Posts for Kuwaga

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[URL=javascript:(function(){(function(){var%20s=document.createElement('style');s.innerHTML='%40-moz-keyframes%20roll%20{%20100%25%20{%20-moz-transform:%20rotate(360deg);%20}%20}%20%40-o-keyframes%20roll%20{%20100%25%20{%20-o-transform:%20rotate(360deg);%20}%20}%20%40-webkit-keyframes%20roll%20{%20100%25%20{%20-webkit-transform:%20rotate(360deg);%20}%20}%20body{%20-moz-animation-name:%20roll;%20-moz-animation-duration:%204s;%20-moz-animation-iteration-count:%201;%20-o-animation-name:%20roll;%20-o-animation-duration:%204s;%20-o-animation-iteration-count:%201;%20-webkit-animation-name:%20roll;%20-webkit-animation-duration:%204s;%20-webkit-animation-iteration-count:%201;%20}';document.getElementsByTagName('head')%5B0%5D.appendChild(s);}());})();]Do a barrel roll!
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[URL=]Pull Over[/URL] by Zan-zan-zawa-veia for Winter Chip VII. The genre is Copcore. Yes, it's free.
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Ah, right. Brain farts ^^
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Two Tektite hovers then? Hm. Will there be any variation between them due to the RNG or something? Or since you're entering from different locations? Also, can somebody explain to me how Bottle B is done in ZFG's most recent run? I'm guessing you swing the bottle, press B, start, equip the sword? As seen [URL=]here[/URL]
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Warepire wrote:
Like this one Kuwaga?
I thought of something similar with an initial post that at least summarizes why the topic is even worth discussing, but this one might do as well. I have recently cooked chicken spiced with curcuma, chili, lovage, marjoram and a grain of salt. Tasted better than expected.
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It'd be good to discuss the VC emulation issue whether it's valid to emulate an official emulator as opposed to an actual console and accept runs on it in a different thread though. If the OoT topic doesn't get split, somebody should definitely create a seperate thread for it.
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How bad can you guys be at detecting a silly joke? ;p
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Swordless Link wrote:
I should clarify: in the OoT community, we refer to the Fire -> Forest warp as just "cutscene skipping". Wrong warping specifically uses Farore's Wind (on B, so it can be used anywhere), which we get through BA. Only the latter of those is banned in MST.
[URL=]This[/URL] seems to refer to it as wrong warping as well, which is just basically what it is. I think the term very accurately describes what's happening. Anyway, thanks for clarifying.
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Swordless Link wrote:
BA and RBA are banned in this category (as is wrong warping as that involves BA).
Wrong warping is banned as well? When was that decided? I thought you could WW by death from the Fire Temple to the Forest Temple using only the Ocarina Items Glitch? I don't mean to nitpick, I am honestly confused whether WW is banned for this category in general, and if so then why? Wrong warping by death doesn't seem to be a major sequence break and is clearly still a different category of glitch from BA wrong warping. Is it just no warps in general?
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Regarding J versions, I think that the rules should at least get changed to incorporate scenarios in which shorter cutscenes would lead to different routes being faster as a valid reason to switch to the J version. Basically, if the U version forces you to use an overall slower route because you have to avoid an elongated cutscene as compared to the J version, I think that should be a higher priority criterion than the game's text being in English. Although if it were, let's say a 100% run, I'd clearly prefer it to be in English again. I guess it's hard to make a good rule that covers absolutely all special cases, so I'd go with some general guidelines, let the runners decide on their own and the reasonableness of their decisions be judged on submissions.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Actually, I'm starting to see slowking's point, but not in a way that will make him happy. If the VC 'version' really is just the OoT rom being emulated, then Deku stick on B should just be banned, outright. It is an emulation error. Does it matter if the emulation error is inside the Wii, which is also being emulated by dolphin?
I'm not really sure if I see fixing a hardware bug that causes a crash by an emulated hardware bug that just ignores an operation as faulty emulation. It seems to be an improvement of the N64 hardware, comparable (not entirely the same though) to an official NES emulator by Nintendo that reduces lag. A devkit should crash or throw an exception so the developers know there's some bug in their code, why would the actual N64 need to crash though as opposed to just ignore the operation? I'm not sure if you can say this VC emulation difference is clearly faulty emulation or rather an improvement or a fix. I agree that using Deku Stick B should be limited to VC/GC runs though.
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Governments are what we make them to be. Low taxes, low levels of interest in politics of the general public, low motivation for the public to speak up on important issues, media manipulation forming public opinion, deregulation or the "free market religion", having blind faith in your leaders, each of them lead governments to not really represent public interest all too well anymore. Representing public interest is the one important thing that governments are supposed to do though, that's why we absolutely need to have them. Who else would represent public interest? Who would prevent companies from making huge profits at the cost of the general public if not a government supporting their interests? Governments aren't bad, big governments aren't bad, only dysfunctional ones are. A government is dysfunctional if the general public doesn't really care too much and just lets things happen. The idea of fixing bad government by getting rid of it is totally insane, that's like trying to cure a weak heart by ripping it out from between your ribs. The required changes to get government on the right track again are highly unlikely to happen from above, that's a bit like waiting for a miracle, they have to happen at the grassroots level.
