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Green would probably have Aero (Hurricane, etc.) but White would get Holy, yeah. Fire and Thunder are both Red in magic terms. I think you should just use Kickers instead of the reveal cards thing, though a fair number of card effects work that way (spellshaper legends from Prophecy, for example). Simply because the spells on Final Fantasy get better if you shunt more magical power into them. :) Note: I like Dark! Edit: Though the reveal cards thing probably more closely follows the Crystal Chronicles mechanic. Ah I dunno. :p
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Blizzard is way too good. Blue direct damage? :) Also, all the Ice effects I can think of are Green. Wall of Ice, Ice Storm... Also also, the Power Word thing is similar to Kicker costs that were introduced in Invasion block. (Kicker X: Pay X as you play the card for an additional effect)
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If it's anywhere similar to Shining Force, it depends on what keys you press while you have a cursor selecting who to target. I was able to manipulate a critical, 2 different damages, or a miss, this way. However, I couldn't seem to change spell damage.
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Wow, a 2-cost red creature without a disability. What is the world coming to? Klonoa, 2WW Creature - Dream Legend, 1/3 Flying T, tap an untapped creature you control: Targeted creature deals damage to another target creature equal to its power. Moo, G Creature - Ooze, 1/1 Kicker 1, U If you paid 1, Moo gains +0/+1. If you paid U, Moo has Flying. By the way, standard notation for magic colours has B mean Black and U mean Blue.
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As far as I know, it uses an almost identical engine. The air-step thing still works, so everything else should.
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Sorry for the long delay. After a thorough slogging I've got through 1-5, which is a huge pain of a level. I'm now on version 14, and I saved ~4.7 seconds on this one alone. I've also tacked on the 1-6 and 1-7 solutions from previous versions -- mainly because I don't expect them to change much, maybe maximum of one second can be saved on 1-7, but I doubt it. Enjoy. :) Edit: Finished 1-8 and 2-1 and added them to the current wip, v15.
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Unless you're the girl. :)
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Also, you can manipulate the cards in the booster packs by waiting frames before doing your last move. I forget if you can do it by pressing A later at the Win/Lose screen. Might be worth considering if you need certain cards for the deck later.
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Can you come on the IRC channel? It would be easier and quicker to talk there.
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Which ones of the decks starts with Nidoran-M in? :)
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The strategy FF mentions is very possible. I've done it a few times as an experiment (I start with Diglett, he starts with only Rattata, I attach energy and win) Also, you can use more than one Pluspower can't you? Of course some people don't put [Rattata/other Fighting-weak pokemon of 40 HP of less] in decks, so you have to have a bigger damage strategy for those battles. I suggest Nidoran Male/Nidorino or Squirtle->Blastoise with a Pokemon Breeder. Yes, randomness is determined by the frame entering battle. I think pressing a button while shuffling also changes randomness. (it speeds up the animation anyway)
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Well, a lot of people think it's because people learn how to use apostrophes, then get paranoid about their usage and use them on any word with a trailing 's'. This would explain the so-called "Greengrocer's Apostrophe" on things like apple's, banana's, etc. I know, it's horrible, but English is no longer taught formally in schools here (at least, not in public ones), so children never learn the theoretical basis and just think about what sounds right. Key part: sounds right. Also, by the prevalence of 'ur' and other txt-isms, most of the common homonyms are being lost in meaning. I see the your/you're thing done wrongly at least twice an hour on Subspace/Continuum, an online game I play.
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xoinx: That's right, English belongs to the 'germanic family' of languages. Swedish/Danish etc. look like mispelt versions of English. :) As for the 'Kite' thing, I think that looks exactly how you say it. Have you ever heard of the 'magic e' rule? Pick, pike. Till, tile. And so on. Of course, there's always exceptions to the rule... Heteronyms and such are what makes the language more fun, and it gives wordplayers something to do. :) Free Peace Sweet!
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Rare candies is quicker. All those messages from the EXP.Alls will make it slower, plus the battle startup/ending etc. etc.
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xebra: That's exactly the point I was making with the however. :/
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I use semicolons fairly often in IRC. However, it would have been corny to include one there, so I replaced it with the start of a new sentence and an adverb. :)
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The hardest thing about japanese for me is figuring out where words finish when someone is speaking; the syllables all come out in some kind of free flow, and I have to stand around thinking for a while before it comes to me. It does help that particles mark certain parts, but what if what you thought was a particle is still in the word? :) Aside from this minor japanese knowledge, I studied French for a fair amount of time and Spanish for a tiny amount, and my native language is English. I have to say that gender distinction is really one of the easier parts of the french language; it's just a tiny tidbit extra to remember when you're memorising your nouns. The only ones which bother me are the ones you always see as l', so your memory is never jogged as to its gender.
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Was playing around a little yesterday completing some of the main quests only using Marche and Montblanc; it was quite tough going, I suggest using 4-5 people. With some luck manipulation on dispatch missions you could get massive rewards for sending people ill-suited to the task and succeeding (read the Game Mechanics guide on GameFAQs), learning abilities very fast. Obviously map placement is rather important too for certain items. Manipulating some expert classes to join you right away might also be useful.
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I downloaded the entire 8bitpeoples site a while back, then steadily deleted the annoying ones. Anything by x|k is pure gold.
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My girlfriend would like to try making a TAS, but doesn't think she has the patience to do so. :) She enjoys watching some of them with me.
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I hate beer, I don't understand the preoccupation with it. Whenever I drink, it's always vodka, neat.
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I hope someone takes this up, this is definitely one of my favourite games around. I would suggest using spare Panic Buttons to run faster than normal (you can activate them with X, Y or Z, I forget which). You can also luck-manipulate monsters to run towards you and stuff, I guess. Using the jumping above and rapid dropping jars attack should be the fastest way of grabbing humans.
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I wrote a similar program to this for VBM files. It catalogues parts of the run into sections and assigns version numbers to them, so I can easily see how rooms/levels are improving and so on. Then I can tell it to compile a VBM of all the newest versions.
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A fair amount of the trainers do not randomly pick moves; they are more likely to follow a specific strategy and take advantage of type weaknesses.
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Been playing this all day (yes, in English...). Seems like it would be no less boring than say, Secret of Mana, and hell on earth to plan for. I don't think a TAS should be planned until some serious research on the randomness/item effects is done. Reminds me of those months spent playing NetHack...
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