Posts for Michael_Fried

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I just looked up Friday the 13th at GameFAQs, and they have a walkthrough by Brian Sulpher and Daniel Teixeira, so you might want to read it before you redo your speed run.
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I was bored so I decided to type up a speed walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda. What's cool is that it's less than a page long, while some Zelda walkthroughs are over 100 pages. Get ready to learn the definition of the word brief: The Legend of Zelda Speed Walkthrough by Michael Fried Abbreviations: U-up, D-down, L-left, R-right, K-key, S-stairway Quest 1 First sword Up+A L U L3 D R Level 3 - L K U K U L2 D S raft Up+A L U2 R U R U triforce Up+A L gambling game, win 50 rubies 2x U blue candle L U2 Level 4 - U2 K L U K U R2 S ladder L2 U2 R3 U triforce Up+A R U4 L Level 1 - U2 K U2 K U K L S bow Up+A U2 R U R K U R triforce R U L U R3 U white sword D R U4 Level 5 - U L2 S L S whistle Up+A U K U R U3 K L3 U triforce Up+A R U R3 100 rubies U R2 D Level 8 - U2 K U2 R S U2 triforce U2 bait L U Level 2 - R K U3 K U K U3 L triforce Whistle to 1, blow whistle again facing right R U L2 D L U arrows L D L U Level 6 - L U2 K U3 R K D R S D K L U2 triforce Whistle to 3, blow whistle again facing left L U2 L U Level 7 - U4 L U2 R4 U R S R2 triforce Up+A whistle to 1 R U L U2 L2 Level 9 - U2 K L S R2 U L S L2 K S U S silver arrows S U3 L S L S U2 zelda
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I can't use these frames to enterring door unless if someone know something that allow inputting all frames. That's true for pressing up, but if you ever want to press A or B at exactly the right time don't forget that you can use autofire to press the button in between the frames that you can normally press it at.
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Phil wrote:
Well I dont think they can give me some tips since the game is pretty random.
In that case you should have a huge advantage over them because of save states. How about going for sub-3 minutes?
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Hope Zsnes will not do that Not do what?
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No, Twin Galaxies doesn't make any of the videos available. You could try asking the TG people for strategy tips, but they might want to keep their strategies a secret.
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In the part before Birdo you couldn't have messed up, unless you're counting the thing I said in another topic, but it doesn't save time because you'll just have to wait longer for the first egg. When you do the super jump in the cave instead of jumping over the shyguy, jump lower and land on him, and since he's moving left he'll push you forward and you'll get to the bomb faster. For the third egg, make sure you have autofire on when you jump so you jump as low as possible, and that way you'll fall down to the ball faster. If you already did that, then I can't think of any more possible ways to save time.
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I just looked up the world record for Friday the 13th at Twin Galaxies and it is 3:55. It looks like Phil has some more work to do. I think beating the world record should be a requirement for the video to be accepted for the nesvideos page. Edit: Speaking of world records, someone over at the Twin Galaxies forums claimed a time of 6:59 in Solstice. I don't think he sent in proof yet, but said he has it on tape. Someone needs to make a new Solstice video.
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That way he's flashing while the bomb explodes and can start running left immediately after the explosion. However, it doesn't save time because he just has to wait longer for the first egg. Another thing he could have done (that also wouldn't save time) to get to Birdo faster is in the cave, when he did the super jump, instead of jumping over the shyguy, he should have jumped lower and landed on the shyguy, and since it was moving left it would have pushed him forward and let him pick up the bomb sooner.
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I wonder how your doing compared to the guy with the Twin Galaxies world record, I'm gonna go check. Edit: I couldn't find the article for Tom Votava's 34:05 run, but here are the times for Rodrigo Lopes' 35:50 run: 03:37 - entered 1st of 9 dungeons 05:28 - completed 1st dungeon...again, this need not be the dungeon officially designated as "Dungeon 1", and I cannot divulge whether the special object contained within was obtained 06:06 - entered 2nd dungeon 08:33 - completed 2nd dungeon 09:31 - entered 3rd dungeon 11:24 - completed 3rd dungeon 12:37 - entered 4th dungeon 13:53 - completed 4th dungeon 14:50 - entered 5th dungeon 18:09 - completed 5th dungeon 20:06 - entered 6th dungeon 22:44 - completed 6th dungeon 24:08 - entered 7th dungeon 26:21 - completed 7th dungeon 27:06 - entered 8th dungeon 28:41 - completed 8th dungeon 29:43 - enter 9th and final dungeon 33:14 - obtain silver arrow 35:16 - enter room with Ganon 35:40 - deliver final blow to Ganon with silver arrow 35:50 - touch Zelda and complete game under Twin Galaxies rules governing this title
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Since you're timing all the levels, here's something to compare yourself to in level 1. TSA posted a challenge for level 1 on the ZHQ forums, and the rules were that you start with the first sword, 4 bombs, and nothing else, and that you had to get the bow and the boomerang. My best time using save states and slow motion was 1:36 from being able to control Link in the level to touching the triforce. I also tried doing the challenge without save states at normal speed and I got 1:40, which beat TSA's best time by 2 seconds (though I must have tried at least 50 times before being able to go through level 1 so quickly). However, while my time is very impressive, I did have the advantage of being able to save just before I started and load every time I wanted to try again, so I was able to try more times in less time. Also keep in mind that since I wasn't using the key glitch and I didn't have any keys at the beginning of the level, I had to take a 1 screen detour at the beginning to get a key, which wasted about 10 seconds, and I also had to kill the 3 goriyas for the boomerang which probably wasted about 1 second. However, I didn't have to kill the 3 goriyas for the key, but that probably only saved about 3 seconds. You can probably expect to get about 1:28 if you time it the way I did. Edit: I have a question. Before the rupee room in level 4, did you go to the map room or the manhandla room? I don't know for sure because I haven't time it, but I think going to the map room and having to wait for it to get dark and then light again in the next room wastes time. Edit 2: How many rupees did you end level 4 with? If you keep up the rate of 10 rupees per level and add in the 10 rupees for the rupee room in level 4, that's almost 80 rupees, so I'm beginning to think you should only do the gambling game once (or have you already done it only once?).
