Posts for John11

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My fastest completion of level 20 on Dr. Mario Online Rx: Link to video Going for single stage high score in Dr. Mario Online Rx: (Skip to 2:49, 8:40 and 13:12 for the major point scoring combos) Link to video Playing Stepmania when I used to be good at it: Link to video I really enjoy finding least portals routs for Portal 2 custom maps. This is the one I'm most proud of: Link to video
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This is looking really great. I love the comments too. I wish more videos had them.
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RachelB wrote:
Maybe. There was no real way to predict how many fights i'd end up getting though, and going back to redo it could have changed that to the point that it wouldn't have been enough (this happened a few times when i went back to fix a mistake, or get an item i had skipped).
Makes sense. Great run! Thanks for making it.
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RachelB wrote:
Uh, not sure about the first thing. Iirc, i got 2 smoke bombs from each of those groups of ninjas. Having 6 less smoke bombs wouldn't have been enough for that part.
Ah. I didn't notice you got 2 from each group. It still seems you could have skipped one of the groups though as you ended the area with 4 left.
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Any reason you ended with 4 smoke bombs? It seems like you didn't need to pick up that last one if you weren't going to use it (unless is was just wasting time for luck manipulation I guess). Also, why did you fight those two ninja groups around 46 and 48 minutes? Couldn't you have smoke bombed them?
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Well I know what I'm doing for the next two hours. Will update with thoughts after. EDIT: Video still processing and I missed the stream? Sad times.
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Amazing improvements in time and entertainment. Obvious yes vote.
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zvsp wrote:
So I've started a new 100%run, by myself so far. We're not sure if Nahoc or someone else would join the project. Anyway, now we'll need so much time to accomplish the work. I'll release only this short WIP until submission.
Wow! I have not been this excited about a TAS project in a long time!
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There were a bunch I played when I was young that I never beat (without cheats) like Battletoads (NES) Solstice (NES) TMNT (NES) Mega Man 3 (NES) (I beat that when I was older no problem though). Fester's Quest (NES) Rush 'n Attack (NES) Little Nemo the Dream Master (NES) Some games that were a good challenge that I still beat would be TMNT 2: The Arcade Game (NES) Dr. Mario (NES) (now I could do this in my sleep though) Blast Corps (N64) (getting all platinum) Super Meat Boy (PC) Solar Jetman (NES) Contra (NES)
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Odd. When I try to download Bound Plus from, it is identified as a virus and deleted, but when I download it from the dropbox link in the opening post it doesn't have a problem with it.
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Live 3rd party presidental debates are about to start:
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Dragonfangs wrote:
For the record, the embedded video did not work until I registered, but thanks for that guide. I should've just gotten an account ages ago really.
Odd. It worked fine for me without registering.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
As promised, here is the test program: It allows rewinding and outputting the move sequence to a text file.
Cool. My solution doesn't work though =( I'll keep messing with it.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
John11 wrote:
When you say the blocks can move freely on the conveyor belt, can you just move them to any point on the belt or do you actually have to be able to push them there with the guy? For instance, if you push the 5th block (from the left) down, can you move the 4th block over one to the right, or would the character actually have to be to the left of that block to push it right?
In the game, you can push the arrow blocks to cause all tiles between the arrow blocks to cycle. This means, you can freely move any ice cube on the conveyor belt to any other point on the conveyor belt. I'll hack together that demo program and upload it tomorrow.
I think I've figured it out then. I'll try to make a vid using your demo program if I get around to it tomorrow.
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When you say the blocks can move freely on the conveyor belt, can you just move them to any point on the belt or do you actually have to be able to push them there with the guy? For instance, if you push the 5th block (from the left) down, can you move the 4th block over one to the right, or would the character actually have to be to the left of that block to push it right?
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YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
One of the rare times I will chime in on a hack... for the positive... but throw my hat in for a 130 star Super Mario Star Road run. After watching an 8 hour playthrough, I am sufficiently impressed and feel it is not only a worthy hack, but one I'd like to see one day on this site. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Dear Mr. Flewin, I see you inquireth about a hack. No one has ever tas'd a hack before
There are actually some published: EDIT: Unless you were just referring to hacks of SM64
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Baxter wrote:
Funnel Up My second map. Use the tractor beam to maneuver around the room and watch out for flipped walls.
Another great map. Thanks!
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Deign wrote:
I'm 100% certain it's possible, you may be trying the wrong thing ;)
Ah very tricky. I figured it out. I wish more people made fling maps. EDIT: Decided to make a solution video since I enjoyed it so much:
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xPi wrote:
Lateral Movement my first map. cross the line of fire somehow
You can run past it if you know what you're doing =)
Deign wrote:
Got a new one. This one is almost entirely reflexed based. I would bet it'll take at least 3 deaths before finishing this one. Enjoy =D Portal reflexes
I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to do this. I can easily hit below the exit door, but I can't seem to get the height to get through it. I'm having a blast playing it anyway. I'll keep trying. EDIT: Actually after trying some stuff with noclip, are you sure the final fling is possible? I think the angle on the last panel is too steep.
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So far Cubic Jump has been my favorite by far, but Where's the Switch and Speed Funnel were pretty fun too.
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I'm guessing this has already been tested, but what happens if you don't have a sword when you get the master sword back during the Ganon fight? It would be quite entertaining to see the game beaten with the master deku stick.
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Deign wrote:
I was expecting more people from our community to have played around with this a bit more =P Don't be shy and post some, I want some fun maps to play!
I'm not a big fan of map making, but I'm great at testing maps and finding exploits (see my youtube) if anyone wants a tester for their maps.
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feos wrote:
If you don't click 3D button. the video is just unwatchable. For me the encode from OP never loads, disables navigation, volume and quality. If you press that button and then press again to switch 3D off, the vid gets stretched horizontally to full width. Just try all these things.
They all work just fine for me. I'm not even getting the stretching issue from turning it on and off.
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I'm glad this is being discussed, and those sound like some good ideas. On another note, for a while I've been thinking that votes should be separated into votes of people that have played the game before versus people that haven't. I've seen videos on the site that are voted low, but I still have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of them since I'm familiar with the game. Also, It'd be nice to know what videos are entertaining to watch even if you haven't played the game. There are some high scoring videos on the site that I just don't enjoy because I'm not familiar enough with the game, but some are really great regardless.
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Very sexy Nahoc! I'm glad you're working on this. I doubt I could do it justice.