Posts for KDR_11k

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There are many submissions that took even longer to process. That's normal.
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Of course that's only provided noone can build a machine that can emulate a non-deterministic tureing machine within reasonable time.
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JXQ wrote:
DK64_Master (I think, I can't find the post right now) pointed out the idea to me of pressing left, then right so fast that the hardware recognizes both as being pressed. Whatever interval the system uses as a window of checking which buttons are pressed, use the "godlike reflexes" to press left for half that time, and then right for the other half. Dilemma averted!
I don't think it keeps track of what gets pressed during that timeframe, it checks all directions at once. OTOH data could just push the two directions hard enough to break the control pad into independently pushable buttons and go from there.
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It's well played but kinda repetitive. Certainly felt longer than other runs of the same length.
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Why are you dropping those stationary blades in the room before the boss?
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So if the carrots reach 99 the number won't change if you pick up another one?
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evilchen: Well, this run will be hard mode and not start from power on so they wouldn't be equivalent.
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The 1/256 thing applied to only one attack.
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Fartosaurus means victory! But in some of the levels where you use the flying dino you reach the goal very high and the resulting descent seems to eat a lot of time, is it possible to get there lower? At least one level (second flying level IIRC) seemed like you could have dropped a lot more altitude before hitting the goal as you cleared the last enemy a few screens earlier. Or would that have caused enemies to spawn and get in your way?
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Atma wrote:
I'd say choosing the boy over the girl would work better, as she has a shorter rival name.
Wait, which is it now, is the boy better or the girl?
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Why Youtube? GMVs are so much easier to use.
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Eh, both of the later 0:24 people have numerous first places in their list (click on the name) with no really low places, in fact maggot is listed almost everywhere as #1. Yeah, like I'll believe that. Aitamen actually has a decent distribution of places.
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You tried to run a video with the Divx player. As the name says that only runs Divx.
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Looking good. Voting yes but then again it's a meggie improvement so our votes won't matter either way :p.
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I thought Ganon can only take damage from the Lv3 sword?
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At the end of the lab escape I think you have two hearts left and you had to pause once for a trap, couldn't you have taken another hit to gain a few frames?
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Hm, the ending's kind of a bummer, I think such a run should pick up the lv3 sword but not use it until Ganon appears.
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Hm, a potential issue with 100% is that you'll have to play the bonus games so often. That might get boring over time. Of course the presents will force you to go through more interesting routes but on the downside you might be able to pull off some much more amazing pathes with fewer restrictions...
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If it's an autoscroller don't run it, those are boring as a TAS.
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Poke means to put a different value into a memory address (useful for figuring out what it does), dumping would have it keep track of the values it goes through. I suppose he guessed that it's the boss status because it changed every time the boss's pattern changed or something like that.
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The hardware would check the controller status at one point and ignore anything that happens between two such points.
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Some people object to left+right because it's not possible without damaging the controller IRL while the rest could be done if you had godlike reflexes. I think not using left+right shouldn't be a reason for rejection (could also be considered not using a specific glitch) but refusing to use frame precision (even for pushing buttons) or other beneficial glitches should be.
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If your TAS could easily (or even possibly) be done without tool assistance it's crap or you've chosen a game that sucks completely for TASing.
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46 seconds, that's a big improvement.
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Maybe a memory corruption from some kind of radiation?
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