Posts for Kuwaga

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Wow, Zelda gold cartridges count? If so, my rarest game should be the Majora's Mask PAL gold cartridge, though I don't think it's that special. I had lots of old Game Boy games (some of them should be rare by now), but lost all of them in an accident. >_>
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How about saving the fastest strategy for last (fight #x), starting with the x-fasted method in fight one and from there on make every battle faster? Bad idea? :$ In other words: - aims for fastest time - avoids repetition of strategies Or something like that. xD
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I agree that the fact that anime was used should have had an influence on the result. The filter used to scale it up has probably caused the image to look subjectively better because more colors where used. I guess depending on the flaws of the used compressing algorithm, scaling the video up could also lead to better results in some cases. Still, it seems this debate is leading to nowhere. I'd consider asking an expert.
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Wow, this is starting to look pretty optimized. Impressive. ^^
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The name of that submission is kind of misleading. o.o Nice run anyway.
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Poor Tails will never get his own run as it seems. :( Even [URL=]Luigi[/URL] has his own. xD
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In some levels like Beach Mania and Surf Lem the movie tortures the viewer by not showing what exactly was done to the level to break it. I'd consider speed / entertainment tradeoffs there. Maybe providing explain-it-all-screenshots would be sufficient though. XD I've been enjoying the craziness of this run a lot so far. ^^
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Nice metaphor :D
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luck manipulation in fire emblem is fun for a guide on that consider gamefaqs' rng manipulation guides
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From what I recall catching 'M and evolving it to Kangaskhan is perfectly safe, just keeping it, depositing it or moving with it to the hall of fame (why would sb do this anyway? - except for checking if it messes up the game, lol) causes problems.
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Actually I lol at the term "terrorists". Or should I rather cry?
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What levels will this be useful in anyway? Only BoB and Shifting Sand Land?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Yes, but then the question becomes whether or not you will sell it back. If you do, you are properly expressing your dislike for the product by (usually) re-obtaining a fair portion of the money which you paid for it, thus, you "rented" it for less than the full price, and made an economic statement. If you are unwilling to sell the product back (Perhaps the rest of the movie was really good?), then you have no right to complain, because you are essentially satisfied with your purchase, even if you think you aren't. Poor baby?
Maybe my problem hasn't anything to do with money, but I just feel insulted by the developers? Selling it back takes time and it doesn't get me the ending I want, just some money.
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I got killed once while using it, can't remember how, but I somehow got pushed forward into my own bullets (due too the terrain or an enemy, I can't remember). Guns save time when destroying pots and killing enemies, so I'm always happy if I can pick one up. As for dead enemies, you should watch out for dead Yetis especially, they can still throw you if they've just died. If there's a gun and a mattock, I will almost always carry the mattock on to the next level though because it gets me money and/or saves bombs. Having some kind of gun while facing the last boss is highly adviseable though for several reasons. Edit: I just made it to world 11 and for some reason no ghost appears. There's a craps house in that level too. I guess you all know what that means. ^^ As for details, I grabbed the helmet in level 9 and 11 had the Yeti boss in it. I'm not quite sure what exactly causes the ghost not to appear. Maybe it's afraid of my 49 sticky bombs, lol. I also updated the list..
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The Jetpack is great, no doubt about that. It can run out of fuel though. I'm pretty sure you start with a random amount of fuel, which makes using it (completely) instead of ropes kind of risky. Ropes are also great because restarting until you get a Jetpack in one of the first levels isn't fun and there's no guarantee that you'll find one later on. You'll have lots of ropes anyway because finding a jetpack (even in a shop) isn't guaranteed, so you can't rely on that. Stealing one in later levels is maybe worth considering if you don't have many ropes. Also, stealing anything is worth it, if you can perfectly handle the consequences. I can't, so I hardly ever steal something - for reasons explained above in my hidden list. Spoiler: Buying a Jetpack at the black market is a good idea though imo. You'll make lots of money from the craps house there anyway. :D The climbing gloves are good, but for me they lead to lots of self destructs (due to lack of practice). With lots of ropes you won't need them anyway. I prefer going for ropes over hoping to pick up a rare item.
