Posts for Kuwaga

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The hardest time I've ever had with a boss was with Metal Sonic in Sonic 2, followed directly by the final boss. But then again, I really sucked at video games back then.
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Bobmario511 wrote:
This is the fastest completion I can remember, but I'm sure there is faster knowing how this game constantly gets improved. You can collect the star from doing this, but it is not worth it in a real run as setting it up takes to much time.
I think it might be cool to append a better optimized TAS of this as a kind of bonus footage to the 120 star TAS, which I'm sure will be finished somewhen during the next few years. Kind of goes against this site's usual policies, but I know I would like to see that.
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Feel free to ignore this post as it has nothing to do with physics. Just dropping by to mention how much I hate the "giant coincidence" argument to suggest there has to be more to certain things than meets the eye. On millions of planets nobody is there to observe that the giant coincidence of life didn't happen. Of course the possibility of life being created is small, but only if there is life, life will be there to observe this "giant coincidence". So it really isn't so unbelievably coincidental as it may seem. Millions of universes have probably collapsed "already". So no, it's not a giant coincidence that the cosmological constant (if such a thing exists) has the exact value it needs to have for this universe to remain stable. In fact it's just logical that we live in a universe that has a cosmological constant that makes it remain stable, else it wouldn't be this universe. In other universes there may be other planets (or whatever it is that exists there) and there may be other beings capable of observing their giant coincidences. Is it a giant coincidence that they exist in the one and only universe and on the one and only planet where their existence is possible? No, it's only logical because else they wouldn't be there and nobody would be there to notice. How likely is it that among an infinite number of universes there exists at least one where a being capable of observing itself exists? I'd say it'd rather be a giant and unexplainable coincidence if life didn't exist. Bottom line, the whole notion of "Omg it's such a giant coincidence, there has to be more to it!" is flawed and bad logic, if you ask me. The same thing applies to anything that has to do with "fate". Let something random happen and in hindsight be amazed that exactly that which happened to happen has happened. What a coincidence!
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My personal top 10 of the games that come to my mind at the moment: 1. Super Smash Brothers Melee (really high number of advanced techniques that abuse glitches in the game makes this really exciting, especially if you have friends who are also willing to dedicate huge chunks of their time it takes to learn them) 2. Zelda: Ocarina of Time (it's one of the most impressive games on a first play-through and its many glitches added a LOT of replay value to it for me) 3. Starcraft: Broodwar (really deep, best RTS game of all time if you ask me. go watch the korean pro-gamers play it to be totally blown away) 4. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (lock-on cartridge technology - how cool is that? i've beaten it for more than 15 times already and it's still fun to come back to it after a long pause) 5. Chrono Trigger (THE best rpg if you ask me. it solves so many of the problems i have with usual rpgs, has a great story, parallel worlds, nice battle system and one of the best video game soundtracks of all time if you ask me) 6. Fire Emblem Series (the games are really alike, so i couldn't really pick a specific title. after beating a few of them it gets pretty boring though) 7. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (speed, action, collecting souls, weapons, a hidden plot twist, i really dig it) 8. Final Fantasy V (best ff game if you ask me. i really liked the job system in this one) 9. Banjo Kazooie (gruntilda's rhymes, the music, the presentation make this such an awfully cute game. and it's fun and challenging too.) 10. Mario's Super Picross (I love puzzles and found that game really challenging. It forces you to come up with some very creative methods of solving nonogramic logic puzzles.) Edit: Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition! I'd put that as number 6 instead. So much fun, so much speed, very challenging! Also, the Castle of Dr. Brain series are really fun. Day of the Tentacle is my favourite point and click game. I will probably edit this again if I have the time to. >_>
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Hi, JXQ, I think your music would be even better if your articulation was more clear. I've noticed I find it considerably more difficult to follow your lyrics than those of other rap artists. I do realize you're already making a conscious effort at articulating the p/t sounds extra clearly though, but you could still work on pronouncing the other consonants and the vocals more distinctively. Try to imagine somebody who doesn't know the words / the English language. Would they still be able to make out the individual sounds with little effort? Maybe you could work on varying your breathing techniques as well, and it'd make your rapping sound less mechanical. You seem to have a habit of using up most of your breath at the onset of the first (stressed) syllable of any given word (except for those sections were you use that "machine gun"-technique). Varying that up a bit more would probably add a lot of life and dynamics to your music. I could see yourself becoming quite famous actually if you managed to raise the level of quality just an itsy-bit. Also, please note I'm basing this just on intuition, I actually don't have a clue. It'd probably also be a good idea to post the lyrics to your songs in the description section of Youtube.
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MUGG wrote:
Why don't we just realize this idea which was also brought up by Tub at some point, if I remember correctly, so we can publish as many categories as we want? Basicly, have one page per game and list all the runs for it.
I guess the problem with such ideas is that it'd always take a lot of work to implement them
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The point of this TAS seems to prove that a run aiming for the lowest score can still be made entertaining. Thus, it tries to prove a certain concept to work and would probably have to be published as a concept demo, if anything. I think it does work, but not very well (I voted no). There seems to be a general agreement that a generic playaround would be more entertaining than this, however. So it's surely a bad idea to publish it in the general section. As for the votes, it's not clear whether the "no"-votes actually don't want this to be published at all, or just not in the main section of the site. Personally, I think it would be good to keep attempts at implementing "novel" concepts like this (even if they fail) published in the concept demo section, so new visitors can get a clear overview of what has been tried in the past and why it does/doesn't work. Only if the quality of execution of such a run is bad I wouldn't publish it, because then it would be a bad representation of that certain concept. It would be very inspirating to skim through such a concept demo section if you ask me. I'd put f.e. the first two-games at once TAS there with a general merit of "concept works well", the first 6-games at once TAS with "doesn't work so well because of reasons a,b,c", etc. Just an idea. I know it'd make that section seem kind of messy and disorganized though. Maybe it'd be good to put working concept demos above those that don't work at least. idk
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moozooh wrote:
That is dubstep?
