Posts for Heisanevilgenius

Post subject: Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six
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Hi. I'm redoing my Spider-Man TAS and so far, it's pretty tight. However, I'm having a lot of trouble optimizing the battle with Sandman. The main trouble with this is that it's nearly impossible to tell when I'm actually doing damage. (The energy bar readout only shows four "blips" when most bosses can take more than twice that many hits.) How would I go about finding the memory address where the boss health is stored?
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Coincidentally, I just started working on a new run from scratch a couple of days ago. You saved me the trouble of cancelling the submission :p Thanks for the positive votes, but now that I actually know what I'm doing, the new run will be much better. I've also discovered a few new things: 1. I finally figured out a way to shut off Electro's generator while he's still at 2/4 health, which saves a huge amount of time. 2. The dark area is not as tough to navigate as I originally thought. You can still see enemies, just not walls. That should be enough to give me a general sense of where to go. 3. I decided to take damage to save time, specifically because I discovered a cool trick. When you land from a jump, there's a landing animation that freezes you in place for a second (which is why I try to keep myself airborne as long as possible in many places) but there's a trap that shoots electricity in the first level and I found that if I time it right and land on the trap, it cancels the landing animation to do a few injury frames which actually slide me forward. It shouldn't take long to finish. I got through the first level pretty quickly. Just five more to go.
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The movie desynced as Adult Link right after entering Hyrule Fields from the Market. :/
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Well, this is disappointing. I was hoping to do a dual-run TAS. If and when there's a working link or exe, someone please post.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
no, the owl warp saved time for night/day transitions. Time does not flow talking to anyone in the game(im 99% positive on that). The clouds will move but if you leave the game running, it will still be the same time, night/day.
My point was that you wouldn't have to use the warp because with the bomb slide you can move fast enough to make it to the courtyard before it turns night. You'd save more day/night time with the owl, but as long as you get to the courtyard in time, it's faster in realtime not to. Right?
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Wait... If you can use this bomb boost super slide technique, it will eliminate the need for the owl warp which caused such a problem earlier.
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upthorn wrote:
Desynchronous isn't a word. asynchronize isn't a word.
Thank you.
upthorn wrote:
Now you know.
And knowing is half the battle.
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Nibelung wrote:
I'm brazilian and my english is bad. Sorry by this '^^
For someone who's struggling with English, anthropomorphic is a pretty impressive word to use. :) Anyway, lots of great suggestions so far. I'll come back and add these all to my list once the thread's done.
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cheeseman wrote:
ha the jokes on u fagface cuz nobody in my family drinks ... u just wish u could do other peoples moms but instead u have 2 do urself.
Translation provided by Grammarbot: I believe it is you, and not me, who is to be subjected to the laughter in this situation, and that you have a face resembling a cigarette. You see, nobody in my family consumes alcohol. I believe that you are fooling yourself into thinking you are capable of a sexual relationship with mothers. Instead, I suggest that you masturbate. Edit: Fixed grammar.
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Nibelung wrote:
a antropomorphic dog that learns how to fight kung-fu with a onion, hoe to drive with an deer
I was going to comment that it amazes me that you spelled "anthropomorphic" correctly in the same sentence as "an deer". Then I realized you didn't spell it correctly. Still...
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D_Rok wrote:
I'd rather have and AVI with the audio and video off, then none at all.
An AVI with the audio and video off? You mean a blank silent screen? That is none at all. :p
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AnotherGamer wrote:
Hyena wrote:
Not true. I just didn't want to have to explain why it didn't make it to the list, or be reminded of it ever again. I guess that backfired.
Yeah so it did. Now spill it.
It's a really lame DOS game (probably freeware) loosely based on the King's Quest sort of game where you control a perv who must walk around and use text commands in order to have sex with some girl. It's like some of the lame adult flash games on newgrounds. It's more crappy than it is weird. I'm embarrassed to have played it.
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DrJones wrote: How could have forgotten this ATARI 7800 game?
Possible Entries (Haven't played extensively) wrote:
Ninja Golf (Atari 7800)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
AKA wrote:
I'm also wondering if "anyways" as opposed to "anyway is" an American spelling as well.
I've never heard the expression "anyway is", and I don't think that's what "anyways" means. I think "anyways" just means "anyway".
Unless that was sarcasm, I think he meant to have 'is' outside of the quotes. I'm not sure I buy the explanation about spelling/pronounciation. I've never heard someone pronounce colour as "col-ooor" I spell it ou, and pronounce it like Americans do. I think the U sort of adds character. Like how "character" has a silent H. Anyway, hopefully this will be the last said about this so we can get back on topic. Sorry I detracted it in the first place :)
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zefiris wrote:
some screenshots look like gamehacks =\ topmost one in right column is Gradius, isn't it?
It's Parodius. It's made by Konami. It used the same engine. I do some research on every game to make sure they're official. (Usually just a quick search on gameFAQs clears that up but on occasion I have to probe a little deeper) So I'm pretty sure all of the screenshots there are not gamehacks.
