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nfq wrote:
in reality there is only one force: magnetism. the strong atomic force and gravity are forms of magnetism. everything is a part of the EM spectrum. even sound and thoughts.
Are you saying you can hear sound coming out of speaker wires? :D
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curtmack wrote:
If we have a function f and numbers a, b, and c such that b ≠ c and f(a) = b and f(a) = c, then we have judged incorrectly - either f is not a function or b = c. Remember, a function cannot return two different values given the same value. When we say "The logarithm function is not a function in the imaginary plane," we mean that ln(x) does not exist if x is imaginary. It is not a "nonfunction" or whatever you were talking about, it simply is not there, just like sqrt(x) doesn't exist for x < 0, and just like a function a^x doesn't exist if a is negative.
Yeah, like I said. A function that wasn't a function, which is impossible :P "Returning" is something that algorithmical functions in computer languages do, by the way. Mathematical functions just have values. I haven't heard of the imaginary plane before. Perhaps you meant the imaginary axis. But ln(x) is defined for the entire complex plane except at x=0, and is in fact injective. a^x is also defined everywhere except when a=0 and x≤0, and is also real for all integer values of x when it is defined.
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Boco wrote:
But this is explicitly not true for the God of the Jews. According to Judaism - and Christianity and Islam - God spoke to an assembled mass of 600,000+ people all at once at Sinai. The entire nation heard him. Judaism isn't founded on "Well, Bob talked to God, so I guess we should do what he says", it's founded on "Hey grandma, you were there, what was it like?". Anyone attempting to create such an event as a hoax even postdated 400 years would run into a lot of people saying "I never heard about any of this,a nd if it happened as you say we should have lots of stories about it passed from generation to generation and we'd be able to get independent confirmation" - and that's not what happened. Instead, the independent confirmation and the stories were present when the text was recorded. So, there's a historical proof. The Sinai event occured. Whether the being who spoke to the nation was who he said he was, you can argue, but whether he spoke? not so much.
You don't know that... The account does not say that everyone watched God from the base of the volcano. It says that Moses came down from the volcano to tell people what God had said. On the third day of this seance, it says that people could hear God's voice. But on that day, the volcano had erupted and the smoke made it impossible to see anything. So they couldn't see if it was Moses himself who was "answering", or perhaps one of his friends. It's also possible that someone made up the entire thing. That would have been possible if he was a very influential and powerful person, and people believed the story because they didn't want to sound uneducated. As more people believed in it, there was an even larger pressure to believe it. They couldn't believe in the religions that they had heard from the surrounding people, or they would be murdered. Besides, their new religion told them that they were God's chosen people, whereas the other religions did not. The fact is, that there is no other evidence that the Old Testament events occurred, other than their own account. Many other parts of the Old Testament are also known to be based on things from other religions. In fact, "Hey grandma, you were there, what was it like?" sounds just like another religion I know of that is an offshoot of another religion and has borrowed on themes from it. Its followers are so dangerous that I unfortunately can't say it's name in public, because they would be after me. Much more dangerous than Islam. You can actually be imprisoned for saying that you can be imprisoned for not being one of them, so I'm not saying that. This religion originated in USA and then spread to England, Germany and the rest of Europe quickly. It is centered about an old prophecy from a book, about a war with another nation lasting for thousands of years. It's mission is to hunt down people and execute or imprison them to get back at them for what the prophecy said that they would do. Perhaps I've said too much?
Baxter wrote:
Err... did you ever consider beliefs and religions were formed/created to explain things that weren't understood? People found themselves on this planet, with no ideas where they came from. There was no scientific method present at the time, not the tools we have now, and whatever else not.
No major religion that I know of, was invented in this way. Judaism was based on other religions and on history, perhaps because of someone who mixed up stories that he had heard and drew inappropriate conclusions, or due to deliberate fraud. Christianity is also based on previous religions. This time, it was deliberate and an attempt to get more converts by making it fit into existing belief systems. It's difficult to say how Islam was made, but it came from something. Old sumerian religion looks like a plain history account. Old norse religion seems like channeled material which had a symbolic meaning but has been corrupted due to the lack of written history. In modern times, religions have been invented. This is always done for fraud or to mock the concept of religious faith and not to explain anything. Sometimes, religions are made to make money or for political reasons.
nfq wrote:
huh? that's gay man :/ you know, i'm actually not even religious, i just had to make some arguments for god because i felt like there wasn't enough christians here. and btw, it was god who made me call you a fool, so don't blame me. you should respond, my answers were intelligent if you just ignore the fool in the beginning.
