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This glitch has been well-documented in real-time playings of the game, though getting the exactly right frame to have to best effect is sort of difficult on a real Gameboy. However, since the new VBA came out which fixed some bad emulation of RAM (the glitch in that Wario Land somethingorother submission) I'm fairly confident it's doing a great job emulating such glitches now. I can't offer any serious information about the (a)synchronous saving I/O or whatever, but I suspect it uses the same kind of processing as the rest of it on a machine as simple as the Gameboy. It does freeze up while you're saving, after all... if I had something more concrete, I'd post it in your "what if" thread.
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Wow, ban adelikat? That's funny. :D I'm sure he really feels appreciated after all the work he's done on FCEUX and DeSmuME and judging and stuff. Personally I think it would be better if the judges completely ignored everything peons say if it would result in less stupid discussion like this.
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Excellent work, Aglar! I particularly liked the 'lazy' final boss kill. :)
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This is certainly possible. Those top-down car games where you ram into each other to cause damage also comes to mind. I can't think of any games where with TAS tools it would eventually become impossible to survive. It may even be possible to write a bot to calculate the next move. This would make an entertaining screensaver. :)
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However, the startlingly good nature of the TASvideos forumers has turned it into something worth reading. Almost. I've always been on the fence, and enjoying the greenest grass. Both are great, neither is better.
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It's great that the DS is now available for TASing, though whether it has any good games to TAS is yet to be seen. :p This run was just too boring for me to keep watching after about 10 minutes. I'll try out desmume, up until now I've been using iDeaS and it gives me fairly low framerates for anything 3d.
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I really enjoyed this, and the subtitles were useful. Yes.
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Xkeeper wrote:
I find this argument, when coming from somebody who has an avatar that violates that exact statement
Wha? His arms are crossed, mouth in a sneer, AND eyebrows in angry fashion. I doubt they could have made that any more obvious except by making his head fume and boiling red.
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Huh. Seems like anime needs to go on an object-recognition course.
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This is pretty much my entire argument against manga/anime. They use massively caricatured motions/emotions to portray things that would be much better served by subtle visual/audial cues. The only reason I can think of this is for its target market being kids, i.e. those who haven't learnt to pick up on such subtleties yet. However enough anime is marketed at non-kids for this to apparently be inaccurate. Hence the bandwagoning accusation. Oh, yeah, anime does occasionally have very small movements (usually mouth, to show emotion oh oops stop proving your own points jackass). But the 'camera' always helpfully zooms in so you can't miss them.
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I always just assumed it was a bandwagon thing, because anime/manga is hardly renowned for being an upwelling of original characters and themes anyway. The whole 'eyes can portray an emotion by themselves' thing is a bit lame. So can the mouth, but they sure don't focus on that, do they? In fact, they're fucking tiny most of the time, unless they are being glib. Which is often.
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Derakon wrote:
It's just part of the style.
I found this one interesting, so I'll comment. All the examples you give are aspects of magnitude; that is, the eyes/heads are too big, etc. Whereas 'drawing eyes on top of hair' is just plain wrong, rather than a caricature. What sayeth thou?
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Is this your latest attempt to persuade people you actually have a sense of humour? To me it sounds like somebody went from a 'I made this name when I was 12' name to 'now I have a personality' name. However considering the person in question, who knows.
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Fighting games are also likely to offset from the bottom centre of the sprite, as this is a natural anchoring point for turning and such.
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I've always liked BASIC's DATA command. And your code for drawing 'vector graphics' makes me smile.
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Post subject: Re: 8BITar Hero
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FODA wrote:
the fun in [...] audiosurf is arguably worse
Oh no, people are telling me what I find fun again. Of course it's 'arguably worse', everything is 'arguably worse'. Anyway, concept itself is kind of cool, though good luck finding anything on the NES worth playing, ho ho ho. Anything interesting would be far too complicated (Solstice comes to mind)
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Interesting, I haven't heard of that before. There is something else though: the 'event scripting' that Suikoden II uses can often be subtly broken; this is usually a bad thing, causing conversation dialogues to never appear but still halt character movement, rendering the game unplayable. I guess there could be some positive aspects to it. Maybe to skip some otherwise quite lengthy cutscenes?
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He already made an encode: If it's not THIS movie, it will be a very, very similar one.
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Hahaha! We had Q-Basic at school, and I programmed a very similar starfield effect whilst there. I also did a snowfall (which lands on words saying 'Merry Christmas') program.
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Wow, this game is way too happy. I can't watch it.
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This video is absolutely hilarious, but I suggest it be rejected purely because the author was annoying enough to have his name typed in those pointless reversed characters in unicode. Edit: Ah, he fixed his name. I guess I vote yes, then.
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Here's one I made earlier
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The whitespace is my favourite part. No more messy random punctuation cluttering up your program, just easily trackable whitespace.
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Absolutely, I recommend Python. Unlike a lot of other 'learning languages' cough cough Pascal cough it doesn't have massively annoying syntax to learn, plus it's almost as powerful as something more general like C. I've used pygame for a bunch of things (that 'visualising input movie files' topic has something of mine in, for example) after reading the tutorials, and now I feel like I could write a game.
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It's not every frame, but it is near it. Somewhat like how Pokemon's works.
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