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I stopped this a long time ago primarily because of a desync issue. It's not a huge one. I just didn't feel like trying to figure it out. It happens right at the beginning of the very first level and it's the only place where it happens. If you can get past that part without a desync, the rest will work perfectly. I have no idea what causes it, though.
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X2poet wrote: Here's my moive,Baxter.
Very nice! I think I like this better than the existing 1-player run. The parts where one turtle is doing all the killing while the other casually strolls right through a wall are especially great.
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Just throwing this out there: What would be the best way to do a TAS of NBA Jam? I was thinking that like other games you can still go for fastest time. How exactly would you manage this? Fairly simple: Every time someone scores a goal, the game is delayed. So the fastest way to beat it would be to avoid either team scoring any goals at all. That means a full game with a score of 2-0 or 3-0 with the final shot being scored as close to the buzzer as possible. As per basketball rules, a shot fired after the buzzer still counts as a goal, so you want it to be as exact as you can. Too early and the game is halted. Too late and you continue past the clock for a second or two. Now, it would normally be boring to see four quarters with no goals, but since all you have to do is avoid getting actual baskets (and avoid lag) there's all kinds of tricks you can play around with. Maybe luck manipulate the computer players to take lots of missing shots? Or possibly luck manipulate the announcer to say the same thing over and over again. Maybe there are some glitches to exploit. I'd say there are a lot of possibilities here. What do you think? Would this work?
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mmbossman wrote:
Perhaps it received poor responses because, like your soccer submission, you didn't actually finish the game. Or perhaps baseball purists (like myself), prefer a game that doesn't have flame-throwing pitchers, balls that cast multiple shadows, or fielders that can jump 40 feet in the air. Or maybe it's just a fickle audience.
I think the fact that the game isn't finished is really the problem. Personally, I was amused by the multiple shadows.
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Hmm. The video is still way out of sync with the audio. Is there any way to minimize this? I've noticed this happening regardless of the codec.
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Okay, nevermind. For some reason this seems to happen exclusively with the H.263+ codec. I know I've had it work properly with that codec before. Anyway, problem solved I guess. Now if only I knew what caused the audio desync.
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I've used Snes9x 1.43+ v9 and v10. Both have this problem. I haven't tried 1.51 (which I have, but don't want to try because of desync issues) I'm using the Kaizo Mario World hack, but my friend who had the same problem has it with every game. Both of us use Windows XP. Edit: This also happens regardless of codec, but I've been primarly using FFDshow's H.263+. Even if I put full frames, uncompressed, I have the same problem.
Post subject: AVIs: Why is it doing this!?!
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Okay, I've had a number of issues with Snes9x and recording avi. The audio almost always goes way out of sync with the video, for instance. But lately, I find that for some stupid reason, every time I try to record an AVI, it outputs a file that's about 7k and less than a second long. I let it record for 20 minutes, and then stopped, and the AVI didn't even have a second worth of frames. It worked before, why not now? Also, I'm not the only person for this to happen to. A friend has had this same trouble with recording AVIs from the very beginning. I don't know why mine was working before, but not hers, but it's frustrating, to say the least. Is this a known problem? Maybe it should be in the FAQs.
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Sir VG wrote:
Especially since it's nothing like Bisqwit's movie.
Yeah. I didn't have the Air hack so I wasn't able to check. Let's uh, pretend I didn't say anything?
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In hindsight I feel like a bit of an ass for jumping to the conclusion that this person stole bisqwit's movie. Although, the video is clearly tool-assisted and doesn't mention it, I really shouldn't be throwing out accusations like that.
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I just found this on YouTube that's faster than the published TAS. Interestingly enough, it doesn't require getting coins for a 1up as the death trick isn't required. It also skips a few areas. Edit: I've been reading through the old posts. I don't have the hack so I wasn't able to test, but I noticed Bisqwit added a movie in this thread that fits this movie's description and has a similar time frame. Did this person steal Bisqwit's movie and claim it as his own work?
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Wow. Reading through this thread was crazy. I pretty well disagree with Xkeeper about the quality of the movie, but it's amazing how much people are putting up a stink about him voting no. A little discussion about why he voted no, I have no problem with, but what's with all the attacks? Respect his opinion, people. Personally, I think the technical aspect of the movie is cool, but what clinched my yes vote were the cool tricks done in some of the levels. I haven't seen those tricks before. I especially liked the final level right before Bowser and the really speedy route through it. The part where he slid face first up that really steep ramp made me laugh. Also, is it just me or have previous Mario 64 runners not been able to immediately catch Bowser by the tail just as he lands from the bombs?
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Wow! I'm glad I saw that. What I find impressive is that not only did it beat the previous time by so fast (and even appears to be very optimal) but I think it's actually more entertaining than previous runs too. Little touches like "jumping backwards and throwing the holy water at the skeleton that seems too far away, killing it just before entering the door" make this a really great movie. I'm just really curious why the final whip upgrade wasn't picked up. Is it just that it takes too many frames to do the power up animation?
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I was thinking about something like this much earlier for Spy Hunter. I think the game is infinite, so you can't do a normal completion, so I was thinking about a score attack. However, the enemy sprites seem to be generated pseudo-randomly based on your movement. I was thinking if there was something where you could input that the car can only press "up" or "up/left" or "up/right" so you can dodge stuff, and press one button to shoot, maybe there would be some way to see which would be the fastest way to get a certain amount of points. I was told however that it was pretty much impossible. I guess six is still too many input combinations.
