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Yep, Mustard Bomb works like a charm. Saved a whole minute in the first fight against 2 Yans. - As MP Attack isn't used, no more worries about the Ether count. - Yans counter the Mustard Bomb, but since it will always work, it's an instant-kill. Unfortunately, since it's the counter that kills them, we can't steal in between. - We can't do Night/Mustard Bomb/Night. So each Yan not targetted will attack. Luckily they mostly use Comet. The frame rule for Yans' attack is only 50 frames compare to the usual 100-120, so manipulating Comet to miss doesn't take twice as long. EDIT : It's a really few frames close but it is sometimes possible to do Night/Mustard Bomb twice before they wake up. Which means I can slip a Steal in between. However, against 3 Yans, we have to face more attacks from them, so it's only 20-25 seconds faster but still.
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Paused wrote:
Whilst Quina will mostly be busy with Night, are there any situations if you have the Blue magics, Mustard Bomb or Frost for Heat and Freeze respectively useful? Very early on would Eating a Yan be faster whilst your hits are weaker?
No, eating Yans won't be any faster early on, as I would have to attack them physically to get them under the right amount of HP and that would trigger a costly counter. However, and I completely overlooked that, it seems that they are indeed vulnerable to heat. While Frost can only be gotten in Memoria/Crystal World in a Perfect Game, Mustard Bomb can be obtain from Bombs around Alexandria. Problem is I would need to do Night, Mustard Bomb, Night. Pretty sure they would wake up in between and attack. Haven't tried it yet, I'll keep you posted as soon as I do.
Paused wrote:
Or any of the other insta-death moves? Steiner, Vivi and Amarant (with add Status) all have one iirc?
I got the Avenger in Daguerreo for Amarant. He will use it. Vivi hasn't learned Death yet. He will need to level up quite a few before being able to use it. Same for Steiner. Iai Strike isn't learned yet. Levelling up to do first.
Paused wrote:
(On the topic of last fights , you sure Hades gives exp? Looked in my old guide book I had back in the day and it says it's a big 0exp. Course it would surprise me at all if it was wrong, but thought I'd check.)
Yep, I double checked. Hades gives 65535 EXP. But thanks again for suggesting Heat. Would have been really pissed to spend ages levelling up to find ou there is a quicker way.
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Ok, so the idea I have for now, tell me what do you think. Fighting groups of 3 Yans, with Gecko, Steiner, Quina, Freya. Night + Charge ! + Lucky Seven and Gecko stealing 3 Ores each time. It increases his Thievery and our Ores count. As soon as we got over 80 Ores, there is a slight chance to Instant Kill with Odin, so switch one character (Freya ?) with Garnet. The first fight on the video above serves the purpose of levelling up Gecko and Steiner so they'll have more magic stones and can equip Bandit and Level Up respectively. Once it's done, here is an actual fight against 3 Yans : Link to video
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Paused wrote:
Nice to hear the error didn't seem to take too long to hex edit in and it at least had a benefit in correcting other things along the way.
Still took around 20 hours, but I'm not counting anymore. This project has at least taken more than 1000 hours since its beginning :p
Paused wrote:
Great Yan fight, nice to see Night being useful once again. IIRC the guide back in the day suggested getting lucky with Odin was an option. How small is the chance of killing groups of Yans with Zantetsuken?
The formula is : Odds = [Ore / 2] + Lvl + [Mag / 4] - Target Lvl At that time, Ore=49, Lvl=22, Mag=44 and Target Lvl=72 so a whooping 0%. If I collect 99 Ores the odds would rise to 9% per Yan. By pure dumb luck, Yans have an Ore as a common item to steal. So the strategy of stealing 3 Ores per fight while leveling our 4 characters and increase our Ores count to improve Zantetsuken odds might be the way to go. Of course odds will go up and up with Dagger's level.
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I fixed some mistakes I made during the last hour of the movie, and now I'm back to fighting Yans to level up. Link to video
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Thanks !
Paused wrote:
Whats the plan for leveling up? I'm guessing groups of three Yans? Odin getting some use maybe?
Group of 3 Yans / Night + Charge ! should be the fastest. Need some test though.
Paused wrote:
Curious what the partys levels are going into the big exp grind? Going off my memory, Garnet, Freya and Quina have levels from Pandamonium, that Book boss, Ozma, Ragtime Mouse, some Zombie Wales and Grand Dragons pre Terra, and iirc the one blue magic kill in Ipsens?
Freya will be 37, Quina, 49 and Garnet, 22. Others start at 1.
Paused wrote:
And maybe a bunch of Serpions from Dragon Crest farming if you've got to that yet?
