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mazzeneko wrote:
Speaking of Pinballs, Psycho Pinball, Pinball Illusions, Fantasies...
Two words: Extreme Pinball, and if only for the wicked awesome soundtrack to the rock fantasy board :P
Highness wrote:
Ultima VIII would be cool too!
I agree, though pentagram might be better for this than dosbox ;)
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Not a very interesting game, and the movement is kind of slow, however the run seems to have been done well. Borderline yes, but a yes vote none the less :)
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Alone in the Dark LBA (Twinsen's Odyssey?) Syndicate Wars Full Throttle (could prolly just put AVIOut into scummvm for that though :P) Xwing vs. Tie Fighter :) Any Commander Keen Aces Over Europe (I just like this one) And since Death Rally was mentionned .... Carmageddon
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This is all VERY exciting :) I can't wait to start TASing the good ol' sierra classics ... though populating a text parser using frame advance might become tedious (25 frames just for "hut of brown now sit down", but it would be SOOOO worth it :P)
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JXQ wrote:
That's cool with me, go for it :) I will still probably work on mine from time to time, just as a side project. I wonder if other emulators could be given their own little animation stuff. SNES9x has much more potential than other emulators in this aspect, though, due to how input is displayed.
I was thinking the exact same thing :) I don't believe that other formats would benefit though since I think only SNES9x display's input stacked vertically, whereas the rest all seem to be in a single line.
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creaothceann wrote:
Maximus wrote:
it's a 3 step process (decode-edit-encode), versus a single solution (as with most editors)
Not really, you have to do the load-edit-save steps with all editors. Btw. you could add a pagecontrol and let the user switch between GUI- and text-based editing. ;) example
Sorry, I meant having to use more than one application for each step :P
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Wow. That is impressive work (will have to check the source later). Slightly off topic, Bisqwit, I'm sure you've checked this project out already :)
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Well done man. I've never played this game before, but that is one bitchin soundtrack :P Yes vote from me.
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Personally, I think this was a great idea, and directly resulted in one of the most innovative runs in a long time. I agree that overuse could be annoying, but you can always turn input display off and just enjoy the run. I also think that this tool could be refined a bit further to make it more user friendly and beef up the feature set. If JXQ is cool with it, I'd like to take a stab at refining what he's already accomplished and incorporate it into my editor.
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zefiris wrote:
laughing_gas wrote:
Doesn't Maximus's tas movie editor work as well?
It does, but you see, there are some cases where this kind of editing is more preferrable ) I, For instance, only edit VBMs using similar VBM decoder/encoder as it's most convenient solution for me despite of existing editors ) I reuploaded whole set ^_^ Now it includes command-line tools for win32 and linux and gui versions for win32 for converting SMV and VBM files ^^ It does only handle singleplayer movies for now, and i don't think anything will change anytime soon.
Actually, the way I handle input in my editor is essentially the same as decoding the smv/vbm to a text file, as it shows input the same way, and you can add/remove frames and cut-and-paste frames the same as you would a smx/vbx file in notepad (or equivalent). If, however, this method of editing is preferable, I'd be happy to revisit my current methodology to make it more text-editor-ish. The only downside to this method (though it's not really a "downside"), is that it's a 3 step process (decode-edit-encode), versus a single solution (as with most editors). Personally, I would have liked to see zefiris update his editor, since I thought the input representation in tracks was actually pretty cool :) Either way, these are great tools. Keep up the good work man :)
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Wow. I did NOT expect the kind of input animation you ended up providing. That is quite possibly one of the coolest things I've seen in a run in a long time. Granted, it could be over-used, but you seem to have balanced it out nicely by providing supplemental information during the run vs just doing crazy tetris shit at every possible opportunity. The run itself was just awesome. Three thumbs up from me (I grafted an extra hand onto my back just so I could give you the extra props :P).
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Anything by Iron Maiden would suffice :)
zefiris wrote:
Helloween - Don't stop being crazy ...with its 'It's a lie, it's a lie' IT'S A LIE we could not learn to fly' ^__^
Dude, you're my new hero :P I'd vote for Ride the Sky or Futureworld though :) Edit: If it's a fast paced video, maybe some Children of Bodom, Atreyu or Lamb of God ;)
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I think this was just meant to be a joke ... though I still don't approve of the Leafs losing, when you obviously could have manipulated the outcome otherwise :P
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Thanks Dromiceius, I'll check that out. I actually looked around for some SNES tools, and came across this link .... which lead me right back to these forums :P So it seems that TASVideos really is the one-stop-shop for all your emu needs (unless you need really, really specific emu related help, then go here)
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Dromiceius wrote:
I'd recommend using a disassembler to get a broader view of what's happening.
What disassembler would you recommend?
