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Experienced Forum User
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I saw nothing in this video that made me wow, though once reading your description, the random manipulation made me appreciate it much more. Despite not feeling confident in my knowledge of the game, I voted yes because it's clearly faster then the older run, and I thought the random manipulation was just spended.
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Awsome movie. I loved both the normal levels and the auto-scrolling levels. It was pretty impressive when you hit 4 fish in a row.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yes, but is it more INTERESTING?
You're not really helping...
Should we not have the full zelda3, rygar or circle of the moon runs on the grounds that the glitched runs are faster but rather boring?
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I watched it start to finish, not boring at all. I always found it intresting to see how long you needed to make the mage sit in order to get the proper attack/run luck you were looking for. Did you keep retrying on differnt frames until you got the desired effect, or did you sit and watch the ram to determin the proper frame?
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You seem to miss a lot of swings and don't always hit bosses as soon as possible and as often as possible?
Experienced Forum User
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I am a very large fan of all of the Rygar runs that have been posted on this site thus far, but I must say, this video was devine. You abuse many glitches which make the run faster, but none are game flow abusive such as in the warpfull run, which make it that much better in my eyes.
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I'm very impressed with this video. It's been a while since we've last seen a Rygar run. You did an amazing job optimizing the leveling up process, as well as the map path using glitches. Not a heck of a lot in here that "we havn't seen before," but it was done very nicely. Worth the watch to any Rygar/Rygar speed-run fan.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/31/2004
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I do not know if this movie could of been improved through usage of luck minipulation, but I found the movie to be very entertaining. I voted yes, because I found this movie to be rather enjoyable, and well made. also, I did not have the correct rom, but there was no desyncs.
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