Not yet. I want Gecko's Speed to be 50 first so he can steal from each Serpion before they move.
Paused wrote:
I guess the final levels will be from Quale huh? At least I think that one gives EXP.
Quale does indeed give Exp, but he will not be the last. There will be Hades and a few ennemies for Blue Magic in Memoria.
arandomgameTASer wrote:
What's the projected end time? I'm guessing about 15 hours.
Probably closer to 16 I guess.
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Little update on what has been done so far : Link to video Starting Healing beaches and levelling up.
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Hâthor wrote:
Nothing more to see unfortunatly, still working on fixing my mistake. I'm back to the aliens and saved about 20 seconds. Lots of work remaining until the end of cycle 2 and something really new. Be patient :)
No worries. Was just curious. I'll wait :)
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And we hit another milestone at nearly 13h30: Next one, getting all cards... This means : - Little detour by Dali to get a few cards from the weapon shop, so we make the most of it by buying 99 Wrists for Cotton Robes. - Back at Alexandria to finish delivering Mognet Letters and get the cards count up to 98. - Last 2 cards from Fat Chocobo at Chocobo Paradise where we can go now that we've finish picking up Chocograph Treasures. Then upgrading. Should take about 130ish more games at 20-25 seconds a game. So around 45 more minutes of Tetra Master ! Will probably split it in 2 sessions as a speed/entertainment tradeof so it's not that boring...
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Any updates on this TAS ? I'd love to see more :)
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Link to video I do believe it's really close to the highest score one can get. It might be improvable, if we can somehow get an extremely rare item (1/1024 odds) in 5th or more item so its points get doubled AND the manipulation to get it cost less than 15 frames otherwise we'd lose 50 points in Time Bonus. So yeah.... unlikely. But in other news, I'm done with Chocobo Hot & Cold for the whole game. Good riddance. One milestone down...
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About Ozma, that's actually correct. I had a little bit of time to waste before the Marsh to be full with no tadpole. Having Freya attacking first, no Curaga counter, stealing the right items, and Ozma's attacks being Holy and Mini make that fight also way faster than it could have been if I had to do it later, if succesful at all. About cards. A Perfect is simply done, when the opponent has more than one card I need. For exemple I'm getting Mog and Frog cards at the same time or Gargoyle and Vepal cards at the same time instead of doing 2 games. It doesn't happen a lot because usually, when I need more than one card from an opponent, there's only one with good stats and arrows. So I have to manipulate them one at a time. About the Weapon Master games in Treno. The first games are done in order to manipulate a good Excalibur II card. He uses it very rarely and it must have good stats too. Those games aren't completely useless as they upgrade my hidden stats too. About the game in Alexandria. In addition to getting the Dragonfly card, I manipulate the Tetra Master RNG, so the little girl give me a good stats' Alexandria card. About the where, it simply is a matter of opponent having the cards I need and playing them a lot so, they have different stats. For exemple I can get the Ribbon card from a ghost in Memoria or from a Black Mage. But ghost will use it 70% of the time while Black Mage will use it 2% (I making numbers up but you get the idea). So it's easier and faster to get it from the ghost. In addition, it's better if the opponent has several cards I need, so I can simply rematch instead of getting the lengthy start. Finally, I'm trying to get the "good cards" (When you're looking at the deck, those on the right), first so I have less to worry about their arrows combination. "Easy cards" with stats 0A00 for exemple can have various arrow combination without worrying about their stats.
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First post Excalibur II hour : Link to video
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Reached 13 hours. Cards : 72/100 27 are A rank 7 are X rank 33 have maximum stats. Ragtimer : Completed ! Friendly Monsters : Completed ! Frogs : 69/101 8 frogs per marsh. 4 marshes. Once they have all refilled we'll do a final tour. Items : 198/256 In progress ! Chocographs : 23/24 All cracks and bubbles completed ! Chocobo Hot and Cold points : 11405/99999 Around 3000 a game at that point. Secret of the Eidolons Wall and Changing the Music in the Black Mage Village : Completed ! Beaches Healing Tour : After the Chocographs are completed... Thievery : 29/400 Yep... Still a lot to do... Dragons : 13/100 But Serpions are Dragon type and can be fought 3 by 3. Shouldn't take very long. Nero Family Sidequest : Completed ! Reviving Mognet Central : 3/6 letters delivered. Optional Bosses : Ozma : defeated ! Hades : Saved it for the end... Might forgot some. I'll add later if necessary.
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Progress is still going nicely. Near the 13 hours mark. If possible, could someone take a look at the script posted above about the 0 Mistodon Iifa Tree and explain it like in lua ? I tried a lot and can't get any better than one Mistodon no matter what. But I'm not sure I understand how it works.