The scope of that genre is still not clearly defined as far as I get it. The characteristics seem to be the use of very low to sub-bass-frequencies, weird VST instruments and funky voice samples. I've also heard its beats/rhythm being described as basically being low-bpm DnB. Check out "Blackleg - Smoke Test (2009)" under [URL=]this wikipedia entry[/URL] for an example that sounds more similar to the links I've posted.
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Recently I've been listening to Power Metal ([URL=]1[/URL],[URL=]2[/URL],[URL=]3[/URL]), J-Rock ([URL=]1[/URL],[URL=]2[/URL],[URL=]3[/URL]), Chiptunes (Strobe, Cerror), some oldschool Hip-Hop that's not on Youtube (using jazzy/piano samples, going to link you to this instead: ([URL=]1[/URL],[URL=]2[/URL],[URL=]3[/URL])) and some Dubstep ([URL=]1[/URL],[URL=]2[/URL]).
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Are you happy for her or are you jealous? Do you still care for her?
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It will be done by intelligent bots that run all day to auto-improve their runs.
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Imran Nazar wrote:
JavaScript is often perceived as a Web scripting language, with a specialist purpose of manipulating HTML pages. JavaScript is, however, a general-purpose Turing-complete language: the best way to illustrate this is to emulate another system through JavaScript.
He doesn't really seem to have picked it because he thought it was the most efficient language to do the job. Readers of his blog can learn about js and how to write emulators at the same time this way. I like it. ^^
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What if you just add up all button presses * amplifier x (only first frames) + total of held down buttons (over the whole movie)? Or make every first frame a button is pressed count as a maximal value x, the second frame less than the first, the third less than the second, letting it slowly converge to a minimal value y?
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Warp wrote:
Uncanny valley!
I think she's cute Edit: To me the only things that are uncanny about her are her speech module and the fact that she probably can't "learn" as well as a real human. Once those are fixed, I'd love to hang out with her. ^^ She'd be way too popular though and she probably wouldn't be interested at all in talking to a loser like me. *sigh*
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Link to video (if you couldn't tell: it's a robot)
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Sorry, I seem to have misinterpreted your words. Anyway, I'm curious to see any mathematical/logical explanation for this.
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If it's totally random, there's a set range and player1 makes a random guess, then it's pretty easy for player 2 to pick the bigger range of numbers for him. If the selected range of numbers is uneven and player1 takes the middle number, he has an advantage. If it's an even range, p1 takes one of the middle numbers and p2 the other their chances are equal. So p1 would have a slight advantage for uneven ranges. Am I missing something? If it's not totally random, then it depends on how much you can narrow it down, if the narrowed down space is even or uneven etc. If player1 is a douche, player2 has a big advantage. If player1 makes a smart guess, player2 has still about a 50/50 chance of winning at worst (except if p1 can almost exactly guess the correct number - depends on how much you can narrow it down). So p2 has an unfair advantage for that in most cases, if you ask me. But if player1 was really, really smart and wouldn't make any mistakes, he'd have a slight advantage.
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Link to video Educational video. lol
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Pretty cool. What's the overall goal of this project? (besides rebuilding the engine)
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I think it will eventually be done, but it won't be started anytime soon. The one who'll do the run will then probably define what counts towards 100% and what doesn't. I'm for defining it so that entertainment is maximized (doesn't have to enter every room, doesn't have to open all chests, no RBA, not getting the same skultula twice, get 37th heart piece).
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Basically you'd have to redo all the stars that are affecte by randomness after the star that has been improved. The hex-friendly ones can always be hexed in. So to make it easier to improve existing runs, wouldn't it be smart to do those stars where it is liklier that an improvement will be found in the future as late as possible and the tedious ones to redo as early as possible? (Of course speed would have to come first.) Just a thought. Also, if you do the non-hex-friendly ones before the hex-friendly ones per stage, you don't have to redo any of the non-hex-friendly ones in that stage if an improvement for a hex-friendly one is found.
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Just dropping by to mention that some (if not all) of the characters have hidden special tricks. Found the hidden tricks for Slash, Nancy and Jam back in the day by accident because I had lost my manual. They're not on gamefaqs and I don't know how many people know about this. I only remember the one for Slash and I can only guarantee it to work on the PAL version. It's (A), left, center, up, center, right, (A). I hope my memory serves me right on that Jam and Nancy have their hidden ones too - I'm not so entirely sure anymore. Their combinations were longer than Slash's afaicr. If Tommy and Linda had hidden ones too, it would certainly maybe help the TAS. I tried hard to find them back then, but I had no luck and eventually gave up. @
PowerRauchi wrote:
Your Video is very cool, but it is uncomplete. Du you want to add tricks that are missing? If so, i will tell you how to do them and you can add them! There are 3 more Tricks that i know (For Nancy,Linda&Slash) For example: Shinobin's 500 is the same für Nancy to get 500, try it ;)
PowerRauchi wrote:
Try those: LINDA: up,down,left,right,up,down ->350 SLASH: left,up,right -> 350 I don't know more but somehow i ''feel'' that there are more that you can do xD
I correct myself, they are on gamefaqs (2 of them). >_> And Jam probably doesn't have a secret trick, might have gotten that mixed up with Linda's. I'm sorry.
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iirc the Ganon battle was sub-optimal