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There we go. Actual good episode. I'm a sucker for such perfect deadpan. So many good lines, too. They're all about rocks.
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So through SomethingAwful I was linked to a thing and then I had way too much fun with it and made some things. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Lollipop Chainsaw is a pretty fun game, really. Annoyed Juliet sounds exactly like annoyed Twilight. At least I think it was annoyed. Anyway yeah, the Swedish dub is pretty fucking atrocious. After learning of that they had translated Wonderbolts to that, I tried coming up with a better translation, and eventually landed on "Åskvingarna". Preserves a reference and has about the same degree of wordplay as the original. Was that so hard, translators?
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Well now, people were right when they said that was a really good episode. Easily the best of the season.
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Okay Discord saves any episode he's in and he finally got a song. Yesssss.
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Yes, latest one. It was not actually pretty good. I mean, it wasn't an unmitigated disaster like Daring Don't and Power Ponies, but it wasn't any good either.
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So that was another subpar episode, ho hum.
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Warp wrote:
You have seen the season 3 finale and you complain that this episode doesn't make any sense? This episode was awesome in comparison. (And it didn't really have anything nonsensical in my opinion. The only thing that seems slightly nonsensical is that Twilight doesn't seem to have learned anything from the two or three previous times that her careless use of magic has backfired.)
Specifically Fluttershy's transformation. The "explanation" just made me go... huh? Fluttershy's stare isn't magical in nature. The spell Twilight cast shouldn't even have been able to DO that. And the episode was really too much of a Swarm of the Century rehash for me to consider it all that great. Fluttershy cares about little critters that eat things, Twilight tries to solve it with magic, but that just ends up causing further problems. Then throw in some references to Dash being obsessed with cider and there you go. It was also really predictable, though a lot of episodes kind of are... In other news, I noticed that comic issue 14 and micro-series issue 10 were out. Issue 14 concludes the pirate chapter which honestly wasn't all that great (but seaponies! Or, as they call them here, mermares), but micro-series 10 was a Cook, Price & Breckel thing and that always means quality. Story about Luna, was quite amusing. Second best micro-series. The cane was actually in an episode? Okay, that explains it. I found Discord to be the only noteworthy part about the season opener so I guess I never really noticed the cane.
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I might have had I not been busy reflecting over how fucking little sense the whole thing made. One thing I did note was that her cutie mark changed from butterflies to bats. This raises questions. Even though the more things I notice about cutie marks the less I think they actually mean.
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So, okay, that episode wasn't terrible, just stupid. The general plot was just a rehash of Swarm of the Century with references to some other episodes thrown in. Pinkie's mane for best character.
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With a hard g. My username is the simplest ever for this but my real name is always amusing to try to hear foreign people pronounce.
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Castle Mane-ia I found decent enough. Daring Don't I wouldn't even call mediocre, it's one of the absolute worst episodes since the show started.
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Got back to my place so I could finally watch episode six and holy shit that was terrible. And just when I thought season four was getting somewhere.
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Thing that did hit me just now: Was this the first episode since the beginning of the show to feature only one of the main six, without any sort of appearance from any of the other five? I can't think of any earlier episode that did that.
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I'm almost at the end of Maison Ikkoku right now. Got, like, nine episodes left. Already know how it's going to end, though. But I like it. Even if Godai has no spine. Seems to be a pattern with Takahashi works that they never end quite like I want them to end, though. Okay, that's not really true, the ending of Ranma½ (manga) wasn't really bad, but it wasn't much of an ending. But Inuyasha kept going for like half an episode after what I would have considered a fantastic place to end it.
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So that wasn't even primarily a Rainbow Dash episode but it was still a better Rainbow Dash episode than episode four. Easily the best of the season so far. Now just keep going like this. Also, I could swear that the song was based on some other song. Was that just me? And wing size... is suddenly weird. Snowflake (or whatever the official name of the super buff pony is) has the tiniest fucking wings, yet he can fly just fine. Else it would make sense for him to have the same disability as Scootaloo.
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Assuming Flim and Flam gets decent dub voices I would really like to see what they do with a Japanese Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. Reminds me that I should take a listen to what Discord sounds like in Japanese, but I'm not having any expectations given the dub's track record.
