Posts for Kuwaga

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Bishounen doesn't mean metrosexual at all. It means to look cute and pretty as a man, mostly with long hair. Being metrosexual means to apply makeup and stuff, it's men who are concerned with their looks. Afaik bishounen are hardly ever presented to use any kind of beauty products. For being metrosexual it doesn't matter how you look.
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[URL=]This guy[/URL] will hopefully clear up the confusion by telling you what really happened. Jk, just wanted to post it because it kind of fits the current topic. I don't know anything about these conflicts, so I refuse to form an opinion about that matter. Everything I hear about it seems strongly biased. [URL=]Another one of his videos.[/URL] Very similar.
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For those wondering, [URL=]this[/URL] shows how to RBA bomb bag and quiver. Ok, I'm also against using it then :X
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Most western males lose their cuteness when they grow up. I didn't. So people think I'm not very masculine and they often guess my age a lot younger than I really am. Cute males are assumed to be less masculine and less dominant in our culture. They're less likely to be leader of social groupings. I try to make up for those prejudices with skill. And... Sephiroth has more than enough skill for over a dozen men! Which means he's manly as hell. :D (He still doesn't beat MacGyver though)
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Ah, I didn't know you could really get the quiver using Kojiro. Does it really work without messing up the inventory? Or are no other inventory items needed that are affected by Kojiro after the glitch is performed? (So that it wouldn't matter if the inventory was glitched up) I knew about those skips. I think the one by unreal is particularly cool, but it will be used anyway. ^^
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:/ Ok, I get it, that would be bad. Fire Temple would currently be done by hovering from the top room through the wall in the boss key room? And by BAing the hammer a much more boring form of hovering would be used, is that correct? I'm not sure what would happen to Forest Temple though. RBAing the quiver only gives you one shot and only if you have fire/ice or light-arrows. You'd have to use RBA for every single shot, so you wouldn't be able to use the sword in between. Would that really be faster than just getting the bow?
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I'm all for an all bosses run. All medalions is a bit arbitrary because you can get them with RBA (losing the light one, however). I don't see why BA and RBA should be forbidden in an all bosses run. (or at least all major bosses, so you can skip the octopus >_>) What would RBA or BA be used for anyways in such a run? Refilling chus? That's entertaining imo. I'm also very much in favor of any way of skipping cut scenes. Ham-ham! ^o^
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He has his own bad ass-song though. That and his bad ass-wings just have to count in his favor. He's such a freak.
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I don't know what my country would do, but if there's any possibility to I'd refuse to take part in their games of war. There's no benefit for me in putting my life on the line or for me killing other people. I'm very anti-social in that regard. I'll intoxicate myself with others, but I won't kill with others. That just crosses a line for me.
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Warp wrote:
May I ask all the people who have their desktop full of shortcuts and files: What's the point?
The point is that sometimes I forget to uncheck the create desktop shortcut thing with installers. Also, sometimes I'm too lazy to search for a free folder and just save something to the desktop. The point is lazyness and hardly caring about what's on your desktop.
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Their larynx' sizes aren't congruent with the pitch of their voices, therefore the anime sucks. Quite funny. ^^
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NameSpoofer wrote:
I'm greatly hoping that the powerrangers, who seem to be nearly finished with Ridley, obselete both Hero's and Cpadolf's Any% by achieveing both the most optimal ingame clock (by mintues) while dominating the realtime as well. That would close the ingame any% down, leaving room for another category, assumptions are fun aren't they?
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Is this going to warrant 14% runs their own category? I guess not because the site design hasn't changed.
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I've also heard about that. Lots of people found it creepy though and I also don't think it was healthy. But again, I'm not informed very well about it. I would have liked to hear more video game music from him. :/
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To me he was already dead. Killed by the media, his skin bleaching and some sins he might or might not have commited. It's a real pitty though, he was a great man with a lot more potential than what he had revealed to us.
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It would be nice if you at least told us an approximate date of when you'll reveal it. (Months/weeks/days?)
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Can you give some examples on how YHWH shows humour?
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MrGrunz, you are really something else. x_X
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Kuwaga wrote:
The following ones aren't really connected to that claim
Bisqwit wrote:
Yes, they are.
Sorry, what I meant was they aren't connected visibly by a cohesive devise, but only on the level of meaning. But the reader has to fill a certain gap to make sense of it. That's basically how flouting of the Gricean maxims works. You didn't explicitly state that there was a causal relationship, but I'd argue most people would interpret the text in a way that you indeed think the relationship was causal. Because you make the reader think "Why is he telling me this?". I guess you intended them to form their own conclusions about that correlation, but it seems - as indicated by their statements in this thread - lots of people (not including me btw) only thought to themselves that you really have to be a fanatic freak. I'll give a more illustrative example: "I ate an apple yesterday and today I've got diarreah." People are going to ask themselves why the apple is relevant in that sentence. They'll come to the conclusion that I think it's the cause for my diarreah. I think your text has a similar effect on the reader.
Bisqwit wrote:
And if someone thinks that this post is just fancy word play to avoid the accusation of claiming causation... tell me, in general, which words should one use in order to speak of correlation without implying causation?
That's indeed difficult to accomplish without giving an explicit hint, I guess. I understand how you don't want to get defensive in a text like that though. "Events like these make people (maybe including myself) all over the world wonder (or other verb)..." Something like this would maybe work. It also doesn't use lawyer language. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with something better than this.
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Bisqwit wrote:
This is why every person and every nation should bless Israel. Just recently, on the very same day an anti-Israel political party was formed in France (or so I hear), an Air-France airplane was violently torn apart in a storm in flight across the Atlantic. And almost every calamity that has recently stricken America has occurred within a short time from a decision made by the government to betray Israel.
Bisqwit wrote:
I did not claim causation, only correlation
I noticed that too. People have that stereotype in their mind that religious people often claim causation of such events, and hence that paragraph of yours was interpreted in that way. I've found that interesting. On the other hand, you [URL=]flouted the maxim of relevance[/URL]. In the first sentence you claim that every nation should bless Israel. The following ones aren't really connected to that claim, but we assume you used them to explain why because we assume them to be relevant. So I'd say your writing style encouraged that kind of interpretation.
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Marvelous! ^^
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Bisqwit wrote:
For the record, I'm very amused at the irony of a certain comment posted here. (Not specifying it by quoting it for privacy reasons -- maybe later.)
Now you've made everybody who posted in here think. Good thing I'm not paranoid. :X
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True, Pokémon are evil. They also encourage children to start chanting their names instead of praying to the Lord. But seriously, this thread has seen enough pointless discussions about similar out of this world ideas. People are able to believe in any idea, no matter how random it is, it scares me. And at the same time, they totally reject possible theories without any basis, just because they think they are obviously wrong and ridiculous. That's also scary.
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strobeampli-chipsetsunset.xm using MilkyTracker :D Edit: Now strobe-celestialkiss_final.xm
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Oh, is it time for saying good bye now? Then I also give you my best wishes! I admire lots of character traits you have. (It essentially means I like and admire you, but I always attribute this kind of stuff to people's traits rather than to themselves) I wish you good luck and that you don't have to waste time and energy on things that don't do you anything good. That also goes for things you don't want to do and things that you'd rather not do again with the knowledge and experience you will have gained. I wish you that these kind of things will be only very rare in your life. That is except if the experience will have been worth it. But still, I wish you that you'll make the important experiences fast and early in your life. I'm sorry if I wished you anything you disagree with. This site and the people here have contributed to important experiences in my life, I thank you for that. I also hope it keeps existing so that others can profit from it too. Hope you'll do well