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The little piranha plant icon says that it's a demo, so I don't think it was ever finished.
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I'm a little disappointed to see nothing new here in the last month. I was really enjoying the updates and it seems like we're close to another finished run.
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As for the concept of someone doing the bare minimum just to collect a bounty, maybe there should be a rule that to collect a bounty someone's run needs to stay published for a period of time (say a month) without getting obsoleted. Then if someone rushes a TAS just to get the bounty and someone else beats it two weeks later, the first person loses that bounty and it goes to the second person. Even if each person just barely beats out the last person's time eventually someone would end up on top with an optimized version.
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Coming from the perspective of someone who's never played Aria of Sorrow, I can't help but feel lost watching this. It dragged along, wasn't really anything new or unique, and seemed like a bad choice of game. I vote yes. (Bonus game: Count the lies.)
Post subject: Re: Spider Man 64
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kchrules wrote:
PS: The game starts from a snapshot because I tried recording from the beginning and the "Expansion Pack Found" Freezes the emulator.
That would make it ineligible for publication, then. We'll have to find a workaround before it can be finished and submitted.
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Wow, so much to comment on. Didn't really find the movie entertaining. Voting meh. I have to totally disagree with arukAdo: I think his argument is like the people who say "I'd like to see you do better." Just because you haven't actually done it before doesn't mean you have no right to an opinion on a subject. I've never produced a Hollywood motion picture, but I feel qualified to say that Manos: The Hands of Fate is a terrible movie. Someone doesn't have to be a TASer to comment on a movie and telling them they have no right to express their opinion is insulting and uncalled for. As for the grammar issue, it's hard for me to take this side, but I think Bezman is nitpicking a bit too much for the Internet. Trust me, I get annoyed when people have horrible grammar too, but: 1. There are a lot of non-native English speakers here so let's give them a little slack. 2. I wasn't even fully aware of the whole "less/fewer" issue so I feel it's not a very pressing issue. 3. Frankly if I commented on every error I'd see I wouldn't be getting any sleep. If someone screws up "your/you're" or "there/their/they're" I have to say something because that's really basic, but pick your battles, man. That said, thanks for making me aware of that rule.
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arukAdo wrote:
Im sorry but you are not a player, dont speak for them, i am a player, the 10$ bounty is very motivating (at least it was for awards), and im gratefull for it.
Personally, I think anything is better than nothing, but $10 isn't a big motivator for me. There's no way I can do a quality TAS in less than an hour, and a minimum-wage job would pay me quite a bit more than that. If I'm going to invest that much time into it, I'm really just losing money. Would people be able to pool money into a sort of bounty fund? If 20 people all really want to see a Zelda OoT TAS and contribute $2 each, that's four times what we've been discussing so far.
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mmbossman wrote:
Anyone care to provide a quick synopsis of the above conversation in English?
I said "I am with the grapefruit." I don't know what anyone else said.
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I always pronounce it in my head as the letters. T. A. S. I think if I heard someone say "I'm working on a tass" I would make a mental note to avoid them.
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Mukki wrote:
NES Metal Gear $10 1: Metal Gear (NES or MSX) 2: any% 3: Must be accepted as an improvement to the currently published movie and worthy of at least an 8.5 technical rating from me. 4: Your run should aim for the fastest time possible, however I am more interested in seeing a visually different improvement (i.e. new innovative routes) rather than optimisations. It is nature of improvement, rather than size which is of importance here.
Here's the problem with that: I could drive myself crazy doing a Metal Gear TAS and submit it and then you could say "Ehhhh, Technical rating: 8.4" and now I've done it for nothing.
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Je suis avec le pamplemousse.
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Sorry. This didn't really grab my attention. Meh.
Post subject: Re: GGheysJr
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GGG wrote:
Great improvement, But little that the of Aqfaq, I vote if
Translation: I enjoyed this submission, though it was a very small improvement over the previous submission belonging to Aqfaq. If my previous statement holds validity, I will vote in an ambiguous fashion.
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Hah, nice. I have to see this now.
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It started to drag after a while, but then when you started fighting three enemies at once it was great. By the way, was the boss with the eagle summoned as quickly as possible? You seem to fight an enemy that's in the wrong direction and then pass another one to run almost a full screen to where the boss is. Can't you just fight the enemy on the right instead and get there sooner? I'd like to see an encode of the hard mode version too before I vote.
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Hah. I never watched this before. Doing a TAS of minesweeper sounds so stupid and insane, but it's hilarious. I love it.
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mklip2001 wrote:
I gotta say, I don't like this game as much as SOR2. The music and sound are definitely worse. The game is also a lot longer.
