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creaothceann wrote:
Maximus wrote:
I'm a big fan of individual controller button locations - meaning that the active buttons are not stacked up together, but each is on its own place. Could you make that an option? I guess (?) others would like that too...
Shouldn't be a problem. I'm trying to avoid any kind of horizontal scrolling when viewing input, but I guess If i'm aligning input, that might be necessary (for 5 controller SMVs or M64s ... assuming I ever finish support for them that is). v0-12 should be out soon, and I'll try to squeeze it in for that release. If I decide to drop M64 support as an option, would anyone really notice? I think there aren't too many mupen runners at the moment, and M64s desynch like crazy, so support may not really be feasible, even if I can write the files properly. If the statement about mupen is accurate, v0-12 will likely be RC1 for this editor ;) Edit: v1-0-1 will probably introduce ZMV support, assuming people start using ZSNES more frequently .... feel the love Nach :P
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zefiris wrote:
Maximus wrote:
doesn't support control updates
I think you meant it supports only control updates and does not support special commands like fds ones and reset/power? ^^
I mean it supports controller updates, not control updates ;)
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zefiris wrote:
Yay ^__^ well, functionality goes first, configuration waits~ ^^ But when everything is finished, I expect skins for those button states and adjustable colors for lines ^^ Don't rush it~
DEAL, on ONE condition: the next version of TASHex has to be built with .NET ... just to piss people off!!! :P (j/k) On that topic though, is there any reason I should support your format or is that overkill (over using a standard text editor that is).
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alden wrote:
OK, I got it up and running and saved a version of my movie which shows me as the author. Unfortunately it did not seem to save my soft reset? So it desyncs. Any thoughts?
Currently, my editor doesn't support control updates (reset namely). Working on this though.
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zefiris wrote:
Maximus, skinnability would be appreciated ^_~
lol. if i can get this method working properly, i'll consider it (just for you) :P
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Just to show that I still listen, here's a taste of what I'm hoping will be working for the next release .... Turns out this routine doesn't kill performance (works with virtual lists) and hopefully makes working with input more intuitive. If someone has a preference for how the input should look and wants to provide me with some icons ... groovy :)
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Wow, I remember renting this game as a kid and HATING it. Good job beating it mercilessly, as I now feel properly avenged :) Yes vote here.
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Aqfaq wrote:
Crap, I lost my copy of EME and the download link is not working anymore.
Here ya go.
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I had considered adding support for exporting frame input files as something more intuitive, but it sorta invalidates the usefulness of the editor. Zefiris has some good tools for this already, so there's really no need to re-invent the wheel. If both applications are maintained and improved, users have an option as to how to edit their movies. Personally, I think that's the best bet. Some people are extremely against upgrading to .NET 2.0 (beats me why, but that's not important). As a result, they would have an option that doesn't involve upgrading, and would give them the ability to do pretty much the same editing functions as my application, but with a text editor.
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stupid .net ... I hate that shit ... oh wait :P good work zefiris, this looks to be really useful :)
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creaothceann wrote:
Ok, then you could do this:
 frame | movie 1 - ctrl 1 | movie 1 - ctrl 2 | movie 2 - ctrl 1 | movie 2 - ctrl 2
 0     |                  |                  |                  |
 1     |                  |                  |                  |
 2     |                  |                  |                  |
 3     |                  |                  |                  |

i.e. like it's now, just with only one "frame" column.
Ah. The reason for two frame columns though is that you can compare run segments, so this let's you know where you are in which run. I could probably merge those two columns into one with a [xxxx - yyyy] type of dispay though.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Uh, Maximus... is there a special reason (in VBM) for the program to read L and R (shoulder buttons) as <and> (sorry, PHPbb didn't want them two to be colored) these two ? Also, I think you should use miniature images of the buttons, instead of those stupid ascii characters (I hate them). I'll pm you if I have more specific ideas.
The method of rendering input display is not written in stone, and I have been writing a few test controls to see how best to use images .... I just haven't put one in yet. I'm hoping to have this all ironed out by the time this is promoted to v1.0. The ascii display was fine if only FCM/GMV were being shown, but with more input, it's getting kind of cluttered (look at an M64 and you'll see what I mean :P)
creaothceann wrote:
Have you thought about showing the movie inputs vertically stacked?
I don't think I'm going to use this method. Though I like zefiris' formatting method, I was going for something a bit more unique. If I can accomplish the above (image rendering of input), I don't think the separate columns will be necessary. For the moment though, since the ascii rendering works, I'm just looking to add features while I figure out how best to show input. It will be fixed though ... hopefully sooner than later :P
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Zefiris/creaothceann ... something more along these lines?