I don't understand you. You say you are Finnish. And you say you believe in God, just not the Christian version, and you also say that there aren't enough Christians here. What religion do you believe in then? Which religion, apart from Judaism and Christianity, wants more Christians and calls their god "God"?
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You can't do that. The identity a^(bc) = (a^b)^c only holds when the following condition is met: -п < (b ln a)Im ≤ п
However, when imaginary numbers are involved logrithms to weird stuff. The logrithm function isn't actually a function in the imaginary plane.
No, every function is a function. To prove this, if there was a function f that wasn't a function, there would be numbers a, b and c where b ≠ c, f(a) = b and f(a) = c, thus giving b = c (an impossibility), indicating that the function that wasn't a function, had to be a function after all. The probability that 3 of 7 children are male is 0.512^3*0.488^4*7C3 = 0.2664141. And the probability that they are female is 0.2795164.
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Is this Midna you speak of, a relative of Navi?
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Emergency alert! We have a Class V Thought Emergency! Please concentrate and focus on harmless thoughts and be ready to initiate decontamination! Please meditate more, so that you will have only right and positive thoughts. Be aware that people who think something offensive may have their existence corrected.
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Lol... You watched Deign's TAS, and then you started playing on the same file. That's what happened :P If you look, your high score is 79 just like his.
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Although Forte has a slow dash startup, he goes 3.5 pixels per second on the ground, but only 3 pixels per second in the air.
That doesn't exactly sound like dashing to me :D Maybe if he were a very tiny ant.
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I shall here address some of the issues raised in this thread.
The only interesting idea (interesting as in, no one has ever had the balls to reply to it) I've had is that there's really no way for a theist to know that their particular holy book was not, in truth, written by their particular anti-deity.
Perhaps not always, but there are sometimes ways to find out. One should consider if, the author having ill intentions, he would have anything to gain, and if he or she is not being honest about what he would gain or lose. If an individual writes something that most people would benefit from following, but which the target audience knows or practices already, it shows that he can't afford to help people and he should be viewed as suspicious. Of course, the author could very well be who he claims to be, but not WHAT he claims to be.
Dromiceius wrote:
Many people accept that either God or Satan can respectively "speak through" or "possess" an individual. How, then, do we know that the bible wasn't written by someone possessed by Satan?
This accusation can not be supported in any way. The Bible contains several derogatory statements directed at Satan. He would not have had any reason to write this about Himself. The name was, prior to the publication of this work, unknown in Europe. Therefore He could not possibly gain anything from including these statements, such as appealing to a wider audience. The only people who could possibly be interested in including negative statements about themselves while pretending to be someone else would be people who already had a strong negative reputation. This pattern is supported by events occurring today. Some dishonest people will try to lure people out of organizations that are opposed to them by starting false organizations of the same type.
Huh. I think you've got me there! The bible couldn't likely have been produced for the sake of misleading others if there was the possibility of "peer review" amongst a group of people interested in maintaining consistency with certain, already understood ideas.
Well, we don't see the logical connection here. Of course the Bible was written to have some consistency with what people believed in Europe. They had to make some compromises, but they still got their message across that was not believed by anyone else before. It happens all the time.
primorial#soup wrote:
Their texts universally denounce evil works and Satan himself. Were their inception a plot by Satan, who is clearly depicted as the enemy of Jesus in those very texts, it certainly was not a very good plot. Also, I think that the fact that the disciples were convinced of the ressurection is one of the strongest arguments that it actually happened. If it hadn't, they certainly would have known.
The first paragraph is exactly right. But don't forget that there are other parties involved, too. Look closely for another enemy of Jesus, who didn't have the luxury of the option not to be his enemy. If we had proof that the disciples really were convinced of the resurrection, it might have suggested that it happened. But we don't know that. The so-called disciples may just as been have been a lying band of scammers. There are other instances in history where people have believed, and still believe, events that could not possibly have happened, and there may even be thousands of "eye-witnesses" who saw something that wasn't there.
asteron wrote:
I believe God had a place in society maybe a few hundred years ago. I am not convinced that belief has been of any use in recent times though. Some would argue that the threat of a vengeful God reigns in people's destructive tendencies but the most peaceful societies in the world are among the least religious. In modern times, religion seems often abused to either increase political power or effect an idealogical cause.