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this is me wrote:
see again why i lurked for so long been attacked twice now for no reason
I apologize for being sarcastic with you. But the reason I responded so harshly is because you were being a little less than nice yourself. It wasn't for "no reason." I stated my opinion on the matter politely and rather than discuss, you started offering "easy solutions" to my opinion. You also implied that something was wrong with my perceptiveness. However, really the main reason I attacked you was because I thought you were making up the part about voting, so I'm sorry for my part in the misunderstanding. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you so I hope we can both let this drop. To get slightly back on topic: Even though I voted no, I still have to congratulate the authors. Since most people did enjoy it, I think it did deserve to be published.
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Great :/ The version I have must be the wrong one. It's definitely the Tengen Pacman, but it desyncs with the movies you have here. Is there more than one Tengen rom? Mine is "U Tengen [!]"
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Sorry. I just figured he was trolling. Also, I clearly remember not being able to vote until I had a healthy number of posts.
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this is me wrote:
i guess i never mentioned, but i was the 5th vote yes here are a couple easy solutions for the 2 problems 1. annoying music clashes? find the volume selector 2. cant follow all 4 at once? improve visual analyzation and processing skills with more first person shooters
I found this amusing. Someone with only 12 posts can't vote, so obviously you weren't the 5th yes vote. 1. What's the point in watching a speedrun if you can't hear anything? Even if I turn the volume down, the four songs going at once sound pretty annoying together and if I mute it entirely, it somewhat ruins it. 2. Thanks, doc. You cured me. After reading this post, I went and played a first person shooter for several hours a day every day for many weeks and now I am magically able to visually analyze and process four video games at the same time without missing any details. It's a good thing I don't have a job because that would really interfere with my "easy solution" to an inherent human limitation. All that work was easily worth it just so I could watch and enjoy this one speedrun.
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AngerFist wrote:
Sorry for redundancy but I would like to take this opportunity and acknowledge these two above posts. I really respect and enjoy reading these type of no votes (not that Im trying to imply I do not respect other type of no votes). It makes me feel very happy. Because it acknowledges our effort even though they did not enjoy watching it. That goes for Zurrecos and other similar no voters as well. Thank you guys :)
I'm glad you aren't offended. I do think you did a great job. :)
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I'm sorry. I had to vote no. I'm really impressed that you did this, and it's a very cool idea and it's great that you managed to actually complete it. But I couldn't watch for more than a minute. I can't concentrate on four Megamans moving at the same time, let alone notice how they're all moving identically. That and the music clashes really badly. It hurt my ears. My vote is not based on whether or not you did it well. You did it very well. My vote was based on how entertaining it is, and it doesn't entertain me if I get a headache watching for about 30 seconds.
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I thought of a really crazy one that's probably impossible. You may have thought of the same thing, based on what you did at the end of the movie file. You kick a koopa shell off the edge, but stomp on it right before it goes off the edge so that it stops, but the momentum just barely takes it over. (Assumption based on flawed perception of Super Mario Bros phsyics, so I don't even know if you can do that, assuming you can even catch up to a koopa shell without running) Then jump off the shell while it's in mid-air. Only other thing I thought of was if you get a green paratroopa to follow you and then jump off him at the peak of his jump, but I don't think there are any green ones in that level. Edit: Wait, forget all that! I have an idea. I notice there are two koopa troopas on that ledge. Jump on the first one, then avoid the second. Wait until the second koopa bumps into the first one's shell and return. When it reaches the end of the ledge, jump off it and give yourself a boost? It would work better if the koopa was green, probably, but this might be possible.
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Okay... this is really weird. The Famtasia run is way ahead of me in frames, even though I know of a few ways I saved time. It seems to consistently stay ahead of me for no apparent reasons. Lots of parts where it's just a straight run it seems to beat my time. Is this a problem with how Famtasia emulates or something? Does FCEU emulate some sort of lag or anything that Famtasia doesn't? Otherwise I have no idea why I would be so behind a run that doesn't have frame advance in a game that's extremely straightforward.
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Thanks. This is a little annoying though because it starts recording as soon as you open the rom, and appends to the same avi when you open the movie file. I can't pause the system prior to opening the rom, so there are a bunch of extra frames I can't get rid of.
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VANDAL wrote:
You could also dump an AVI from Famtasia and use VirtualDub for the frame counter.
I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.
P.JBoy wrote:
You could convert the famtasia movie to fceu with nesmock. Then you can use the frame count.
That may have occurred to me, but I figured the conversion would cause desyncs so after a while I wouldn't be able to tell. Edit: Okay, well it most definitely does desync very early on, so this doesn't work. Also, Famtasia doesn't seem to be able to output AVIs. Do I have the wrong version?
Post subject: Famtasia: Time/frames?
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I recently decided to take a shot at making an FCEU run of a published Famicom video to see if I could obsolete it. It's difficult to tell if I'm making any progress though because I can't compare frames. Famtasia doesn't have any sort of feature that I can find that displays frame numbers or tells me how long the movie has been running for. I believe I have saved a few frames here and there but I have no way of knowing for sure. Is there something I can do? I suppose I could hex edit to see where input is made, but it would be so much of a pain it wouldn't even be worth it.
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