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Ok, no problem. Just keep updating this thread with any findings you got even if it's just for a few frames. I already have a few improvment in mind but that's not for right now.
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Very interesting thanks ! I had no idea that 0 Mistodon was possible. Mog Skip, yeah. I knew that one, saw it on Caracarn stream. Never been able to reproduce. Dali Slide skip might save a few frames, but I would have lost them right away as I have to manipulate the RNG for BW2. Card Game in Fossil Roo indeed reset the Danger Value and the Encounter Checks to 0. Also I would like to redo the any% on BizHawk when I'll be done with this 100% project. If you guys want to co-author, with all this little finding we could get a really low time.
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hidetomatsu wrote:
Hey, i've some question. I'm french FF9 any% runner. Well first thing who surprise me, there are many miniskip like this in whole run. Dali slide skip, MogSkip in cd2 for example i think there are more but it's only one i can do as human ^^ Second thing is in cd2 i guess it's for Ap but why you didn't avoid last mistodon at the end of iifa ? Best regards Hide
Can you be more specific about those skips ? Where exactly and what to do ? Even better if you have videos. I won't touch the 100% so early in the run but might be useful when I'll redo the any% The last Mistodon at the end of the Iifa tree is unavoidable. It's not trigger by the random number being a specific value, but by the RNG pointer reaching a certain adress. I had an idea of killing 3 of my characters, and then going in menu to use Phoenix Down as it bumps the RNG. Haven't tried it yet, might work, might not. If you've managed to get no Mistodon, I'd like to know how you did it ? Thanks :)
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Yeah Quina's damage goes from 38 to 1634. Interestingly enough Ozma's HP before Limit Glove is.... 9997 ! Even a Critical from Freya wouldn't be enough. And even if I could Critical, it would still have not to be counter with Curaga. So yeah, Quina's damage is just what it needs to be ^^
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22 (!!!) seconds faster. Link to video
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Even better news !!!! After hours and hours of trying, I finally got a extremely decent Ozma fight with Quina in the team. And it's faster than the video above. How, you would ask ? Well I tried to delay one attack from Freya to make her hit Critical and it happens to change Ozma next attack from LV4 Holy to Mini all. Mini takes way less time than Holy in term of animation, but here's the plot twist. If you remember the beginning of Disc 4, I took a little detour to get Blue Magic from Zombies and Mistodons. The Mistodons teach Quina "Angel's Snack" which make him/her use Remedies on all party members at once curing Mini in one round. So Freya doesn't need to jump to avoid the attack and can be part of Steiner's Charge ! I also add the Mythril Helm to Steiner's equipment so he deals 9 999 damage. That takes Ozma life under 10 000 before its 3rd attack which would be Holy. Holy kills Gecko, Steiner suicide, then Quina use Limit Glove and him/her and Freya splits the experience while still having the right equipment to stat boost ! I'm really happy with how it went. I think it was Paused that asked what Blue Magic would be of use a few pages ago, well you can add Angel Snack to the list and it's a real life saviour ^^ So, so far, Limit Glove, Night and Angel's Snack. Frog Drop will come along within the next hours.
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There is a couple reasons why it's better to do Ozma now. Most important is Freya being level 32, so that Ozma does LV4 Holy instead of Curse. Sure there is other levels that are multiple of 4, but that would require, going to level up, go back to fight Ozma, then go back again to level up. That also answer who it's going to replace. Freya is crucial for this fight. The other reason is that the third Qu's marsh I'm going to do is still a few minutes away from not having a tadpole in it. So I have to wait a little anyway.
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Thanks ! Unfortunately, I'll probably have to redo it. Quina is needed in the team to continue the Frog Catching World Tour. And going back to the Invicible to pick it up takes a lot of time. I'll have to time a fight with Quina in the party and see which one is faster, if I ever managed to get a right Ozma fight with Quina that is to say. Its damage during Charge ! are pretty low but it can do Limit Glove for 9999. Limit Glove is time consuming though. And to expend on what was written in the commentary. Some boss are scripted to act right away at the start of a fight, like Ozma does. But its starting ATB is 1599/1600, so it takes one frame to fill it up. If one of your character was also 1 frame away from full ATB, he will act before the ennemy. It happens in 2 cases : Speed of 23 with Random Number use to fill the ATB being 23 => ATB is 5911/5920 increasing by 14 each frame at max speed. Speed of 19 with Random Number use to fill the ATB being 51 => ATB is 6547/6560 increasing by 14 each frame at max speed.
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Little teaser : Link to video
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