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Some stuff not in the latest vid: For the 50 rupee chest in the mysterious wood, you can walk up to the edge just above you and spinattack, to break the breakable block one block down/right of the chest. Then you walk left-up-right, swing the sword, and push the moveable block out of the way to get the chest more easily. Something else you may think about doing is going to that cave to get the chest, going through the cave, out past the mushroom, damage boosting past the pit, and grabbing the tail key from the wrong side. I've never done it on a cartridge personally, but I'm almost positive it's possible. You still need the magic powder later on tho. :/ Also, a possible route change. On the first/second times you go to animal village (before level 4 - first time, to talk to the cook bear guy, and the to bring marin along), going up and getting the face key may be faster. I doubt it, but it's something to look into, and I haven't timed it personally. Boss trick on the nightmare moldorm in the egg: If you hit him as he's coalescing, and keep pressing the button fast enough, you can defeat him without him ever moving. You can see me start to do it in the vid, but I somehow lose it partway through. :/ Finally, this page:
Experienced Forum User
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- You do 8 before 7; is this just to get the Fire Rod to make 7 easier? - You seem to get the honeycomb and pineapple, though they serve no purpose in your run; do they trigger something, or was it just a 'oops' type effect? - Do you have any insights on how the RNG runs in this game? If I can remember correctly, you said you expected (or half-expected) to get each piece of power/acorn powerup.
1. Yeah, the fire rod owns the boss. 2. You need to trade up through the honeycomb to get Marin to appear at the beach. 3. Piece of Power/Guardian Acorn drops are mostly based on the # of enemies killed. 12 for acorns and somewhere around 40 for PoPs. You're looking at the newest run for the b&w gb version, right? And not tsa's old run?
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Watched it, and I really can't say anything more than Uyama did. Good job.
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I'm not even sure if you're required to fight Big X in the first place. I'll watch this vid later today.
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That's also a bit faster, iirc. You don't have to wait for the delay after the combo to finish.
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Hard mode would add lots to the 'wow' factor, as it's really freaking hard. And it does add some stuff in the flying-mode areas - mainly bouncy spike balls. I haven't watched the vid, but I'm almost positive that punching/kicking is the fastest way to kill stuff. At the very least, it's much faster than the easy-mode exploit where you just max out the machine gun and laser and spam one right after the other in an endless loop. It doesn't matter unless you're playing on easy anyways, since otherwise your laser uses are limited to final blows or times when trying a normal attack would get you hit. Don't ever put points in sensors, btw. You don't need em. You should already know the locations of the guys with stat boosts beforehand, and you can navigate dark/static-y areas without them. And the machine gun is completely worthless too - it barely does any damage at all. The stun factor isn't worth the time it takes.
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Gamefaqs intentionally nixes that. I don't remember why.
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Can you release your former WIP or detail any weird tricks possible on a console that you perform?
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The optimal turtle rock route, or something very close to it: Yeah, the math is inaccuate, but not by enough to account for those differences. I suppose, when getting the first key, you could try going up + right instead of up + up at the start and dashjumping across the pit, but that's almost definitely slower, because you have to kill the keese-on-steriods thing in the second screen and then pick up enough pots to hit the switch. I didn't bother timing it. Also, this is obvious, but you should be jumping over enemies and landing on top of them for a damage boost.
Experienced Forum User
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Yeah, any new speedrun done on this game should be < 1:40, on either version. If your tas is > 1:25, you've done something wrong. Check out the LA thread on the zhq2 forums too, that's got most of the new stuff that wasn't found in time for the speedruns that are up.
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I was under the impression the path was simply set to the default (l-l-u-r-r-u-l-u I think), and then is randomly reset when you read the book.
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Yeah, everything I've said has just been proven wrong. Feel free to ignore me now. -_-
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Palace of Winds is a cool dungeon. Not very hard, but a lot of fights. I found two shortcuts after I did this run. One is in the room with those whirlwinds in the air, and those exploding machine things fly around. You can jump diagonally from the top to a whirlwind to the right of the start of the room, and fly safely across to the right side of the room. I think it may save like 20 seconds. The last trick is a way to make your clones walk on air, when they would disappear. This is useful on my boss battle with Gyorg. From the comments on the run's page.
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This is unrelated to anything, but may be useful for someone who decides to make a vid of this game. If you restart a level, your bomb count is reset to 3. Meaning, you can use all your bombs and magically gain 3 somehow. :P Is anyone else thinking katina -> sector x and sector x -> macbeth (if you can even use bombs there, i normally warp to sector z, i find that stage far cooler even if you can't get many hits)?
Experienced Forum User
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Figures, the one stage I haven't played on expert is boise-entry venom. -_- Are there really that many ships there?
Experienced Forum User
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I'd hope the rerecorded run would be more than 1/3 faster, because the 1% speedrun is single-segment and the runner went out of his way to avoid enemies, go slow, and just not die after he beat Nightmare. You'd be far better off comparing the rerecorded run to the segmented any% run instead, despite the inequalities between them...
Experienced Forum User
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I don't remember Boise-entry getting anywhere near that high. But I always preferred area 6, so I'm in no real position to speak. I'll stop my crusade, as it's getting pointless. But if anyone has vids out there, please enlighten me. >_>
Experienced Forum User
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Don't star wolf ships barrel roll constantly and outlast the charge shot? Well, regardless, I was premature in declaring 227 to be venom's absolute max, I guess. Still, where'd the 309 on that page come from? -_-
Post subject: Re: A better link for the records
Experienced Forum User
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samurai goroh wrote:
Here's a page that has a score for each of the planets, it might help you out:
When you get 316 kills on Corneria, you let me know. My record is 195 on expert. Granted, I did miss a few, but as the ship locations are predetermined and there's a set amount of them, you can't make me believe I missed 100+ (you can't even make me believe 250, the lowest score in the chart) without a vid. The most I could possibly believe is 220, and that's if I somehow got a huge amount of extra charge shot +1s I missed earlier and a few extra ships... :/ I could say the same about the venom scores, seeing as the absolute max in the area-6 entry version of the planet is 227 and I highly doubt boise-entry could even approach that... but I never played boise-entry more than once or twice, so I'll spare them an outright denial. I don't mean to insult you if it comes out like that, s goroh, but I don't believe one score on those charts you linked to. Of course, if I'm missing some weird technique for boosting your scores extremely high, correct me immediately. >_>