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Cutting it close is always more entertaining than keeping the enemies far away from you. It's the same reason a damage run is more entertaining than a damage-free run, since it takes effort (and often skill) to figure out how close you can cut it.
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Indeed they do. In the final version, I'm just shy of 5 seconds ahead of my posted run at the end of the first level. I'm not sure how much is due to menu optimizations vs level optimizations, but both are significantly better. I'll probably wait to post the final run until this version is done.
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Hmm. Nitsuja's 6-stage movie, while not directly comparable to your 7-stage movie (since you have to take the detours to get the special items), uses some techniques that your movie could benefit from. For a well-programmed and entertaining game like Gimmick, I can imagine Bisqwit posting both a minimal and 100% run (although I obviously don't speak for anyone but myself), but later movies would probably have to be of equal or higher quality.
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I'm very slowly finding time to make a final version of this, but I'm unsure about frame advance. I tried using it to shorten the start of the game, but somehow ended up taking *more* time. I'd appreciate a tip on how frame advance is supposed to work. On the plus side, I've cut about 50 frames off the first level, and may get over a second.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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The run was good, but I didn't really feel like this was a good game to show off what you can do with an emulator. There didn't appear to be any shortcuts, bugs or even chances hit bosses at 30 Hz. I'd never think to pick this game, but you probably did as well as could be done. Nice work. The only thing that bugged me was that you never hit the black pudding (I'd like the recipe, btw) when it was hanging on the ceiling. You hit the dragon while he was flying, so I'd think it possible. Who knows. Maybe puddings are simply more resilient than dragons.
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If that tas is half as hard to make as it was to follow, I'm impressed. The speed reminds me of the Sparkster tas. Some of the boss fights got monotonous, but only a good bug would fix that, and there probably isn't one. Overall, impressive.
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The style of having a bunch of sprites for each entity is a little annoying, but your gameplay was solid and interesting to watch. Level endings were also confusing, especially when dying completed a level (probably 7), but I'll assume that you found some bugs to play with. Definite yes.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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This is a great game, but I don't know if you'll get your tas published when a faster version is known to exist, even if yours doesn't take any damage. Your tas is good though, and I'd love to see it if you think you can get it faster than Mazzic's. I wish you luck, but vote no for now.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Fabian wrote:
Apparently I have the wrong rom because this movie desynchs right away for me. If anyone could help me out that'd be appreciated. Edit: Got it to work, thanks flagitious. This is very interesting indeed, it's too bad I didn't know about this when I started my SDW run, before I got the cape. Very nice!
Do you mind sharing the name of the correct rom?
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Good stuff here. The game could be better, but I don't think I could say the same for your run. ;) I'd give it a yes if I could vote. In the meantime, here's a bump.
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I don't really like it. For a time attack, it'd be good, but you don't have any excuse to be imprecise when you're using an emulator and rerecording. Missed shots, unnecessary kills, unnecessary item pickups, movements that need to be corrected, etc don't need to happen when you have frame-perfect control over your movie. You seem to have a general idea of how a movie should look, but you need to apply it more vigorously than you do. Also, unless the game won't let you into the dark areas without the night vision goggles, why bother with them? If you know that it can be optimized as far as routes go, then either do it or post the wip in the snes forum and suggest how someone else could do it.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Dark Mana wrote:
much as people seem to like this i'm not going to watch it. regardless of how good a game it is. its still a hacked rom your using which shouldn't be accepted only if bisqwit likes what has been changed with the game.
Before voting, it would have been helpful to read the first page of the thread, where Bisqwit specifically mentioned that this hack is acceptable. Even if it were an unacceptable hack, votes are just an indication of what the forumgoers want to happen. In the end it's up to Bisqwit et al what will be accepted.
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I guess I missed one of those 5's when Gens flashed the frame count. It's still a good movie.
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Nice. I don't know if I'd have the patience to do that much of a delicate game withouth seeing my sprite. It'll get another "yes" as soon as I can give it one.
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I love how well-programmed this game is, and I love this movie. You start out with a bang and do a great job making sure everything's efficient and precise throughout the rest of the game. You get a lot of mileage out of that star too. Overall, this is a high-quality run with a great deal of attention to detail. I like all the uses you find for the star. I don't mind the seizures, but they just start to get annoying. There's a lot of waiting in this game (compared to most that come to mind), so I suppose seizures are more interesting than nothing. edit: Voted yes.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Wow. Just wow. I have no idea how hard that was to make (although it didn't look easy and has more than 1 rerecord/frame), but that's a thing of beauty. I hope you'll consider taking it up again now that Gens has frame advance. If not, thanks for the movie anyway. BTW, Gens dies horribly if I tell it to treat the rom as American, but works fine if I tell it Japanese, in case anyone else actually visits these forums. ;)
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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You can get it from here in about 45 minutes.
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The bug-hunting has turned up a couple nice bugs, but neither of them seem to be very useful for the first two levels. I do anticipate an unusually fast run through the Visitor's Center and a new shortcut in the pump station, though. ;) edit: I'm getting a little discouraged by this game. I can definitely make a more or less optimal run and there are at least two places where I can use a bug to save time, but a considerable part of the tas consists of straight long-jumps, one after the other. For anyone following this, I'd appreciate your opinion as to whether this kills the movie or not. edit again: The new version of level 3 is up and uses that bug I found. I was pretty sure when I started that I'd have to take damage somewhere, and this level has one of those places. Without doing something significantly slower, I couldn't figure out a way to get past the last two guards in my way without getting hurt. For this run, I'll only take damage when absolutely necessary, even if it may cost .2 sec or so not to, but the final run will only limit damage to what won't slow me down or kill me.
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Any further progress on this?
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I like this thread, especially since it echoes my thinking about how to approach my (hopefully) upcoming Jurassic Park TAS, which will be my first. I actually have trouble figuring out why anyone would bother to submit something less-than-perfect, especially when they have all the tools to implement perfection. I see emulators as an way to trade real time (as in rerecords) for perfection, and would be glad to spend an hour to perform some trick that saved .2 sec.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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I'm going to do some extensive bug-hunting before I go any farther with this run. I like playing this game with high precision, but it really feels like there are some nice bugs there that I'm not exploiting. I also need to be more systematic about when I long-jump, ninja-jump, run, etc.
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Any luck with level 1, v3? It works for me under the conditions that caused v2 to fail. It's also slightly faster, probably because I didn't jump much higher than I needed to to reach the platform before the two guards near the end of the level.
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Since sound doesn't work at all for me, I didn't realize that I was recording with it off. I have nothing against sound and will definitely do a version with it enabled if/when I start over. Also, level 2 will be up shortly. I hope the fact that this run consists mostly of positioning myself and doing a long-jump doesn't make it too boring.
ideamagnate| .seen aqfaq <nothing happens> DK64_MASTER| .seen nesvideoagent * DK64_MASTER slaps forehead
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Hmmm. I've also been able to get it to desync by enabling sound, which I have disabled by default. The desyncs almost look intentional, since I seem to eat two of the pieces of chicken, but they're not. Try playing it with sound disabled. If that doesn't work, my gens.cfg is here. I'm using Gens under Wine in Linux, which is why some values are odd.
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Jurassic Park (with the raptor, of course) is under way.
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