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AnotherGamer wrote:
"Fuck Quest (PC) {Don't ask. PLEASE don't ask.}" Translation: By adding a game with such a name, I automatically want everyone who reads the list to ask about it, as I have failed to include a description of it.
Not true. I just didn't want to have to explain why it didn't make it to the list, or be reminded of it ever again. I guess that backfired.
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mikwuyma wrote:
You're missing Ninja Baseball Batman for arcade. Not only is the game weird, it's also a great beat em up.
I could have sworn I put it on there. Maybe I removed it after I realized it was intentionally weird. I guess it should fit under Honourable Mentions then.
AnotherGamer wrote:
As for the list, you misspelled Chou Aniki. Besides that...
That's now the third spelling I have seen for that game. I wish Japanese to English translators would make up their mind.
Inzult wrote:
I think that pretty well every video game is weird.
Trust me. Some of the games I have played through make Mario look like the picture of normality. Okay, yeah, Super Mario Bros is weird, but it's become the norm as far as gaming is concerned. Maybe that says something weird about us as gamers, but a whole bunch of games have based their style on Mario and it's nothing unusual now. What is unusual is a game where you play as a Buddhist monk that walks through crowded subways and shoots fireballs at harried businessmen. By the way, here are a few screenshots I've captured:
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I figured this would be the perfect place to ask. I've been working on an article for my site for about 6.8 forevers, where I review all the weirdest video games that have ever been released. A lot of the videos on this site are fairly obscure and some of them are pretty weird (Kabuki Quantum Fighter anyone?) so I thought some of you are likely to know of some really strange games I haven't turned up yet. Here's a list of the ones I've found so far: Some of these games I haven't tested. They've just been recommended to me and I haven't had a chance to play them, so comments like "Why is X game there! It's not weird" aren't really necessary. I'm going to try to find and play them and see for myself anyway. Here are my criteria:
  • The games have to have been released in some form. Prototypes or games that you yourself made in your basement don't count. Freeware games are acceptable if they've been popularized. Stuff like flash games, unless really widespread, won't fit my criteria. It is acceptable if it's a game that you can only get as part of a special offer, say, by drinking enough Kool-Aid and sending in proofs of purchase. Bootleg games may or may not be eligable depending on the conditions. If in doubt, just mention it and I'll look into it.
  • If the game has an idea or format that's unusual for a video game (like Tic Tac Toe or a game where you have to grade homework) it doesn't really count unless weirdness abounds inside the game. (Example: Tic Tac Toe where the loser is eaten by a living cactus, or a game where you have to grade homework while being attacked by angry bees)
  • If a game is intentionally made weird (for comedy, for example) it's not quite the same thing. However, I'll usually give such games an honourable mention.
  • Finally, just to be absolutely clear, I'm looking for games that are WEIRD. Not necessarily bad. People sometimes assume I'm looking for bad games, but I'm looking for anything weird. Example: Katamari Damacy is a really fun game, but it's pretty odd, don't you think?
  • (Edit) Almost forgot. No hacks or mods, please. A game that uses a modified engine is fine, but using a hack editor to make River City Ransom characters nude and then spreading it on the internet doesn't count.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Hyena wrote:
the original spelling before America changed it and demanded the world do the same.
Demanded? HAH! I doubt that anyone even cares...
It was an exaggeration of course. :) But yes, I have had instances where I've spelled words the original way, and had Americans saying "Hey! What's wrong with you! Spell it right!"
DK64_MASTER wrote:
The British forced the original spelling upon the "world" through imperialism...
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean they forced people to learn and speak English as opposed to their native languages? Otherwise, I don't see what the problem is. When you take English classes in school, they don't tell you "You can spell 'cat' however you want. E3l is fine." Anyway, I'm really enjoying this run. Nice work, Guano. I can't wait to see you reach the Adult Link point in the game.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Off topic, AKA are you European (looks at spelling of favourite)?
That's the British spelling (<rant>A.K.A. the original spelling before America changed it and demanded the world do the same.</rant>) Also, Canadians often prefer British spelling, and Australians usually do, and neither are in Europe. Hmm. Why does my explanation sound more confrontational than I intended?
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Sweet! I've been waiting two weeks to see you get to Zelda. Downloading! :D
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I have some webspace. If someone wants to send me a zip with the fully compiled exe and other files, I can upload it to my site until a more permanent space can be found.
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Pardon me if my ignorance is showing (I don't know anything about compiling), but I'm wondering why it's better to link both the .16 version and everything you need to compile it with rerecording support, than to just compile it and link to the new files?
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AnS wrote:
Hyena wrote:
How do you plan to record both at the same time?
I use Luke's fceu 0.98.16 (compiled into Windows executable).
I see. Where can I find more details about this? I have a wacky two-games-at-a-time speedrun idea, but I really need to test it out before I can decide it would be worth making (and that it would make for an entertaining run) Edit: Nevermind. A 20-page thread wasn't hard to find. I guess I'll post my questions there.