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Small question: Would it be faster to get Gong (by Egressing from the first/second battle) to have more people to fight with, for the first chapter? Oh, also, would a non-crit from Max have killed the Sniper in the 4th battle? Seemed like a crit for 29 was overkill.
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Yeah, usually the opposite is true.
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The direct link to the image doesn't work. Also, you really need the right kind of mindset to work on TASes; perfectionist, methodical, patient. If you're not that kind of person, doing a TAS will be difficult and frustrating. If you work out it, learn the common tricks, pace yourself and don't expect miracles, you'll do fine.
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Hey, cool. I put the RAM map up on datacrystal, so I'm glad somebody found a use for it. :) I was trying to disassemble the entire game (see sig) but wading that deep in assembly tends to give me headaches.
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For a given value of 'translate'. Your code snippet there would be something like: CMP [GoombaX], [MarioX] RETNZ ; get out of the collision detecting function if not equal CMP [GoombaY], [MarioY] RETNZ ; ditto CMP [MarioYSpeed], 0 RETL ; I forget what 'less than' would be JMP [MarioDead] (Not like that's NES Assembly or anything, it might not even have CMP x,y, would have to copy everything into A first etc. etc.) If read back and treated with care, yes, the Assembly can be translated to something like BASIC. It is not always a trivial task.
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Awesome, v20 replicates the glitch perfectly. I'll get right on this.
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BisqBot made a TAS of SMB a while back which completed it using some random-press algorithm... I can't remember much of it right now. AFAIR it got to a certain level and got stuck. Or maybe Bisqwit just got tired of letting it run. :P
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Yes, the input format to that emulator is compressed. I took a look at it myself but got nowhere. Also, I get the idea that the change in emulation occurs with the bug in the battle. It overwrites certain things in other GB emulators that it doesn't on VBA, I think. The sprites still glitch up and you get a L1 Charizard, but I suggest that the map data/whatever pointer is not overwritten.
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Yes, please do enter your name. :) Good job, that was a crazy score. I used to play this on my PC a lot too!
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Stop being useless. I'm an INTP too, as is the societal norm around here. Only 1% on Thinking, though.
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Nice! Just watched this and was entertained throughout, except for some of the slower stars like Hazy Maze Cave. Though the first one there was surprising. :) Definite yes vote. Oh, and I'm not sure about that camera while you fell down the mountain either, it seems to clip through a bit of the floor?
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Nah, a lot of people tried cashing in on the Pokemon craze back then, producing fake cartridges and selling them to retailers. You have a piece of history. :)
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Mostly just used that avatar thingy, but did some creative editing too. This is me in angry mode.
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So you didn't enjoy watching this movie since the last time you voted because hero didn't want his name on a non-faster run? What?
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Phil, vous ne comprenez pas l'anglais tres bien. Aussi, vous n'ecrivez pas l'anglais tres bien. Pouvez-vous comprenez que vous interpréterez mal quelques choses? Quand cela se produit, vous faites alors une prétention basée sur ce malentendu. Puis, notre incapacité de lire votre anglais a comme conséquence plus d'interprétations fausses. Pouvez-vous comprenez? I hope that was clear enough. I had to resort to babelfish for some of the words I didn't know.
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He's trying to make Phil look stupid/ignorant or at least out of his depth. I understood it.
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Aqfaq (I think) tried doing the Dune II on the mega drive, there are still a couple of WIPs in the thread. If you're interested, take a look at those.
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Personally I blame your brain-dead posts. OP is well-known for this too. Suggesting immediate evasive action!
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Oddly, I pronounce SMB as 'simba'. GBA becomes 'jeeba'. Can't think of any more odd ones. :)
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As others have mentioned, the jump sound starts to grate a little. Other than that, well done, and a Yes vote for speedy publication to the Concept section. :)
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Yeah, LLCoolDave and I are interested in individual level runs for this game. We have some pretty wacky runs done ourselves. :) Slingshotting yourself down a long corridor is nerve-wracking, but excellent.
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Just about every search result for 'lagdotcom' on google is me. There seems to be some american gamer who uses it too, though. Which does make more sense; I should have chosen lagdotcodotuk or something in the beginning :)
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I'll third Descent and second Quake. I'd be interested having a bash at either, though realistically Quake needs mouse support to use bunnyhopping. There are plenty of old platformers which would work well in a TAS. Commander Keen comes to mind. Oh, and saying QdQ is tool-assisted is pretty inaccurate. :)
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Voted yes! Knowing a lot about this game makes the TAS that much more interesting. By the way, did you know somebody submitted a speedrun of this game to SDA? It was rejected for using the Ur-Quan Masters port... does anybody still have the video? It would be interesting to know how much time the TAS saves.
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That's a Yes. Entertaining throughout. Early on, even with limited resources, you still managed to muck about enough to make me laugh. Of course, the speed later on is impressive too.
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