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Well, I've been kind of busy for the last month or so with other projects, but they're starting to wind down again so I thought I'd do some more work on the editor. I've implemented a rudimentary movie comparer to help everyone pinpoint differences in similar movies. This is still pretty alpha, so I'm gonna do the ol' screenshot post and see if anyone has any ideas on how to best proceed with this module. This should be out with the next release, as I've got it working at about 90% reliability (still need to add some checks for disparate controller counts, similar format checks and whatnot). What I'm hoping for is some comments regarding how to make this module more useful. What would the TASVideos community like to see?
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Could a more significant overall improvement have been gained using the original rom?
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If there were more encoders, it would be feasible to have avis available prior to publication, but I'm guessing since it takes a lot of time and effort, and submitted runs aren't always published, this may never happen (talk about a run on sentence :P)
Post subject: Re: A Request
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Dacicus wrote:
I don't know if this is the proper topic, but I'd like to make a request: Please allow the disabling of L+R/U+D. They can interfere with normal playing. Thank you very much.
Pretty sure that's in place in the non-TAS releases. If you grab fceu-mm-june16-2006-win32, you should be fine (assuming you're running under windows :P)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Maximus wrote:
I've got a feeling that, for new viewers, there are basically three (3) categories of runs that should be starred
You might group them like that, but I'd say the popularity of the game also matters, perhaps a lot…
I agree with you ... mostly. When I first came to this site, the first run I went for was Megaman 2, since that was my favourite game. Actually, at the time, I didn't know what a glitch run was, and after seeing that, well, I was hooked ... and have been ever since. I ended up looking for similar runs, but they weren't always easy to find (abuses programming errors can mean many different things). Though a star generally signifies an overall level of excellence, sub-categories might be beneficial. You could even have a limited number available, and have users vote runs in and out of star-status (though this could prove to be a nightmare from an administrative standpoint :P).
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Same issue as Baxter and P.JBoy. Run looks good up to that point though ;)
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The generally accepted requirements for a re-recording emulator are listed here. This should give them an idea of what's necessary if they want to implement this (which, IMO, would be an awesome addition to PJ64)
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Throwing my yes vote into the mix. That was one hell of an enjoyable run. You just SLAUGHTERED those bosses (can't call it a boss "fight" since that would imply they fought back). Great job man.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Maximus wrote:
It may also have to do with the average age of gamers here. If you were born in the late 70's to early 80's, chances are you were far more exposed to these kinds of games.
You are aware that the "average" age of gamers here is ~21 years old. Maybe not quite old enough to be in "the early 80s" but older than most video game forums.
True, and I didn't mean to sound condescending. I'm only 26, but those 5 years meant some huge leaps and bounds technologically from 1991 to about 1996 (it's also the difference between the Atari 2600 and the NES ... FDS actually, but you see what I mean).
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
Bisqwit, you had expressed surprise that so many had not played this game. I think I can partially explain this. Here in the US, PC gaming was more of a niche market back then. It wasn't until shortly after Star Control 2 that it really exploded in popularity, thanks to graphics-intensive titles like 7th Guest and Myst, and (most importantly) Doom. Since the audience here at Tasvideos is largely American, you can understand where this would be an issue.
It may also have to do with the average age of gamers here. If you were born in the late 70's to early 80's, chances are you were far more exposed to these kinds of games. Younger gamers will remember them as being "old" when they were getting started. This, of course, is just how I perceive the general audience here ... and I may be totally wrong, but if you don't remember trying to squeeze more power outta your 286 or 386 with QEMM or some other extended/expanded memory manager, the nostalgic value of DOS runs just won't be there :P
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Anon wrote:
The question is "Did you like watching this movie?", not "Do you think this movie should be published?"
That's what the question used to be, though. Maybe it should be changed back if people are gonna act that way about it.
This seems to be happening a lot lately. Your vote is your opinion, and if you don't enjoy the movie, it doesn't make you wrong. It's sad that some people are turning these topics into flame wars because of a difference of opinion (not saying this is the case here, just sayin'....) Personally, I grew up with DOS games, so seeing an SC2 run is pretty awesome in my eyes, though for newer gamers, it may not hold the same appeal. As a result, they'd most likely vote no, since the game just doesn't seem that interesting. If someone did a TAS of Zork, I'd watch it, and prolly like it, though i can forsee a 100:1 ration of no's to yes' on that one :P I don't think DOS runs are going to be for everybody, but I don't see that as a reason to stop people from voting, since it does't affect whether or not something will be published (maybe the speed of publication though, but not the final decision). Just my two cents :P
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I'm a bit suprised by the balance of the votes (almost equal yes/no/meh). I can see how a game like SC2 would get mixed results though. Personally, I loved this game as a kid, and since I was too dumb to finish it, I'm giving this a yes not only for quality/style, but also since I finally get to see the ending :) Good job Bisqwit not just on an excellent run, but for opening the floodgates for DOS TAS' (Solarwinds anyone? :P)
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