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Some useful stuff I've found out while beating the game which I enjoyed very much. The best new game I've played in a long time now! ^^ This contains major spoilers: 1. The damsel is a great throwing weapon 2. Killing spiders while they are falling down is easy. 3. Bombing the space below the idol will deactivate any trap. 4. The idol in the 'dead are restless' levels is worth a lot. 5. You can sell the idols to the shop keeper by making him touch it and then either putting down one of his goods or buying something. (He'll walk towards it if he stands left of it and you cary one of his goods to the right, then put it down.) 6. You can use your whip and jump afterwards, even while hanging on a ledge. 7. Opening pots with your whip seems to give more money than throwing them. 8. You can kill big spiders easily by throwing a bomb onto their webs, not by bombing the tiles above them though. 9. You can blow up two tiles in a horizontal row with just one bomb by placing it down on the very edge. This is a lot easier if the wall is to your left. 10. Throwing bombs out of the screen will make them get stuck in the air. 11. There's always a mattock hidden at the bottom of the 'I hear snakes' levels. (visible if you have spectacles) 12. You can pick up the damsel through a wall if she's diagonally downwards from your position (one tile) 13. You can build bridges with a web gun, but it still sucks. 14. Any gun will temporarily produce light like a flare in dark levels when you shoot it. 15. You can cheat at craps to make lots of money by throwing dice one first, then dice two in this special way: Stand next to a wall, throw it upwards, so that it will land exactly where you've thrown it from. Catch it the exact moment it touches the floor. Keep holding down. If the sum of the eyes isn't 7 or 11, let go of the down button for a moment, then press it again. The dice will continue spinning in your hands and change its eye count. (If it doesn't spin in your hands just throw it again and catch it earlier) Repeat until the number on the dice is one you desire, then just put it down and and earn easy cash. 16. If you run away from the ghost, a white gem will sometimes appear in a wall (the ghost has to touch it). It's worth a lot. 17. Don't buy the Pitcher's Mitt, don't even pick it up. I do the same with Climbing Gloves and Spring Shoes. But that's only because I can't handle them. 18. The Udjat Eye will help you to find the black market in the jungle. The faster it beeps, the closer is the hidden entrance. You need to bomb it or use your mattock to reveal it. 19. Killing the fish in the 'rushing water' levels is easy if you use two sticky bombs. ^^ It'll drop 4 item chests. 20. The big alien in the ice cave will sometimes drop a jet pack. 21. The big Yeti will sometimes drop spike shoes. It's always worth killing him because of the ropes he drops. 22. The Ankh you can buy at the black market is an extra life. 23. With the Ankh: If you kill yourself on one of the statues in the ice cavern (they have the ankh symbol on their foreheads, stage one always seems to have one in it) you'll get inside them. You can do it by standing on them and using Esc+F1. Getting killed by falling down at the bottom of the level also worked for me once though. Inside them you can pick up a helmet, which will glow in the dark, and use a hidden exit which will just lead you to the next level. 24. Looking down in ice caves is very useful, as well as the compass and the cape and ropes. ^^ 25. Killing the mummy in the last levels will give you the best shooting weapon in the game, the sceptre. Killing it with the sceptre will not make it drop a second one, you should kill it with bombs instead. 26. There's a hidden exit in stage 2 of the last levels. To open it you need the helmet (maybe the Udjat Eye too?) and the sceptre. It'll lead you to a place where bombs will turn into money. 27. Above the last boss is a lot of money. Bring a lot of ropes or a jet pack. ^^ 28. Sticky bombs can easily blow up two tiles in any desired direction. 29. Spike shoes let you kill man eater plants by jumping on them. 30. The teleporter normally teleports you 5 spaces in any direction if you don't press any button. Teleporting into a wall is bad. Teleporting into enemies kills them. 31. Bombing the sides of a lava or water pool will drain it. 32. Sometimes the hidden exit in stage 2 of the last levels is hidden inside a lava pool. 33. Sometimes you have to use a bomb to get into the Ankh shop. Drop it on a floor tile that has another one below it. 34. To get into the hidden rooms in the score room you have to beat the game fast (1st level to last), finish with lots of money, free many damsels and kill lots of enemies. 35. You can push stones, that you'd normally have to push from a certain side to get in, from the other side too if you jump into them the right way or hang right next to them, then jump into them. 36. Taking a stone (or a pot) through the exits before entering an ice cavern level can be useful to kill ufos. Throw them upwards and run. You can also use your whip if the ufos fly low enough or you have spring shoes. But you need to hit them with the very edge of your whip, then immediately press into the other direction. 