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Soulrivers wrote:
Mechuyael wrote:
I wonder how a Tales of Symphonia TAS would look like.
Would be a boring watch unless a huge sequence break was found. The game would probably be over 7 hour unassisted. :/
Really? I was thinking that with not having sudden random encounters, and with battles being more active than normal RPGs, that it would be more interesting than normal RPG runs at the least. Then again, I found the RPG runs to be rather boring, so that doesn't really mean too much... I guess you're probably right.
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I wonder how a Tales of Symphonia TAS would look like.
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Well, I've looked around the level and couldn't find a secret warp. I'll take another look in a few days if I have some spare time. The weird mini-game can shave off a few seconds perhaps, but it'll really confuse people who don't know the game (and I assume that many people haven't played this game), since as soon as I enter the mini-game area I'll just drop off a platform to return to the normal stage, but just before the boss. The jumping rhino needs 15 shots to die. For a moment I thought that the suitless guy might actually cause more damage, but I was wrong. This would have been a lot easier if there were more people who have played this game, and perhaps might have found some warps that I missed.
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In the 5th level I think, there's a part where I sit on a platform as it enters the ground, then enter this thing, shoot something to get out, then enter a tiny warp-TV thing. On another level I just shoot the air and another tiny warp-TV thing appears. Generally, if I reach a warp-TV before I reach a boss, then it's a secret warp. Except for in that last level. Anyway, I checked the 2nd level again, and while I did find a secret, it wasn't a warp... In fact, it was a very weird thing, maybe like a small bonus mini-game. I had to shoot some blocks to death, which revealed a lion that roared and gave me about 20k points. Nothing helpful though. And yeah, I'm hoping that if I find a way to skip those boring parts that a true TASer could make a run.
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I think that the problem with the game is that it has a lot of secrets, which aren't really charted. The warps seen in the game are just one that I remembered how to reach because the process to creating it was so weird, and the other was just a fluke. I seem to remember once unlocking a warp at level 2 and 4, though I'm pretty sure that the one in level 2 I've only managed to create once as a kid. Anyway, if it was possible to find all those warps it would be possible to at least avoid the more boring bosses. IIRC there was a warp in the level with the bird boss that would warp you to the later half of the next level, which meant that you couldn't reach the warp there and had to go to the boss, so taking one warp might prohibit you from taking another. Either that or my brain's memory banks are broken. If I have some free time I'll try to experiment and try and find warps in the 2nd and 4th levels at least.
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The level 4 boss could be quicker, since I missed quite a few shots at the start, but it would still be slow since the fish only has an opening for 2 shots (maybe 3 with frame advance? I don't believe so) after every time it throws 4 pairs of fish. The rhino I think I beat pretty quickly, frame advance might shave off some frames, but that's as fast as it goes IMO. I do admit that the boss fights in this game are rather lack luster... Hmm, perhaps if some warps to skip those bosses could be found, that'd be nice. I'll see if there's a FAQ/walkthrough somewhere. Edit: Oh well, my search only got a walkthrough on GameFAQs that wasn't very helpful sadly.
Post subject: Adventures of Star Saver, The
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This is a fun platformer for the GB. What makes it so fun is that it's so crazy! It has monsters that when killed turn into other monsters (and usually also multiply in the process), a character who can actually escape from bottom-less pits after you fall into them, and tons of warps and other hidden secrets. I have a run of the game, played at 75% speed, to hopefully show-case the game and maybe pique a proper TASer's interest. Note: The first time I get hit, it's just me being too lazy to replay that part and not get hit, but when I get hit in the last level, it appears to be forced by the game for some reason. Generally, I really don't see the point in the last level. Also, there are probably a lot more secrets and warps than those I found. Useful ones at that.
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I remember playing a Robin Hood game when I was young. I think this might have been it, which makes me glad that I finished the game in a single day, meaning that I didn't spend any more time on it. It's just so boring. Sorry, but I'm voting no.
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Anon: From what I'm reading it's very close.
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Hybrid Heaven isn't even close to what I had in mind. I'm talking about a game like Fire Emblem, Shining Force, Final Fantasy Tactics, and so on, only when engaging an enemy (at least with a melee attack), it will start a duel fighter-game-style, like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Killer Insinct, etc' etc'..
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I also care. I've played the game quite a bit in the past, and it was actually one of the few games I actually beat on my old console. I recall how insane the secret dungeon's boss was (though ironically, in Soul Blazer he's super-easy). I'd really like to see you beat him without suffering any damage. My strategy for beating him would be to run over to the top side where the boss is, then slide into him, hoping that I'll damage him and that he won't harm me.
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There wasn't a single point in the game that interested me in the least. Voting 'meh' since it improves on a published run.
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Does the game have Exodia in it? If so, is it possible to manipulate it so you'll start every round with the 5 Exodia cards? Would be boring, but might be the fastest way if you can actually start playing with those cards.
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You appear to have forgotten the final button input to get from the Minnie-Micky-Alice pose screen to the 'The End' screen, if it even matters. Voting 'yes'.
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How about turnbased strategy RPGs like Fire Emblem with 2d fighters? Melee attacks look a lot like something from a 2d fighting game anyway. And if that's not possible, then why not Fire Emblem with a stat up system that isn't random, even if it's your first playthrough? That would be nice.
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Are you sure? I can clearly recall how every time I'd play that part I'd accidentally always jump over all the rings you get there.
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Perhaps as an introduction to Bubble Man's theme? :)
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The only thing that seemed sloppy to me was that flying boss at the end of the auto-scrolling level. It seemed like you could have hit the blimp thing faster, but of course having not played the game, I don't know how that boss works. If I'd vote it would be a 'no' because the game is so boring and lame IMO, but there isn't a real point in such a vote from what I see, as it's an improvement over an existing run.
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You actually liked the music? I found it to be annoying, along with the sound effects, the game's pacing and pretty much everything except the graphics. Ending every level with that annoying pose, augh. It's probably not the player's fault, but I didn't enjoy the run at all.
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How about the music in the first and last levels of Journey to Silius?
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Always happy to see someone find a game they were searching for. I've had two games that I couldn't remember and couldn't find anywhere. I don't recall how I finally found Willow for the NES again, but Gain Ground for the Genesis I only found some days ago when I saw some news about it being playable on the Wii VC.
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Did you start out with one ninja and have to rescue the others before you could switch to them?
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Watched it to the death of the Omega Metroid (if that's its real name) yesterday, even though I had a splitting headache. Voting yes.
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Sure, if you take a line out of context it can be 'hilariously' bad, but when you actually watch the run and see that it's 'aim at the cock-pit blah blah blah', it's suddenly not funny at all. Still voting yes since I enjoyed the run though.
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I really loved this run. When I was a kid I remember replaying the Metroid Queen battle again and again since I liked it so much (for some reason), and the way you killed that monster was just hillarious. I don't think that I've ever thought about laying mines in her stomach.
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