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l2j? I dunno, I'm not particularly sold on this run. Nothing about the game seems to make it stand out amongst the other bland GBA platformers, and I'm sure there are better bland games than this one. Meh. I mean, the TAS seems pretty speedy and well thought out, but... Meh.
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It's different for each game. I've played my own PAL copy of FFVII fine on an emulator with no trouble.
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I have a t-shirt with "FREE HUGS" written on it; one of my female friends gave it to me when I turned 18. I feel it completes my utterly bizarre persona. Still, re: anime conventions. I've declared only to go to one if coerced by a suitably important girl.
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The audio quality on the bittorrented AVI is terrible. What might be sensible audio encoding parameters for MD games may well not be suitable for CD-quality audio. Just a note for the future.
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Warp wrote:
With entertainment there are no absolutes.
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Waiting for an AVI, but I bet this will rock.
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Hell yes I was thinking about how Assassin's Creed would look in a TAS. I've found some pretty silly bugs in it already, so who knows what a real beancounter could break in that game! Technically any current PC game could be TASed, but you might have fun doing the actual implementation side. :)
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Planescape: Torment is older and I played it before FFX. Both have good plots.
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BoltR wrote:
Did we play the same game?
While the characters were often bland or otherwise catchphrase-heavy (hello Tidus and Wakka), the plot is actually quite well thought out, though it is a little crazy at the end.
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vive la CRPG Honestly the last time I played a RPG with a good plot is... uh... that's a harder question to answer than I thought. Final Fantasy X? That was released in 2002 or something... hmm. I would say that the expectations of the gamer are changing, so what was previously a laughable attempt at character depth really is becoming acceptable. Of course there will always be 'hardcore' rpgamers that want more than a slice of intrigue between two pieces of bland bread, but who the fuck cares about such a small market? I haven't played Mass Effect yet, but perhaps I can persuade my 360-owning friend to go through a bit of it while I watch. Then I might respond to the actual question. :)
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I've played Portal and listened to the song at the end, and I didn't like it then. The fact that every single gamer on the internet references it eighteen times a day doesn't help its comedy either. Actually, this reminds me of a recent 'comedy sensation'. Any of you watch/see "The Flight of the Conchords"? It's pretty similar; droll humour and acoustic guitar, accomplishing nothing. Ugh.
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You can just change the appearance in your IRC client to make it black on white, or whatever you like. Probably. Unless it is one of those ultra-slim IRC clients that fit into 7kB.
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That was pretty boring
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Haha I had one of those moozooh. I also had a Gravis Gamepad with the stick in it. Good times, good times...
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Yeah I am not liking a lot of what makes 4th edition 4th edition. I keep wondering which MMOs they've stolen all of their 'new concept's from.
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I think about this every now and again; the actual aesthetics of TAS-creation instead of just the end product. Surely the best possible TAS of a game would be the quickest, the most fun to watch and the most easily compressed movie file? :)
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Programmatically ripping the sprites and tile data from the ROM during the generation would score much higher program-fu points. This actually isn't too hard a project; once you get over the hurdle of silly data structures in the ROM, the actual transition to 3D is pretty trivial. If you automatically wanted to assign lighting and such you would have to mark certain tiles as light sources (i.e. the torches,) make Link a light source himself, Triforce pieces etc. Then converting them to MAP format ready to be BSP'd (or hell, Doom-style sector mapping) would be a fairly minor job. Screensavers are just .exe files with 'exe' replaced with 'scr', so no problem there. Regarding the problem solving, that sounds like a good and fun idea. You'd have to make sure Link started with the items he needed to do the screen though. Either that, or randomly choose what items he has and generate a doable screen from that information.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I still crack up at
I prefer 'fish and and and and and chips'
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  • He (or she, of course) has an afro.
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nfq wrote:
both of them are incorrect, this is the correct one: "This is an improvement of the published run."
Nah, that would imply that you took the old run and improved that. I prefer "This is an improvement on the published run."
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After a while Windows XP resets anyway, whether you clicked 'No' in the box or not. It takes a few hours, iirc.
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It's 'pokemon', or more accurately ポケモン. The é is there to let the normal English speaker know that it should be pronounce 'ay', like café. However, the original japanese word would be 'pokemon' in romaji, so the accent is unnecessary. Besides, most people I know pronounce it 'pokimon', so their attempt at instruction seems to have failed. :)
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I was under the impression that Chinese had shorter words than a lot of languages. Especially if you consider each character a 'letter' of sorts, then they are very short indeed.
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I think usually 'on crack' refers to the effects of the popular recreational drug Crack. The drug elevates energy and emotional levels to quite a high, hence someone who is incredibly happy or energetic can be said to be 'on crack', but I find it quite demeaning really.
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Because it used to be 'addictive'. re: anything nfq said Shorter words are not better. Like I said, lazy people deserve whatever they get. If it's ridicule for not spelling their words correctly, I couldn't care less. The only 2 reasons we have textspeak/whatever-you-want-to-call-it are laziness and SMS length limits. Often acronyms are made of words that are very quick to type, such as the amazing 'WTF', the acronym form of which takes longer to say than the original words. Amazing, huh. Also, just as an aside, there are some words (in English) which are short to say, but long(ish) to type, such as 'slough' and 'wrench'. Embracing textspeak as the natural progression of English is a massive step backward in communication legibility. The only thing the comment you quoted communicates is that the poster does not know how to communicate effectively. Or does not want to (why post in the first place), or can't be bothered to (lazy, deserve what they get, etc.)
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