37. Killing shop keepers is insane, especially if you plan to visit the black market. :D 38. The only item you really need are ropes and bombs. Compass, Cape and Jetpack are great too. (and Climbing Gloves :X) 39. If you want to carry multiple items to the goal you can abuse the fact that the damsel will run on her own. 40. Using two items (bombs or ropes) is worth it if you can get an item box in return. I wouldn't waste one item for a bit of money (except if it's as much as the idol) or the damsel (except if you feel you need more energy). Getting the helmet will reset your energy to 4 anyway. 41. Buying a kiss is hardly ever worth the money. 42. You can set down the damsel into a wall if you don't want her to run away. Just put her down while being next to a wall, facing it. 43. You can cross a gap of two spaces just by running across it. You will grab the ledge of the other side. 44. You can run through spikes without any consequences, but you mustn't jump into them from above. 45. Jump before using a rope for extra height. 46. If there's a tile above you and a tile below you, you can jump on the tile above you if there are no tiles next to them on one of both sides. If you fail, you'll grab the tile below you, so there's no risk. 47. Pulling out a sticky bomb while holding the damsel isn't a good idea. ^^ 48. You can kill bats and frogs through the wall by hitting a wall while they're on the other side. 49. Duck to stop horizontal movement on ice. 50. If a monkey steals a rope you can pick it up and press your item swich buton to get it back. 51. Having Climbing Gloves will sometimes make you jump higher for no apparent reason. You can do this by running into a wall, then jumping while still holding down the buttons. You should jump 2 tiles high instead of the ordinaray 1.5 tiles. Sometimes you get the higher jump when jumping from a rope too, which led to many self destructs in the jungle levels for me. I still have to figure out when it happens exactly. 52. Sometimes there are holes with two tiles in length and an arrow trap on the right side. To set it off without a chance of the arrow hitting you, you can crawl from the left side towards the hole. It'll make you hang onto the ledge without setting off the trap. It won't shoot the arrow before you press the jump button then.
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I've had hardly any dreams about games. My dreams are generally so very weird and abstruse that I'd never do something as normal as playing a game in them. I've also never dreamed of being part of a game, I generally invent my own landscapes for dreams. Of course things I see in video games affect them, but that's basically it.
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I'm also a SSBM guy.
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qFox wrote:
I have come to the conclusion that everything in life is useless. You might as well make the best of it. That's why I think the persuit of happiness is the only goal.
I agree. Logic is a system that doesn't work well without input from the outside. You cannot deduce goals just from logical thinking alone. Logic is a tool. Out goals aren't defined by our conscious mind. "Das Ich ist nicht Herr im eigenen Haus." - Freud. We have to accept that we're human and our goal is happiness. Logic can help us reach this happiness if used properly. Solidarity is something that happens naturally. If you are already happy, you can make others happy as well. And this will make you even happier. If you think logic is more important than happiness, chances are you will be unhappy and experience huge personal conflicts.
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Yes, I'm a follower of the "believe in as little as possible" principle. A belief is always a guess. If there's only two options, there's a 50% probability of it being wrong. If there's more, believing means that you're most likely wrong. I can't deal with that, so I'm not a fan of believing. However, it's part of the human nature, so I cannot not believe in anything, but I try to keep it at a minimum. I don't know if there's gravity, but in everyday life I act as if there was. I guess that's a form of unconscious believing and it's inevitable. The bad part of all this is that it makes me feel very insecure and over-reflective all day.
qFox wrote:
I really did feel disappointed though. Especially after your remarks about how you thought some country won some war because of God. That kind of struck a nerve, I guess, because that's something that goes into everything I "believe" and (I feel strongly that) it gives false hopes when relying on such things. I see it as somebody thinking he's invincable because God protects him or (maybe a bit far fetched) a terrorist doing what he does because he thinks there'll be 37.5 virgins waiting for him.
That's part of what I meant by being abused. People who easily believe in stuff they're told are more easily abused.
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Oh, you can never know, but you can think you know. If you think you can know, then it's because you believe in something in the first place, but on what basis?
