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If you need some further proof, or just some entertainment, here is a speedrun of Descent done by stx-Vile. Oh, and they're rogue mining robots, not aliens :p
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I doubt it, it's akin to playing a slightly different game or a romhack. I would like to see some of those 'construction kit' games used for TASes though, by creating an entire game and then TASing it. RPG Maker comes to mind. :)
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The reason I said "Warp, please drop it" is because you're more annoying than he is. I'm strongly in favour of this code being used.
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I'm really confused. How exactly do you activate this 'cheat'? Also Warp, please drop it. The reason you don't know why Zurreco doesn't like you is why he doesn't like you.
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Yes, opening the lid sounds fine to me. It has a variety of funny effects, so try it out!
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That was ridiculous. Yes. :)
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Yes, indeed. I've spent some time converting FCMs to see which ones work. There's a page which lists my results so far.
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If you can't answer the question literally, the idea is to break it down into what the question is really asking you. That one is a pretty transparent "are you sociable or not?"
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I feel very reduced.
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The only time someone is going to be unhappy about people 'stealing' portions of their work on this site is if they don't know what the site is about. Priderun etc
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Works for me. Might be some kind of crazy cache/PEBKAC thing
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antd wrote:
To get a general idea i'll just hack the ram addresses to test which date is faster
I'm not sure that's a good way to check. All the extra stuff to get Barret's date might not pay off, for example. Unless this has already been proven.
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I wasn't trying to bring up the entertainment debate. I'm strongly in favour of entertainment. I'm just not sure I find this entertaining. I definitely like the game (and indeed, tried to TAS it myself) but I'm not sure it's in line with the goals of the site.
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It's a completely nonrandom game. This is doable in realtime. If nothing else, this is a video tutorial. I'm not sure how to vote. No thanks to me :( btw this is my favourite zelda game
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Well, it's not the most loved of the Ultima series. But it is still a fine game in its own right. Sometimes games don't just have to be about whipping skeletons. The PC version is vastly inferior, too.
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Sweet. This is another major contender for 'encode me with subtitles for explanations', like that similar item-corruption Might & Magic TAS.
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Questioning the accuracy of a test seems pretty INTJ to me :)
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I'm not sure about the battle message thing either. The only ones that come to mind which actually slow the battle down are: 1. Barret talking about Guard Scorpion (never appears in current TAS) 2. Hojo? 3. Bizarro Sephiroth's various part messages
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Post subject: Re: Another perspective on the "speed vs. entertainment" debate
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Warp wrote:
change the whole philosophy of tool-assisted speedrunning
You're right! If we wanted to accept movies which were slower for entertainment value, it wouldn't be speedrunning anymore. Except, this isn't exclusively a speedrunning site. At least that picture at the topleft leads me to believe it isn't, with the 'superplay' and all. Also, your argument about "is it really more entertaining" is a bit useless. It might be. I find the SMB1 run quite dull. I think it might benefit from some random walking through walls/jumping up walls/mysteriously dying to a goomba that isn't even on the screen.
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HappyLee wrote:
Voted Meh.
It beats your movie (barely). I guess this means you would vote 'Meh' or 'No' on your own? :)
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Post subject: Re: Recruiting programmers for Half-Life TAS team
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
-demo play back function that disables pauses
The complete demo format specs are known, right? It would be simple to make a program that deletes the Pause messages completely from a demo. Many things like this are already possible with Quake .dems, and I've done it to Descent .dems before.
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There are about 3 common systems for transcription. I'm not sure what the arguments are for each. I personally dislike seeing 'ou'/o-macron, I always use 'r' unless it's obviously some kind of english name like Larry, and I always write -u or -i whether it's silent or not. Also again 'most common' is not easy to find. Also, sometimes most common is most stupid. I know I run into this situation everyday.
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Slowking wrote:
an utopia
argh Still, it is possible to create a culture where there are no dissenters. Kill everyone who disagrees! One person can be a culture, right?
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nitsuja wrote:
maybe it would be better to add goals that force showing off more of the game instead of adding restrictions.
Well, yes. There's a discussion going on about playaround runs right now. In fact, a LP/TAS/Playaround of S3&K has some videos linked in that topic. :)
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