Posts for Mr._Pwnage

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Each Pokemon has a variable in its database called "Experience Points Per Level." They're stored as integer values, but are divided by 7 when calculating experience. Oddish's value is 78/7, so at level 230 it's worth 2562 EXP. If you can find a quick way to dispose of L131 Mewtwo (220/7), you can get 4117 EXP from that battle. L132 Alakazam (186/7) is worth 3507 if that battle turns out any easier.
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Note that this topic was made almost two years ago. "mike", the clueless idiot asking for ROMs with nothing to contribute to the topic, brought it to the top.
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Stat = int(int(2B + D + E/4) * L / 100) + X B = base stat D = DV or IV E = EV L = level X = 5 for every stat except HP, where it's L + 10
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Super-lap auto winner only works in the first 10 races. After that you have to play the full race. [EDIT] I get a desync in race 5. You turn into the knife and keep bouncing off it for a while, then you turn around and run off the table, then you start bashing the knife again, then you drive backwards for a bit before auto-firing Start which eventually freezes the game with the timer reading 24.52.
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It's not published because there's still debate over what form it should be published in. I'd take choice 3.
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Is it possible to spend any less time onscreen in Secret Base? I don't know what allows for those big spindashes, but looking at a map it seems like there could be more cuts to take and less interacting with the "normal" stage.
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Moves such as Reflect and Swords Dance that only affect the user have true 100% accuracy, instead of 99.609375%. The only way for Reflect to fail is if there's already a Reflect up.
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Looking at the ground reduces lag, making you move faster by a small amount. He could look straight, but it'd be slower.
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Spinball has 16 (3+3+5+5).
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Some points worth noting: -Why throw both clouds in Gaulish Village 2? Missed/unnecessary shots tend to look bad. -Could the jumps onto jellyfish in GV 3 be timed better? In particular, on one of them you have a missed jump that's stopped by the ceiling before the successful one. -The GV boss looks like it can be luck-manipulated so that notes don't get in your way and deprive you of the full three hits each pass. -Roman Encampment 6 finishes with 1:03, not 1:04. -What's the big delay in Forest 2 all about? -Did you really need to backtrack that far to dodge the rolling rocks in Forest 7? -You dodged the second spiked tree in Germany 2's bird ride. Why not the first one? Does it allow you to save time with a hit somewhere else before you grab the chalice in part 3? -Is it really necessary to take all those hits on the Roman Galley boss?
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I get a desync in Forest stage 6. At first it looks like you take an intentional death, but then with 1 life left Asterix walks into a pit to go to the continue screen. The first two areas play correctly.
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The only difference between difficulty levels is the amount of time you start out with. I wouldn't think you need to go out of your way and spend time to change to Hard here.
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It does beat those records. Some levels like Chemical Plant 2 have a lower time for Knuckles than what this run does because Knuckles has a few things different that Sonic/Tails can't do. Quietust is already working on a second version that makes minor improvements to most levels, and different routes through Chemical Plant 2 and Oil Ocean 2 leading to big gains there.
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Not unless you also get all the rings that already exist. The number you have isn't important, only that the number remaining is 0.
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JXQ wrote:
If it only uses a counter, does that means you can get this perfect bonus in Sonic 2 even if you can't keep all the rings (you get hit sometime and lose them)?
True. You can also skip all the 10-ring monitors entirely, since those aren't instances of the Ring object.
NrgSpoon wrote:
Don't you get an issue with S3&K because of the bonus stages you can gain rings in? Although I guess the same could be said for the Casino Night slot machines...
Those are both ways to get rings added to your total without picking up any rings in the stage. In S2, you can ignore the slots entirely or you can max up to 999 with them; there's the same number of "rings to go" for the bonus. Angel Island is particularly quirky, due to its map boundaries. The second half of act 1 is actually delegated to the act 2 map, using the flaming intermission to make the switch (1, 2) so if you did get all the rings in "act 1", there would still be hundreds of uncollected rings on the map (those beyond the start of "act 2", on both Sonic/Tails' and Knuckles' path), depriving you of the bonus if the game did have one.
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Even with the ability to enter multiple special stages with only one stockpile of rings, those special stages take a long time--I'd estimate 10 minutes. No amount of extra speed is going to overcome that. I know that the next version of Quietust's run is going to use a path Knuckles can't copy in Oil Ocean 2. Sonic can only just get the required height at one point by making a frame-perfect jump, before one of the sinking elevators gets any lower to make the required jump height too large to clear. I seem to remember the ceiling being solidified for the big springboard path-change in Aquatic Ruin 2, so that might also need rerouting.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/6/2004
Posts: 223 SprintGod, the same maker of the S3&K run, has each level completed there. Overall level completion time is 13:10 (for the record, it only needs to be under 25 minutes to unlock all the secrets).
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Discontent with the available AVI, I decided to use the GMV to create my own through Camtasia. Camtasia's TSCC codec allows capture to be lossless at 15FPS; however it does produce a file size near 600MB (over twice as big as the torrent AVI). If anyone wants, I'll clip out sections of my AVI, if anyone wants to preserve one or two levels in high quality. Leave your requests. Short levels like Icecap 2 and Carnival Night 1 will be around 7MB; Lava Reef 2 would take closer to 24MB. Unlike the gmv file which pauses at the 8th hit of Eggman's Escape Pod in Death Egg 2, my video lasts until the end of the credits. I've compiled full stats on the run, made possible by watching each level no less than 3 times for details: Overall Realtime 53:28.26 Level Clock Total Time 38:06 (if you count the fractional seconds which aren't displayed, it adds to 38:17.63) Jumps 1049 (note that 34 of those 1049 were done while the game clock wasn't running, such as jumping to hit a floating Egg Prison) Spindashes 493 (18 while clock wasn't running) Rolls 49 Sonic has no shield for 8:33.36 of game time, and performs 66 "Insta-Shield" SSTs (12 of them while the clock wasn't running, thanks to Hidden Palace) Sonic has a Water Shield for 4:49.10 of game time, and performs 48 "Bubble Bounce" SSTs (2 while the clock wasn't running) Sonic has a Flame Shield for 14:07.56 of game time, and performs 258 "Fireball Dash" SSTs (1 while the clock wasn't running) Sonic has a Lightning Shield for 10:48.20 of game time, and performs 93 "Spark Jump" SSTs (2 while the clock wasn't running) Are there any other stats which could possibly be of use? Because I'll compile those, too.
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The thing about Spinball is you can get as high a score as you want, practically by just bouncing up and down in some places.
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Try 9 (3 with each button).
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By any chance is it the post-loop jump (in Knuckles 0:34, the one taking place at 0:13)? Or does it have something to do with skipping out the pipelines in the level (something Knuckles can do automatically, but Sonic can still get in replicable form by using 2P Tails)?
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Not corrupt, but get the codec.
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That Oil Ocean trick is already exhibited in the 0:59 run, and a savestate completion can go at least as far as 55.
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