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Ok, time to bore you guys with my opinion! :D I know that no human being can ever know if there's something like a god or there isn't. They can never know, they can only believe in it. No feeling that you ever get can tell you that there is definately a god and no inspiration or anything can. It's all about believing in it or not. Which is basically not your choice! However, you can act as if (you believed in god, or didn't). This isn't lying, this is trying if it works for you. And chances are it will influence your believes. So you have a mini-choice of influencing yourself. I'll list some pros and cons.. Pro-believe: - You can make people feel good by being overall optimistic and stuff. This adds to your self confidence and makes people feel safer around you. Very cool. - Others who share your believes are more likely to want you as their friend. - You feel good and accepted. Your every-day troubles lose importance. Con: - Lots of people will think you're stupid and irrational. - You have to explicitely dissociate yourself from others who share your basic believes, but proclaim strange ideologies. - You are easier abusable. - Consumes some time. (I guess) Once you start believing it's hard to stop. If somebody has read the Bible, which is something fellow Christians 'like' him for, he doesn't want to get into a situation where it suddenly doesn't matter anymore. If he stopped believing, he'd have read the Bible for nothing. It wouldn't make sense that he went to church every Sunday either. So to avoid that situation, it's likely that he won't stop believing and also get upset when somebody wants him to (that's basically a threat to him). He'd have to admit that he's wasted some time of his life. And nobody can prove him wrong anyway because there's simply no way because we don't know anything about god. I've been trying to find some way to achieve the pros without the cons, but haven't found a way yet. A good idea is maybe to make up some own believes that somehow correlate with the believes of the masses a bit. This seems to be exactly what you've done. Evidence (not proof):
Bisqwit wrote:
Biblical faith is companionship with God. You are working with God. Not only to God, but _with_ God. God works with you. God works through you. And he shows his love and might to you, and leads you, as long as you're willing to follow..
I guess that's all very smart of you unless you let yourself be abused by others too much. What is your opinion on all of this? ^^
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I'm not interested in getting those calls anymore. I failed the course. ^^ Thanks to those who tried to help, bad luck for me.
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You don't need to be best with slang or anything. I just need audio samples of people saying stuff that is typical for their specific regions and/or social groups.
ShinyDoofy wrote:
So you consider Austria to be part of Germany? Interesting...
Austria and Bavaria belong to the same family language vise. There are three large groups that German dialects can be categorized in. One of those three groups are the "Oberdeutsche Dialekte". Within that group, there are three noteworthy groups again, and one of them is the "Osteroberdeutsche" / "Bayrisch" / Bavarian group. Every major Austrian dialect basically falls into this group. [URL=] Link [/URL]
Post subject: Local slang
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Let's hear you say something in your local slang! x_x I tried my best to explain these examples as well as possible, I don't expect the same from others though. I'm sorry for any potential mistakes I made. I'm also sorry for the lameness of my audio samples. I don't sound very enthusiastic, but that's how I am. >_> So here are the examples, but first let me first introduce myself: Language: German Area of Birth: Austria - Carinthia Social Group: Student, grown up on the countryside Examples: 1) "Steckdosenbefruchter" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: ['ʃtɞkdosnbəfrʊxtɔɐ] The d and b in this word are generally unvoiced, but articulated with less air pressure and shorter than t and p. This is a specific feature of many German dialects. (also happens with g/k) The ɔɐ is a diphthong where, as with most German diphthongs, the stress lies on the first vocal (as opposed to French), so the last ɐ is non syllabic. The n in the middle of the word could be argued to be syllabic. Translation / Explanation: wall socket inseminator A male who supposedly has sexual intercourse with wall sockets. 2) "De Goschn" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: [də'go:ʊʃn] o:ʊ should be some kind of prolonged diphthong The n is syllabic. Translation / Explanation: the mouth Short for "halt die Goschn", lit. "hold the mouth" Means "shut your mouth" "Goschn" should be somehow related to the English word "gosh" (oh my gosh; by guess and by gosh) 3) "'ts Gfrieß" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: [t:s gfʀi:s] The initial t is prolounged (longer silence) to indicate that something has been ommitted. The g is unvoiced. Translation / Explanation: hold the mouth (again) Short for "halt es Gfrieß" "Gfrieß" could be related to the English word "face", but I'm not sure 4) "Jesas Mariana" Attempt of a phonetic transcription: [jɛs:ɐs mɐʀiɐnɐ] Prolounged s, maybe to communicate that you need time to cope with the situation? I'm kind of unsure about the transcription of this one. Translation / Explanation: Some concatenation of "Jesus", "Maria" and "na" ("no" - to express denial) which means something like "In the names of Jesus and Maria, I can't believe this!" Similar to the English "For Christ's sake.."? [URL=] Link to the audio files [/URL] And now to tell the truth.. I must say I'm sorry but this topic is basically spam. In fact I need some audio samples of English native speakers from different regions using some 'slang' till about Friday. And because I'm an idiot I tried starting to collect these audio samples just today by skyping random people, just to realize they're not as talkative as I thought they'd be. :/ So, creating this topic is something like a pathetic attempt to gather material.. I'd perfectly understand if this topic gets deleted or no replies at all. I'm sorry for abusing these forums!