Posts for Kuwaga

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Endorphins and exporphins are collective terms for mood boosting and relaxing morphine-related substances. If your own body produces them (in the hypothalamus/pituitary gland), they're called "endorphins", if they more or less directly come from the food you eat, they're called "exorphins". So if you eat my brain, what's an endorphin to me becomes and exorphin to you. The most prominent exorphins in milk are exorphin C, hemorphin-6 and ß-casomorphin-7 afaik. I don't know if it would be legal to manually add them, as they are mildly addictive. We'd probably be stupid enough to add them in higher doses than actual cows would. As for the anti-bodies, I don't suspect it'd be possible to simply engineer them. Bacteria are in constant mutation and every cow will produce a slightly different mixture of anti-bodies. I don't think it would be feasible to completely replace milk for quite a while to come. Kefir in the narrow sense is fermented milk, but you can extract the grains (also known as tibicos) and put them into ordinary water and they'll produce a milky substance, which is also called kefir, or more specifically "water kefir". As for healthy food, I quite honestly think the best way to get it is to just grow it in your own garden. Almost all of the vegetables I can buy in supermarkets make me want to puke, but I love them if they're self-grown. People tend to severely underestimate how much of a difference it makes.
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You won't get the same health benefits from artificially produced milk. Milk contains anti-bodies and is part of the reason why we are (partially) immune to many cattle-related diseases (Native Americans weren't). You'd also have to manually add the opiates and exorphines that milk contains, which make it so addictive. Kefir is an alternative to milk that already exists, in case you didn't know about it.
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Strong yes vote. But I don't necessarily agree that this should be starred, as the overall densitiy of speed tricks/glitches seems to be very low, neither are there any serious sequence breaks incorporated. It's just an amazing display of superhuman controls, which isn't enough for me to warrant a star. Except to maybe promote further Hourglass runs. That would be an idea. Or maybe it should get a star because he wrote the emulator as well, but I'm not sure if that is a valid reason.
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[URL=]Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix[/URL] is a pretty great Sonic 1 hack. Sonic has some of his abilities first introduced in the Sonic Adventure games and besides Tails and Knuckles, you can play as Shadow and Mighty as well. Pretty fun hack.
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The British Dental Health Foundation wrote:
Should I brush my teeth after every meal? It is important that you brush twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride. The best times are before breakfast and last thing at night before you go to bed. Eating and drinking naturally weakens the enamel on your teeth, and brushing straight afterwards can cause tiny particles of enamel to be brushed away. It is best not to brush your teeth until at least one hour after eating. It is especially important to brush before bed. This is because the flow of saliva, which is the mouth's own cleaning system, slows down during the night and this leaves the mouth more at risk from decay.
moozooh wrote:
(you've surely noticed a thin layer of greyish substance with an unpleasant odor and taste).
If it's that noticeable, then it could be thrush.
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Has it really been 5 years? >_> Here's an idea: 1) Start the game 2) Run [URL=]this[/URL] lua script 3) Select a level 4) ????? 5) Profit
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Google "Weston Price" for more info on this topic
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O_____O I don't even alskdjfaskd Start TASing TP and youi'll get sub 2:00 in no time, lol.
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The purpose of making your bed is to get your daily routine started and for it to be prettier to look at. It really serves hardly any porpuse other than that, so if you're stressed out or frustrated, making your bed will be one of the first thing that you'll skip. A made bed thus serves as a pretty good indicator that you're still in control of your life and not overwhelmed by your daily challenges (except if you have OCD or similar disorders. in that case you'll still make your bed even though you aren't in control). Even if you brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and gargle, there's still some areas that you won't be able to reach, and even if you could, you can never get them 100% clean. Over night bacteria have the potential to multiply exponentially, so what you're brushing your teeth for in the morning is to get rid of those invisible suckers. After breakfast, it should suffice to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, then maybe brush your teeth again before your next meal if you feel the need to. Brushing your teeth directly after having had a meal has the potential to seriously damage your enamel. You wear pijamas so you only have to change them once they are soaked up with your sweat. If you didn't, you'd have to change your mattress and duvet covers more often instead, which usually takes more effort. That being said, I brush my teeth on a totally unregular basis, never make my bed and often sleep in underwear. No wonder I'm doing so bad at life. I think I should maybe go see a doctor about it.
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It is the same thing. It means we lack discipline. It means our lives lack direction. It might also mean that we lack good education. :)
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The Tallon IV parts are looking really nice so far. ^^
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Dada wrote:
A Tribe called quest - Electric Relaxation
I like this one a lot, thank you! ^^ --- posting more RIP SLYME because i can Link to video Link to video Link to video Link to video Link to video
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Just like real males, they're either dumb and slow, mischievous/egoistic or nice and submissive. ;) (I don't think I've yet seen the prince stereotype) Edit: Blueblood >_> Oh whatever
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Yes, loading times should be emulated correctly because for some games loading times have a direct influence on the gameplay, and because the whole porpuse of an emulator is to emulate the hardware correctly. Of course there are some limits to emulating them totally accurately. It's silly to account for room temperature, scratches on the games, etc. Imo, you should just take the average optimal loading times (not per game, but add up access time and average tranfer rate * amount of transferred data) and be satisfied with that.
moozooh wrote:
If a laser's resistance (wait, a laser's resistance? What exactly is resistance being measured on here?)
If you screw open your GameCube, there's a potentiometer on the opposite side of the laser adjusting its strength.
