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This is why there should be more playaround TASs (TASes->speedrunes? superplayes?). There's no bar to jump over for that, just some kind of wire mesh to pass through.
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Once I get back home to the UK, I will post my movie to see if you can gain anything from it. Oh yes, one other thing... there is a possibly visual bug that occurs if you use L+R. Your previous action appears to repeat, say if you climbed up, you will visually climb up again, then your position will snap back to what it was. If this can be abused to actually do the repeated action, many many shortcuts are possible.
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I would rather put it down to 'OP is crazy' syndrome
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Yeah I've read some of the Python 3 stuff. I agree with most of it, especially print() I don't agree with replacing the % operator though...
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My code does quite unsympathetic things with ordinary syntax, but it runs, believe me. I've also made a version that is a one liner, but it is 2 characters longer (I'm assuming 'newline' takes up one byte). It outputs a trailing space (and through Python's silly stream closing code, a newline at program exit)... the one-liner doesn't output a trailing space but it does immediately give a newline. It uses list comprehensions and that's about it really.
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andymac wrote:
Is exactly the same.
Sort of. The second snippet explicitly outputs a newline by using 'print d', whereas the first uses sys.stdout.write, which provides no newline. Python automatically finishes off the line on exit though (you might be able to crash it to prevent it, interesting exercise for you, or possibly redirect streams blah blah blah). So the difference is only when the newline gets printed. Anyway I made a much more compact one. I got 83 in Python.
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I love Perfect Dark, but it still controls like a brick!
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Carpal tunnel only makes me stronger. I also think FPSs suck on consoles, and that's through experience rather than prejudice. Try playing the Playstation Descent port, hee hee hee :)
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This topic had me agog.
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I guess I didn't watch carefully enough. When I saw one of the builders turn around by hitting is head, I assumed the worst. Well done, and thanks for answering :)
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Start a hedge fund, ho ho ho. Not particularly legitimate. Also, 'getting' a billion dollars isn't that hard if you already have 10 billion.
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Dumb as it is, I really enjoy Audiosurf. I get a fair few emails per day of people beating my scores, and I don't exactly listen to popular music. :)
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Absolutely loved this! Great TAS, though I did notice... On level 25, could you not make some (maybe only one) of the builders who are active at the end mine/whatever in order to stop them building faster, therefore exiting quicker? Apart from that, great job. Pillars of Hercules and Level 28 in particular had me laughing out loud. I did have to fast-forward through Steel Works and Pea Soup, though.
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Haha! This was a lot of fun to watch. While the bosses were kind of awkward, there was enough screwing around that it remained entertaining. Cool run, voted somewhat high.
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Actually in most games, horizontal and vertical speeds are stored separately, for ease of use. But for stuff like racing it may be a question of magnitude+direction, yeah. oh curse you moozooh
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His avatar is from MSPaintAdventures (.com) as far as I can tell. And yeah, 'I agree with Upthorn'
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FF7 has a hilariously weird debug mode with notes from programmers etc. and plenty of menu options that just crash the game. Look around, it's pretty sweet.
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moozooh wrote:
^ Fails at reading between the lines, etc.
I have a problem with stuff like that. While sometimes I can educatedly-guess that it's parody, parodying something annoying can only be equally or more annoying. I call it 'destructive humour'. I would much rather say 'postmodernism is for pretentious idiots' than add to its body by parodying it.
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Yes, that helps as well, but you try recording decent quake speedruns at 60fps. ;)
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Thanks for bringing this one to my attention, bossy. Pretty cool! I was settled in for a long walk-fest then it just... ended. Hahaha! Not a bad addition to the TASvideos arsenal.
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Ah yes, now you mention it, my current (desktop) monitor emits a high-pitched whining noise under some conditions; setting the resolution one 'grade' lower tends to make it stop. It does worry me though, but the desktop doesn't get used much.
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nfq wrote:
They studied the world much longer than modern science has done
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!! Is this some kind of super-extreme version of 'in my day'-ism where you say things were better even before you or anybody alive today was born? In that case I'd like to nominate the 1100s!
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You keep saying this word 'legal', Saturn. There's nothing 'illegal' about using the x-ray climb. There is in some Super Metroid speedrunning community that isn't TASvideos. If they love this video, whoopee. Show it to them, it doesn't belong here. You already have your own page with TASes on, right? Put it there. Publicise it. Do whatever you like, just don't whine when people with different goals decide not to endorse it.
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This TAS sure is amazing! The problem is that we have 4 amazing TASes on this game already. Oh well! Try improving one of the existing ones.
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