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My brain just exploded. Twice. I can reproduce and probably optimize it some, but it looks like one of those excessively disruptive bugs, like left+right in smas/smb3 and Tiny Toons. I doubt a tas with such a bug would be accepted. Still, it's an incredible find. I had decided to redo everything after s1a2 before I saw your post
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I thought about it, and I'd rather just bite the mullet and redo it than submit something I know could be better. I also look forward to seeing what you've got.
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I can't decide if you two are really smart for finding so these optimizations or if you're slackers for not finding them the first time around. I hope it's smart, because there's not much hope for me otherwise.
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150 rerecords seems excessive just to find out how closely you can avoid a bomb, but that's more of an issue with how you made the tas. The movie itself is a lot of fun to watch. It's too bad you can't be closer to hazards or fall any great distance, but those are just things for you to work around.
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Grrr. I was able to cut off 76 frames from the second area of the first stage (the one with the schematics in the foreground), but the game isn't hexeditor friendly. This section has been bugging me since I started stage 2, but I wanted to press on and eventually have a final product instead of constantly optimizing the first stage, never actually getting to anything afterwards. I do *not* relish redoing all the areas I've done so far, especially since I'll have to make sure I'm not any slower. I don't like knowing that my tas could be better, but I'm going to save this for v2, just so I have a hope of completing v1. Edit: If 5 people are willing to post in this thread to say that I should redo with the faster stage 1 area 2, I'll redo it. (I don't expect this to happen, but I'll go with it if it does.) It's an expensive trade-off timewise, and I'd rather just continue if the problem won't bug people.
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I vote for either NES, SNES or Genesis, since they have many unexplored games of reasonable length and since they won't take as long for the teams to study as n64 games would. If I can only pick one, I choose Genesis. It doesn't get enough love on this site.
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If you think something could be more optimal, let me know. The worst that could happen is that you're wrong and learn something about how the game works. This is my second tas and my first one using frame advance, so don't think that I've reached the theoretical limit of this game. ;) I'm going to try to redo the stage 3 boss fight, since the number of hits the boss takes seems to depend on what kind of attack I use. I also don't like the pause, even though everything else I tried (including attacking during the pause) made the last hit happen later.
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You're right. It's my keyboard.
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I'm pretty sure you submitted the wrong file. The one I downloaded only has 43344 frames.
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It looks good. Obviously it's rough around the edges, but the main strategy is there. One thing I wondered about is whether gem drops are manipulable. Small, medium and large gems seem to be dropped at about a 5:1:1 ratio (in the castle, at least), so if you can influence the rng you could get whatever you needed. If you could manipulate gem drops, the gem loss from dying would be a non-issue. Additionally, you could save more time because you wouldn't need to bother with getting and equipping the Strange Bottles.
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The latest improvement doesn't seem to register the down button (whatever it's assigned to) during manual frame advance. It works fine at low and normal speed. No other buttons are wierd during manual frame advance.
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I'd like to see this too. It doesn't make sense for active and rejected movies to be in the same place.
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I finally got this to sync, so I can give it a vote.
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Thanks Bisqwit. That's what I was seeing.
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I meant that it looked like there were missed shots during the Protoman fights (2 per fight iirc). They went through Protoman, so it may have been an intentional bug display. I don't have any problem with the window of opportunity bugs. Edit: Just so I'm clear, I'm talking about the two shots that happen during (at least) the first two Protoman fights. The shots come *between* other shots that hit Protoman. I saw the original Window of Opportunity bug post and assumed the shot before the first fight was an example of it. I'm also using the "Rockman 3 - Dr Wily no Saigo! (J).nes" ROM, but I have trouble believing that consistently missed shots at Protoman would be the *only* side-effect of using the wrong ROM.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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One thing that comes to mind is that the less you use gems, the more you can use death as a shortcut. You'd want to time it carefully. If it turns out you need a bunch of gems late in the game but that you could also save a lot of time by dying instead of backtracking, you could use the Strange Bottle then. In short: 1) Die often and minimize gem use. 2) Use the Strange Bottle to save time dying when gems are important.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Hmmm. I thought I already voted on this. I hope there wasn't a reason I didn't vote the first time, because I did just now. I also hope mine wasn't the meh vote.
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Other than what looked like missed shots against Protoman, it looked like a good solid ownage of the existing movie.
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As extensive as this hack is, I don't like it much at all. There are several things that give it away as non-professional work and it just rubs me the wrong way in many areas. Still, your movie was good and I vote yes for it.
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Good job.
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Sorry about the confusion. The script I used was broken and I didn't realize that the smv had a bunch of frames at the end that weren't actually part of the movie. There seem to be 4 empty frames, but that won't effect anything. Nice work.
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Did you check if it'd be faster to die in the dungeon of the first world when you need to get to Leo's house? It'd be pretty simple to take damage so that when you need to die, you'll only have one hit left. Also, it'd be good to spend some serious time looking for bugs or unexpected interactions. In a movie this long, the ability to zip, go through a wall or even just walk faster could save minutes. If/when you do this, frame advance is very much your friend.
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Since the emulator will keep running after the movie is over, you should end it as soon as you start the last hit on the last boss. It should always be the case that the last frame of a movie has a button pressed, and ideally that cutting out that frame results in the game *not* being completed.
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The movie is very good, especially for a first submussion. However, it has 24.5 seconds of empty frames at the end, which aren't needed to complete the game. Please hexedit these out and resubmit.
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Sorry the gain got eaten by lag. If it's not perfect, I'm happy to pretend like it is.
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