Yeah, most people prefer SoR2. But I like #3 a lot better. 1. I disagree about the music. It has a lot of cool music. They both do, really. So I might agree that SoR2 has better music, but not vastly so. 2. SoR1 and 2 are both really slow-paced. #3 has a great pace and it's a lot of fun to play. 3. SoR3 has a really great special move system. When the special meter is at the top, you don't lose any health, otherwise how much health you lose depends on how high the meter gets before you do another special. This encourages you to use special moves more often. I loathe how most fighting games make you lose health (and usually a lot of it) to do a special move. I never want to use them. 4. It adds a bunch of cool extra moves that weren't available in earlier games. The only thing I don't like about #3 is that it's freaking hard as hell. Even with the 9 lives cheat, I've only beaten the game twice with the bad ending because I can't beat Robot Y on time. It's quite cruel and unforgiving. Most people I've tried to play it with end up getting frustrated and don't want to play anymore.
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I'm surprised this doesn't have any yes votes. They're all "No" or "Meh". The run was good, just improvable.
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Dromiceius wrote:
Incidentally, are you supposed to be awarded points for punching air? I would think not, but this game is a bit weird even without all the glitches...
That enemy I scrolled off the screen earlier is glitched. He's gone, but there's still a hitbox there that I can punch and get points. It disappears when the last remaining enemy is defeated.
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I think your earlier example is the perfect sort of chess game that would work in a TAS. One with crippling glitches you can exploit, while also manipulating the AI into doing stupid things.
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Some general thoughts: I love SoR3 but I can't help feeling it's better suited for a playaround than a speedrun. I once played around with the idea of a 2p playaround with Axel and Blaze but never got around to it. I think this would make for a more interesting run since you get twice as many moves, plus a few extras such as the move where you vault over your teammate and do an air attack on the enemies. Anyway, the run isn't bad. It seems more-or-less optimized. Some specific points of interest: Nice work with the Wings motorcycle dudes in Stage 2. I didn't know it was possible to hit them twice before they go off screen. Very nicely handled. The part with Bruce and Roo looks like it can be improved. If you can somehow manipulate Roo closer to the edge of the screen so you don't have to wait while he runs all the way across, that would probably save time. Very nice work with Mona and Lisa. :D Stage 3 was pretty solid. I love watching guys fly off the ledges. Manipulating Tiger to jump kick off the edge was gold. Robot Axel was nice. Stage 4 kind of lost me. The part with the ninjas seemed somewhat boring. The Yamato fight really looks improvable. There are several points where you don't seem to be able to get on top of him and lots of times where you slam him off screen where you can't follow up with more attacks. Throwing him over your shoulder into the centre of the room might be better. Stage 5 started out great, but it drags on for a while. More the fault of the game than yours, really. After reaching the top of the elevator, things pick up well. Stage 6's route is sub-optimal. Take the elevator down to the bottom floor first, clear it, then take it back up to the second floor and clear that. Then it's a very quick dash to rescue the Chief. Going to the second floor, then bottom, then coming back up to the second floor again is a time-waster. Sorry, I think that clinched it. My other complaints might have been based on ignorance and there might have been a reasonable explanation, but this route is much slower. I think it might be possible to beat the stage faster in real time. Stage 7 wasn't bad. Nice work with the robot arm in particular. Overall nothing too special. I'm afraid my vote is meh.
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Wow. That actually sounds like it would be great for a TAS.
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I've said on two separate occasions that Duck Hunt is one of the worst games for a TAS but both times I was thinking pure hypothesis. I didn't actually believe someone would really do it. 1. There is no challenge to making a Duck Hunt TAS whatsoever. Optimizing a game like Duck Hunt is about as straightforward as it gets. I know the guidelines say that the effort is irrelevant (ie, playing a TAS in real-time instead of with frame advance doesn't make it more impressive) but I think this is taking it a bit too far. It's like if you were to do a TAS of Rock Paper Scissors. 2. Duck Hunt goes on forever. You managed to circumvent this by doing a brief showcase of each game, so yes, you did manage to sidestep that issue. However, I think your approach doesn't really work for TASvideos' goals. This seems more of a longplay or demonstration. If it doesn't actually beat the game, it seems ineligible for publication. 3. There's no entertainment value. No one is going to watch this and have their mind blown. "Wow, that duck got shot before it even appeared on screen. So did that one. So did that one. That one too." It's just pointless repetition. 4. April Fools Day is like two months away, dude. Voted "As no as no can be"
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Hah. After the first scene with all the repeated headshots, I thought it would get pretty boring, but after that it was great. The best part was when that soldier lobs the grenade and blows up himself and three other guys.
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