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Total Eclipse is also pretty awesome by him. Speaking of which, it has been quite some time since the last time I've posted a shitty music clip. Here we go, as always I like the chromatic part, the dissonant guitar solo and the one where the lyrics are secretely in English. ;X Link to video
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[URL=]These[/URL] will never friend zone you. Neither will [URL=]she[/URL]. Problem solved.
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They should be using their spare time according to the categorical imperative. I also think they should consider that there'll be potentially an almost infinite number of people/generations following them, so the importance of their own happiness should be seen in proportion to that. (Focus on making life better for the generations that follow) Even if that leads to an infinite regress and nobody would ever "live their lives to the fullest", I think it should lead to better results of overall levels of contentedness after just a few generations. That's not to say I'd ever want to force people into that, but I'd like to see them convinced to it.
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Bobo the King wrote:
Honestly, your views on pleasure for the sake of pleasure are well in line with my own. Your little rant reminds me of a term I've come up with: The Autofellating Society. We seem to be drifting toward a civilization that values pleasure but shirks responsibility. However, My Little Pony is so incredibly far down the list of things to be concerned about that it is hardly worth mentioning.
Oh, I totally agree. Much of what I've written goes under the umbrella of arguing for the sake of arguing, and I think I've very openly stated that already. Nevertheless, I think it's a perfectly valid position to take, just that it might be inappropriate in that it's overstating a point.
Bobo the King wrote:
I hardly play video games anymore, nor do I drink, smoke, or do drugs (not even once, with the exception of an occasional single drink on my birthday). The difference between you and me is that I don't go posting my views in tangential rants in forum topics on TV shows that are of the least concern to society's ills. My addiction to sugar and other non-nutritious foods is of vastly greater concern to me than my enjoyment of My Little Pony.
I agree, there is much other stuff that's more important to worry about, but it disturbs me if people stop reflecting upon their acts, just because something feels good and because lots of others are doing it as well. By attacking something that seems largely harmless I can at least alienate them, which might lead them to reevaluate some of their views somewhen. Raising awereness. Or they might just call me a nutjob, which is fine too, I guess.
Bobo the King wrote:
If more people were like us (seeking pleasure in accomplishment, not vices), I'm convinced the world would be a better place. Yet the means to reach that end are not to piss all over everyone's parade at every turn. There are appropriate times and places to express your feelings, but this is not one of them.
A better place in the long run, yea. Oh, I don't think I'm doing it at every turn, I've just taken the opportunity now. I've felt the debate prior to it already went towards arguing for the sake of arguing. Anyway, I think I've stated my point and I'm done for now, I don't intend to spam this thread. It's all good.
Bobo the King wrote:
Edit: P.S.-- Have you read Brave New World, by any chance? I found it to be poorly written, but it did cover some very interesting themes that are related to my above response.
Thanks, I might read it somewhen.
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So everybody who refuses to be happy for no good reason has split personalities and is clinically depressed? I see, that convinces me I should be taking more drugs, watching more TV shows and playing more video games indeed. Let's all enjoy this glory and happiness that Western civilization has brought upon us! We don't know our neighbours but can effortlessly name tons of little ponies, video game characters and superstars. Also watch more porn, who cares about developing healthy sexual relationships with real people? Let's all just be happy, as that's definitely our sole purpose in life, and not worry so much about reality! If believing something makes you happy, it's totally ok as well! Let's not try to get to know our partners really deep down inside, how about just taking a shortcut instead and pretend they're perfect, pretend to be really in love just because it feels good, then filing a divorce a few years later? Who cares about reality, our top priority by far is to become happy, no matter the cause, right? I might have overstated my point, but calling me insane is overstating the opposite point as well, and it's furthermore and ad hominem and possibly psychological projection. Excessive happiness for no good reason limits our freedom of choice, I believe it should be reserved only for meaningful activities. You can become just as happy that way, it just might be harder to achieve than through mindless self-indulgence. Would you have deliberately chosen to watch all MLP episodes for a good reason, or have you been coerced to it? Haven't you tried it because there might be something to it, enjoyed being distracted from real life, watched further episodes because you've started to care for the characters, watched more episodes and claimed you liked the show in an effort to provide a coherent frame for your actions? ("Well, I have watched 5 episodes now, so I might as well watch the rest and admit I like it before admitting I've watched these 5 episodes for no good reason") None of this? Does that seem such an absurd idea? It is easy and natural to rationalize our irrational actions afterwards, again providing a coherent frame for our actions. A girl sleeping with a guy for no good reason, then concluding it means she must like him, there must be something to him, maintaining a relationship for a while, so she doesn't seem like a slut to herself in her mind. It's pretty easy and natural for her to make up reasons for why she'd like him after the fact. I see MLP fandom in a similar way. What are good reasons for starting to watch the show, besides just giving it a try or it being fun (I don't consider either of them to be good reasons btw)?