Wouldn't this be sufficient information to get the average loading times on an optimal system? "Panasonic-developed CAV miniDVD-like 8 cm optical disc, 2.000 MB/s–3.125 MB/s transfer rate, 128 ms average access time, 1.5 GB capacity" What's the problem? Wouldn't it be relatively easy to add 128ms for every access command and 1ms for every 2-3.2kb of transferred data? (and then maybe apply some slight tweaks if that doesn't yet produce the desired results)
Why not use this simple and practical solution? Am I missing something?
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Wouldn't [URL=]this[/URL] be sufficient information to get the average loading times on an optimal system? "Panasonic-developed CAV miniDVD-like 8 cm optical disc, 2.000 MB/s–3.125 MB/s transfer rate, 128 ms average access time, 1.5 GB capacity" What's the problem? Wouldn't it be relatively easy to add 128ms for every access command and 1ms for every 2-3.2kb of transferred data? (and then maybe apply some slight tweaks if that doesn't yet produce the desired results)
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I didn't mean it in that way. I meant to use average times for certain instructions, for searching and loading data, etc. (some emulators I've been looking at seemed to be doing something like that), not to time average loading times on a game-by-game basis. I don't think that'd be feasible at all. If you mean we should log the loading times anyway for them to have something to compare to, then I think that might be a good idea. I own a quite scratchy PAL version of the game and a GameCube from the RE4 era.
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Using average loading times could even be more favourable than a totally accurate emulation. After all, I think we'd want to prevent situations where you could use a slower strategy in a certain room, but significantly speed up loading times for the next room by doing that *. Or use tricks to keep the disc spinning before it actually starts loading the next room, so you'd save time because the motor wouldn't have to go through the acceleration process anymore. I don't think I'd like to see the application of such strategies. Average loading times under optimal conditions seems like the best solution to me. *) Of course even going for average times won't totally prevent such situations from arising, but I guess it would at least keep them to a minimum.
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Isn't Metroid Prime a special case anyway? As long as the next room hasn't loaded completely, the door won't open, so you'd have to wait, but you could f.e. charge up your Speed Ball while it's still loading. If you eliminated load times, it would thus change the gameplay into something slightly different, so for me it's pretty clear that they should be emulated correctly for that game at least.
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For me, this is a very clear case of a "controlled opposition". It was probably Bisqwit himself or one of his main lackeys who set up that site for the following goals: 1) Create the illusion that people who are against TASes are dumb 2) Create a strawman to make pro-TAS arguments seem more reasonable 3) Manufacture discourse to ultimately get more visits to his page
Would someone go to that effort (banning Bisqwit included) just for comedic gold?
Good point, and the obvious answer is "no". Nobody could have taken so much effort just for the sake of comedy, nor could anybody have been so stupid as to seriously believe in the ideas perpetrated by that site. It follows the only logical conclusion that the site and its accusations are nothing but a "false flag attack" conducted by Bisqwit himself. A strategy that is quite reminiscent of the one that Hitler used to start WWII...
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Posts: 1248 and related links >___>
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If you added a nice GUI with a piano roll, I think it might be totally awesome.
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I think this might be an excellent idea! We already have movie files that usually store the held buttons for every single frame. You could read such a file and as a first step translate the button data into lua-code like this
frame  55: hold B for 800 frames
           hold RIGHT for 800 frames
frame  88: hold A for 8 frames
frame 150: hold A for 12 frames
frame 855: hold LEFT for 1 frames
frame 856: hold RIGHT for 1 frames
frame 857: hold LEFT for 1 frames
frame 858: hold RIGHT for 1 frames
Then in a second step, you could apply some game-specific translations. This would maybe require an AI to identify what's going on on the screen atm or some user input to work well (for context specific glitches, etc).
frame  55: Run to the right for 800 frames
frame  88: Jump with strength 8
frame 150: Jump with strength 12
frame 855: Wobble for 4 frames
--game specific part
function run(length, direction)
--movie specific part
frame = 55 
frame += 33
I think that once a movie has been successfully converted in this way, editting it should become infinitely easier already. Then you could maybe even make the lua script display the commands on screen, maybe in an abbreviated form, instead of raw button presses:
run ->
run ->, jump 8
run ->
run ->, jump 12
run ->
This third step would make it easier for somebody who watches a TAS to identify what's going on. If you'd be able to look at and edit the results of the first step next to the emulator window, it'd probably make TASing a bit easier already. If you manage to do the same for the second step, (maybe with some nice visualisation/gui), it'd essentially be macros on a piano roll. Now, that'd have the potential to considerably improve TASing efficiency already imo. Smart macros would obviously be the next step, but I think that even without them this'd be a pretty awesome idea!
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Let it obsolete Taco's & Kriole's run, publish it alongside or reject it? I have no idea. It wasn't really entertaining to me, but that's probably from having watched too many SM runs already. So I held off my vote.
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I think I'm going to post a few classics to pretend I have good taste, then add some random crap. :D Edit: lol
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Now for something that's truly worthy of this thread! Youtube drinking games! I only know a few. What you do is watch these videos and imagine that everytime a certain condition is met you have to take a shot of your favorite alcoholic beverage with your imaginary friends. Everytime he ends a word in "-sssshhhh" for no apparent reason. Add "-sssss" as a trigger if you are hardcore. Warmup in a Sub-Zero / Star Trek cosplay: (best viewed with annotations on) Link to video The real deal: Link to video Everytime somebody says "Majestät", "Ihre Majestät" or "Eure Majestät" (=Majesty), pronounced "Mah-yes-tait". You can also add "Kaiser-" as a trigger, if you're really hardcore. Link to video