Common sense tells us that a belief is necessarily useful if and only if it is true. A belief in any God must be either true or false. The truthhood of any such belief is of course static. It can't be true today and false tomorrow. The truth is that the most common world religions were man-invented for the purpose you describe, so they haven't themselves been abused. They were always detrimental to the societies where they were practiced.
Baxter wrote:
Also, in most religions, being gay is considered a sin. But if the souls of men and women are the same, then wouldn't it be the same for two men or two women to fall in love, just like a man and a women? In afterlife you wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway, if the quote from Bisqwit is true.
We feel that it doesn't make sense to mix different religions. In all religions apart from Christianity, it can not be assumed that the statement is true. But if we assume it as factually true, it still only applies to souls in "Heaven" and not to a man on Earth. However, the general consensus is that the souls of men and women are indeed different.
nfq wrote:
i believe in god, but not the christian version, so i guess my arguments are a little different.
Your arguments are different because of who you are, not because of who you believe in. You may not know where your beliefs come from, but they have been implanted in your from birth. You have been told of a certain history and a future by your creators that is not true. The future where all human races will coalesce into one that will exterminate the original races and take over the Earth will not take place. There will be a war and the hybrid race will lose.
AQwertyZ wrote:
The definition of "fittest" in the human context is not the same as it is in the context of other animals (or plants for that matter). In addition, the only reason why evolution cares if an individual is fit is so that the individual lives long enough to reproduce. The evolution of humans all comes down to which genes get reproduced the most often and become more prevalent in the gene pool. So even if being more intelligent equates to being more "fit" in the context of humans, do more intelligent people have more children than less intelligent people? I am getting dangerously close to eugenics here.
The concept of fitness is relative to the external environment. Animals can change the environment to direct the evolution of another species to their advantage. Because people are capable of advanced intelligent thought we are especially prone to doing so, but we often forget the fact that others can do the same to us. Left to their own devices, humans would not have established universal health care or punished intellectuals. This is a consequence of manipulation by others with the goal to make us weaker.
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Yes, 7E009C is the random number, which is generated with this algorithm. It's run every frame and it's also run when a random number is needed:
BC:904B RNG:                                    ; CODE XREF: _80:A8FAP
BC:904B                                         ; _80:AE67P ...
BC:904B                 rep     #$20
BC:904D                 .ACCU 16
BC:904D                 lda     RandomNumber
BC:9050                 asl     A
BC:9051                 clc     
BC:9052                 adc     RandomNumber
BC:9055                 xba     
BC:9056                 sep     #$20
BC:9058                 .ACCU 8
BC:9058                 sta     (RandomNumber+1)
BC:905B                 clc     
BC:905C                 adc     RandomNumber
BC:905F                 sta     RandomNumber
BC:9062                 rtl
The number of eyes that come out at a time is random. When you start fighting, the probability is 50% of 2 coming out, 37.5% of 3 coming out and 12.5% of 4 coming out. There is a 33 frame delay between them. Afterwards, there is a 128 frame delay, and there is: - 12.5% chance of 1 coming out, 50% chance of 2 coming out, 25% chance of 3 coming out and 12.5% chance of 4 coming out with 0 eyes out, - 37.5% chance of 1 coming out, 50% chance of 2 coming out and 12.5% chance of 3 coming out with 1 eye out, - 37.5% chance of 0 coming out, 50% chance of 1 coming out and 12.5% chance of 2 coming out with 2 eyes out, - 87.5% chance of 0 coming out and 12.5% chance of 1 coming out with 3 eyes out. Otherwise, no eyes come out. In that case, Ovnunu just waits another 128 frames again, which he also does if all the eyes are already out but haven't been killed yet. So you have to kill the last eye before the next is supposed to come out or you'll have to wait another 128 frames. When it's time to send out another eye and you've killed all 10, Ovnunu will decide to jump out the next time he reaches the bottom. Luck manipulation might be hard since all you have to work with is the amount of eyes killed before it's going to send out more eyes, and the amount of wait frames before you start (Ovnunu begins to wake up when your X coordinate is at least 128 or your Y position is less than 568)
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07B7C760 is a good PAR code for this. But there's only water behind the tree which you can't get out of.