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but the boss fight took 6 seconds longer than yours hitting him nonstop. I hope you already noticed that you can't hurt an enemy while it's flashing, so that if you swing your sword and swing it again immediately, the second swing won't hurt him. When I fought him, first I hit him the first time and then I saved. Then I swung again, and each time it didn't hurt him I would load and try swinging 3 frames later (3 since Famtasia only displays a third of the frames). This way each swing would hit him as early as possible. After hitting him, I would save and do the same thing for the next swing. Edit: I didnt think having the wooden sword would lose this much time. Well you only have to do one more level with the wooden sword, and luckily the white sword saves very little time in level 1. You can kill most (or all if you're lucky) of the stalfoses and bomb the wall with 1 bomb, then you can use another bomb on the goriyas, and another on the boss, and since you'll also do Up+A after the bow, you'll finish level 1 a lot faster than me.
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Level 6 has the ladder not level 5. Even if he wanted the magic wand he still doesn't need the bait. You just go up 1, take the stairway, down 2, get the magic wand, up 2, take the stairway, up 3, take the stairway, up, left, right 2, take the stairway, and up to the boss.
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I just looked in the monster/item FAQ on GameFAQs and found this information: Gibdos take 4 hits to kill with the white sword. Like likes take 5 hits to kill with the white sword. Zols take 1 hit with the white sword to kill. Edit: I noticed that there's also a room in level 4 that has 2 like likes and 2 zols, so I timed the room in my 31:29 video and it wasted less than 6.35 seconds (maybe about 4 seconds). I think the gibdos would take even longer, so I think you should get the key in level 9. Edit 2: Here's the new key plan: Level 3: 2-1=1 Level 4: 1+2-2=1 Level 1: 1+4-4=1 (key glitch not used) Level 5: 1+2-3=0 (skip the 2 keys in the rooms with 5 gibdos) Level 8: 0+1-1=0 (skip the key before the boss) Level 2: 0+3-0=3 Level 6: 3+3-2=4 Level 7: 4+0-3=1 Level 9: 1+2-3=0
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Here are your choices: You can do the key glitch, which wastes 6.35 seconds. You can take the 1 screen detour in level 3, in a few minutes I'll time this to see how much time it wastes, but I think it will be more than 6.35. Edit: This definitely takes more than 6.35 seconds. You can get the out of the way key before the boss in level 8. Edit: This definitely takes more than 6.35 seconds. You can a key from one of the 2 rooms with 5 gibdos in level 5. You can get a key from the room with the 2 like likes and 2 zols in level 9. Edit: Ok, now you're down to 3 choices. Now you have to decide which you can kill faster, 5 gibdos (the things that look like mummies) or 2 like likes and 2 zols. Whichever you can kill faster, time yourself to see how long it takes you to get through the room killing the enemies and subtract the normal amount of time it just takes to walk through the room to figure out how much time it wastes.
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Oops, that's not good, now I'll have to figure out which extra key to add in. Edit: I hope I didn't make any other mistakes also.
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This reminds me: Anyone planning a run must watch the video of the second quest over at Arc's. It's swordless to boot. Link to Fileplanet download here Can someone watch it and tell me what route he uses? Don't know if you already found this page or if it's any help: It's probably not any help. That might help for just trying to complete the game, but the strategy for a speed run would be totally different. Edit: I just took a look at that page, and it wouldn't help at all. They have you walking all over the place instead of trying to shorten distances. Btw: isn't there 3 quests in the legend of zelda? IIRC there's a third quest before u start allover again... No, I'm pretty sure there are only 2. Are you sure about that? I seem to remember seeing it used in the swordless quest hosted at FilePlanet. I'm thinking it was Level 8 but I'm not sure. I no longer have that file otherwise I'd check it. You could use the bait in level 8 if you wanted to, but there's no point because going that way is a huge detour. You can just take the stairway one screen below the bait room, then go up, left, down, and right 2, then take the stairway, go up, kill the boss, go up again, and get the triforce.
