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Yeah, I've played it a bit. Haven't really gotten ahead anywhere since reaching that castle on the first mission (the first time I die always makes me stop playing an RPG for a while).
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I think I recall that Electro-Specter thought he might have found a way to quicken that eye-blob boss fight. You can see the talk about it in the Demon's Crest thread.
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I'll vote yes, though I was considering withholding my vote until you satisfactorily explained what those monkeys were hanging from in the auto-scrolling area.
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It's also a big disappointment compared to Actraiser... I remember really missing the whole city-building part.
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I watched it and enjoyed it even though I never played it before. Just because it's a baby crawl doesn't mean it's really slow... Seemed pretty fast-paced to me generally. Only bad side is that the pig-boss appeared way too much.
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I liked watching it, though at first I thought I desynced when you started falling into pits multiple times.
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Because the teachers don't mind, and even if they normally did, this year's class is especially small.
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Warp: If you read just two words before the line you quoted out of context, you'd see that it was a "local expert", which so happens to be the guy who is too lazy to be my lead programmer. DaTeL237: Thanks for the advice, though I'm not sure if I'll end up putting it on an online website for flash games. I'm still thinking of what exactly to do with it business-wise, as to be honest I wasn't really thinking of that when coming up with the game idea.
Post subject: Game Project, in the Flash
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Hey all. I hope this isn't considered advertising (if it is, I apologize). Anyway, I've been meaning to ask for quite a while since I saw that there are quite a few programmers here, but was always afraid because I wasn't sure if this is advertising and I hear from the "local expert" I know that Action-script isn't really considered a programming language. Now I'm just tired enough to have the courage to write this, but not too tired so as not to bother. I'm working on designing and producing a video game as a project for a course. I'm the designer/producer, I've already got a prospective artist or two, and a person who is too lazy to be a lead programmer, but is willing to help the one I do find. As such, I'm searching for that lead programmer. From what I understand, the most difficult specific part of the game's programming (a sort of arcade style 2D game. Basically without saying too much, imagine Missile Defense where you shoot the missiles, but a bit more complex) is supposed to be its control scheme, which resembles that from Black & White. Edit: Though it's not too hard to figure out I think, I guess I should explicitly mention that the game is supposed to be made in Flash. Anyway, if anyone is interested and available (and if this really isn't advertising) , I'd be happy if they contacted me through a PM or E-mail.
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Oh, another thing. Will the character's basic attack be melee-based, ranged, or maybe nothing at all?
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Blublu wrote:
If I were making a game, I would make the physics extremely warped and unrealistic. I would think of things to change things players normally take for granted. For example, walking off an edge would make the player fall up instead of down. But those things would make internal sense, so the player would be able to learn the strange twisted mechanics of the game and enjoy it muchly. More likely, I would fail and nobody would like it. A Rockman clone is a much better idea after all.
Heh, I had an idea where basically the player needs to stay away from anything that looks safe/cute/kiddy, and go through areas that normally look like death-traps. So if your choice is between a cave that leads into a beautiful flowery meadow or a lava pit, you jump into the pit. Edit: How high should damage-recoil be, if there'll even be any?
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Well, I thought he meant in basic gameplay. It could be like a Mega Man game in a Metroid-style world.
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Is the game going to be with levels, or more of a metroid-style world?
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I'm sorry, but personally it kind of bored me... I wasn't really going to vote, but I guess I'll chip in a 'meh' vote.
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Some things might work better or worse on different platforms. But I suppose since this isn't an industry-style production process, you're right. I just personally like to have an idea for a game before choosing where to put it.
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Wouldn't it be better to decide on what the game is and how it works before picking a platform/language/etc'?
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I think the 'meh' vote is like putting in a white ballot. It shows that you're choosing not to vote rather than just being lazy.
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My favourite FF game (though I never finished it and am not sure if it's really a FF game) was Final Fantasy Legends III for the Gameboy. You only had four permanent characters, but you could change them to robots, monsters, cyborgs... Was great IMO. Ranked below I'd go with... Hmm. Now that I think about it, I've never really beaten a FF game without cheating. I guess I didn't really like them that much. But the only games where I bothered to cheat to finish the game were FF6 and FF4, so I guess I'll put those at 2nd and 3rd place.
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Maybe the character could look kind of like corrupt data (you know, random characters) with a vaguely humanoid shape? Call him Glitch, or something. Edit: And his pea-shooter would shoot tiny bugs. =P
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Wow, it worked! After a few tries in this game, even the early parts of La-Mulana feel like fun again.
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Thanks, this could just be what I need. I'm thinking of re-playing La-Mulana a bit to show some cool parts to my class, but I don't really feel like it because it's such a difficult game. If this game is that hard then maybe after playing it a bit I'll be more inclined to play La-Mulana again without the speed boots, gauntlets, double jump... Ah man, that's probably gonna suck no matter what. Oh well, still, thanks again. I guess I'm a bit of a masochist.
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Well, the submission mentions that it doesn't use a clock-stop glitch or somesuch... Maybe you accidentally did?
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I suppose it doesn't really fit as a "level", but I always really liked the dark side in Terranigma. Great music (though the light side also had a great theme), but I really liked the graphical effect thing they used to try and give the effect of being underground. Also, in Seiken Densetsu 3, the Mana Holyland. Either you're fighting armies of Rabites or those Sub Zero thingies, it's always fun (well, in the latter point it's more annoying I guess).
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I remember when some online game was down (can't remember which), the community (obviously wasn't a big game) started an iSketch game or something similar where the word-table was based on words from that game. Was fun.
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Wow, this was the first GG game I ever had, and I absolutely hated it, mostly because of that first boss. If Sonic 2 for the Megadrive/Genesis wasn't included with the purchase I would never have played it and would think that all Sonic games are as evil as this. I'm going to watch it right now, will edit in my vote. Edit: I'm giving it a meh. Being that I haven't played this game since my age was in single digits I guess I forgot how slow paced it is relative to other Sonic games, and the music and sounds were kind of annoying. I wasn't really entertained at any point in this run.
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