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Why would you vote for Vänsterpartiet? They want: - 6 hour limit on workdays, meaning greater inefficiences in production, causing mass unemployment as companies move operations abroad. - Increase government control over landlords and private businesses. Vänsterpartiet wants to seize the property of anyone who do not rent out to, or hire people at the government's discretion. At present, they can only be fined. - To reduce the already ridiculous jail sentences and let criminals run loose - To send precious women into war and thereby reduce the size of the next generation of Swedes dramatically after a war - To encourage graffiti and vandalism - To help voter groups that depend the most on the government (non-productive citizens), to increase their own power over the people.
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No, argumentation is the act of making arguments. Argumentation theory is the study of argumentation, and in the article, argumentation is used as a short hand for argumentation theory. Wikipedia isn't meant to be used as a dictionary. And "the slippery slope" isn't an argument, it's a form that an argument can have. Argumentation which is based upon that kind of argument is naturally called the same. Since both are potentially valid words in the context one must assume that the author intended what was written, thus making it the correct word.
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Shouldn't you say something like 'btw, it's not "argumentation", the correct word is "argument"'? The way you worded that sentence makes it sound like you were offended by me using the wrong word.
No, messages are made at people's own discretion, there is no style guide here. However, argumentation was the correct word anyway. On the other hand, I can't say that I've heard about "unoptimizations" before :P That sounds like something one would do deliberately.
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I don't see any RAM scrambling going on, but Yoshi's colour is determined by a table, and if the level number is 73 or higher they may become strange.
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It's a glitch, when you press left+right the game goes down instead (due to the tables for left/right and up/down being adjacent), and when it doesn't find anything there it continues going down until it lands at the RAM address for the number of coins which it then uses as the level number. The reason that holding right or left before you press left+right causes a different warp is that it starts going in the direction that you began pressing at that frame, but then continues using all the buttons that are currently pressed to determine the direction when it doesn't find anything. I've checked all possible level values, and there are none above 68 that put you in an usable location.
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Yes, 1-1 is great as it has many easy coins at the beginning. I wonder if there is a faster way to get up to the coins without having to use the question mark cloud. 12 coins take you back to the intro level, by the way. When you press right, left and then left+right, the level you warp to depends on the screen where you last entered a pipe.
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I probably don't move optimally in the beginning but I don't feel like doing it all over again. For column 1 it's fortunately the number of coins that determine the level you go to. So you just have to pick up 68 coins. There could be other levels one could try first instead of 1-1 where it's easier to get coins. 2-4, 3-8 and 6-4 aren't available. Getting 23, 24, 35, 36, 47, 48, 59 or 60 coins just take you to 1-1 with a messed up title.
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I remember a time when I went down the pipe in 5-3 with the shoes on, and somehow I went down through the right side of the pipe and didn't come out on the screen below, but could move horizontally. When the time was up the game froze. I wonder how that happened.
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Only bottles use the indexes when you use them because they are the only ones that can be in 4 different places normally. 8011A638 - B item 8011A639 - C-left item 8011A63A - C-down item 8011A63B - C-right item 8011A63C - C-left index 8011A63D - C-down index 8011A63E - C-right index The game adds 3 to the address of the item to get to the index when you use the bottle. It also uses them when you change C-items, but then it doesn't check the B-button.
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The items from 56 and onwards are: 56 Bow/Fire arrows 57 Bow/Ice arrows 58 Bow/Light arrows 59 Kokiri Sword 60 Master Sword 61 Biggoron's Sword 62 Deku Shield 63 Hyrule Shield 64 Mirror Shield 65 Kokiri Tunic 66 Goron Tunic 67 Zora Tunic 68 Kokiri Boots 69 Iron Boots 70 Hover Boots 71 Bullet bag (Holds 30) 72 Bullet bag (Holds 40) 73 Bullet bag (Holds 50) 74 Quiver (Holds 30) 75 Quiver (Holds 40) 76 Quiver (Holds 50) 77 Bomb bag (Holds 20) 78 Bomb bag (Holds 30) 79 Bomb bag (Holds 40) 80 Goron's bracelet 81 Silver gauntlet 82 Golden gauntlet 83 Silver scale 84 Golden scale 85 Broken sword 86 Adult wallet 87 Giant wallet 88 Deku seeds 89 Fishing rod
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Congratulations on this totally crazy movie. It was neat to sometimes hear the level end songs play in unison :D
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When one tries to access a word or long operand at an odd address, an address error is generated on a real machine, whereas most emulators ignore it. This results in the operation described in sections and 6.3.10 of the 68000 user's manual here:
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I'd like Address Error emulation.
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