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After some thinking, I've come up with a route for the 2nd quest. It'll probably be changed a lot before Sleepz actually makes a speed run for it, but I think it's pretty good. By the way, does someone know how the whistle works in the 2nd quest? I'm not sure but I think I remember reading somewhere that it works differently in the 2nd quest. First sword Up+A Level 1 (make sure to get bombs and at least 10 rupees) Up+A Gambling game 1x Blue candle Level 2, whistle 100 rupees from tree Power Bracelet Arrows Up+A Right 2 and warp near 4 Level 4, raft White sword Up+A Level 5 Up+A Right 2 and warp near 4 Level 3 Level 7 Up+A Right 2 and warp near 6 Level 6, ladder Whistle to 4 Level 8 Level 9, silver arrows
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Since this is my first time spending a significant amount of time studying the 2nd quest, it's kind of hard not to make any mistakes.
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I think it looks cooler if you move as little as possible while you're waiting instead of quickly pressing left and right, unless quickly pressing left and right saves time in some way, but I don't think it does.
Post subject: The Legend of Zelda, 2nd quest
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This topic is for discussing the 2nd quest in The Legend of Zelda, which you can play by either finishing the first quest, or entering your name as "ZELDA". Since many people (including myself) don't know the 2nd quest too well, I'll start out by saying which items you get in each level, which items you need in each level (not including sword and bombs), and the rules for which order the levels can be played in. Keep in mind that since I don't know the 2nd quest too well, I might make a mistake, but I'll look at the maps and try not to. Level 1: Get wooden boomerang, need nothing Level 2: Get whistle, need nothing Level 3: Get magical boomerang, need whistle Level 4: Get raft and magic book, need power bracelet, whistle, and 50 rupees or heart container for old man (does anyone know what happens if you try to give him a heart container when you only have 3? I never tried it, but if it's possible then having only 2 heart containers would be pretty cool) Level 5: Get bow, need raft Level 6: Get ladder, need ladder, bow, and arrows Level 7: Get red candle, need blue candle and 100 rupees or 2 heart containers for old men Level 8: Get magic wand and magic key, need ladder Level 9: Get silver arrow and red ring, need ladder and silver arrows Rules: 2 before 3 2 before 4 4 before 5 5 before 6 6 before 8 9 last Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention is that there's only one 100 rupee cave, and if it's gotten at all it would have to be after level 2. Edit 2: I forgot about the bait, does anyone know which level you need it for? If not I'll look it up. Edit 3: I just looked it up, and you need the bait for level 3, but only if you want to get the magical boomerang, so the bait can be skipped, which means that the only overworld items you need to buy are the blue candle and the arrows, so you only need a total of 140 rupees.
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I hope you didn't waste too much time getting all those rupees. You have 6 levels to get 30 of them, so you don't need to try extra hard to get more of them. However, if you can get rupees at such a fast rate without wasting too much time, you might want to go for 80 rupees in the 6 levels and only do the gambling game once.
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When Sleepz finishes his Zelda speed run and we start discussing routes for the 2nd quest, should there be a new topic for it so it doesn't interfere with the 1st quest disscusion, or should we just discuss it in this topic?
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I just finished level 3 and I think you have some more work to do. From stepping onto the black square to enter level 3 to touching the triforce, it took about 1:34 (and I also ended with 5 bombs). I understand you wanted to collect rupees on the way which I wasn't trying to do, but that shouldn't waste 8 seconds. Edit: I just timed it again to make sure I didn't make a mistake and this time I got 1:33. Actually, it's possible to finish even faster because my run had a few mistakes. In the room with lots of darknuts, I lost about a second because of a few wasted sword swings on a darknut that I bombed anyway. I also wasted a few seconds because I was low on bombs later in the level and I had to kill the 3 darknuts to get more bombs. I should have tried to get 8 bombs in the overworld instead of just 4. Edit 2: By the way, in case you're interested, Famtasia timed it as 2:18 from power on to touching the triforce. Edit 3: I think I just figured out what you did. You probably just stopped timing later than me. I just timed my run again from stepping onto the square to when I finished stepping out of the level and I got 1:43. If that's how you timed it, then your time is pretty good especially since you also got some rupees. Edit 4: I just noticed you said it was 3 seconds faster than my video, so I timed my video, and now I see you must have stopped timing when you came out of the level. By the way, a few posts ago when I said which changes to make in the paths through the levels, I forgot to mention that in level 3 you should bomb right instead of going up and then right through the locked door, so I hope you figured that out because you'll need all your keys later and you don't want to be short one key.
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When you say 1:42, is that up to when you touch the triforce? I don't think I'm up to doing all 9 levels all over again, but maybe I'll try just level 3 to see if I can beat that.