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The movie was entertaining for a majority of the time, is of a high quality, and was certainly speedy. For all these things I would vote yes. The movie had a few moments that had me going "wow, this just feels slow for some reason" and I knew in advance that it wasn't going for in-game time, which I feel is the most important. For these things I would vote no. Overall, I'm voting meh.
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This gets a resounding yes vote from me. Here's to the first people to break the basement door with BLJs!
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I remember a time when everyone around here was helpful to people, even those who don't know what they're getting in to... That said, go for it. I'll watch your run if you finish it.
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should I feel dirty that I laughed all the way through the crawling first star? It was really funny. If nothing else, I'd *love* to see this game completed that way. It'd be extremely entertaining for me.
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I thought I had just about every version of SMB in existance, but I can't find the FDS version. Guess I'll have to wait for an avi to experience this.
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It gets a yes vote from me as well. There were some things that were slower than the wild warp run, such as the very start where you fall out of the cave and walk to the town, but the WW run bounces all the way into town. I don't know if this is simply because he started from reset and you started from power on though. I'm sure if I watched it a couple more times I could let you know any other parts where it seemed like you might not be optimal...but who cares. high quality run.
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captainobvious wrote:
Hamm wrote:
No rush, you got the first run published already. I'm a patient person. ^_^
Well, its been about 9 months, and you haven't egged anyone on, so you really must be patient!
Extremely. I realize the amount of time and patience a TAS of a game like this can take and would never dream of trying to put pressure on someone who's doing the rest of us a favor by giving us something entertaining to watch. As for this new run, I will take a look at it on Thursday and let you know what I think.
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I've played this game on the console many times, and I know for a fact that this run would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, on a console. The reaction speed required to kill some of the things he kills is amazing. This gets a yes vote from me.
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In all the times I've played the game I've never gotten the Gutsy Bat or the Sword of Kings. Seeing you grab either or them (or both) would add to my enjoyment by far.
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I agree. Concerns here are not about how big your WR time ego is. It is about making fast, entertaining TAS's. If someone can say that something is possible, that they've done it, but that they have no proof, fine. Either it is the truth or it is a lie. The person making the run can either try and verify the information given or he can pass on it. It is his call to use the information given to him. As for Wouter, his disruptive and immature behavior does not belong on these boards.
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I'd watch it simply because I don't have the patience to play through it myself.
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one thing I noticed that I want to ask about. After finishing Maridia (?, the underwater area) you return to Brinstar, go to Kraid's Lair, and grab missles. On the way out, you have to roll a goodly distance in ball form, lay a bomb, back off some, then roll forward again. Wouldn't it have been quicker to roll into ball form right away and drop a power bomb, then go through on the first possible frame? You never ran out of power bombs, so it wasn't for a lack of power bombs. Perhaps I'm just wrong about the time it would take the power bomb to go off. This still gets a huge yes vote, btw
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There was a ton of wasted time in that BoF3 run. Still, it was fun to watch.
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I'm anxiously awaiting the results of this, keep up the awesome work!
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I've had prep for finals and the actual finals this week, so I've not had a chance to watch the entire movie yet. I did notice a few areas that didn't seem optimal, but I'll have to watch again to get a good feel for it.
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nitsuja wrote:
Hamm wrote:
anyone know how I can fix SNES9x so that it doesn't freeze within 10 seconds of starting this movie?
First, try this: run "snes9x.exe -restore" at the command line (from the same directory as your snes9x, of course). That may not fix it, but I'm curious as to whether it does. If it does work, that means one of your emulator settings was bad somehow. If that didn't fix it, then here's something more likely to work: When you go to play the movie, in the playback dialog, turn off "Sync sound with CPU". You'll have to turn that off every time you play the movie, though, if that's what fixes it. (Unless Kaz turns off that option the next time the movie is updated so that it will automatically be off for you.) A few games actually need that setting on to stay in sync, but that's very rare so you're probably safe with turning it off.
I'm on my laptop and I had the same problem. I ran the restore and it didn't fix it, but disabling the sync sound with CPU worked. I'm actually in class and can't watch the whole thing, but I saw far more of the video than I have seen thusfar. I think that did the trick, so I'll attempt the same thing at home and see if it works. Thanks alot.
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I certainly don't want to derail this topic, but seeing as this is one of the few runs I ever pushed for someone to do...and seeing as I'd like to give input on how things are going...I have to ask: anyone know how I can fix SNES9x so that it doesn't freeze within 10 seconds of starting this movie? This isn't the only movie it has happened, with, but it is the only one that it happens every time to. I've given the game upwards of 15 minutes warmup, I've tried messing with sound and video settings, nothing is working. I have the most up-to-date version (or at least I think I do) of the emulator, and the proper ROM (or at least it has the right checksum). The sound seems to hiccup and get stuck like a broken record in an infinite loop, and then the emulator freezes up. Every once in a long while it'll unstick itself and the movie will continue fine, but most of the time I have to kill the program and start over again. I'm kinda frustrated that it isn't working because I really want to see the WIPs. Hopefully someone can help me, if not, I'll have to wait for a finished AVI to make comments.
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Not to stir up anything, but wouldn't the wild warp code that was used in Crystalis fall under the same category? It's just about as well known and allows you to get places that aren't normally accessable in such a way.
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I think people are missing the fact that there are 3rd party N64 controllers that have more than 63% tilt. That said, I don't really care. It is exactly like left+right or up+down. If you remove parts of the controller, you can physically do these things on the official controllers. I think that a TAS is all about exploiting how a game is programmed using all available glitches. If they didn't think about speed properly, and programmed it to 100% tilt, then good news for us, we can exploit it.
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No rush, you got the first run published already. I'm a patient person. ^_^
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I just don't see any use to having segmented runs. That's not what this site is about. If you want to make segemented runs, no one can stop you, but I personally would always give a no vote if they were submitted.
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You could probably count on one hand the number of times the high powered attacks are used outside of boss battles. They just take way too long to charge compared to repeatedly stabbing enemies. While it can be a helpful glitch, it isn't probably of any use in the run itself.
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I HATE segmented runs. They are a pain to download, aren't nearly as fun to watch, and are a big waste of time. This game needs one run, and one run only. Fastest time through 00Agent.
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for broken fun, I can't see anything better than Ness, but he requires an official SRAM. That said, Ness' throw will pretty much cancel anything come at him and can be followed by his meteor smash of down+a in air.
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I think he's referring to the areas in which two polygons meet, but are not touching properly. The seam between them would be the gap that you can get mario through if you jump, silde, etc at the right speed and angle.
"How can you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." -Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)