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Dragonfangs wrote:
All in all, season 4 so far is still better than almost all of season 3.
Magic Duel wants a word with you. Season 3 had four actual good episodes in total and Season 4 has so far had... I was going to say none, but I'll be kind and give it one for Castle Mane-ia. Daring Don't I seriously consider to be among the worst episodes in the whole series so far.
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That just raises further questions!
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Well, this season hasn't been going on for long and season 3 had both Too Many Pinkie Pies and Wonderbolts Academy where she was plot (or, well, subplot) driving so there's still a chance, but, yeah, I mean, we're never going to get a Pinkie episode as good as Party of One again. Hell, Party of One is constantly in the running for being my personal choice of best FiM episode ever, so we're simply never going to get an episode as good as Party of One again. Oh, and something that really bothered me with episode four was how Daring Do looked. In Rainbow's fantasy, it made perfect sense for Daring Do to be a straight up Rainbow Dash recolour, because she imagines herself as Daring Do. But the real Daring Do looking exactly like that? Yeah, of all the things in the episode, that's where I wasn't willing to suspend my disbelief any longer. This season is going to have to work harder. Also, another instance of a typewriter with only two big keys. Ponies confirmed for writing in binary.
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That... was not a good episode. I think I'm going to pretend everything after the party was Rainbow Dash's fanfiction. Pinkie was the best part of the episode again. Her actually drawing the red line was a good gag.
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Perhaps simplifying it even more is what should be done, and by that I mean consider if the "Meh" option is even needed anymore. If the question is whether or not the viewer was entertained or not, Yes and No should suffice as options given that the vault is a thing that exists. If you were entertained, be it for thinking the movie was a lot of fun or for appreciating that it was a technically well-made movie even if the game itself isn't your cup of tea, then you can vote yes. If you were bored through and through, then that's a no. Since the question is "Did you find this movie entertaining", not "Did you find this movie good", then "no" and "meh" really seems like the same thing. The problem partly seems to stem from that there's no real agreement over what a "meh" vote actually means, so if there was no meh, there wouldn't be any confusion over it. Then it's a clear question with two possible clear answers. There shouldn't be any need for a third option, because everyone should be able to know if they were entertained or not when watching something. Someone who can't decide if they were entertained or not was, I'm pretty sure, not entertained and thus should vote no. Since the important part really is the discussion, perhaps it would be a good thing if you couldn't vote in a poll on the Workbench unless you've made a post in the thread - but I'm not sure if that's even doable. Or a good idea.
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So is PikachuMan a person or a script that posts random pony-related information based on the last posts in the thread? In other news I wish I could find a consistent way to pull this off since it skips essentially the entire stage: (and then comes the horrible final boss but even so)
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It's not the wings that's the problem as such. It's how she supposedly got them I have issues with. And speaking of the humanity, I ended up finally watching Equestria Girls before starting on season 4. And all in all, I have to give it a resounding meh. Mostly copying what I already wrote about it elsewhere: It had its moments, but the premise was both ridiculous and wasted. The school setting was utterly superfluous, since Twilight never tried actually going to school, only learned how to be human, which was the most entertaining segment of the movie - then the plot got in the way. Uh, pun unintended. Human Pinkie Pie was best character, but generally the human counterparts were woefully underused. Twilight was also made out to be too much of a savior. The tie-in comic, which doesn't feature Twilight at all but the five others (as it's a prequel to the movie) does a much better job with the setting than the movie ever manages. And I was shaking my head throughout the entire climax of the movie. (srsly read the comics if you haven't. That goes for all of you.)
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Yeah the less princess stuff the better and it's stupidly obvious that it was Hasbro that forced that. I still believe that you know what episode was originally meant to be different before Hasbro ordered them to shoehorn that in. Full geek mode Twilight as in this episode is much better Twilight. I almost didn't even mind her wings this time (and did notice the wingboner at discovering the library). If the episode that shan't be named had made any fucking sense and Twilight wouldn't have been made a princess, I would have no real issues with her wing status.
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