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AKA wrote:
You'd be amazed how often I correct what I've wrote, although many errors still crop up.
It wasn't meant as a sleight against you of course. It just goes to show how difficult the intricacies of our language are. I'd also like to say that I think English is probably one of the funniest languages. Think about this: 1. The rules of grammar can be very complicated, to the point where if someone gets it really wrong, it just sounds hilarious. Badly translated English is one of the funniest things ever. Eg: "Uh-oh, the truck have started to move." "I feel asleep!" "You invaders! Get you the hot bullets of shotgun to die!" 2. We have one word for sunset and about three dozen or so words for vomit. 3. The very fact that English has so many different words means that comedically (and poetically as well) it's often just a matter of using the right word at the right time. Not funny: "Melvin sneezed on his cat." Funny: "In an instant, a torrent of membranous nasal fluid left Melvin's nose and propelled his cat into the stratosphere, leaving nothing but a meow with a doppler effect."
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AKA wrote:
English probally is the easiest overall to learn, because there is no masculine/femine or any thing that must be said in relavence to the conversation, you just know from the context of whats been said.
I still say English is one of the hardest, and I think the number of spelling and grammatical errors in your first sentence alone is an indicator of that. There are a lot of immigrants around where I live and I see a lot of people who speak English as a second language and I don't remember ever speaking to one of them who has not struggled with it. In fact, I'm not even sure it's possible for someone to just pick up English and not have a difficult time with it. Many of such people have lived here for years, and still confuse have/has. Heck, I've seen a lot of people who speak English as a first language who still don't seem to have it figured out.
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Warp wrote:
Using a semicolon there feels more like artificial.
Post subject: Re: Dr. Mario
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andrewg wrote:
Can you max out the score in Dr. Mario? wouldn't it be better to do that as fast as possible than to get to level 20? I would like to see you get a chain reaction so big that your score maxes! that would be cool.
Maxing out the score is in no way a show of skill, since you can pretty much just keep destroying rows of pills indefinitely (leaving virii unscathed). If there is a way to get nothing but chain reactions, that would be pretty cool, but I doubt you can max your score with them. I took a stab at just doing level 20. I got close to Baxter's time but not quite. Still have some optimizing to do but even still I probably just chose a bad stage. When I'm done, I'll post my run of that stage in this thread (but not add to workbench because I'm pretty sure I can find a stage that's faster, such as Baxter's.) Mostly because even though it's not faster, it's still pretty cool and I'd like to show it off before I take a stab at a differently generated stage.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Hyena wrote:
For instance; I'm not entirely sure I placed that semicolon properly.
You didn't. A semicolon requires an independant clause be on both sides of it; you can think of it as a subsitute period. You also may not use it along with coordinating conjunctions; however, using it with however is proper usage.
See, I was always under the impression that a semicolon was functional like a colon except at a place where it would be appropriate not to break for a new sentence. Ex: My thoughts on Super Metroid are as follows: It rules. Super Metroid is one of my favourite games; it rules. I guess it just shows how complicated this language is. I was reading before kindergarden and have been writing for as long as I remember, but I'm 25 and still haven't figured out semicolons. :p
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Bartman has quite some remarkable super powers. Being able to fly is nothing new, and Superman could kick his ass. Still, being able to fire an infinite number of slingshot bullets with a speed rivalling that of a machinegun would make him very deadly indeed.
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Baxter wrote:
Ehm... you should watch my movie :P
At work right now. I'll watch it right away when I get home.
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Hmm. I'm confused. I was under the impression (and Sir VG confirmed it) that the game continues on past level 20. Where's the cutscene?
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Baxter wrote:
If you beat my time, you'll get my yes vote... I would be suprised though, if someone makes a faster movie.
You did yours in slow motion and not frame advance, though, right? Edit: Oh, I see. I guess I didn't read your submission text properly. I'm willing to give it a shot, though.
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Funny. I did a search and never found those. Thanks for the heads up.
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Chinese is probably more complicated spoken than written. Cantonese is even more so.
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After level 20 it's just the same thing repeated, though, right? Level 20 would seem to be the place to stop. And I think considering how fast you can TAS a game like Dr. Mario, 20 levels would probably go really quickly. Besides, there would be some cool stuff I think you can do in the first few levels before you get to the crazy hard ones. I'm not completely married to this idea though. I'm just going to play around with it and see what would be best. Once I do two or three levels, I'll post a WIP and see what people think. If everyone's still convinced going straight to level 20 would be best, that's what I'll do.
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Warp wrote:
The same study showed that among the hardest languages for a child to learn as his native language are, not quite surprisingly, German and, perhaps a bit more surprisingly, English.
Why is that so surprising? English has to be the most absurdly complicated language on Earth. Most native English speakers I've encountered on the Internet can't seem to grasp what, to me, are some of the most basic things. I'd consider my English skills excellent, yet even now and then I'll misspell something or forget how punctuation works in a very specific instance. For instance; I'm not entirely sure I placed that semicolon properly.
