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Vatchern wrote:
Chrono Trigger - Magus Theme.
Interestingly, I decided to let my mother listen to that track, and asked her what it made her think about, and she described something that was pretty close to the Magus battle. No specifics of course, but she talked about a dark castle and facing the dark lord or villain or somesuch.
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Tompa, I watched a bit of your test-run yesterday, and it was pretty nice to watch, though I kind of missed the commentary from the LP. =P But watching you play around with the first flying tiles room gave me an idea. Ever thought of making a tool-assisted run that doesn't try to go for speed, but for making the game look as easy as possible, as if you're finishing it without even trying? Then show that to Zomodok and Diabetus and have them hate you forever. ;) Back to the topic, I'll watch the second half of the test-run later, and see if I have any questions.
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I just finished watching the Let's Play of this game a day or two ago, and must say that it's an evil hack. though Zomodok certainly wasn't making things easier for himself. Seeing this game destroyed could be interesting after watching the hell the LP'ers went through. By the way, sorry if it's a bit off topic, but are you the Tompa mentioned in the LP, or is it another Tompa, or even a Tonpa? I thought the name sounded familiar.
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One game I think would make for a bad TAS is Castellian for the Gameboy. It's a sort of platformer where you play this biped pig mutant thing that needs to not fall its way up a bunch of towers. At first I thought it would be a great TAS candidate because it's annoyingly difficult (for instance, if you're standing on an edge and decide to turn around, you'll fall. And you can't walk backwards, you have to turn around to backtrack), but after trying it with save-states I reached the conclusion that it's annoyingly boring as well.
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Oh, so the best way (S/A rank) isn't the fastest way? That does sound like it could make for a good watch.
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Oh well. Still, will be fun to watch the game get beaten, maybe. Won't it feel a bit too walk-through-ish, since it's like a puzzle of where to move what each turn?
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Any chance you will have the final mission with that blue army long range man and um.. Hawk, or Falcon, the air supremacy green army guy? I've been stuck with them for years... Or maybe it was that high cost yellow army person... Bah, it's been quite a long time since I last tried.
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I'm really not sure, I didn't have any problems personally. Edit: Well, if anyone was planning to help, then there's no more need. I gave up and looked it up in the video-walkthrough, and found out that it was something I already tried, but I guess I didn't do it right. I really hate it when that happens.
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Well, if you have the time and patience go ahead. The game can be very evil. Fun though.
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Yeah, and I could check a video walk-through in English, my question was more of how likely I am to figure it out for myself, since this game has some ridiculously difficult puzzles.
Post subject: La-Mulana Question (maybe spoilers?)
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Hiya, I'm sure that some of you know about this game, and hopefully at least someone who beat it will read this. Anyway, I'm kind of stuck on the final boss. I can beat its first form pretty easily, but the second form... Well, I have no idea how to hit it at all. I tried twice, and while I can survive pretty well if I put my mind into it (I think), it's kind of pointless when I don't know how to attack. Anyhow, my question is: How likely am I to be able to figure it out? Is it viable to just try everything I could imagine and hope for the best, or am I supposed to examine some tablets for clues, or just be really lucky? Or maybe I'm just supposed to not die for some period of time. Well, if I don't try to attack then maybe dodging those thingies will be easier. Edit: Tried staying alive for as long as possible, got tired of it when the music looped once, maybe twice, and so tried to do something, and of course failed. Then I tried something else (if you beat the 7th and 8th guardians, then you might be able to guess what), which also didn't work, and then I accidentally killed myself.
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While I find it odd that someone would expect a game that 19 out of 21 people enjoyed watching to receive negative retail rates, I don't think his reasons for voting no are petty. If it's boring in his opinion, then it's boring in his opinion. Should he vote 'yes' because other people liked it?
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I understood that the boss is invulnerable until the mouth is open, but is it also invulnerable for a short time after the mouth opens up?
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Well, you need all the life extensions to get the best non-password-requiring ending, and an any% run would be rather disappointing (you face like 6 bosses total and only get the ground crest IIRC?).
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Disregarding my opinion that choosing a version based on how fast you can get through the title screen isn't a very good one, I noticed that with the final boss you would wait until the mouth was open to start shooting. Would shooting some moments before so that the first shot hit as soon as the mouth opened up make that part of the fight go any faster?
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Ah, so I need to be patient in the title screen to see it? No wonder. =P Anywho, sorry for forgetting, but I'll be voting yes, though to be honest the last 5 minutes or so (around the 3rd time Samus went out of the ship for some item) I was thinking to myself that I want the run to end already.
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You know, this run made me realize that I don't think I ever once used shine-spark in Metroid ZM or Metroid Fusion. Is the existence of those powers revealed somewhere in those games?
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I'm not sure it's such a good idea (that is, if you plan to try and publish it). I remember how ripped off I felt when I got the bad ending.
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I hope you didn't make any changes before the Level 3 fix, since I fast-forwarded until then. Anywho, still voting yes.
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I don't know how to post frame-shots, but some ideas for a screen could be when you're killing about 3 Ovun-whatever eyes at the same time, or perhaps one of the spots where you shoot to the right while facing to the left.
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Just out of curiosity, did you try playing the game yourself? Not that it really matters concerning your vote, as if you found the run to be boring then so be it, but if my taste in games was identical to my taste in TAS-games, then I wouldn't touch RPGs and would mostly play Castlevania-type games.
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Well, I'm almost as biased as can be, so I'm not sure if it's okay to vote. I really like the game, and it's really fun to see some really annoying bosses get beat up without much apparent effort. I still remember when I first played the game. I recall when I reached Phalanx, and was sure that it was some kind of 'you almost beat the final bad guy but he retreats at the last second' deal, but in the end finding out that I accidentally skipped almost the whole game and only got the bad ending. It was years before I was in the mood to try the game again. Thanks for putting me in the submission text, by the way. :)
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Actually, if you pause or look quickly while he goes to the character screen to switch cards and such while fighting Dracula, you can see the 100% in the map exploration thingy. But yeah, it can be tough to spot.
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This is really going well, IMO. I bet that if someone who hasn't played this game watches the movie he'll get the wrong impression of the difficulty of some of those bosses. =)
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Generally the run is really good... But... Well, the character's getting-hit animation is really annoying and time consuming to me. Personally, and I'm most likely in a minority of 1 here, I would rather see a run where you don't get hit by those statue-block-guys that fall on each other and then start moving around, even though it would cost some time.
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