agree with you. This game contains a big potiential (espacially when I see how the A.I can be so stupid sometime). Looking foward to read your comments, an external opinion will always be welcomed :). PS: Lvl 7 and 8 will be released tonight on my youtube channel.
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A more up-to-date WIP. By re-wtaching the previous one, I realize how much I enhanced some parts. Also, it includes the brand new level 6. Link to video Enjoy! :)
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Spikestuff wrote:
Instead of fixing it through painless going through all of it again just open it with Notepad... ++
Yeah, it works... some times :p. You can't imagine how it may desync just by removing one frame o_O. (Maybe I miss something)
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In the first post, he beats the level in 1:03 and I beat it in 59 seconds. I agree with you, first hook can clearly be faster (that's why it's a WIP :p). Using a second time the hookshot takes a little bit more than the jump I use. I test it. And about other levels, you're often obliged to take a large turn due to collisions. A good example is the torch at the 2nd level. I promise, 1 more frame to the right makes me collide within it...
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And here is my WIP: Link to video It starts from console power on to the end of the level 5. You can view each level and other WIP of them here. Hope you enjoy :)
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*Take a broom and sweep the dust* Hello here, I'm working on a TAS of this game and I was looking for a possible existing thread about this game. It's short but it exists :p So, first of all, I'll add some useful informations to the first message. Introduction
  • There are two levels od difficulty: Normal and Hard; then the game contains 10 levels and each level has 3 different ennemy layouts. This is very important because some layout favor a best ranking.
  • You get the ranking at the end of each level. From worst to best: Thug, Novice, Ninja, Master Ninja, Grand Master (400 pts required). It is in fact define by points earned as following:
    • 300 pts: Finishing the level
    • 100 pts: Never being spotted
    • 20 pts: Killing someone without have been spotted
    • 5 pts: Killing someone being spotted
    • lost 20 pts: Being spotted
    • lost 30pts: Killing an innocent
  • Before starting a level, you're able to carry on some items (10 max) but only 4 different types. These items are:
    • Shuriken
    • Healing Potion
    • Caltrops
    • Bombs
    • Smoke bombs
    • Mines
    • Poisoned Rice
    • Colored Rice
    • Grappling Hook: A special item automatically add; it has no inpact amongst 10 items.
  • There are also special items called "Grand master items". There are unlocked by obtaining Grand master ranking (400 pts for remain) in a level. I'll not detail all of them but only the most important which is unlocked in the 1st level. Note that you can store only 3 Grand master items ina all.
    • Lightfoot scroll: A temporary amazing speed boost
Ok, we've got all the bases. I'll now detail my routes and stategies. Planning The goal is to beat the game in hard mode with Rikimaru as fast as possible. In-game time can be viewed in the Option -> Record menu. You sum every level and you have it. I decided to TAS this game because I follow a french speedrunner called Sephyross (you can follow him on its twitch channel: He beats the game in hard in 13:25 ig time; Very probably the current WR) and I was so curious... The main problem of this game that the layout of each level can help you (or not, espacially in a single-segmented run). So, I've started this foolish work. Most part of my routes are largely inspired by his routes themselves originate from another excellent runner nammed Riskbreaker Y. You can view the speedrun here Rikimaru has been chosen because you have to defeat one less boss in the level 5. Obviously, it safes time. Furthermore, he has some interesting attacks (particulary the crouch attack). Each level is chained, that means we never go back to the main menu (in order to increase inventory items by redoing a level for example). In summary, it's an any% hard mode new game. We will use more lightfoot scroll as possible. I have found a way to manipulate the RNG in order to get excactly what I want. I'll explain it later. I can resume my route like this: Numbers meaning in order: Quantity, Required, Obtained / means that I don't care |Level|Scrolls| Bombs | Mines | |--------------------------------- | | 1 | 0 0 1 | 1 0 2 | 0 0 2 | |--------------------------------- | | 2 | 1 1 3 | 3 0 0 | 2 0 1 | |--------------------------------- | | 3 | 3 2 1 | 3 0 1 | 3 1 1 | |--------------------------------- | | 4 | 2 2 2 | 4 2 0 | 3 2 1 | |--------------------------------- | | 5 | 2 0 1 | 2 1 1 | 2 0 1 | |--------------------------------- | | 6 | 2 1 0 | 1 1 1 | 3 2 1 | |--------------------------------- | | 7 | 1 0 2 | 1 1 2 | 2 1 2 | |--------------------------------- | | 8 | 3 3 1 | 2 0 1 | 3 0 1 | |--------------------------------- | | 9 | 1 0 2 | 3 1 2 | 4 2 2 | |--------------------------------- | | 10 | 3 3 / | 4 4 / | 4 4 / | You have probably noticed that I don't speak about other items. It's because they don't deal any damage and that's so bad #TASpowaaa. Caltrops deals damage to purchasers, not interesting for a fight. Tricks
  • RNG: The base of the RNG is... time! (expressed in frame) If I want a specific layout, I just have to spend a certain amount of frame in the inventory before pressing START (and beginning level loading). That's why, in some case, there are few empty frames before pressing START. Also, additional items earn at the end of the level depends on time used to complete it. In level 2, I'm waiting for 12 frames before raising the cutscene; it allows me to get 3 lightfoot scrolls (very uncommon). Finally, ennemy's parry depends on when and how much you press the SQUARE button. So, I can make the parry never appends (so cheat :p).