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I've decided I should make a TAS of this game. Unlike Tetris, Dr. Mario has a definite beginning and end which might possibly make it more suited for a TAS. It's possible to simply start at the highest level, but I think it would be just as interesting, if not more so, to simply start at the first level and continue on up to level 20. Regarding optimization, I've observed the following: - Luck manipulation doesn't work the same way as Tetris. Once the level begins, the pills always come in the exact same order. The only way to manipulate this is before the stage begins (most likely by manipulating the frame the stage starts on.) The types and positions of the virii are very likely manipulated the same way. The virii and pill order might be linked. I'll have to experiment some more to see. - Turning pills actually causes them to move faster. By flipping a pill as it drops, it falls faster. A pill also moves faster side-to-side if you flip it while doing so. - The biggest hazard to speed seems to be the remaining pill bits dropping after a virus is destroyed. Not only do they fall much slower than the pills you manually control, but when you get a chain reaction, it waits for all the remaining bits to land before any additional virii are destroyed. This will have to be minimized above all.
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I have never heard of this game before. I haven't played this game so I don't know if it's TAS worthy. I like to make posts where I make a full paragraph out of every single sentence. I therefore think the two of us will be fast friends. I send you this file in order to have your advice.
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Zurreco wrote:
This movie is a lot worse, but better at the same time! "Completely written, produced, filmed, edited, and acted by people with special needs"
"Hey duuuuudes. What's cookin', duuuuuudes?"
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It bugs me when people call movies like 2001 the worst movie ever. Not because I really liked it, but because I've seen some really REALLY terrible movies and things like this don't rank anywhere near them. I think maybe people expect too much from certain movies and that's what ruins it for them.
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atro city wrote:
And let's not forget all the wonderful things sold on eBay... "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
And yet, no one bought my magic elixer that allows you to reverse any mistake made within the last 30 seconds.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry, but I just saw that, and it wins. Make another one.
Thanks :D I'm already working on the next one which may actually be better than the first. I'm working on SNES and Sega Genesis games for this update.
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JSmith wrote:
Level 5-1, beginning: Stomp koopa, kick&chase shell, get the 1up from shelling ALL possible enemies then let it bounce off the pipe and kill you. Repeat for easy points. You can get over 100000 points on 5-1 in one life if you play it well.
But you can do that an infinite number of times. That would be stupid. I think a rule has to be made here: No dying. Otherwise you can abuse 1ups and redo the same levels over and over again. Even if you never get any 1ups (which wouldn't be possible with the overabundance of coins you'd get) dying 3 times and redoing a whole level from the beginning would be boring.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Sting Chameleon done. 542 frames saved in the levels so far. Download movie. Another 5 seconds will be saved after Storm Eagle is beaten.
Hmm. I'm a bit torn on this one. There are a lot of parts that seem like they could be more entertaining (although maybe those are sacrificed for speed) but then other parts were very impressive. I've never, even tool-assisted, been able to dash under those rock monsters in Sting's level, and the boomerang tricks took the cake. I'm tempted to do a MMX run with a strong entertainment emphasis instead of speed. I'm not sure what the point in that would be since it couldn't be tried on the same merits as a time-attack (and hence not publishable?). Maybe as a demonstration?
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The point is that you're supposed to get as many points as possible in the level, so breaking bricks is good, but only if they don't detract you from getting to the flagpole on time.
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I vote for CD-i Link, because he's just... so terrible at everything.
JXQ wrote:
Gannon-banning is probably the single fucking stupidest thing I've ever read on the internet.
How long have you been on the Internet? Every week something unbelievably stupid comes out. Gannon-banning isn't even remotely near the top of the list. Remember the "Ate my balls" fad back in '99? There are sites online right now where you can buy fashionable wigs for babies if you want them to look like Elvis. I've read forum posts where people have said near-inhumanly stupid things, like "I believe that there are an infinite number of universes with infinite possibilities, meaning that in one universe somewhere there's a universe where Sailor Moon happened exactly as it did in the cartoon series." We have a guy who claims he invented the secret to immortality and sells rings that make people live forever, and then goes on angry rants on his own personal forum because people aren't gullible enough to buy them. We have websites dedicated to conspiracy theorists who are convinced they are being mind-controlled by a new world order (yet are somehow free-minded enough to start a forum about it?) The Internet is a nexus for the near-limitless potential for human stupidity. I love it.
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I think it would be nearly if not impossible to get the star *and* get the koopa to kill every single goomba. If it is possible, however, that would be great because then when the shell bounces off the staircase you can run into it for even more points. Oh, and your small mario scenario wouldn't work. I think if anything it would take more time waiting for the mushroom to fall down than just grabbing the flower with the trick. And I'm convinced it's absolutely impossible to even hit that block without causing the koopa shell to go offscreen, let alone wait for a mushroom to come down and hit all the coin blocks.
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Wow. It is incredibly hard to get 100% kills with the slowest plane. I think I've almost got all the ones in the next area. So far there's always one or two that slip by.
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