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To me having an argument about this really seems more like arguing for the sake of arguing more than anything else. And in fact, that's what I'm going to do now. Memes are the cancer that kills science and creativity. The ponies are cute likeable girls that males are programmed to care for, protect and defend. Their effects are amplified by stimulating and shiny colors, big eyes and talented voice actresses. They hijack our brains so that we keep watching the show. There is hardly any good reason to, entertainment is not an end of its own. Memes are cancer. There are one or two good episodes, being a fan of the entire show is an utter waste of time. You might argue that joining the beautiful MLP community is not a waste of time, but it is in light of more productive and founded in reality communities that you could have been joining instead. It might be ok to watch MLP to explore a part of your personality you haven't been familiar with thus far, but being a fan seems to be overdoing it. It's a bit like glorifying drugs like chocolate for its mood-boosting effects, ignoring the loss of potential to feel positive emotions for more sensible reasons that comes with frequent consumption of chocolate. Doing something that makes you feel good for no good reason is usually bad. Besides being a waste of time, it makes the positive emotions that are associated with doing normal, less rewarding things for good reasons seem less significant in comparison, in short it kills all motivation to do the little but important things in our lives. Memes and drugs must be fought, they are cancer.
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There are some youtube videos out there that seem to distort [URL=]Leonard Susskind's interpretation[/URL] of the [URL=]holographic principle[/URL] ad absurdum, similar to what movies suchs as [URL=]What the Bleep Do We Know[/URL] have done for quantum theory. Here are two possible candidates of what he could have watched: [URL=]1[/URL], []2[/URL]. The first two parts of these are identical. The 5 part one replaces what seems to be the original third part with three other conspiracy themed ones (consipiracy theorists might disagree). Maybe he hasn't watched either of them and read some obscure blog posts instead, I don't know. Edit: @Warp below: I thought you might just be bored enough to watch parts of it anyway. ;)
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I think nfq might be interested in Rupert Sheldrake's research. [URL=]1[/URL], []2[/URL] Btw, do you think it's more reasonable to assume that we are different and completely seperate people or that there is a Cosmic Unity (or a world soul) that is resonating with our brains in individual ways and thus produces a sense of indvidual consciousness, while there'd be only one real essence of consciousness? Is it more reasonable to assume consciousness is generated solely by the brain? I think it's still a difficult question, even nowadays.
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The Ocarina of Time / Master's Quest bonus disc that came with Wind Waker contains a pretty good N64 emulator that has been used by pirates to port N64 games to the GameCube. I don't think a run on such a hack would be accepted, but maybe it could be used for a test run if nothing else works?
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If you want to avoid getting friend-zoned and rather become a sociopath instead, I can very much recommend the []mASF[/URL]. As far as their logic goes, being friend-zoned isn't completely bad, as you could always convert the women that friend-zoned you into very potent wingmen! A better solution, in my opinion, is to stop caring so much and stop overdramatizing the events that occur to you in your real life. Also, don't ever overidealize women you don't really know all too well anyway. Instead of rating them based on their looks, I recommend practicing to accept them for who they really are.
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Actually, I've intentionally tried to put forward an argument that is even more easily applicable (as Warp pointed out) to the opposite party (what Tub did) to make a point. The point being what marzojr said. Combine [URL=]loss aversion[/URL] with some confirmation bias as well as some indoctrination as a child and you have a believer ("I want to avoid the situation where I'd have to admit that I have been a fool for believing in all of this stuff for so long, so I dismiss contradictory evidence and collect loads of evidence to support my beliefs"). I have even included a ;) emoticon to make it more obvious. Once again, Poe's law. I am sorry. I thought it was obvious enough this time. I don't believe in God, which I thought should have been obvious from what I've written in this thread so far. The only point I disagree with is that I don't think we can claim that it's unlikely that any God at all exists, if we use the term "God" very loosely. Regardless of this, it's not reasonable at all to believe that a God exists, and it would surprise me if I had ever said it was in this thread. Especially not any specific kind of God, the more random attributes you ascribe to a certain God, the less likely he is to exist. But... If the complexity of whichever phenomenon has brought this universe into existence (in case there should be such a thing) comes close to or surpasses that of the human brain, I think it would be justified to call that phenomenon God. And I don't think we can determine how likely it is for that to be true at this point. I thus think it's wrong to say it's very unlikely for there to be any God at all. All we can say is that it makes no sense to assume that there is one at this point, for lack of evidence so far, so it doesn't seem to be likely so far, but I don't think we can say that it definitely is unlikely. I have chosen to present the argument this way to make it easy for believers to accept it, "bypass their self-protection filters" (they'd be quick to disagree if I had presented the argument without the camouflage), then when it is pointed out that obviously the opposite could be said even moreso to hopefully trigger some deep self-reflection processes in them. I also thought it was more fun and elegant to present it this way. I predicted that somebody would set things straight as a reply to my post to prevent others from misunderstanding it, but I didn't think that nobody (who chose to reply to it) would detect the intentional irony of my argument.
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I think scientists might lie about these things because they don't want to accept the idea that they could have wasted huge junks of their lives on believing a lie, instead of following the Biblical Truth. They've made this huge investment in having faith in science for years, now they are in denial, refusing to accept any of the sheer endless amount of contrary evidence to their positions. ;)