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Ok, I'm bumping an older topic because I'm thinking of getting back to work on this. I'm starting over from scratch because I don't think the initial wip(s) were done efficiently. I want to use the available tools at my disposal to make the best possible run, but I need a hand getting started and was hoping I could get some assistance. I'm currently using the following in hopes of finding all the necessary memory locations before starting the run: snes9X1.43.ep9r8 (geiger): for dissassembly snes9xw-1.5: for active memory watching s9xwatch-rev8: for tracking / watching known memory locations The main problem here is that I can't seem to nail down the necessary positions for calculating damage. Because of the way this game works, and to try to make the quickest possible run with the least amount of backtracking and trial&error fights, I need to locate the positons that effect damage calculation. I'm including an exerpt from the technical faq in case that helps anyone who's capable of finding these positions. If anyone can help, I'd also like to know HOW you went about finding these values, as I feel this would not only be beneficial for me, but also to the majority of SNES TASers :)
============== DAMAGE FORMULA ============== The amount of damage inflicted on a target is a function of both attack power and defense. The game performs two calculations each time a physical attack is made: 1.) A calculation to see if the attack results in a "hit" or "miss," then; 2.) If the attack is a "hit," the game determines the damage the hit inflicts, represented by the small numbers that appear over the target. If either the attack misses or the damage is zero, nothing will appear over the target, meaning it's impossible to distinguish between these two occurrences. Once it is determined that an attack will hit, the following damage calculation is performed. The damage equation uses the attacker's attack power, the target's defense, and a random variable ("Random"). "Random" is a random integer that the game draws, under the following constraints: Random: 0 < Random <= Attack Power This means that the random number can be any integer between 1 and the weapon's attack power. So, if you're using the Beretta Pistol, which has an Attack Power of 3, Random can be 1, 2, or 3. The range increases as the attack power increases. The game uses this variable to calculate the damage that the target receives, using the following equation: Damage = Random - Defense The damage you can inflict on a target is simply the random number drawn less the target's defense. In keeping with the last example, let's say we're using the Beretta Pistol to attack a target with a defense of 1. Since the random variable will be either 1, 2, or 3, the damage totals can be either 0, 1, or 2. You would notice all of these damage totals occurring with equal probability when attacking an enemy. Once an enemy's defense gets to be 3 or higher, you cannot damage it using the Beretta Pistol. There are a few interesting things about this damage equation. The first is that the minimum damage value never changes. You can see a damage of 1 using any weapon in the game, and there is nothing that can raise this minimum. The second point is that it becomes quite easy to figure out the average damage using any weapon on any target. This is always equal to the following: Average Damage = 1/2 * (Attack Power – Defense)
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aw heeeel yeah ... good job man. Didn't start fast forwarding till around frame 150000 :P I remember hating this game when I was a kid, so seeing it finished this quickly made me smile. Excellent work Alter. Throw my yes on the pile.
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Actually, for a run like this that tries to avoid enemy confrontations in favour of speed, playing on easy would probably make for a faster, more entertaining run. You wouldn't have to stare at the walls, since there would be less enemies to cause lag (as you stated). If speed is the stated goal, there's no benefit to playing on hard, as it just adds repetition to the run, and would make it less enjoyable (kinda like playing River City Ransom on hard).
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I was entertained ... though I don't agree with the outcome :P
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Also did quite a bit of FFing here, though that's not a commentary on the quality of the movie (just the length). Seems to be extremely well planned and well executed. Good job dave! Yes vote here.
Post subject: Re: #1475: adelikat's NES Marble Madness in 02:49.48
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Voting yes because it improves the existing run. Great work on that :)
adelikat wrote:
If that's there for the reason I think it is, that's not cool :(
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Nothing to report as of yet, but I figure while I'm working on a new release, maybe someone wants to give me a hand with other aspects of this project: 1) I'm looking for a new icon I can use for this app (32x32 ico) 2) The help file is pretty weak. If someone wants to proof it, or possibly expand upon it ... well, that would be just super :) Aside from that, always looking for new, sexy features. Currently I'm working on a movie comparission feature, possibly adding an input animation editor, adding additional subtitle formats. Also working on tightening existing features, such as bulletproof VBM, M64 output, a better input editing interface, control event r/w for FCM and SMV (reset events mainly), controller de/muxing, savestate extraction ... etc. Any ideas, as always, are welcome ;)
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Maximus wrote:
VBM DOES NOT WORK at the moment.
Ok, I ran some more tests and the above statement is not entirely accurate. The movie BoltR sent is proving troublesome, but all other tests I've conducted have resulted in valid VBMs (i added a quick debugger that basically just does a byte-by-byte comparisson of the source and and edited movie). If anyone else is having difficulties with VBMs not working properly after being saved, let me know, but don't worry otherwise ;)
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Just hit the 500 download mark :) Pointless post I know, but thought I'd share that :P
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Throwing my yes vote into the mix. Nice improvement xoinx.
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