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Oh well. It's good to know that you tried. You already have my vote.
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Heh. The latest version beats the city area by about 9 seconds. What's in my sig is and will be the most current version of the movie as I finish each stage.
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I give up. ;) You've got my vote.
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I would like to see some of that inefficient ninja magic on the Statue of Liberty level, since it is (?) an autoscroller anyway. It might also be a good place to show the dog in action (as opposed to the dog's inaction, which we see plenty of). It was a neat trick making the ninjas jump off the platform. Other than increased entertainment value, it looked good.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Hmmm. After watching the part around 3:50 several times, I don't understand a couple things: 1) How is falling, then jumping up to the platform faster than jumping onto the platform in the first place? You have to jump once during either route, so it doesn't make sense that having to jump is an issue. 2) Why bother going down at all? Can't you just jump and grab onto the ladders like you do to get out of the pit?
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Shouldn't this be unstarred, not that it's been obseleted?
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The game automatically goes to the ending sequence and credits 10 seconds after the text scrolls off the screen. As to whether it's boring or not, I've lost all objectivity. I'm pretty sure it would be more exciting if there were more explosions or ninjas, though.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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After the dragon boss, why didn't you get closer to the store guy, giving him a shorter distance to walk? Also, the sequence around 3:50 looked ugly. Wouldn't it have been faster to jump directly onto the platform below the switch instead of jumping onto the lower platform first? Other than that (and the fact that I have no idea why you got half the items you did), it looked nice. Please address these issues, and I'll feel good about giving this a yes.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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In the event that someone cares, I'll outline my plan. For each of the 7 stages, I'll first do a quick and dirty (aka beta) run to get familiar with the level. After that, I'll do a polished run with either frame-advance or 3-6% speed. Edit: The final version of the first stage is done. I would appreciate comments on what I've got so far. Some important notes on the game include: * I can't dash at any given frame. I sometimes have to wait 2-4 frames, so it will look imprecise. It's not. * Falling from a running jump preserves momentum, whereas falling from a dash or a volteccer (bouncy ball) doesn't. * Running is slower than dashing, but only by about 18%. Running and jumping off a ledge is faster than dashing off, if the fall is long enough. Edit2: I'm calling this the beta run now. I'm seeing several places that could possibly be optimized, and I can't conclusively tell myself that the optimizations wouldn't work. I'm also learning that frame-advance, while an excellent tool, is neither necessary nor sufficient for making a solid movie.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Good luck with this. We'll all be proud if you're able to break this game's curse.
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Ooohh. Pretty. Edit: I've played around with it some, and I'm quite sure it will make an interesting movie. If anyone knows non-obvious tricks/bugs (ie stuff I wouldn't know from this page or from playing the game), they'll be put to good use. Edit2: The first stage is done, although it sucks for now. I think the game is worth doing well, although I may have to mix it up to keep the voices from getting annoying. The movie was recorded with Gens 9f with sound at 44100 Hz/stereo, Japan (NTSC) as the country and Pulseman (J) [c][!].bin as the rom. For a game that was only ever released in Japan, this sure has a lot of English. Even the news flash after stage 1 is in English with Japanese subtitles.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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That's the right game, and I didn't think to look there. I was surprised enough by what was on Gamefaqs that I forgot to look for other info. That speedrun will definitely make a tas easier since a big part of the difficulty is finding a route to start with. From there, it's nothing more than optimization, shortcuts and possibly a completely different route. ;) Edit: After watching the speedrun, I doubt that a tas would improve too much. I don't mind solving puzzles, but I also want bugs and tricks that you just can't do on the console, and this game doesn't look like it has either. I'll probably abandon this game in search of buggier pastures. Perhaps this thread will be of use to someone else later.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Sometimes optimal still sucks. I doubt the theoretically perfect movie would be much faster, but I also doubt it'd be very entertaining.
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I'd assume so, since none of the others' texts have been truncated. Edit: It's phpbb. The submission is complete. Incredible work. I can't imagine finding up the patience to make a movie this long.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
Post subject: Castlequest (planning)
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I remember spending a lot of time on this back in the day, although I never ended up getting very far. I was thinking this would make an interesting movie, and it turns out that there's complete map and extensive faq/walkthrough on gamefaqs. Some interesting points about this game include starting out with 50 lives. I can definitely see "uses death as a shortcut" being taken to a whole new level. It also strikes me as a game that will take a *lot* of planning, since there are 100 rooms to consider, and the eventual movie will need to budget keys very carefully. I may take this on myself and will definitely help with the planning. To that end, I've made a couple composite pngs of all the levels, one with numbered rooms and without. For those who don't know, you start out in room 0-7 and have to rescue the princess in 7-0. There are a number of finer points, but playing the game is obviously the best way to get acquainted with them.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Are you using Gens test9 or later with the sound set to stereo at 44100 Hz? I can't get it to desync in Linux-native Gens, but during recording I had to be quite careful. I can't get wine working at the moment, so I can't be sure what might be causing your desyncs. To all, thanks for the votes.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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It looks faster than your v4 run but I don't know the game well enough to see where the 10 second improvement comes from. Maybe you could list things you have improved. Even with just two levels, you have almost as many rerecords in v5 as in your full v4 run.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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It should be as fast as possible, whether that means being visible or not. Controlling the raptor off-screen is harder, but that's what rerecords are for.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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I figured it out. Thanks.
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Mmm. Perl.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use bisqbot::fceu::smb1;
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The run is good, but the game just isn't that special and doesn't look that challenging. Other than timing shots, minor shortcuts, precision and a tiny bit of positioning, there's nothing out-of-the-ordinary about this run. I like perfection more when it isn't as easy. I call it 'meh'.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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This isn't a great game, but it's well-run with decent bug manipulation and isn't long enough to get tedious.
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16/15 The levels in smb2j are very well-designed, and after seeing a housemate spend several days getting through it on SMAS, I'd love to see the game get owned. I prefer the buggieness of the original NES, but I won't complain either way.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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IMHO, the enemy avoiding is one of the places where it's good to trade a few frames for higher entertainment value. I found it to be hugely entertaining, especially with the flying guys. I hope this gets resurrected and improved, but I'm voting yes until then.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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This is quite a bit more interesting than the pseudo 2-player run. A few things struck me as being possible sub-optimal, but many of them could easily be because I don't know the game well enough. The abuse of balloons was great, especially when you skipped the fans, but I wonder if you could have avoided the delay it took to kill both players. I also wonder if you could have had the slower player die in preference to holding up the faster one, especially in the first two casino sections. Finally, it bugged me that you picked up unnecessary boxes, especially right before going on to a new section. It's not a run-killer, but it is unnecessary and seemingly inefficient. Other than that and some suspicious letters showing up in the cutscenes, it was a pleasure to watch. The boss fights were things of beauty, the creative self-sacrifice was unexpected, the vertical area at the end of zone F was tight and the bonus stages were always interesting.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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