  • Fall animation skip: Called by myself "FACS" (for Fall Animation "Cumulet" -Belgian Word for "Roulade" (roll, I guess it can be translated like this)- Skip). When you fall, the character will follow a strictly vertical way and make animation when he hit the ground. It costs some time. By making a roll (CIRCLE Then UP twice) just before falling, you'll follow a diagonal way and the animation doesn't happen.
  • Quick ennemy stand up: Still called by myself "Stabbing ovation". When you deal a crouch attack or throw a bomb, the ennemy flies, hits the ground, stays a certain amount of time on it (depending of his life) and then stands up. During all time he's on the ground, the foe is immune whatever the damage is. If you hit him when he's in the air, he will fly further. But if you deal a stabbing attack when he is hitting the ground, he'll instanly stand up, skipping a so boring dazing time. It also works with a crouch attack, but the recovery time is longer.
  • Quick half-turn: You're able to face back by doing a roll (CIRCLE then CROSS) but if you're doing it against a wall at a quite precise frame, entire animation will be skipped and you'll stand up face back.
Damage values
  • Triple combo (Rikimaru only):
    • 1st hit: 7
    • 2nd hit:11
    • 3rd hit: 20 (total 38)
  • Crouch attack (Rikimaru only): 25
  • Stabbing, Jump slash: 13
  • Left Right combo: 8 then 16 (total 24)
  • Shuriken: 20
  • Bomb: 30
  • Mine: 45
Mines are especially useful at the very beginning of a fight and for a suicide kill . It deals really lots of damages but it takes time to place it. Useful RAM address
  • Byte values:
    • Inventory Shuriken Count: 0001 040D
    • Inventory Calltrops Count: 0001 040E
    • Inventory Healing Potion Count: 0001 040F
    • Inventory Bomb Count: 0001 0410
    • Inventory Smoke Count: 0001 0411
    • Inventory Mine Count: 0001 0412
    • Inventory Poisened rice Count: 0001 0413
    • Inventory Colored rice Count: 0001 0414
    • Inventory Sleeping Gas Count: 0001 0415
    • Inventory Resurection leaf Count: 0001 0416
    • Inventory Chameleon spell Count: 0001 0417
    • Inventory Protection amulet Count: 0001 0418
    • Inventory Lightfoot srcoll Count: 0001 0419
    • Inventory Shadow Decoy Count: 0001 041A
    • Inventory Super-Shurkien Count: 0001 041B
    • Inventory Dog Bone Count: 0001 041C
    • Inventory Fire-Eater scroll Count: 0001 041D
    • Inventory Decoy whistle Count: 0001 041E
    • Inventory Ninja armor Count: 0001 041F
    • ----------------------------------------------
    • Stealth kills counter: 0009 5918
    • Spotted counter: 0009 591A
    • Detected kills counter: 0009 591C
    • ----------------------------------------------
  • Word values:
    • ----------------------------------------------
  • DWord values:
    • Elapsed Time: 0009 44C0
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I've notice one thing. It's theorical but it sounds to be correct. Ending blow can be divided into two. First is pure skill and helps you to defeat some mobs or some boss (like Morpheel or Diababa) and 2nd, I'll call it "event" (Poe for example). Ending blow event isn't linked to skill, that's why you can finish poe without learning it. So, Small poe's, Big poe's (in AG) and Ganondorf have the same background mechanism (don't know if this is the correct word in english) and can be shorten like this: Amount of damage -> Amount of damage -> fall on the ground -> Enable Finish. Obviously, Ganondorf needs more damage than poe's. From that point of view, Ganondorf could be finished without ending blow skill.
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I'm going to have a look at Ganondorf fight tonight (and made a video if possible). Just to be clear, I'll test with a "true" game (nothing has been skipped) first. Due to poe's soul mechanism, I'm almost sure it's impossible to get their soul in another way. But... "impossible" doesn't really exists in TAS dictionnary :p. I'll have a look at this.
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Hi there! I'd also be interested in the projcet. I had a look at the demo (which is already amazing). I'm currently replaying the game (GC EU version) and often, I said to myself: "TASing this part of the game could give a crazy result" or "Sure this can be skipped"... I have quite good programming skill (espacially C#), I wrote a 2D engine and a beginning of 3D engine based on the XNA framework and also, I wrote small things in Lua. My very big weakness is that I don't have any TASing experience :s If I can help, in any way. It'll be a pleasure.