Posts for Ji-chan

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Joined: 7/30/2013
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I've heard of softwares like MorphVOX Pro and other I don't remember, but they're paid and also probably take a delay to convert your voice. But it'd be much more reliable if you actually trained your voice for that. You know, you can't fake your voice in phone calls or when you're streaming, for example. Or another sound other than your voice would look weird with the male-to-female conversion (I think, I'm kinda noob with sound stuff).
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Radiant wrote:
That said, I really like this run but I would appreciate some explanations of what on earth is going on in there. How exactly do you manage to skip half the bosses, or fly around on those hawk things that I think are supposed to kill you, stuff like that.
First for Kraidgief, apparently the warp between the Kraidgief's lair and the world before him kind of forces you to regain movement even though you're dead, so you can't even suicide with Q, but can do everything else without risk of dying (the same happens at the Gradius part when you purposefully collide with a wall but leave bullets that'll kill the last security drone while you're dead, making you regain movement. This however, wears off once you reach the next world (the Factory or the Elevator) but brings the Game Over text, until you reach the next world, or F2 out. About the warps, some platforms on Tourian seem to warp you when they stack and touch the ground with you there, I really don't know exactly how it works. Although I also can't find a logic on why they warp you to where they did, the same platforms always warp you to the same places, which is why this glitch is also abused in Any% human speedruns (eg. TenShots' 18:34 speedrun on Hard). I found a similar thing on Haggar's room, that the contact with the block right when it's gonna vanish causes you to teleport elsewhere, which gave me the chance to skip both the bar things and the fake error screen and save a few time. As for the KKK boss: within the depths of the game, Tourian, the Factory and where the KKK boss fight takes place are the very same worlds. And in IWBTG instead of creating the bosses or other elements right when the fight is gonna take place, instead they're always preloaded but hidden in inaccessible places, and later are teleported to their places once they're "needed": ex1 on Kgief's world which is the same world Tetris take place; ex2 on post Birdo's world, which is the same world Dracula is in). As you can see in ex2, the Dracula's red orb is also present there, but that area can't be accessed even with glitches (I made it to there using the Infinite Jumps cheat code), so it has no use for us. But back to the KKK boss, even though you can access the red orb with the platform glitch, you have no way to return, making it only abusable in two ways: 1. the one in the Medium TAS run, which takes advantage of the lack of savefile to take warp back without the game forgetting the beaten bosses (I won't go deep into this as it's from "another category" inaccessible for Impossible), 2. reloading in same way as Medium but being taken back to the savefiles screen which only happens on Impossible, but the game takes a while to erase the "beaten bosses data" (and actually never erases the game time and death counts unless you F2 out, which explains why GachiM's legit and streamed clear on Impossible had 3 deaths at the end), so quickly starting a new run on Impossible by pressing A (you have about 1.5 seconds if you have already the 3 slots used) will make you continue the same run, and since you got the red orbs from Kraidgief, Mother Brain and KKK, they count as beaten and you can just proceed upwards to beat Tyson, Birdo and Dracula and go straight to the minecart part. For the halks, similarly to the fish in the minecart section and the medusa heads in Dracula's castle (although these freeze you), they don't kill you on their own, but push you in awkward and rather unpredictable ways (which is the main difference of them compared to the fish or medusa heads), so they're annoying to take advantage as in TASing, but is almost an obligation to deal with them as they're crucial to save several seconds. So you have to keep moving randomly around them using savestates and hoping they'll push you conveniently.
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FractalFusion wrote:
It's also interesting how you managed to reload saves on Impossible, and skipped part of the final castle.
The reload one I found by accident because I liked to test myself on how far I could get on Impossible, and then I was like "what where is tyson" and then saw his portrait on the Room of Transportation, then after some research I found it out why and how to take advantage of it (in a human run you use the Room of Transportation's beaten bosses warpers as pseudo-saves). Actually, I've once managed to reach Lu Bu's room on Impossible without tool-assistance because of that glitch, but even if I cleared I wouldn't count the run as 100% legitimate due to partially trivializing the purpose of Impossible. The warping on Haggar's room was another thing I found by accident and another thing that motivated me to try out making a TAS. Once I learned how it worked I thought "this could save a few seconds in a TAS run", and then came with the idea of trying making a TAS myself, since although I run Win 7 I do have a XP VM so I can run Hourglass flawlessly, though I can't record any video in it due to lack of performance (my laptop is not very fast, and it running inside a VM only makes it worse).
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Joined: 7/30/2013
Posts: 79
Thank you for the encoding and for the overall good ratings on it. I'm sorry for the missed bullets or not-very-frame-precise movement in some parts, it's my very first TAS, but this is very satisfying for me and it kinda motivated me to maybe TAS another game in the future.
feos wrote:
I liked the run. But the glitched version seems to have some more rooms skipped. Did you compare your run to it? I will post precise comparisons on the rooms both movies run through later.[/list]
Indeed, I had watched it before. But Impossible uses a different way of skipping due to the lack of savefiles, making some rooms unskippable (eg. path to Dracula) but others that couldn't be skipped in Medium but are skipped on Impossible (eg. the part before/after the KKK boss), but otherwise most skips from Medium can't be repeated on Impossible.